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Do you spank your child?

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Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Do you spank your child?

DH and I disagree on this one

Posted 6/22/10 4:15 PM
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My green-eyed boy

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Re: Do you spank your child?

No, although we have threatened her w/ it.

I might for something like running in the street (something dangerous)

Posted 6/22/10 4:26 PM

Always My Miracle

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Re: Do you spank your child?

My intentions are to NOT spank my child...those are my intentionsChat Icon DH has also been told if he intends on spanking our child, I will spank him...and not in a good wayChat Icon

Posted 6/22/10 4:29 PM

Is it summer yet?

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Re: Do you spank your child?

No, my parents never laid a finger on me, but trust me, I lived in fear of my mother anyway.

I plan on doing the same.

Posted 6/22/10 4:30 PM

All of My Dreams Came True

Member since 2/09

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Re: Do you spank your child?

i haven't yet but if he does something REALLY bad and knew it was wrong, sure i'll spank his tiny butt. otherwise my method of disciplining (although i haven't had the pleasure of doing this yet) is to take things away from him. that usually is the best punishment

Posted 6/22/10 4:35 PM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Do you spank your child?

not yet, but it will be a weapon in the arsenal if need be.

Posted 6/22/10 4:37 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by SweetCin

No, although we have threatened her w/ it.

I might for something like running in the street (something dangerous)

He has gotten spanked in an instance like this, that is how he knows we mean business

Posted 6/22/10 4:38 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

I spanked Kaydyn once and she turned around and said "Mommy, we do not hit. You need a timeout"

That was the end of spanking.

Posted 6/22/10 4:39 PM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Spank---no. Swatted her on the fanny--yes.

Posted 6/22/10 4:39 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

I have spanked miki maybe 5 times total, it is not something I like to do though Chat Icon

Posted 6/22/10 4:46 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

I have on the rare occassion. I don't like it, but sometimes it's neccesary. I got the occasional spanking growing up and I honestly don't see why it's viewed as negatively as it is.

Posted 6/22/10 4:54 PM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

No, I have not and do not plan to (but I guess never say never).

Posted 6/22/10 5:00 PM

My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

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Re: Do you spank your child?

I've smacked him on his butt a few times or side of his leg if he is really out of control or doing something he shouldnt that could hurt him.

ETA: I always swore I would never. I got smacked a few times when I was younger. I also said I would never yell and that went out the window real quick Chat Icon

To be honest, I dont think the spanking bothers him considering he has a pull up on with some padding. he never cries from it...of course I dont hit him hard either. he gets more upset that I am upset with him.

Message edited 6/22/2010 5:07:03 PM.

Posted 6/22/10 5:03 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Do you spank your child?


Posted 6/22/10 5:05 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by nferrandi

I have on the rare occassion. I don't like it, but sometimes it's neccesary. I got the occasional spanking growing up and I honestly don't see why it's viewed as negatively as it is.

I do NOT have children yet ... but I was spanked as a child although I do not really recall that. My parents told me they did lol Anyway, I think it is okay ... every child is different. Some may respond to it, some may not. I think whatever works for your child is fine. Honestly, children need discipline and boundaries ... and consistency. However, you plan on doing it should not be judged. Hopefully, you and hubby come to an agreement. My husband says, "no spanking ever" lol but I think he is changing his mind ... we will see when we have little ones of our own.

Posted 6/22/10 5:05 PM


Member since 2/07

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Re: Do you spank your child?

I dont spank in the classic over the knee spanking method...

They have gotten a swift smack on the tush or back of the hand though...

Posted 6/22/10 5:17 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

yes...I don't like fresh kids.

haven't done it in months, dh hates spanking, so my swatting has come to a stand still.

never over the knee.

Posted 6/22/10 5:20 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Right now she's only one and will either get a little pat on the hand or I will remove her hand from whatever she's touching that she's not allowed to and sternly say "NO!!"

Posted 6/22/10 5:22 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Do you spank your child?

No. It's just not for us.

I wasn't really spanked, but I get why folks would do it.. but we have had success using a combination of time outs, discussion, removing privileges and .. frankly.. disapproving/disappointed looks.

When they were babies there was a whole lot of removing them from situations, saying NO and letting them ride out tantrums in a safe place alone.

Message edited 6/22/2010 5:29:42 PM.

Posted 6/22/10 5:27 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

I have smacked their hands a few times, but it hurt their ego more than anything.

Posted 6/22/10 5:32 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

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Re: Do you spank your child?

all out spank?

Not yet, but we have no qualms about it for the future. I got spanked and I'm alive and generally a decent human being. I am not violent, drug user nor was I rebellious as a teen. I was respectful of my parents and had manners. I see nothing wrong at all with a good old smack on the butt if you knew it was coming cause you messed up. You pay the price for disobience and plain stupidity.

I have yet to give AJ a spank.

I have 'tapped' her feet and hands when she was learning that the bathroom was NOT for her. She learned quickly and didn't even have pink skin.

My aunt told me that yesterday she gave AJ a 'tap' on her chin with three fingers.. the knuckle part. Got AJ's attention fast. She was acting out and thrashing. I think it shocked her more since I use timeout for that type of thing.

to each their own i guess

ETA: I will say I was respectful of my father who spanked us. Who only spanked us after making US explain to him why we were about to be hit. And it was very clear we had a chance not to get hit but failed to wise up. We got three hits between our knees and butt. And we always knew it really hurt him as much as us (even if he didnt say so).

My stepmonster's abusive, unprompted, unearned and unjustifiable beatings, slaps, hits, random punches were never respected. I hated her passionately for those. She was wrong.

There's always a right way and a wrong way to dicipline your child.

Message edited 6/22/2010 5:48:50 PM.

Posted 6/22/10 5:45 PM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by hbugal

I dont spank in the classic over the knee spanking method...

They have gotten a swift smack on the tush or back of the hand though...

Same here.

I consider "SPANKING" like, come over here, get over my knee, pull down the pants and we're going to count your ten lashes.

Logan grabs Brodie's tail or something and I may whack his hand away.

Posted 6/22/10 5:48 PM

So Dam* Lucky

Member since 10/08

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Re: Do you spank your child?


We both say that we wont be spanking our children.

She's only a year old though, so we'll see what the future brings. lol

Posted 6/22/10 6:01 PM

My three little miracles

Member since 4/06

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Re: Do you spank your child?

I don't. I was swatted a few times by my mom. What really had an impression on me was a good friend of my mom. She would pull down her kids' pants, put them over her knee, and spank really hard. Even as a small child, I felt bad for them... because of the humiliation. That image (and sound) is ingrained in my brain. I don't think we'll ever spank... but I've learned never say never!

Posted 6/22/10 6:05 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by Ophelia

not yet, but it will be a weapon in the arsenal if need be.

Same here.

Posted 6/22/10 6:30 PM
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