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In The Bag: Smart Packing Tips For Your Sensational GetawayOkay, so, you’ve decided where to go and what to bring with you. Now the trick is making it all fit in the limited suitcase space you have. A few suggestions on how to pack like a professional.
1. Begin putting together your packing list at least a week beforehand so that you can check off what ... Read On 
Parked In Neutral: When You’re Simply Not Interested In SexThis may seem somewhat “unusual” it’s more common than you think. What am I talking about? A loss of interest in sex….and not hers, yours/his. Impossible is probably the first thought that crosses your mind, but experts asserts that it may be improbable, but NOT impossible. In fact, a diminished ... Read On 
Choose Your Battles Wisely: Winning The Battle Over Destructive ArguingSome women claim they “pick arguments” just for the “thrill” of making up. I don’t know about you, but when I’m angered (at my other half) the only reason I want to get near him is so that I don’t miss when I take that right swing (just kidding). And while most would agree that it’s futile to ... Read On 
Working Up To Adulthood: Teaching Kids About Work And What You Should Know About Keeping Them Safe.Many of you moms (and dads) may be thinking about your baby taking his/her first steps, while others of you may be thinking about him or her taking his/her first steps into “adulthood”….and that means his/her first official job.
I often joke that (growing up on Long Island) most kids got cars ... Read On 
I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now CHANGE: Relating Despite Your DifferencesWhen Most women say “Yes”, they say “Yes” to the handsome, kind, respectful, hardworking, fun-loving Romeo who wines and dines them and showers them with compliments and the occasional (or frequent) extravagant gift(s). Even if you’ve dated for eons or lived together, most of us DON’T say “YES” to ... Read On 
Not Soy Good: Soy Baby Formulas And What You Should Know.With more and more moms and dad’s jumping on the “health-kick” bandwagon, watching what they buy and what they eat, and no doubt what they are feeding baby, organic produce, whole grains and soy products have increased in acceptance and popularity. The question remains is how good are they for your ... Read On 
Get Up And Go: Developing Your Emotional EnergyNow that you’re married and part of (your own) household, you may find that time is “running out” quite literally. With a husband, apartment or home, job, pets, and perhaps a family or impending one, you’ll likely have more obligations and less time to complete them in. For many this results in ... Read On 
Putting The Past Behind You: How and How Much To Reveal About Your PastOnce upon a time going steady implied marriage and it was more likely than not to marry your high school sweetheart. Today, both men and WOMEN are obtaining not only college degrees, but advances degrees, their own independence via job, apartment, etc., and putting off tying the matrimonial knot ... Read On 
Kindercare: Preparing Your Child For KindergartenJust a few more weeks, and perhaps for some, just a few more days to the beginning of the new school year. And, for many “new” parents that could also mean sending your child off to (full-time) academia (kindergarten) for the very first time.
No doubt you have mixed emotions (of excitement, and ... Read On 
The Party’s Over: Dealing With (Real) Life and (Real) Feelings After The Wedding Since your very first crush you envisioned yourself as a bride and as a M.R.S. Now, you officially hold the “coveted” title and may be thinking to yourself, “be careful what you wish for” (at least next time), you just might get it.
Getting married, (especially if you didn’t cohabitate with ... Read On 
Behavior Modification: A Look At Age Appropriate Disciplinary TacticsBesides love, affection, attention, caring, and the proper essentials such as a roof over their head, clothes on their back and food in their belly and on the table, children need both freedom and guidance to grow and grow appropriately.
Experts note that in order for children to learn, they ... Read On 
Mother and Child Reunion: Bonding With BabyWith all the post wedding excitement of being a newlywed and the prospect of starting your own family and even the altruistic anticipation of giving your parents grandchildren, trying to conceive has become the “glam” “trend” of the millennium.
From Hollywood to Brentwood and beyond everyone ... Read On 