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There and back again...(sorry it's long)

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Member since 8/05

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There and back again...(sorry it's long)

I know most people post about their anniversaries on NFR, but I feel posting this here may be more fitting. I don't usually post things like this but I am just bursting with happiness and need to get this out. I am hoping this may help others who are struggling or may have difficulty envisioning the big picture or seeing themselves reach a goal that seems a long way away.

Today marks our 3rd wedding anniversary Chat Icon Chat Icon

Three years ago today was the best day of my life - bar none. After we got married I quickly began packing back on the pounds I had worked so hard to lose. I wanted to be a "good" wife and prepared delicious (and fattening) meals for DH everyday. I was stressed all summer writing my master's thesis that I turned to eating ice cream to soothe myself. The more I gained back, the worse I felt...the more I ate. I tried so many times to lose the weight but inevitably gave up. It got so bad that I was contemplating lap band surgery because I thought it would be nearly impossible to lose the weight I had already lost once before Chat Icon

But I decided to give it one last go. I had done it once before, I could do it again right? Armed with my FFL (friend for life) Kim, I re-joined weight watchers on April 28th and I am so glad I did. The two of us have lost over 100 lbs together and have been incredibly successful Chat Icon Chat Icon

Last year when I started this journey, one of my biggest personal goals was to be my wedding weight by our anniversary this year. I am so happy to say that as of today I am 5 lbs less than I was the day of our wedding. Chat Icon

Looking back at it, a year ago I had a hard time envisioning myself here. I wanted it so badly and I had faith in myself but still had a very hard time believing I would eventually get here. Even better than this, I have made a real committment to myself this time around. I want these positive changes I have made to be permanent and for life. For the first time ever, I see myself reaching my goal - I know it's just a matter of time, patience and perserverance.

So for all those struggling, try and envision yourself at your own personal goals. I know sometimes they seem so far away, but if you just keep putting one foot in front of the other you will get there Chat Icon

"The Art of Success . . . Success is ninety-nine percent mental attitude. It calls for love, joy, optimism, confidence, serenity, poise, faith, courage, cheerfulness, imagination, initiative, tolerance, honesty, humility, patience, and enthusiasm. . . . Success is having the courage to meet failure without being defeated. It is refusing to let present loss interfere with your long-range goal. . . . Success is relative and individual and personal. It is your answer to the problem of making your minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years add up to a great life."

Good luck to all wherever you may be in your own personal journeys!! Thanks for letting me share Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Three years ago today...

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Message edited 5/29/2008 11:34:05 AM.

Posted 5/29/08 11:31 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

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Posted 5/29/08 11:34 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

MajorChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon for you.

You should definitely consider being a WW leader if you have the time as you are so positive and upbeat.

Happy AnniversaryChat Icon

Posted 5/29/08 12:29 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

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Happy Anniversary! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/29/08 1:05 PM

Love my Furbaby

Member since 10/07

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Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

Congrats and thanks for sharing ! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/29/08 1:12 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

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Posted 5/29/08 1:54 PM


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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

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Posted 5/29/08 2:02 PM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

Congratulations! You must be so proud of yourself. That took a lot of hard work, and you've proved that having a positive attitude and never giving up does lead to success. Happy Anniversary!
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/29/08 2:10 PM

Partners in crime

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Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

Congratulations Azad!!! I wish you many more years of love and happiness.

You are truly an inspiration. Your dedication, hard work and positive attitude are incredible.

Congratulations on everything!

Posted 5/29/08 2:19 PM

My two miracles!

Member since 5/06

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Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

First off Happy Anniversary Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

You truly are an inspiration & definately get me motivated!!!! Your hardwork is admirable!

Posted 5/29/08 2:27 PM

3 Girls for Me!

Member since 8/07

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Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

What an inspiration! Congratulations!! Chat Icon

Posted 5/29/08 2:30 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

Happy Anniversary! Wow! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/29/08 4:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/08

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Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

Congratulations! On your anniversary and your weight loss! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
You have accomplished so much and you are so inspiring to everyone on here! Thanks for sharing your story.

Posted 5/29/08 4:51 PM

Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

Congratulations on your anniversary and your impressive and wonderful weight loss!!! You are such an inspiration and so encouraging to others- you should totally be a WW leader!

Posted 5/29/08 6:03 PM

Live Laugh Love Run

Member since 6/07

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Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

Congrats Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/29/08 6:24 PM

My three little miracles

Member since 4/06

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Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

Congrats on your anniversary and your wonderful accomplishment. You are an inspiration!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/29/08 6:30 PM


Member since 5/05

4663 total posts


Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

Azad I have tears in my eyes over here. What a beautifully written post. I am so proud of you to have come so far and be 5 pounds less then your wedding weight. It is such a huge accomplishment and you are so inspiring! I know you inspire me every single day! And as you have seen you have inspired so many. Like I said yesterday you are a blessing in my life! I wish you nothing but love and happiness for the rest of you and Ray's life! Happy Anniversary!
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/29/08 8:23 PM

When you wish upon a star

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Because 2 people fell in love

Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

Azad, I have tears of happiness streaming down my face right now!!! First, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU AND RAY Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
To be in the presence of you both is to truly know what love is all about Chat Icon

Second - I am so happy that you are 5 lbs less than you were at the wedding! Chat Icon What an amazing accomplishment that you and your wonderful FFL Kim are acheiving together! I may hire you both Chat Icon (I am keeping Chris far away from you looking all sexy as you do - or at least I'll have to buy him a bib!)

You are such an inspiration and a truly wonderful friend Chat Icon

Posted 5/29/08 8:39 PM

Get Out!

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Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

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Posted 5/30/08 7:50 AM

My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05

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Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

Congrats!!! So many people look up to you on here!! I'm one of them!! Thanks for sharing!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

DeniseChat Icon

Posted 5/30/08 8:24 AM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

6314 total posts


Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

YAY azad!!!!!

first of all, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! seems like yesterday that we were trying on tiaras Chat Icon i can't believe 3 years have already passed...

second, thank you so much for posting about your weight loss journey. you are truly an inspiration!!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/30/08 3:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

What a wonderful anniversary! I don't know you, but I'm so proud of you!

Posted 5/30/08 6:08 PM


Member since 8/05

8377 total posts


Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

Thank you so much everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you all!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/2/08 8:13 AM


Member since 8/05

8377 total posts


Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

Posted by dooodles

Azad, I have tears of happiness streaming down my face right now!!!

This does not surprise me Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/2/08 8:13 AM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: There and back again...(sorry it's long)

what an inspirational, moving post !!! Chat Icon

I don't post on this board very often but I am a bigtime lurker.. and I always read your posts on the WW thread and come away inspired by your honesty and dedication ...

Even though I am not doing WW (I have done it in the past) I have been following a healthier eating plan that is rather similar to WW. And I have to tell you that I get so much encouragement just from reading your posts. So yes, you have inspired me to stick with my regimen and I'm sure you've done the same for many other people and you don't even know it Chat Icon

You should be so proud of how far you've come.. and yes if there was ever a perfect candidate for a WW leader I would nominate YOU (and I would attend your meetings too Chat Icon)

Belated Anniversary wishes to you and your DH, Azad!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/2/08 2:02 PM
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