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Homecoming: Preparing Your Home For Baby's ArrivalYou’ve spent nine months preparing…but there’s really no way of preparing for all the joy and excitement a new baby brings until you hold it in your arms and get ready to bring him/her home.
Meanwhile, back at the crib, literally, you want things to be as welcoming for junior or juniorette as ... Read On 
Girls Getting Physical Teaching Young GirlsKeeping Young Girls/Women Healthy By Teaching Them The Importance Of Rountine Physicals And Doctor VisitsAs our daughters mature they go through a variety of “growing pains”. And, while they are “more” concerned” about taking care of themselves, they are also “less” concerned about health care. In fact, it has been proven that girls between the ages of 11 and 14 are reluctant to seek out the standard ... Read On 
Food For Thought: Understanding Your Cravings And How To Control ThemNow that you’re eating for two, you can’t be too careful about what you eat. While you shouldn’t deny your cravings, it’s also important to remember that not every craving is good for you or your baby. And, even though a healthy diet consists of a healthy balance between the food groups (meats, ... Read On 
Cool, Calm, and Pregnant Trying To Concieve? Why Taking Care Of Yourself Is Of Utmost ImportanceHaving difficulty getting pregnant? Well, before you head for the bedroom, you may want to head to the spa. That’s right, a little extra pampering for mom may just lead down the right road to needing a whole supply of pampers.
According to recent research, pregnancy, at least the ability to ... Read On 
Class Acts: Choosing Inspirational And Encouraging Movies For Your TeenMovies are a wonderful source of family entertainment. Still, many concurring experts suggest that simply watching television or movies with your children does NOT constitute “Quality” time….but say some entertainment can be exceptionally educational and an excellent tool for learning and ... Read On 
Overparenting keeps kids coming back in their 20s and beyond: Why Tough Love Is Essential For Raising Successful And Competent Adults Baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) are parenting long beyond what used to be considered normal. Their offspring who are 20 to 30 years old are back living at home, rent-free, and subsidized.
It seems that devoted parents who have poured a big investment into their children aren't ... Read On 
Plan Now To Make Your Vacation A Great One Decided where you'll go on vacation this year? Whether you'll be visiting a city, going to a resort, or visiting a grandparent's home, advance planning will help you create a memorable experience.
In her Grownup's Guide (Grownup's Guide Publishing) book series, author Diane Chernoff-Rosen gives ... Read On 
Parents say sharing a room is good for kids When a house has three or four bedrooms, why are children sharing a room? More parents who put their kids together when they had a smaller house are keeping the arrangement when they move to a bigger one. They say it builds character.
About 37 percent of new homes sold in the last decade had ... Read On 
Teaching Kids to Solve Problems Gradually teaching a child to be a self-sufficient person is one of a parent's most important tasks. Some ways to start:
Teach brainstorming: When there is a problem, have him come up with solutions. Then help him choose one.
Encourage kids to take responsibility: Let them know they have ... Read On 
IUDs, School, and Homework IUDs make family planning easy
The Mirenda and ParaGuard intrauterine devices (IUDs) are small T-shaped devices which don't trap bacteria as early IUDs did. The Mirenda has the added benefit of curbing heavy menstrual bleeding. It lasts for up to five years.
The ParaGard has the lowest ... Read On 
Experts: Kids who rule the roost might not become well-adjusted adults Many kids today know they can govern family activities and decisions. Not getting what they want is unfamiliar to them.
The power to control is given to kids by parents with good intentions, but studies show that their children are likely to become self-centered, unpleasant adults who may be ... Read On 
Get Fluffy or Spot to show you what he wants Your pet is nagging you, but you don't know what he wants.
Why not just ask? Liz Palika, author of The New Age Dog (Renaissance) says that with a small amount of training, you will be able to find the answer.
Say "Show me" to your pet, then walk toward him and keep saying "Show me." Stop ... Read On 