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Your 2nd child

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/11

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Your 2nd child

DD#1 has always been a difficult child. Right from the beginning she was colicky and now at 22 months she cries all the time, throws tantrums, etc. She always needed to be held and cries when she sees people. And is a horrible sleeper.

DD#2 is such an easy baby. So happy when she sees people and is always smiling and laughing. My friends are amazed that when we go to lunch she will stay in her stroller and not say a peep. She will only cry when she is hungry or very tired. And the big one is she loves to sleep and goes to sleep on her own.

Is your second child an easier baby? It seems that almost everyone I ask say that their second child is much easier than the first. Is that true for you too?

Posted 5/2/12 1:57 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Loves :)

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Re: Your 2nd child

Yup. Second child is way more easier than my first.
DD1 had to be held, rocked to sleep, didn't STTN til over a year, hated being out in stores or restaurants etc.
DD2 loves to be on her own, doesn't make a peep, STTN from a few weeks old, loves people and being out, smiles ALL day long. You dont even know she's In the room half the time!

Posted 5/2/12 2:00 PM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

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Re: Your 2nd child

Chat Icon too soon to tell!

ds#1- so easy the first 3 months. Then when i went back to work, it went to h*ll. Not his fault, but he was always overtired and was a beast. Up 5 times a night, cried bloody murder in the car, cried every bath, cried for every diaper change/clothes change. Then after 1 year, he's been great ever since and sleeps so well (he's 4 now).

ds#2- a BEAST the first 2 months. Sleeps great. But cried whenever he was awake. Would scream every night from 7-10pm. Now at 3 1/2 months he's gotten much easier (formula and reflux meds worked out) and is so happy. So we'll see what happens with him. Chat Icon

Message edited 5/2/2012 2:03:08 PM.

Posted 5/2/12 2:01 PM

Big Brothers to Be

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Re: Your 2nd child

My 1st child was much easier than my second. My first slept from day 1 and my 2nd didn't sleep till about 18 or 19 months and he is still in our bed at 2.5 :)

Posted 5/2/12 2:07 PM

My two miracles!

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Re: Your 2nd child

Complete opposite here.

Ds#1 was a charm from the moment he came home. STTN at 5 weeks until about 9 months when he was breaking his 1 yr molars. Loved to be held but didn't depend on it. Would go to anyone, always smiled, laughed, played alone.

DS#2, complete nightmare. Didn't STTN until almost 12 months, always needs to cuddle tor bedtime, completely attached to me to the point of full on tantrums when I even go upstairs to get something. still on bottles at almost 21 months. He's a happy baby but not independent at he's my daredevil, stuntman.

Posted 5/2/12 2:08 PM

My loves!

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Re: Your 2nd child

Oiy this terrifies me!Chat Icon DD was such an easy even for a first time mom I was always thinking she was so easy in the beginning. Latched perfectly, STTN at 9 weeks, low maintenance, just a JOY. Even now at 23 months she is so fun and mellow (and a pain in the butt at times, but that's the age).

I'm due with #2 soon and terrified about he/she being difficult. I can't imagine being lucky twice with easy babies. And now I'll have a two year old to deal with as well. Eeek!

Posted 5/2/12 2:11 PM

let's be nice

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Re: Your 2nd child

Posted by ko123

Oiy this terrifies me!Chat Icon DD was such an easy even for a first time mom I was always thinking she was so easy in the beginning. Latched perfectly, STTN at 9 weeks, low maintenance, just a JOY. Even now at 23 months she is so fun and mellow (and a pain in the butt at times, but that's the age).

I'm due with #2 soon and terrified about he/she being difficult. I can't imagine being lucky twice with easy babies. And now I'll have a two year old to deal with as well. Eeek!

I'm in the same situation with#1 & I'm scared how #2 will be...eeek, guess we'll find out in a few weeks.

Posted 5/2/12 2:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/11

3708 total posts


Re: Your 2nd child

Posted by summerBaby10

Posted by ko123

Oiy this terrifies me!Chat Icon DD was such an easy even for a first time mom I was always thinking she was so easy in the beginning. Latched perfectly, STTN at 9 weeks, low maintenance, just a JOY. Even now at 23 months she is so fun and mellow (and a pain in the butt at times, but that's the age).

I'm due with #2 soon and terrified about he/she being difficult. I can't imagine being lucky twice with easy babies. And now I'll have a two year old to deal with as well. Eeek!

I'm in the same situation with#1 & I'm scared how #2 will be...eeek, guess we'll find out in a few weeks.

I am sure you ladies will have another easy baby. No worries!! Good luck with your little ones! Chat Icon

Posted 5/2/12 2:26 PM

3 Girls for Me!

Member since 8/07

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Re: Your 2nd child

So far, yes

Posted 5/2/12 3:55 PM

<3 my family

Member since 1/06

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Re: Your 2nd child

nope. My 1st was the easiest baby ever.

Posted 5/2/12 4:03 PM


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Formally NYPD-Wife

Re: Your 2nd child

Posted by ko123

Oiy this terrifies me!Chat Icon DD was such an easy even for a first time mom I was always thinking she was so easy in the beginning. Latched perfectly, STTN at 9 weeks, low maintenance, just a JOY. Even now at 23 months she is so fun and mellow (and a pain in the butt at times, but that's the age).

I'm due with #2 soon and terrified about he/she being difficult. I can't imagine being lucky twice with easy babies. And now I'll have a two year old to deal with as well. Eeek!

This is why I am hesitant about having #2 Chat Icon

Posted 5/2/12 4:09 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05

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I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: Your 2nd child

Yes! My youngest dd is the happiest baby ever. She is always smiling, saying hi, and carrying on.

My first is more serious and way more mellow.

Posted 5/2/12 4:56 PM

Two Boys for Me!!

Member since 1/07

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Re: Your 2nd child

My 2 are the opposite.

Posted 5/2/12 5:01 PM

I'm cranky

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Mama Cranky

Re: Your 2nd child

No way. DC # 2 is my hardest. He was my hardest when it was just DD and him and he is still may hardest now that he is the middle. Love him but he is such a tough cookie!

Posted 5/2/12 6:05 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Your 2nd child

opposite here.

My first was the perfect kid from birth until 3yo. He sttn at 7w, ate everything, was always smiling etc.

My 2nd DS, is a super happy baby but the first few weeks were rough, lots of crying due to reflux, didn't sttn until 7months, never stops is a bundle of energy, who thinks climbing is perfectly acceptable! But he is always but by 7pm this mommy is done BC he is alot of work.

I will say both kids are great at restaurants so the was a saving grace!

But my second is harder!

Posted 5/2/12 6:13 PM

Mommy of an angel

Member since 10/09

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Re: Your 2nd child

I thought my first child was an easy baby. He STTN at 8 weeks old, good napper, etc. He wanted to be held a lot as a newborn but I didn't mind. He is an easygoing, laid-back child for the most part.

Then I had DD and she makes DS look like a high-strung poodle. She is 3 months old and has been an absolute dream. STTN from the day we brought her home from the hospital (I'm talking 6 hour stretches), hardly cries, is perfectly content hanging out in her swing/bouncy chair just observing the rest of us.

It makes me wonder why I thought the first 6 weeks were so rough the first time around! I am very lucky. I'm sure I'll pay for it eventually Chat Icon

Posted 5/2/12 8:49 PM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

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Re: Your 2nd child

Well my 2nd was twins... and one of them is pure evil!Chat Icon
But he is actually the third child.
My second child (older twin) is great.
But I think the easiest goes to #1.

Message edited 5/2/2012 9:41:31 PM.

Posted 5/2/12 9:40 PM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

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Re: Your 2nd child

As an infant DD #2 was easier but now that my girls are 3 and 5 the older one is easier.

Posted 5/2/12 9:47 PM


Member since 10/06

4563 total posts


Re: Your 2nd child

my second was MUCH easier than my first! esp. during the NB stage-my first (DD) traumatized me with colic-DS never had it and was so easy and good,
now they are 3 and 5 and DD is still mentally more challenging for me Chat Icon Chat Icon she drains me more mentally while DS is more active. i wonder if its a gender thing though with them Chat Icon

Posted 5/2/12 10:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/08

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Re: Your 2nd child

oh lord, no! not at all. DD1 was such an easy newborn. everyone said so. always happy, napped for 3-4 hour stretches, no issues. easy easy easy baby.

DD2- could not put her down. ever. even then, sometimes she would cry and cry and cry and there was nothing i could do.

but they are both great toddlers. I won't say "easy" because they are very active and adventurous, but they are good, sweet, fun kids

Posted 5/2/12 11:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/08

2476 total posts


Re: Your 2nd child

Both pretty easy babies but my DS, which is #2, spits up a lot. My dd1 spit up a whopping 2 times. He's not colicy though.

Posted 5/2/12 11:35 PM

Skinny jeans are in my future

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Baby Momma

Re: Your 2nd child

My 1st Born was perfect. Just after I gave birth, the nurses told me he would be sleeping through the night in a week or two and he did! He only cried when he was hungry or needed a diaper change. He was smiles all of the time, even when you woke him for a nap. His demeaner was the best. He was social and loved to be around people. When we were pregnant with my daughter, we knew that our first born had set the standards really high and not to expect the same with the second. I must tell you, the second is really, really tough! If she was our first she would have been an only child!Chat Icon

Posted 5/3/12 6:54 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Your 2nd child

Nope, 2nd child was much harder!! At least as an infant and toddler. He is relatively happy preschooler!! As a baby screamed for 9 mos (but he slept decently until teething) and then was a crazy toddler! First was colic but only lasted about 14 weeks, slept horribly but in the day was happy and fun.

Now 3rd child - she was the easiest baby!!! Now she is a little maniac at 14 mos but the easiest going baby by far!

Message edited 5/3/2012 6:58:02 AM.

Posted 5/3/12 6:56 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

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Re: Your 2nd child

For us it was the opposite, #1 a breeze, #2 a bit harder - they have very different personalities

Posted 5/3/12 9:37 AM

Keep passing the open windows

Member since 10/06

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Re: Your 2nd child

My 2nd child was my hardest, and still, at 6, she is difficult! Emotionally exhausting.

Posted 5/3/12 9:41 AM
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