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Back to School: Helping Your Child Deal with StressAs adults, we stress about bills, work, our family, and just about everything else in our lives. Don't you sometimes long for the good old days of being a kid? Well, being a kid isn't as easy as you remember it being. Children today are under more stress than any other generation before. If you ... Read On 
Children Running Wild: The Importance of Free PlayIn a world filled with fear, parents have to make the tough decisions; what schools to use, what babysitters to trust, even what products and foods are safe enough. With so much on their plates, parents are also ruling on another area of their children's lives; whether or not they can go out and ... Read On 
Delaying Our Toddlers: The Dangers of Second Hand Television Parents already know to try to keep their children away from second hand smoke, but now researchers warn parents to keep children away from second hand television. Second hand television sounds absurd, right, but 1 in 3 American households leave their television on during the day, creating ... Read On 
The Skipped Generation Household: Grandparents Raise All Over Again In many households today, the empty nest is being filled in one of two ways; grown children are moving back home because of the economy or elderly parents are moving in for care and assistance. In my household, we've already had both! But there is a newer trend, indicated the 2009 census, of near ... Read On 
Happy Holiday Tots: Keeping Your Holidays Anxiety Free With A Toddler There is no better gratification for parents than getting to watch the wonder and excitement in their children’s eyes as they anticipate and celebrate holidays. The same can be said for parents with toddlers, except it maybe twofold. For toddlers, they do not remember many of their prior holidays ... Read On 
Good Reasons For Teaching Babies How To Swim 1. Infants are well adapted to swimming. They make instinctive swimming movements until they are approximately three months old; however, early swimming instruction is vital to reinforce and maintain this natural advantage in newborns.
2. In water, babies are less restricted by gravity. For ... Read On 
Cherish the Memories: Getting Your Newborn Photographed Congratulations! Your precious little bundle of joy is finally here. She’s the prettiest, little thing you have ever seen. He’s more perfect then words. Let the photo extravaganza begin! Every passing moment needs to have its own photograph so that it will never be forgotten. With our current ... Read On 
Frenzies and Fits: Tips to Help Calm a Tantrum So your little one is having a bad day, and of course that means a bad day for you, too. Well, mommy or daddy, take a deep breath and give yourself a pat on the back. You are not alone! When it seems like you’re at your wits end, do you have any ideas on how to tame that savage beast?
Everyone ... Read On 
Savvy Shoppers: Tips for Smart Back to School Shopping When you talk about back to school, most parents’ wallets tighten with fear at the future costs that they know they are going to spend. Between supplies and clothing, even just one child of school age can send your bills soaring to new heights.
Well, in this economy parents and guardians are ... Read On 
Raising Adults: Healthy Family Dynamics Every one of us, or at least most of us, dreams of the day where we can build a home and make a family of our own. Also, each of us wants, generally, the same basic family foundation; a loving mate, a peaceful home, and healthy, well-behaved children.
But each of these aspects takes lots of ... Read On 
Growing Up Too Fast: The Toll That’s Paid There was a time in every adult’s life when they went through the big “change.” It was puberty, of course, and as most folks can remember, there was nothing special about their “special time.” In fact, puberty is one of the most nerve racking and hectic times in a young person’s life. Today’s young ... Read On 
Baby Einstein: How To Tell If Your Child Is Genuinely Gifted Every parent gloats over his or her child. In fact, every parent thinks his or her child is special, talented, intelligent and beautiful. Most of us beamingly boast about our babies, but some are truly gifted, even by expert standards. Here are the developmental guidelines for gifted children and ... Read On 