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Love Notes: Ten Tips For Making Your Life And Your Relationships WorkDo you ever wonder why some people seem to be successful in relationships and other not? I’m not just talking about meeting people, that task, while definitely “challenging” can be relatively easy, especially if you have connections; but rather about the ability to hold on to those people you meet ... Read On 
A Clean Sweep: Going Green When You CleanThere’s been a lot of talk lately about “going green”. And, for those like me who CAN’T tolerate the smell of (most) harsh scents and chemicals (too hard on the sinuses and allergies), natural alternatives sound and smell like a fabulously fresh idea.
Here are some expert suggestions.
1. ... Read On  Filed under LIFamilies Articles » Safety
Body Language: How Old Is Your Skin?There comes a point in everyone’s life where we don’t quite embrace age (or rather aging) with the same verve and enthusiasm as we use to. In fact, we do everything in our power to conceal the years. But besides beautifying our face, the numbers can often speak (loudly) for themselves in ways you ... Read On 
The Young And The Restless: Taming Kids End-Of-Day “Tantrums”I was recently discussing the difference between children today and during the time when most of us were kids. First off, not only were our parents allowed to discipline us, but also so were our relatives and, often times, friends and neighbors. Plus, it was a time, when parents felt it was THEIR ... Read On 
Affordable Amenities: Hitting The Road High-Class, Low-Cost StyleWhen I first met my husband, I had done extensive traveling (thanks to my road trip buddies and my line of work), my hubby, not so much. So when we went someplace, wanting him to get the full flavor of traveling, I wanted to stay at the finer facilities.
This time it wasn’t company cash that ... Read On 
Spur Of The Moment: Adding Spontaneity To Your LifeIf you’re anything like me, doing things on impulse is something you admire in others, maybe even “secretly” wish you could enjoy more of in your own life, but a “strict”, “regimented” schedule just doesn’t allow for it. In fact, if you’re like me, you find it hard to leave the house if the bed ... Read On 
Can You Hear Me Now: Getting Your Point Across PoignantlyWe’ve all been in the same, or at least a similar situation at one point in time or another. You know asking your mate or your child/children to do something, trying to get through to a friend or coworker, only to find that your words end up on deaf and often “uncaring” ears. In fact, it may ... Read On 
Seniority: Taking Proper Care Of Older PetsMy husband and I have what I coin as the “perfect” pet, well, besides the hair she leaves everywhere. But, our full-grown kitty is loving; yet independent, cute, yet not too demanding, and perfectly placid. But, according to experts, the fact that our older pets are trained just the way we want ... Read On  Filed under LIFamilies Articles » Pets
Oopsie-Daisy: The Caring Way To Correct MistakesSo, I recently babysat for a friend’s children. And, while they are great kids, the key word here is not “great”, but rather “kids”. And, with that said, changed (at least for me) the dynamics of what it means to go out for dinner.
Rather than a relaxing restaurant with a little mood music, ... Read On 
Scissor Happy: Is Clipping Coupons Really Worth Your While?While I’m most certainly a bargain hunter (and proud of it), I’ve never really been one for saving a few cents (which may ultimately turn into dollars) by clipping coupons. Yet, I know plenty of people, with good incomes and good careers are a fastidiously frugal and snip for savings.
But, is ... Read On 
Child’s Play: Safe Summer Fun For Your Little Ones.So, you don’t have the type of job/career that allows you to have the summer off, and/or perhaps you’re so busy (in your industry) that you can’t even take the time for a summer-time family vacation. And, you’re not too keen on leaving the “kids” all alone, for the summer. What are you’re options. ... Read On  Filed under LIFamilies Articles » Safety
Daddy Do Right: Strategies For Stay-At-Home DadsWith men’s increasing desire for a greater balance between work and home, and women’s need to remain “independent”, it seems to make sense that men don’t mind staying home and helping out with the chores and kids.
But, pitching in “is” quite different than doing a complete role reversal. Yet, ... Read On 
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