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What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

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Baby #2 on the way!

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What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

ExH and I disagree on this. DS is 2 1/2 years old and at my house he goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:00pm. At ExH's house he goes to bed between 9:00pm and 9:15pm. IMO that's way too late for a toddler to be getting to sleep, but maybe I'm wrong? What time is bedtime for your toddler?

Posted 3/16/12 9:37 AM
Long Island Weddings
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love my 2 boys

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

We bring him in his room around 8:00 8:10 he doesnt go to bed until around 8:30 8:45 lately... especially when its nice out we spend time outside so it takes longer to get things done and off to sleep.

I think 9 is ok.. but you have to see your YOUR DC reacts to that bedtime.

Posted 3/16/12 9:39 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

Was 7:30 up until a couple of months ago
Trying to get him in at 8 - 8:30 and usually doesn't wind up falling asleep till 9 - 9:30 Chat Icon

Posted 3/16/12 9:40 AM

Love to Bake!

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

I agree with you but probably because my DD has always gone to bed early'ish.

Emerson's bedtime has been the same since she was probably less than a year old. She is in bed at 8 and she sleeps until between 7:30-8am. I don't like keeping her up later than 8'ish, she's tired by then and needs the rest. If I try to push her later she tends to be more restless throughout the night but every kid is different, does you son seem rested going to be later?

Posted 3/16/12 9:41 AM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

DD was always a 7 pm bed time but as she is approaching 2 years old it seems to be getting later and later.
Now it's more like 730- 8 pm

Posted 3/16/12 9:42 AM


Member since 8/06

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

Usually 8pm.....sometimes earlier if she is really cranky, sometimes later if we are out.

Posted 3/16/12 9:42 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

Between 7:30 and 8. (Not that I have a 2 year old; I'm answering for my former and future 2 year olds!)

ETA: My 6.5 year old still goes to sleep at 8!

Message edited 3/16/2012 9:46:33 AM.

Posted 3/16/12 9:45 AM

My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

Ry will fall asleep anywhere between
8-8:30pm but she always naps for two hours a day!!

Posted 3/16/12 9:48 AM

My Loves :)

Member since 1/09

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

Anywhere between 8-9pm. Depends on her naps or what we are doing that night.
She usually wakes up around 730 no matter what time we put her down

Posted 3/16/12 9:48 AM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

DS goes down between 8:30 and 9. He can sleep as late as he wants in the morning most times though and still takes a 2 hr nap.

I do think it's important to be consistent though and have a similar bedtime each night.

Posted 3/16/12 9:51 AM


Member since 11/07

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

DS is 2 1/2 and we bring him in & start getting ready between 8pm & 8:15pm. He's tucked in no later than 8:30pm. When we make exceptions & put him in later than that his sleep tends to be more restless & for some reason he often gets up earlier than if we had put him down at 8:30!

Posted 3/16/12 9:57 AM


Member since 8/06

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

My dd is the anti sleeper. She goes to bed late. On a good day 9pm, bad day 10:30. My son went in at 7:30 at that age. She still gets up between 6 & 8, so it's not like she sleeps late.

Posted 3/16/12 10:04 AM

Sisters :)

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

DD is 2.5 and her bedtime has been 8pm for a long time. She will go down at 7:30 if she hasn't napped and sometimes 8:30 if she has and we're just running late or out late but once she's in bed she's out within 5 minutes.

Posted 3/16/12 10:18 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

Ann goes to bed at 8:30.

Posted 3/16/12 10:29 AM

Love my kids!!

Member since 11/08

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

DS is 2.5 and he used to be in bed by 7 and asleep by 7:30. But as he gets older hes able to stay up later. And with the time change, hes now going down at 7:45 and asleep by 8:15-8:30. (It always takes him about 30 mins to unwind and finally relax once he goes into his crib.)

Posted 3/16/12 10:32 AM

I am all the Me I will ever Be

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She who shall remain nameless

Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

Anywhere between 8 and 830 the latest on a normal day.

If we are out sometimes a little past 830 but if we can we try to be home in time for his bed time.

Posted 3/16/12 10:34 AM

enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

9-9:30. She's always been a night owl.
since daylight savings, she's chatting and yelling from her crib until 10:30 Chat Icon

My son I can tell is different, he's more of an 8:15 guy

Posted 3/16/12 10:45 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/08

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

Posted by greenybeans

My dd is the anti sleeper. She goes to bed late. On a good day 9pm, bad day 10:30. My son went in at 7:30 at that age. She still gets up between 6 & 8, so it's not like she sleeps late.

same for both my daughters. we tried our hardest to give them a solid 8:30/9pm bedtime (no way we can do earlier based on our schedules.) but they fight it. especially my 3 year old. it's often 10pm or a little later that she falls asleep. but you know what, she's great during the day. not cranky, well-behaved. so what can i say? she was having a little trouble waking up for school, but that's getting better, and on the weekends when she wakes up naturally, it's 7:30-8am and she's in a beautiful mood with tons of energy.

Posted 3/16/12 11:00 AM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

It used to be 8:00/8:30 but she recently stopped napping so now it is more like 7:30/8:00. She is wiped by then!

Posted 3/16/12 11:34 AM

Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

We try around 8. Latest 8:30 if i'm around. If im at the gym or on the treadmill DH doesn't enforce the bedtime so they'll still be up at almost 10Chat Icon

Posted 3/16/12 12:05 PM

My two miracles!

Member since 5/06

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

Depends on the day but most nights he is in his room no later then 8. He's usually asleep by 830 & rare occasion 9. He does nap 2.5 hrs. But if he had a shorter nap, he will be in his room by 730.

Posted 3/16/12 12:26 PM


Member since 1/08

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

Lately- around 8:30- 9pm. And she doesn't nap. And she's up half the night. She has terrible sleeping habits.Chat Icon

Posted 3/16/12 12:30 PM

my boys

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Wanda (formerly cw0904 on LIW)

Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

DS is almost 27 months and he goes to bed between 8-830. Depends when I put him down but I try to put him down by 745 the latest. Some nights he is up talking for a few minutes then falls asleep.

Posted 3/16/12 12:34 PM

let's be nice

Member since 9/07

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

DS is 25 months & he's in the crib by 7:30-7:45pm. Sometimes we'll let him stay up an extra 30 min on a friday or saturday night.

Posted 3/16/12 5:35 PM

My two boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What is your 2 - 3 year old's bedtime?

DS (2) goes to bed about 8pm, but he doesn't really fall asleep with all his excuses until closer to 9pm.

Posted 3/16/12 5:43 PM
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