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The Daddy Doldrums: Postpartum Depression And MenWith many a Hollywood mom making headlines and publicizing the prevalence and severity of postpartum depression (PPD), and encouraging mom to let go of guilt and get help, there are some major strides being made in taking care of moms and babies and helping moms take care of themselves.
But what ... Read On 
CYTT (Can You Top That): The Parenting “Plague” Hitting Long IslandOn Long Island, seemingly more so than anywhere else it seems that parents are confronted with a very unique situation. Torn between the lavish east end and cosmopolitan influence from the west, this once “relaxed” suburban utopia has become one of the prime places to set roots, and it’s reflected ... Read On 
It’s Getting Hot Out Here: A Pregnant Woman’s Directory For Staying Cool When It’s HotFrom what my girlfriends tell me, pregnancy is a “blessing” for ladies who (previously) had always shivered their timbers due to always being cold. And, for those “hot-blooded” ladies carrying during the summer can present some heated challenges and situations. In fact, for some the summer humidity ... Read On 
Baby Fat: Shedding Those Post-Pregnancy PoundsMost women look forward to the opportunity to let their guard down and give into their cravings during pregnancy. Yet, after delivery, many ladies are eager to get their “old” body back..
But, after nine months of eating freely, getting back into shape may mean more than sheer determination, but ... Read On 
The Real Deal:. The Facts About ADHDThe term ADHD has become an ever popular “catch-all” phrase when describing children and/or individual with a variety of unexpended energy that may result in anything and everything from being a bit over zealous in the school yard, losing focus in class or tapping a pencil on the desk.
Yet, what ... Read On 
Healthy Pregnancy: Why Having A Baby Is Literally Good For YouBecoming a mom they say is helps both men and women mature, and even many a Hollywood heartthrob have admitted that it was their children (and their love) for them that completed them.
But, if you’ve ever witnessed anyone in the act of parenting it’s a non-stop, 24/7 job that leaves little or no ... Read On 
The Mamas And The Papas: New Trends In ParenthoodA honeymoon is a great getaway after months and months of planning and a nice retreat and transition for “singlehood” into married life.
And, this time away can place many a newlywed couples in a prime position for another trend making its way from Tinsel Town to mainstream.
It’s what’s known ... Read On 
Fit For Life: A Nutritional Guide For NewbornsYou nourished your baby for nine months and now that he/she has arrived, nutrition remains a vital part of his/her growth and development, especially during the first year of life. And, what you feed your baby is essential in ensuring health and proper development.
Experts note the benefits of ... Read On 
Up In Smoke: The Effects Of Smoking On ChildrenWe all know that smoking is bad for us, and we know that it’s bad for our unborn children. But, how bad is second hand smoke for children already part of our household and lives?
Well, according to research, VERY. So bad, that smokers may be damaging the health of or “killing” their children. In ... Read On 
Saving Face: What You Need To Know About Baby Bottle Tooth Decay And Preserving Your Child’s Teeth So, you’ve decided to opt against all-natural childbirth and you’re leaning more toward formula feeding than breast-feeding.
Keep in mind that while formula and bottle-feeding have come a long way, tooth decay (though not as common as it use to be) remains one of the most common ailments among ... Read On 
Ticking Away: The Male Version Of The Biological Clock And How It Affects Fertility and Pregnancy
Most of us know of, heard of, or have experienced the tick-tock of our biological clock. From the race to find a mate to the race to procreate women have traditionally be known to be prone to the “effects” of time. Men however, have not been noted as being “affected”. In fact the standard ... Read On 
Health And Happiness: Merging Insurance Policies After The WeddingMarriage often means more work and more compromise for both parties, but it also means (frequently) means more benefits.
Unless each of you, or one of you, is employed by a fairly small company, you (both) should immediately (after saying “I Do”) be offered the opportunity to include your spouse ... Read On 