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Childhood obesity...this got me today

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LIF Adult

Member since 2/11

1706 total posts


Childhood obesity...this got me today

I think this is a very hard topic to not personalize - i don't know anyone who doesn't struggle in some way with food. I'm not overweight, but I have to watch what I eat, make choices on food, and I certainly stress eat. So such a controversial topic is going to bring out emotions and individual sensitivities on their own food struggles whatever it may be.

A few years ago I would not have looked twice at what anyone else ate, or what was in someone's shopping cart. Then someone on here posted about the documentary Food Inc. It was eye opening and I continued to research and understand where our food comes from. I'm not posting this to preach or to convince anyone to change their ways, but i think when you really realize what we are eating, how companies influence and change our food and the way the industry works - you never look at food the same again. So when I see a slurpee or a package of oreos or something else someone has in their hand, cart, whatever I'm not judging that individual person thin or overweight - I'm thinking how sad for our society that this industry has created a situation where our kids may be ther first generation to have a shorter life span, where food has become so over processed and even when you think you are eating something good it probably isn't. There's needs to be a much larger focus on food education, especially in schools.

Posted 9/22/14 9:48 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

The only thing that offends me about this whole thread is that the OP went to 7-11 for her coffee. :Shudders: Chat Icon

Posted 9/22/14 9:56 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/12

274 total posts


Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

I know the OP has a good heart and meant well. Really, I do. That being said, as someone who grew up with extreme body image disorder, I can't help but feel a little sting when I read some of these comments. For those who are privileged to have never been judged based on your body, take an extra second to read the comments from the women who shared their heartfelt pain on this thread. And when I say "privileged," I don't mean that to be snotty or sarcastic--it really is a privilege to live within a societal norm. I, too, am told to observe in my profession...but I also know my observations have to go beyond a minute.

Roxane Gay wrote this beautiful, quick essay about body image--I encourage others to read it if they have a minute or two: Here

Posted 9/22/14 10:01 AM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

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Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

Posted by dimples

I know the OP has a good heart and meant well. Really, I do. That being said, as someone who grew up with extreme body image disorder, I can't help but feel a little sting when I read some of these comments. For those who are privileged to have never been judged based on your body, take an extra second to read the comments from the women who shared their heartfelt pain on this thread. And when I say "privileged," I don't mean that to be snotty or sarcastic--it really is a privilege to live within a societal norm. I, too, am told to observe in my profession...but I also know my observations have to go beyond a minute.

Roxane Gay wrote this beautiful, quick essay about body image--I encourage others to read it if they have a minute or two: Here

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Posted 9/22/14 10:10 AM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

Posted by seaside

Adults make their own choices. Children do not.

And it's completely normal for someone to see a child who us wasting away, obsese, sunburned beyond recognition and in the sun, etc., and get sad.

Could there be some extenuating circumstances? Sure. Always. But 1) we go on a lot less when we make countless assumptions in life (and surely on here); 2) She only felt sad in her head and shared it. The mom and daughter were not shamed at all; and 3) She showed concern for a helpless child. She didn't look a grown woman up and down nastily in pilates class.

I mean, yes--you can have a problem and have it not show. BUt when a problem clearly shows on a child (something is wrong when a child is obese--whatever it is)--and a parent is doing the opposite of helping it--well, yes. Who wouldn't feel sad?

? Adults make their own choices. Children do not.

I think this was exactly her point. I think this is very well said. Chat Icon

Posted 9/22/14 10:20 AM

HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06

14562 total posts


Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

My husband has TERRIBLE eating habits - but he is tall, and broad and played soccer his whole life - he just recently started putting on visable weight because his job demands have significantly increased, and he's switched out hockey and soccer leagues for golf ..........but he remains a junk food junkie.

I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I don't have the thin gene. - My problem is hate to prep and cook - I'm a lazy eater. I'll eat a sleeve of ritz crackers in place of cooking a meal - I also come from a large Italian family where food is the central focus of almost everything -

BUT, now I have kids - and I struggle every day to do what's best for them. And to set a good example -

My boys are 3 and 5. - My 5 year old has my husband's eating habits. No matter what I do or how hard I try to get him to try new things and eat better's a fight.
However, I FIGHT IT -
They eat ice cream, and cookies, and chips and McDonald's .......but they do it in moderation. b/c IMO, we should be teaching our kids to make healthy choices, and ONCE IN AWHILE - have that treat. let's be honest, Oreos taste better than organic oatmeal flax cookies made with honey (which I do make, and I love Chat Icon ) But the Oreos .......well, we all have our weaknesses - Even though I can't pronounce 1/2 of the ingredients which is disturbing - a bag of oreos once in a while isn't going to kill anyone - a bag of oreos every week is the problem. -

and you can call me insensitive, or judgemental, or 'not PC' - but as a woman I KNOW what it feels like to be overweight and to battle it - I would NEVER EVER EVER want my kids to feel that way and I will do everything I can as their mother to make sure they don't have to deal with that ridicule, those insecurities, and the habits that can so easily spiral out of control - It's part of my job as their mother.
I teach my kids to be kind to people, not to make fun, to include everyone etc - however, the fact of life is that not evey parent does their best to teach their kids those things ........and so you have kids who are just evil misearble bullies -
And if I can keep my boys from becoming overweight it's benefits their health, but it ALSO is one less thing they'll have to worry about being ridiculed for -

That mother in 7-11 isn't doing ANYTHING for her daughter - and yeah, MAYBE that donut and slurpee were an ocassional treat, but let's be honest, that's highly unlikely - at 13 years old you don't get to be so overweight that you have trouble walking because you're making regular healthy good choices with the 'ocassional' treat ......

Posted 9/22/14 10:47 AM


Member since 7/12

4287 total posts


Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

Posted by Goobster

Posted by seaside

Adults make their own choices. Children do not.

And it's completely normal for someone to see a child who us wasting away, obsese, sunburned beyond recognition and in the sun, etc., and get sad.

Could there be some extenuating circumstances? Sure. Always. But 1) we go on a lot less when we make countless assumptions in life (and surely on here); 2) She only felt sad in her head and shared it. The mom and daughter were not shamed at all; and 3) She showed concern for a helpless child. She didn't look a grown woman up and down nastily in pilates class.

I mean, yes--you can have a problem and have it not show. BUt when a problem clearly shows on a child (something is wrong when a child is obese--whatever it is)--and a parent is doing the opposite of helping it--well, yes. Who wouldn't feel sad?

? Adults make their own choices. Children do not.

I think this was exactly her point. I think this is very well said. Chat Icon

Ditto, SO well said.

As much as people are upset by her post They read too much into it. I think people saw what they wanted RATHER than what she said.

Posted 9/22/14 10:54 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

Posted by Mags1227

i must admit, this post was stuck in my head all weekend.
we were supposed to go get ice cream with DS (as a treat) on Saturday. After a morning of soccer, hiking in the park, and clothes shopping. we did not go. and this post had a lot to do with it.

i denied my DS a treat because I kept on thinking that if anyone saw my DH and me walking out of that store they would judge us and feel "sad" for our son. DH and I are both obese. DS is not. He is muscular, and fit, and very active. But I knew that if they saw us walking with ice cream, we would be judged and considered bad parents teaching their child bad eating habits.

DS and I walk across the 7-11 parking lot each day to catch our bus home. now, every time we do, i'll be wary of people thinking we are walking out of there after buying junk food. (for the record, the one time we did go in, we bought 2 waters and a banana)

this post may not have been meant to be malicious, but for those of us struggling to lose weight and be a better example to our kids, it is fat-shaming and hurtful.

your biggest mistake here is internalizing what was said. YOu just described how you did all of these great and healthy things and wanted to take your very fit and healthy son for ice cream as a treat.

ice cream vs a large slurpee and a donut.

there is no comparison there. and if you KNOW you are doing the right thing by your children, you should never let something you read on here change your ways.

my mouth and my blood sugar would have leapt from my body had I seen that. skinny people or large people b/c that sweetness is just too much for MY palate and for what I think is excessive or not. the fact that is was being consumed by an already overweight little girl would have really upset me. not b/c i think ill of the family but b/c I KNOW what road she has ahead of her. and it doesn't take a super sleuth to deduce the way that she more than likely, barring gladular issues or some other remote reason I should think of but can't b/c I am too judgmental

I am no slim jim. my son is slim, athletic. I make all of his food. I allow him whatever treat I want. if someone wants to judge my fat ass coming out of Haagen Dazs with my boys after a great day of activity and good eating, let them. in my circle, I am proud and confident with who we are. don't let anything like this take that away from you.

but also, for the general group. no amount of saying the OP is judgmental makes what she saw right. that is just wrong. on every level. straigh up, NO CHILD...NO PERSON should really have that much sugar and crap in one serving. ever. one or the other. great. treat. both together- wholly unhealthy and wrong.

Message edited 9/22/2014 11:14:33 AM.

Posted 9/22/14 11:13 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/07

2044 total posts

Jake's Mama

Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

Posted by allIwant

Omg I can't believe this post turned into so much drama!!
Honestly not my intention! In my original post I even admit maybe I'm being naive.
We all judge, we all have options etc heck half of you are judging me of being "high and mighty"
Judge away... I didn't bf my kids long, I use Johnson & Johnson products, I don't buy organic milk, my floors are dirty

The fact is I saw a morbidly obese girl who has mobility issues because of her weight. She had a donut and a slurpee..perhaps if she had only one of those I wouldn't have thought anything. But I did. It made me sad. That was my point. Boy or girl I would have felt the same.

Chat Icon to anyone I offended!

I am sorry that what you posted, which was an observation really, turned into what it has. I have always been average in weight...sometimes thinner than other times and sometimes. I've ranged in weight in adulthood from 125 lbs to 200(when I was PG). I held on to 30 lbs after my pregnancy for a couple of years. Took 2 years but I got it off for myself but also for my son. He was a huge baby almost 11 1/2 lbs obesity runs in my family. My mom had gastric bypass over 12 years ago. I know the problems it causes and do not want it for myself or especially my son. He is a skinny thing now at almost 4 years old. Eats a healthy variety of fruits, veggies and proteins. And yes he does loves chips and cookies every once in a while but there is no way I would ever get him a slurpee (though his idiot father does). If I was overweight like my mom was I would make sure that my child ate as healthy as possible (which my mom did). Yes I was allowed snacks that maybe weren't so healthy but why as an overweight parent would you encourage your overweight child to eat things that will not help the situation? Yes I just passed a judgment call. Right or wrong it's how I feel.

Posted 9/22/14 11:23 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/07

2044 total posts

Jake's Mama

Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

Posted by MarisaK

My husband has TERRIBLE eating habits - but he is tall, and broad and played soccer his whole life - he just recently started putting on visable weight because his job demands have significantly increased, and he's switched out hockey and soccer leagues for golf ..........but he remains a junk food junkie.

I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I don't have the thin gene. - My problem is hate to prep and cook - I'm a lazy eater. I'll eat a sleeve of ritz crackers in place of cooking a meal - I also come from a large Italian family where food is the central focus of almost everything -

BUT, now I have kids - and I struggle every day to do what's best for them. And to set a good example -

My boys are 3 and 5. - My 5 year old has my husband's eating habits. No matter what I do or how hard I try to get him to try new things and eat better's a fight.
However, I FIGHT IT -
They eat ice cream, and cookies, and chips and McDonald's .......but they do it in moderation. b/c IMO, we should be teaching our kids to make healthy choices, and ONCE IN AWHILE - have that treat. let's be honest, Oreos taste better than organic oatmeal flax cookies made with honey (which I do make, and I love Chat Icon ) But the Oreos .......well, we all have our weaknesses - Even though I can't pronounce 1/2 of the ingredients which is disturbing - a bag of oreos once in a while isn't going to kill anyone - a bag of oreos every week is the problem. -

and you can call me insensitive, or judgemental, or 'not PC' - but as a woman I KNOW what it feels like to be overweight and to battle it - I would NEVER EVER EVER want my kids to feel that way and I will do everything I can as their mother to make sure they don't have to deal with that ridicule, those insecurities, and the habits that can so easily spiral out of control - It's part of my job as their mother.
I teach my kids to be kind to people, not to make fun, to include everyone etc - however, the fact of life is that not evey parent does their best to teach their kids those things ........and so you have kids who are just evil misearble bullies -
And if I can keep my boys from becoming overweight it's benefits their health, but it ALSO is one less thing they'll have to worry about being ridiculed for -

That mother in 7-11 isn't doing ANYTHING for her daughter - and yeah, MAYBE that donut and slurpee were an ocassional treat, but let's be honest, that's highly unlikely - at 13 years old you don't get to be so overweight that you have trouble walking because you're making regular healthy good choices with the 'ocassional' treat ......

Chat Icon

Posted 9/22/14 11:29 AM

He is the reason!

Member since 2/06

2512 total posts


Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by JME78

Posted by lipglossjunky73

This times 100000

I don't envy skinny people who eat crap. It bothers me just as much.

Who has time to worry about or care about what people they don't even know are eating?!? Chat Icon

Right? When I am food shopping I barely have the time or presence of mind to worry about what's in my cart, much less anyone else's- fat, thin, or otherwise.

It's not like I go into the grocery store with the intent to scrutinize everyone's shopping carts and secretly judge them, lol. We tend to notice things that we have an interest in. For example, you may have a strong sense of fashion and observe what someone is wearing, the handbag they are carrying, etc. Since one of my interests is nutrition, yes sometimes I may happen to notice what someone has in their cart while I'm waiting in line to pay. It's only human nature to judge, but when we start acting upon that judgment in a negative way, then it becomes hurtful and wrong.

Message edited 9/22/2014 12:03:10 PM.

Posted 9/22/14 11:59 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

I didn't read through every answer, but I will say this...I DO think its upsetting at times to see overweight children being given junk food all the time. I know this post was about one isolated incident and we cannot begin to know the childs normal eating habits. But I have neighbors who are morbidly obese...and their children are heading that route as well. I'm sad NOT because I have a problem with anyones weight (the actual #) BUT seeing very young children being very very overweight and eating fast food every single day is upsetting to me. Like a pp said, the kids aren't buying the food. They are being handed this stuff on a daily basis. Of course they may grow up and realize that they can cook healthy foods or take charge of their future BUT so many healthy eating habits are programmed in the early years and it is the parents job to help them form good ones!!!

I am the FIRST person to give my children a treat. Ice cream, occasional fast food etc..everything in moderation. But I do not want them becoming a statistic...and I do feel that parents who give their children crap food day in and day out are doing a severe disservice to their kids. This is the first generation of kids who will not outlive their parents!! There is something drastically wrong here, especially in the US. It's not healthy for a child to have a BMI way outside normal ranges, but its becoming the norm. SO with that said, OP I understand where you are coming from. I feel sad when it comes to KIDS. Being an overweight child is not easy and parents CAN influence that to some degree!!

Posted 9/22/14 12:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

9976 total posts


Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

I always notice what is in other peoples carts at stores. It's not in any way intended to be a judgement but it's more like "oh that looks great! I should pick that up next time" "oh it looks like they might be having a BBQ. MMM... I wish we were going to a bbq party this weekend" and yes, the occasional "I can't imagine buying all of that junk food". Sometimes I see people with carts of just chips and cookies. Maybe they are donating it. Maybe they are having a dessert party. Maybe they buy all of their fresh fruits and vegetables from a local farm stand. I never judge the person with the cart. But I am judging whether or not I would have a cart full of the same stuff. And I see absolutely nothing wrong with that. It is not mean, it is a form of self-reflection. It's called being human.

Posted 9/22/14 12:24 PM

different, not less

Member since 7/09

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Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

Posted by Ayne11

The only thing that offends me about this whole thread is that the OP went to 7-11 for her coffee. :Shudders: Chat Icon

Guilty... I like their Hazelnut coffee lol.

Posted 9/22/14 12:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/09

4166 total posts


Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

Posted by lcherian

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by JME78

Posted by lipglossjunky73

This times 100000

I don't envy skinny people who eat crap. It bothers me just as much.

Who has time to worry about or care about what people they don't even know are eating?!? Chat Icon

Right? When I am food shopping I barely have the time or presence of mind to worry about what's in my cart, much less anyone else's- fat, thin, or otherwise.

It's not like I go into the grocery store with the intent to scrutinize everyone's shopping carts and secretly judge them, lol. We tend to notice things that we have an interest in. For example, you may have a strong sense of fashion and observe what someone is wearing, the handbag they are carrying, etc. Since one of my interests is nutrition, yes sometimes I may happen to notice what someone has in their cart while I'm waiting in line to pay. It's only human nature to judge, but when we start acting upon that judgment in a negative way, then it becomes hurtful and wrong.

I am interested in fashion AND food. So chances are I'll check out your clothes AND cart! Not to judge but to observe. You're standing there bored waiting for your turn and you happen to see what they're buying. Sometimes it reminds me if an item I forgot, or I can tell they have cats or are having a BBQ. It's not judging, I don't see anything wrong with this. We cannot walk around with our eyes closed. I also like to see how much their total cost is and compare to mine too.

Posted 9/22/14 12:49 PM

Just another chapter in life..

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..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

Posted by Leb

Posted by lcherian

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by JME78

Posted by lipglossjunky73

This times 100000

I don't envy skinny people who eat crap. It bothers me just as much.

Who has time to worry about or care about what people they don't even know are eating?!? Chat Icon

Right? When I am food shopping I barely have the time or presence of mind to worry about what's in my cart, much less anyone else's- fat, thin, or otherwise.

It's not like I go into the grocery store with the intent to scrutinize everyone's shopping carts and secretly judge them, lol. We tend to notice things that we have an interest in. For example, you may have a strong sense of fashion and observe what someone is wearing, the handbag they are carrying, etc. Since one of my interests is nutrition, yes sometimes I may happen to notice what someone has in their cart while I'm waiting in line to pay. It's only human nature to judge, but when we start acting upon that judgment in a negative way, then it becomes hurtful and wrong.

I am interested in fashion AND food. So chances are I'll check out your clothes AND cart! Not to judge but to observe. You're standing there bored waiting for your turn and you happen to see what they're buying. Sometimes it reminds me if an item I forgot, or I can tell they have cats or are having a BBQ. It's not judging, I don't see anything wrong with this. We cannot walk around with our eyes closed. I also like to see how much their total cost is and compare to mine too.

I agree with you. I am sure if I am on a long line I have glanced, but I never think, oh look at at all the processed food. How horrible!
More likely, knowing me, I think oh YUM Entenmann's marshmallow iced devil's food cake! Should I get off this line to go grab a one myself? Because now I will be thinking about it all night! Chat Icon

Posted 9/22/14 12:52 PM

love my little girl !

Member since 9/10

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Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

Posted by peanutbutter2

So for some of you, I should be judged if I EVER have a unhealthy food because of how I look. That's great. If I ever meet you in real life, please leave me alone. Maybe you should just leave every overweight person who eats something unhealthy once in awhile alone because we don't need your fake garbage.

If you can judge me for my image, and if you can judge two people based on two seconds of their lives, then I guess I can judge some of you as pretentious, rude sheep based on what you have written here.

I am done with these boards for awhile. Some of the behavior on here is cruel and highly disturbing. Look in the mirror, realize you aren't perfect, and get over yourself and your egotistical mania.

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Posted 9/22/14 2:18 PM

love my little girl !

Member since 9/10

5777 total posts


Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

First, a huge problem is that we have been conditioned to view junk food as a reward or a treat. Putting crap in your body isn't a treat. I am guilty of this and I have to work really hard not to allow myself to think that way. It is a work in progress. When I see anyone ( fat or thin ) eating crap I am saddened. I don't mean a homemade slice of cake. I mean processed, gmo, pesticide laden fast food. It bothers me. I don't judge the person, but our society for making toxic, addictive crap so readily available. Finally, obesity and its related illness are a major public health issue. So it isn't as simple as saying don't judge. People's health choices affect all of us.

Posted 9/22/14 2:27 PM


Member since 2/09

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Me speaks pirate!

Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

Apparently, a majority of ppl on these boards will condone a parent forgetting a baby in a hot car, or dropping it on a moving conveyor belt (because, you know, moms are busy and stuff) but give your kid a donut and the mother should be hanged.

It's human nature to judge is the war cry of this thread... I wish it was human nature to mind your own business and worry about your damn self. I can't imagine being so bored that I scope out what other people are eating or putting in their shopping carts.

I'd be less worried about parents teaching their kids poor eating habits than the parents who are teaching their kids that it's ok and just "human nature" to judge others.

Posted 9/22/14 5:24 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

Posted by MC09

Apparently, a majority of ppl on these boards will condone a parent forgetting a baby in a hot car, or dropping it on a moving conveyor belt (because, you know, moms are busy and stuff) but give your kid a donut and the mother should be hanged.

It's human nature to judge is the war cry of this thread... I wish it was human nature to mind your own business and worry about your damn self. I can't imagine being so bored that I scope out what other people are eating or putting in their shopping carts.

I'd be less worried about parents teaching their kids poor eating habits than the parents who are teaching their kids that it's ok and just "human nature" to judge others.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
So true. AJ once laughed at a boy and I asked why (I didn't laugh) and she said she laughed because the other kids did. I said if it was her would it have been funny? The little boy was crying.... She said "no" and helped him up.

Posted 9/22/14 5:50 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

and you can call me insensitive, or judgemental, or 'not PC' - but as a woman I KNOW what it feels like to be overweight and to battle it - I would NEVER EVER EVER want my kids to feel that way and I will do everything I can as their mother to make sure they don't have to deal with that ridicule, those insecurities, and the habits that can so easily spiral out of control - It's part of my job as their mother.
I teach my kids to be kind to people, not to make fun, to include everyone etc - however, the fact of life is that not evey parent does their best to teach their kids those things ........and so you have kids who are just evil misearble bullies -
And if I can keep my boys from becoming overweight it's benefits their health, but it ALSO is one less thing they'll have to worry about being ridiculed for -

That mother in 7-11 isn't doing ANYTHING for her daughter - and yeah, MAYBE that donut and slurpee were an ocassional treat, but let's be honest, that's highly unlikely - at 13 years old you don't get to be so overweight that you have trouble walking because you're making regular healthy good choices with the 'ocassional' treat ......

This exactly.

I have been fat - ridiculed relentlessly because of my weight. I ate my feelings and it showed. I know what it feels like to be judged for how I looked - but I did always have some crap in my hand or my mouth - so it wasn't an occasional treat and it wasn't after I played sports all day (those kind of things came later in my life).

Posted 9/22/14 7:30 PM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

Posted by MC09

Apparently, a majority of ppl on these boards will condone a parent forgetting a baby in a hot car, or dropping it on a moving conveyor belt (because, you know, moms are busy and stuff) but give your kid a donut and the mother should be hanged.

It's human nature to judge is the war cry of this thread... I wish it was human nature to mind your own business and worry about your damn self. I can't imagine being so bored that I scope out what other people are eating or putting in their shopping carts.

I'd be less worried about parents teaching their kids poor eating habits than the parents who are teaching their kids that it's ok and just "human nature" to judge others.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/22/14 7:33 PM

happy bday mom! 7yrs married

Member since 12/13

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thank you mom. i love you

Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

Posted by MC09

Apparently, a majority of ppl on these boards will condone a parent forgetting a baby in a hot car, or dropping it on a moving conveyor belt (because, you know, moms are busy and stuff) but give your kid a donut and the mother should be hanged.

It's human nature to judge is the war cry of this thread... I wish it was human nature to mind your own business and worry about your damn self. I can't imagine being so bored that I scope out what other people are eating or putting in their shopping carts.

I'd be less worried about parents teaching their kids poor eating habits than the parents who are teaching their kids that it's ok and just "human nature" to judge others.

Perfectly said!!!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon

Posted 9/23/14 9:22 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

4399 total posts


Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

Posted by MC09

Apparently, a majority of ppl on these boards will condone a parent forgetting a baby in a hot car, or dropping it on a moving conveyor belt (because, you know, moms are busy and stuff) but give your kid a donut and the mother should be hanged.

No one "condones" forgetting a baby in a hot car or putting them on a conveyor belt, even if you understand how it could happen. And no one is saying the mother giving her child and a donut should "be hanged."

Message edited 9/23/2014 10:43:43 AM.

Posted 9/23/14 10:43 AM

HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06

14562 total posts


Re: Childhood obesity...this got me today

Posted by dlj97

Posted by MC09

Apparently, a majority of ppl on these boards will condone a parent forgetting a baby in a hot car, or dropping it on a moving conveyor belt (because, you know, moms are busy and stuff) but give your kid a donut and the mother should be hanged.

No one "condones" forgetting a baby in a hot car or putting them on a conveyor belt, even if you understand how it could happen. And no one is saying the mother giving her child and a donut should "be hanged."

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Posted 9/23/14 11:29 AM
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