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The Daddy Dynamic: How Hormone Changes Help Prepare Men For FatherhoodIt's no secret that the mother-child bond begins at conception and is packed with a host of physical, emotional and hormonal changes. But now new research reveal that even dad's begin to bond with baby while mom is expecting and go through a series of hormonal changes of their own. In fact, it's ... Read On 
PPD…Affects Just As Many Dads As Moms: Men And The PPD RiskHaving a baby is happy, exciting news for both moms and dads. But, did you know that both moms and dads alike can suffer from post-partum blues. That’s right according to recent research, post-partum depression affects just as many (new) daddies as it does mommies with an average of about one in ... Read On 
Dangers In Your Cupboard: Why Pregnant Women Are Advised To Can Their Canned GoodsNew reports suggest that when it comes to canned foods, even “healthy” fruits and veggies, pregnant women should, pardon the pun, “can” them.
According to the recent research shows that 92% of canned foods are contaminated by an estrogen-like substance (that lines the can) known as BPA or ... Read On 
Cheers To Your Health: How Alcohol Can Place Young Women At Risk for Breast ProblemsWork harder, party harder!!! That's the way many young adults are living their lives, with the focus predominantly on the latter.
Yet, while many young men and women may think they are invincible, the fact remains that not only are they not....but what they do today IS affecting how they will ... Read On 
Sugar, Sugar, Honey, Honey: Why and How Sugar May Not Be So Sweet For Your HealthWhen most of us think of the word "addiction" we associate it with a negative dependency on a harmful substance (or substances), that impairs our ability to properly function, (slowly) destroys us and lands celebrities on the covers of magazines and in rehab. But, there are (some) "addictions" ... Read On 
Home Neat Home: Neat Idea To Help Keep Your Home Neat and CleanFact: Anyone who moves into a new home (or apartment) wants it to be mod and meticulously kempt.
Fact: Shoppers are attracted to stores that are well kept and organized.
Fact: Most people find it hard to actually live this way.
Ever notice how easily things can get out of hand, while you're busy ... Read On 
Campy Ideas: A Sensational Springtime Adventure For The Whole Family Though there is something sensational and enticing about every season, by now most of us likely have cabin fever and are eager to spread our wings and fly (outside); and for many part of the outdoor life means packing up the gear and the family and setting up camp.
Camping is a fun, easy, and ... Read On 
Good Parent, Bad Parent: The Five Parenting Techniques To AvoidEven those of us who don't have kids shake our heads at the parenting techniques of others and have our own opinions about how we would handle the same situation and discipline our children. In fact, we all have a particular parenting style (well before we actually become parents) and it's based on ... Read On 
Grit and Bear It: Rules To Live By And Making It Easy To Get Along With EveryoneWe are all taught from usually very early on that being selective is something we "need" to be, and typically having "discriminating taste" is a good thing. Yet, have you ever noticed that there are some people that despite "picking and choosing" always have a full schedule, social life, and are ... Read On 
Making The Grade: Helping Kids Succeed Even In The Face Of Adversity And DifficultyMy husband recently made an inquiry on behalf of his nephew regarding what it takes to become a dentist. And, according to our family dentist, it take a whole lot more than it used to. In fact, it requires, according to our "expert", it takes getting straight As (or grades close to straight As) at ... Read On 
Ex BFFs: How To Help Your Child Handle A Friendship BreakupI recently spoke to one of my besties who confided that her pre-tween daughter experienced one of the first setbacks in “friendship”. That’s right, the right of passage and the decision to be part of a clique or to be eliminated. And, she soon found herself on other side of being in the “in” crowd. ... Read On 
Stopping SIDS: Researchers Revel As They Get One Step Close To Solving "The Mystery"A medical "miracle" of sorts for parents as research get one step closer to solving the cause of sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS; which claims 2,300 infant lives yearly.
According to new studies, infants who suffered from SIDS showed significantly lower levels of seratonin than their ... Read On  Filed under LIFamilies Articles » Safety