Family Life & Parenting Articles
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Baby Foods: Foods That Get The Stamp Of Approval For Consuming During PregnancyMost people “traditionally” have viewed pregnancy as an “excuse” to eat for two, or at least more than they otherwise would. But, when it comes to your health and the health of your baby, experts note that some of the things you enjoy just may not be good for you. In fact, though each doctor has ... Read On 
No It All: Why Saying “NO” Is A “Yes” For Growth And Development There is a current debate out there about whether to spank or not to spank your kids. And, some experts, while they may not offer their insight or perspective on the topic say there’s a much better way to assert your values, and that’s simply by saying “NO”
And, while those without kids may ... Read On 
Nanny 411 The Decision To Hire And How To Handle ItWhether you’re looking for someone to assist you with your child, take care of them for a few hours while you are out, or someone to be there while you go to work, finding someone you like, and more importantly, trust, can be challenging.
In fact, having a nanny, for most, is a “relatively” new ... Read On 
Leading Ladies: Raising Strong and Confident GirlsSugar and spice and everything nice, that’s what little girls, are made of. This may be true enough but sooner or later they “will” have to enter the real world, and they must be able to thrive and survive. And, that means making sure she’s got plenty of savvy and moxie to make it out there. ... Read On 
Park And Play: Play Dates…More Than Just Fun And GamesI recently went to a bbq/kiddie b-day party for at the home of a friend I grew up with. And, while many years, if not decades have gone by, that “bond” was there, as if nothing had ever changed.
But, growing up back then, things were different. In fact, his pool party brought back memories of ... Read On 
Survival Of The Fittest: Keeping Kids Fit And Healthy Prone to diabetes, heart disease and other ailments, with statistics showing that unlike ever before this population is being increasing affected with health issues like never before. Now, we’re not talking about our nations seniors, middle agers, 30-somethings or even those who are in the young ... Read On 
Coming Of Age: Getting Kids Involved In Age-Appropriate ChoresGetting my nails done the other day I overheard a women talking about her 12-year old son and how his school was mandating that they read three books over the summer and do 50 pages of math homework to be prepared for the upcoming school year.
While my husband had never heard of anything like ... Read On 
A Palatable Pregnancy: A Healthy Menu For Moms-To-BeWe’ve all heard the stories about pregnant women and craving, and some ladies may have gone or may still be going through it. Yet, typically, if you’re anything like lots of the women I know (and love), these craving are not the “good-for-you kind.
However, we all know that pregnancy give women ... Read On 
One Singular Sensation: Keeping Marriage and Monogamy “Hot”I recently read an article that suggested that cheating, even the thought of cheating, while not condoned, is quite “common” among couples. And, while it’s not necessarily a phenomenon of our century or generation, in a sense, at least looking at others had become more acceptable. And, many in ... Read On 
Children Behaving Beautifully: Instilling Good Habits In your KidsWe all hope and pray for healthy children, but once they are part of our world and the world at large, instilling and ensuring healthy habits, at least without “nagging” may not be as easy as you thought. After all our kids are the target market for video games, afternoon and early evening ... Read On 
Coming Through Loud And Clear: Speaking To Your Child So That You “Will” Be Heard My husband and I were recently having a conversation with a young couple lucky enough to already have kids in their tweens and teens and who are just now trying to teach them about taking responsibility for themselves by being firm(er) about laying down the law.
But, as my husband says, teaching ... Read On 
Humble Pie: Making Sense Of ParentingWhile it was somewhat “evident” and even brought up by my mother in law (ironically about certain members of her own family), I recently came across the term “The Lost Generation” for those 24 and younger.
While these young adults (yes, if you’re 25 and older, you have apparently earned the ... Read On 
Long Island Bridal Shows