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Anthony Weiner & the race

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It's a girl!!!

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by Hofstra26

See, I disagree with the thinking that what he does behind closed doors doesn't matter. It most certainly does IMO. I think being a philandering pig speaks to his character as a man, husband, father, and certainly a politician. I actually find it sad in this country that we as a society so readily accept and dismiss inappropriate behaviors. We should be holding our leaders to a higher standard and I find it pretty despicable than anyone would even humor his attempt at a return to politics.

I know this behavior is nothing new but what does it say about our morals and values as a nation when we accept and vote in someone like this into office? As a poltican I think your character and integrity count just as much (if not more) as your politics and he certainly wouldn't get my vote if I lived in the city.

I agree 100%!! Perfectly said!

Posted 7/25/13 8:09 AM
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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by Serendipity

Posted by Hofstra26

See, I disagree with the thinking that what he does behind closed doors doesn't matter. It most certainly does IMO. I think being a philandering pig speaks to his character as a man, husband, father, and certainly a politician. I actually find it sad in this country that we as a society so readily accept and dismiss inappropriate behaviors. We should be holding our leaders to a higher standard and I find it pretty despicable than anyone would even humor his attempt at a return to politics.

I know this behavior is nothing new but what does it say about our morals and values as a nation when we accept and vote in someone like this into office? As a poltican I think your character and integrity count just as much (if not more) as your politics and he certainly wouldn't get my vote if I lived in the city.

I'm sorry I completely agree!! You are so right!

I also completely agree.

Posted 7/25/13 8:16 AM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

I don't like the guy. I am no longer a city resident so I couldn't vote for him anyway.
HOWEVER, I find it almost laughable how he's being torn to shreds. He stepped down in the midst of the original crisis and was STILL torn to shreds.

A former leader of the most powerful country in the world, while in office, performs sexual acts in the Oval Office with an intern and he gets to keep his job and continues to be held in high regard. People love him. Interesting. I take more issue with the fact that while with one hand on a cigar, the other hand was so close to the "red phone."

Posted 7/25/13 8:26 AM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

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Anthony Weiner & the race

My issue is that he obviously didn't learn from his previous mistake and made poor judgement again - that has me doubting his ability to be mayor (even if he is a good politician).

Posted 7/25/13 12:21 PM

It's 5 o'clock somewhere!

Member since 11/10

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by Hofstra26

See, I disagree with the thinking that what he does behind closed doors doesn't matter. It most certainly does IMO. I think being a philandering pig speaks to his character as a man, husband, father, and certainly a politician.

I completely agree... If a person continually makes wrong choices and bad decisions in their personal life... more than likely - it will spill over into their professional life as well. And in this case, it won't just affect his wife and child...but the entire city.

Posted 7/25/13 12:26 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by Goldi0218

I don't like the guy. I am no longer a city resident so I couldn't vote for him anyway.
HOWEVER, I find it almost laughable how he's being torn to shreds. He stepped down in the midst of the original crisis and was STILL torn to shreds.

A former leader of the most powerful country in the world, while in office, performs sexual acts in the Oval Office with an intern and he gets to keep his job and continues to be held in high regard. People love him. Interesting. I take more issue with the fact that while with one hand on a cigar, the other hand was so close to the "red phone."

I think Clinton got away with it because a) he was very charismatic b) people hated Hillary and wanted to see her fall on her face and c) the country was doing well under his leadership (or at least that was the perception.)

Weiner has little charisma IMO. And something about the fact of him whipping his junk out all over the internet is more vile and gross than having an affair with a woman in real life (which is also gross but less so.) It says a lot about his maturity and his inability to control his impulses.

And does anyone else think that his name just makes things worse? Comedians and journalists alike are having a field day.

Posted 7/25/13 12:35 PM

L'amore vince sempre

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Mrs. B

Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by MrsProfessor

Posted by Goldi0218

I don't like the guy. I am no longer a city resident so I couldn't vote for him anyway.
HOWEVER, I find it almost laughable how he's being torn to shreds. He stepped down in the midst of the original crisis and was STILL torn to shreds.

A former leader of the most powerful country in the world, while in office, performs sexual acts in the Oval Office with an intern and he gets to keep his job and continues to be held in high regard. People love him. Interesting. I take more issue with the fact that while with one hand on a cigar, the other hand was so close to the "red phone."

I think Clinton got away with it because a) he was very charismatic b) people hated Hillary and wanted to see her fall on her face and c) the country was doing well under his leadership (or at least that was the perception.)

Weiner has little charisma IMO. And something about the fact of him whipping his junk out all over the internet is more vile and gross than having an affair with a woman in real life (which is also gross but less so.) It says a lot about his maturity and his inability to control his impulses.

And does anyone else think that his name just makes things worse? Comedians and journalists alike are having a field day.

I agree...this guy is nothing but a vile pig! I look at him and all I see is a jerk off who didn't learn his lesson the first time. That is enough for me to continue 'tearing him to shreds'.

Posted 7/25/13 12:50 PM

love my 2 boys

Member since 8/08

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by Eireann

What do I think? I think it's an absolute f#%£ing disgrace.

Yes, he should withdraw! I don't understand how anyone could actually consider voting for someone that lacks any kind of judgement, self-control, and integrity. Not to mention...he's a complete liar. His arrogance disgusts me. What an embarrassment...


Posted 7/25/13 12:55 PM

<3 Cutest Giants Fan

Member since 10/09

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

I'm really conflicted on this- as a politician, I love him... As a man, I think he's a piece of crap.

I think politicians should be held to higher standards- someone here mentioned like teachers and I could not agree more.

But the problem is that there isn't standards just a bunch of rich jackasses that think they can do whatever they want without consequences. And they happen to be right.

Posted 7/25/13 12:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/06

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

When Weiner surged back I thought to myself, you know what, this guys deserves a second chance. If his wife can forgive him so can I. But when I found out that this stuff continued to go on AFTER he resigned, I thought to myself what an entitled pig! He should absolutely pull out of the race.

Thankfully I am no longer a NYC resident.

Posted 7/25/13 1:45 PM

a year of surprise

Member since 7/09

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Anthony Weiner & the race

My thoughts if he can lie to his wife about what is going on ... what makes him obligated to tell the truth to his constituents. If he is so for women's rights as his party is into how can anyone support this guy who is a womanizer and does this to his wife over and over again?

Posted 7/25/13 2:28 PM


Member since 8/05

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

My biggest issue with him is that he did that People Magazine spread last summer with his wife and baby stating he had gone to therapy and things were better, when in reality he was still doing this sexting crap. That is the main reason he needs to go...he can lie straight to the public and use his kid/wife as show.

Besides the fact I think he has some real sexual issues he should be dealing with rather then running for mayor. Chat Icon

Posted 7/25/13 2:35 PM

You're My Home <3

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by Linda1003

Posted by Eireann

What do I think? I think it's an absolute f#%£ing disgrace.

Yes, he should withdraw! I don't understand how anyone could actually consider voting for someone that lacks any kind of judgement, self-control, and integrity. Not to mention...he's a complete liar. His arrogance disgusts me. What an embarrassment...


Yeah I tend to agree with this -- my thinking is, if you lack any kind of moral ground in your personal life, where does it end? Are you then going to make decisions in your position of authority that lack integrity? I saw briefly on the news evidence that they are gathering which could prove that he was 'promising' one of the message receivers a position within his office. It's shit like that - when that starts to happen is when I say, no I don't trust this guy. It's a slippery slope and sometimes people who lack moral character in one avenue will lack it in others as well - not always, but often, and I don't think we should be playing that game of roulette with taxpayer dollars, with the power of running one of the most well-known cities in the world, etc. That's my gripe. But I do try to avoid watching the story because it's just bizarre and I find him to be SO hard to look at that I just want to switch the channel, quite frankly.

Posted 7/25/13 2:37 PM

Insert Witty Comment Here

Member since 5/07

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Am I the only one who thinks his wife knew all about it and may have even been a participant in some way? Maybe she gets off on this shit too? It would explain why she is so willing to "forgive" him for the same indiscretion, twice. Just a thought....

ETA: I will be voting in the primary and haven't ruled him out just yet.

Message edited 7/25/2013 2:57:02 PM.

Posted 7/25/13 2:55 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

ITA with Hofstra also. This guys is a disgrace and would be a disgrace to the city as well as an embarrassment. And his wife needs to get a backbone

Posted 7/26/13 12:55 PM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by dianadrw

When Weiner surged back I thought to myself, you know what, this guys deserves a second chance. If his wife can forgive him so can I. But when I found out that this stuff continued to go on AFTER he resigned, I thought to myself what an entitled pig! He should absolutely pull out of the race.

Thankfully I am no longer a NYC resident.

Exactly this.
Everyone makes mistakes
Sadly he never learned from his and continued it - even after that huge scandal.
He obviously has issues.

Posted 7/26/13 4:04 PM

You are my I love you

Member since 7/09

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by MrsYank

I think if a teacher can lose their job for appearing on a TV show, he should drop out of the race.

Great point!

I don't know I have all sorts of feelings on this. For one I think his marriage is a business arrangement, a la her boss Hilary's, THAT is why she won't leave (IMhumbleO)

I think Bill Clinton was a great President and look what a cheating POS he was, so I don't think it necessarily makes someone unfit though it does make you nervous about his judgement...torn

Posted 7/26/13 4:16 PM

Square head cutie pants

Member since 3/06

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

He's an asss

If we reprimand and punish children for continuing bad behavior after repeatedly being told not to do something.. why is it ok for him to get away with it and be rewarded with a Mayorship?

i mean, he's a grown man - control yourself, stop lying to your wife, stop lying to the people who you are asking to vote for you, and just do the right thing and withdraw from the race.

i can't vote in this election, but if i could NO way would i vote for him. He's proven he thinks he's above the law and above societies mores

i don't care if it's 'the norm' and other politicians have done the same thing. His actions go a long way to describing the type of person that he is, in both his personal and professional life

Posted 7/26/13 5:12 PM


Member since 3/07

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by dianadrw

When Weiner surged back I thought to myself, you know what, this guys deserves a second chance. If his wife can forgive him so can I. But when I found out that this stuff continued to go on AFTER he resigned, I thought to myself what an entitled pig! He should absolutely pull out of the race.

Thankfully I am no longer a NYC resident.

Exactly this.
Everyone makes mistakes
Sadly he never learned from his and continued it - even after that huge scandal.
He obviously has issues.

I agree with the 2 of you.

And did anyone see this video?

Everyone had a good laugh….

He isn't remorseful at all.

Posted 7/26/13 5:23 PM

Say Cheese!

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A (formerly WhatNow?)

Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Here is the way I see it: all politicians, without exceptions, have so much shit and blood on their hands that should their supporters know about it, there would be nobody left to vote. It's just the nature of the job!

However, smarter politician know how to be discreet and use their head in order to at least APPEAR credible and respectable.

This guy goes off on the internet, chatting with woman and posting provocative pictures of himself WHILE considering running for mayor! Common! The guy is clearly an imbecile and shouldn't be entrusted with the position!

Posted 7/26/13 7:34 PM

My Everything!

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by Hofstra26

See, I disagree with the thinking that what he does behind closed doors doesn't matter. It most certainly does IMO. I think being a philandering pig speaks to his character as a man, husband, father, and certainly a politician. I actually find it sad in this country that we as a society so readily accept and dismiss inappropriate behaviors. We should be holding our leaders to a higher standard and I find it pretty despicable than anyone would even humor his attempt at a return to politics.

I know this behavior is nothing new but what does it say about our morals and values as a nation when we accept and vote in someone like this into office? As a poltican I think your character and integrity count just as much (if not more) as your politics and he certainly wouldn't get my vote if I lived in the city.

I agree completely!

Posted 7/26/13 8:11 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

What bothers me the most about this is that this is a compulsion. And he can't get a handle on it.

Posted 7/26/13 8:27 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

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Anthony Weiner & the race

I was pulling for him. Now, I just see his poor wife's head bowed in shame and he lost my vote.

Posted 7/26/13 8:33 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by Hofstra26

See, I disagree with the thinking that what he does behind closed doors doesn't matter. It most certainly does IMO. I think being a philandering pig speaks to his character as a man, husband, father, and certainly a politician. I actually find it sad in this country that we as a society so readily accept and dismiss inappropriate behaviors. We should be holding our leaders to a higher standard and I find it pretty despicable than anyone would even humor his attempt at a return to politics.

I know this behavior is nothing new but what does it say about our morals and values as a nation when we accept and vote in someone like this into office? As a poltican I think your character and integrity count just as much (if not more) as your politics and he certainly wouldn't get my vote if I lived in the city.

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Posted 7/26/13 9:56 PM

Too blessed to be stressed

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by Otherme

He's an asss

If we reprimand and punish children for continuing bad behavior after repeatedly being told not to do something.. why is it ok for him to get away with it and be rewarded with a Mayorship?

i mean, he's a grown man - control yourself, stop lying to your wife, stop lying to the people who you are asking to vote for you, and just do the right thing and withdraw from the race.

i can't vote in this election, but if i could NO way would i vote for him. He's proven he thinks he's above the law and above societies mores

i don't care if it's 'the norm' and other politicians have done the same thing. His actions go a long way to describing the type of person that he is, in both his personal and professional life

Yes, yes, and YES

Posted 7/27/13 8:36 PM
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