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Do you spank your child?

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Re: Do you spank your child?

We disagreed on it too...but to answer the question we have during toddlerhood but it didn't help with what we were trying to teach to hitChat Icon

Now that they're older, threatening is the way to go.

From experience, whatever way you do decide to punish, consistency is the key.

Posted 6/22/10 6:36 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Do you spank your child?

I have no need to spank Abby now. Would I throw her over my knee and go buck wild? Probably not. An immediate smack on the tuchas for being fresh? Maybe.

I will say this though. I came from a family of 4 kids. Only the oldest child got hit. The rest of us knew better and got the "DEATH STARE". And we were good kids. the DEATH STARE is a powerful disciplinary tool. Good thing Mom passed that on to me before she passed away.

Posted 6/22/10 6:38 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

No, I think it sends mixed messages - I want to model the behavior I expect from my children.

And, I think there are more effective, non-physical methods of discipline...

Posted 6/22/10 6:42 PM

Happy Winter!

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Re: Do you spank your child?

i was spanked as a child and i didn't go around spanking other kids. i think if you feel like it works no one should judge.

Posted 6/22/10 6:46 PM

My Everything

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by Domino

My intentions are to NOT spank my child...those are my intentionsChat Icon DH has also been told if he intends on spanking our child, I will spank him...and not in a good wayChat Icon

LOL it's kind of the same here.
I will admit I have smacked DS on the hand (for all the good it even did Chat Icon ) but I really don't want to get to the point of using spanking as discipline. There are so many other options IMO. Now to put those other options into practice instead of getting frustrated and losing my cool.

Posted 6/22/10 7:07 PM

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by leighla

Posted by hbugal

I dont spank in the classic over the knee spanking method...

They have gotten a swift smack on the tush or back of the hand though...

Same here.

I consider "SPANKING" like, come over here, get over my knee, pull down the pants and we're going to count your ten lashes.

Logan grabs Brodie's tail or something and I may whack his hand away.

Ok, if this is what people mean by spanking, then no, I don't do that. I have smacked his tush when he was running into the street.

Posted 6/22/10 7:11 PM


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Re: Do you spank your child?


Posted 6/22/10 7:24 PM

Two in Blue

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by leighla

Posted by hbugal

I dont spank in the classic over the knee spanking method...

They have gotten a swift smack on the tush or back of the hand though...

Same here.

I consider "SPANKING" like, come over here, get over my knee, pull down the pants and we're going to count your ten lashes.

Logan grabs Brodie's tail or something and I may whack his hand away.

No I mean it the way you guys interpreted, not over the knee

Posted 6/22/10 7:29 PM

I am an amazing bakist

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Re: Do you spank your child?

I haven't yet....and I'm going to try not to. I remember my parents spanking us, and I don't know how much good it really did.
Lily's never given us a reason to spank her, and she listens really well when we tell her to stop doing something.
So far, I've been using the counting method....and I rarely get past 3. She's too good!!

Posted 6/22/10 7:30 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by nrthshgrl

We disagreed on it too...but to answer the question we have during toddlerhood but it didn't help with what we were trying to teach to hitChat Icon

Now that they're older, threatening is the way to go.

From experience, whatever way you do decide to punish, consistency is the key.

Thats our problem. I tend to do time outs. DH would rather spank. H eis home with them quite a bit alone and Declan pulls Ronan's hair. My DH's other idea is that we should pull Declan's hair. Which I think is crazy

Posted 6/22/10 7:30 PM

Party of 5

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Re: Do you spank your child?

If by spank you mean a whack on the butt, then yes. A single whack to the butt, maybe 5 times in his 4 years and not in at least a year and a half.

Eta time-outs have always worked wonders for ds. Lately, my new punishment is the threat to throw away his most prize posessions-his trains (how many depends on the offense). So far the threat is sufficient, but I am prepared to follow thru.

Message edited 6/22/2010 7:41:58 PM.

Posted 6/22/10 7:32 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by Palebride

I haven't yet....and I'm going to try not to. I remember my parents spanking us, and I don't know how much good it really did.
Lily's never given us a reason to spank her, and she listens really well when we tell her to stop doing something.
So far, I've been using the counting method....and I rarely get past 3. She's too good!!

can she come to our house and tell Amelia to listen.

When I try the counting, she starts counting with me Chat Icon so we get no where....

Posted 6/22/10 7:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/08

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Absolutely not!!!!

Posted 6/22/10 7:38 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by hbugal

I dont spank in the classic over the knee spanking method...

They have gotten a swift smack on the tush or back of the hand though...

same here. And they get it if they warrant it. DH on the other hand does not. He's not with me on the whole issue.

Posted 6/22/10 7:50 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by DRMom

Posted by nrthshgrl

We disagreed on it too...but to answer the question we have during toddlerhood but it didn't help with what we were trying to teach to hitChat Icon

Now that they're older, threatening is the way to go.

From experience, whatever way you do decide to punish, consistency is the key.

Thats our problem. I tend to do time outs. DH would rather spank. H eis home with them quite a bit alone and Declan pulls Ronan's hair. My DH's other idea is that we should pull Declan's hair. Which I think is crazy

Chat Icon josh pulled my hair once when we were leaving the park. he got his pulled back and never did it again.

Posted 6/22/10 8:03 PM

My Girls

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Re: Do you spank your child?


Posted 6/22/10 8:18 PM

I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by saraH

Posted by Palebride

I haven't yet....and I'm going to try not to. I remember my parents spanking us, and I don't know how much good it really did.
Lily's never given us a reason to spank her, and she listens really well when we tell her to stop doing something.
So far, I've been using the counting method....and I rarely get past 3. She's too good!!

can she come to our house and tell Amelia to listen.

When I try the counting, she starts counting with me Chat Icon so we get no where....

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
For some reason...Lily takes it really seriously when I say "I"m going to count to 5...." I've never gotten to 5, so she has no idea what will happen when I make it there...but the fear is enough to make her do it.

She should teach classes in how to make a parent's job easier......

Posted 6/22/10 8:18 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by leighla

Posted by hbugal

I dont spank in the classic over the knee spanking method...

They have gotten a swift smack on the tush or back of the hand though...

Same here.

I consider "SPANKING" like, come over here, get over my knee, pull down the pants and we're going to count your ten lashes.

Logan grabs Brodie's tail or something and I may whack his hand away.


"A smack on the tush"

Posted 6/22/10 8:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3380 total posts


Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by KateDevine

Posted by leighla

Posted by hbugal

I dont spank in the classic over the knee spanking method...

They have gotten a swift smack on the tush or back of the hand though...

Same here.

I consider "SPANKING" like, come over here, get over my knee, pull down the pants and we're going to count your ten lashes.

Logan grabs Brodie's tail or something and I may whack his hand away.


"A smack on the tush"

Same here too! Although DD will tell us that you get a time out if you hit, so I really try not to do it. DH does it more than I do. We don't do it often though.

Posted 6/22/10 8:22 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05

16555 total posts

I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by Palebride

Posted by saraH

Posted by Palebride

I haven't yet....and I'm going to try not to. I remember my parents spanking us, and I don't know how much good it really did.
Lily's never given us a reason to spank her, and she listens really well when we tell her to stop doing something.
So far, I've been using the counting method....and I rarely get past 3. She's too good!!

can she come to our house and tell Amelia to listen.

When I try the counting, she starts counting with me Chat Icon so we get no where....

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
For some reason...Lily takes it really seriously when I say "I"m going to count to 5...." I've never gotten to 5, so she has no idea what will happen when I make it there...but the fear is enough to make her do it.

She should teach classes in how to make a parent's job easier......

I would so sign up.

Posted 6/22/10 8:23 PM


Member since 3/06

18677 total posts


Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by nferrandi

I have on the rare occassion. I don't like it, but sometimes it's neccesary. I got the occasional spanking growing up and I honestly don't see why it's viewed as negatively as it is.

ITA on all points

Posted 6/22/10 8:24 PM


Member since 10/06

4563 total posts


Re: Do you spank your child?

yes-when it's necessary and no, not the kind on the tush without clothes/diaper etc. a quick whack when she has needed it and for her it totally works.

Posted 6/22/10 8:31 PM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by Janice

Posted by DRMom

Posted by nrthshgrl

We disagreed on it too...but to answer the question we have during toddlerhood but it didn't help with what we were trying to teach to hitChat Icon

Now that they're older, threatening is the way to go.

From experience, whatever way you do decide to punish, consistency is the key.

Thats our problem. I tend to do time outs. DH would rather spank. H eis home with them quite a bit alone and Declan pulls Ronan's hair. My DH's other idea is that we should pull Declan's hair. Which I think is crazy

Chat Icon josh pulled my hair once when we were leaving the park. he got his pulled back and never did it again.

My husband's line of thinking is the same. I have to say, it works for him as they fall into line when he's around.

In response to the OP, I try to avoid spanking but will do it when all else fails. At this point all I have to do is threaten a "smack on your hiney" and Mads will comply.

Posted 6/22/10 8:35 PM

My Little Yankee Fans

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Nope I have hit them and I never will. IMO, spanking is an adult temper tantrum.

Posted 6/22/10 8:45 PM

Love him!

Member since 10/07

3189 total posts


Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by Mkr09

I spanked Kaydyn once and she turned around and said "Mommy, we do not hit. You need a timeout"

That was the end of spanking.

Chat Icon I know this is a serious topic but that is freaking hysterical!

Posted 6/22/10 8:49 PM
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