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He's here!

Member since 12/06

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She went to her Union Rep. He said it was a clear case of discrimination. What the principal said to her is in violation of The American's with Disabilities Act and illegal. He called the principal a bully and said he has been warned before about his behavior towards other teachers. The Rep told her to get a letter from her doctor stating specifically what accommodations she needs and then they will have a meeting with the principal.

She emailed her doctor and his response also was that the principal's actions were inappropriate, out of line and in distinct violation of the law.

There is this person at school with a debilitating disease. This person has made her principal aware of it. She has tried her best to never let it interfere with her job.

The principal came into her classroom the last 4 minutes of a 90 minute period for a "drive by" observation. The students are working hard, the teacher is sitting at her desk grading papers as they complete them so they can revise for homework. Everyone is on task.

Bell rings and principal says to see him later.

Teacher goes to see him. He says you cannot be sitting at your desk during class. Teacher explains what is going on and why she was at her desk.

Principal completely disregards her reasoning.

Teacher reminds principal that she has a XYZ disease and sometimes that requires her to sit during class due to certain issues that come along with the disease.

Principal states that she is not special and everyone is the same across the board. If she doesn't feel well she can lean against the wall or the table but not sit down.

Teacher states she can get a note from her doctor stating that she should be allowed to sit occasionally due to XYZ disease.

Principal says that if she can't stand for 90 minutes at a time that maybe he should send her for an evaluation from medical and maybe she should no longer be teaching.

Teacher says that she is more than qualified to teach but sometimes needs to sit down.

Principal again reiterates that if she needs to sit down at anytime during the class then maybe she shouldn't be in a classroom anymore.

Teacher stares at Principal dumbfounded and tries to defend herself.

Principal says the conversation is done and walks away.

Question: Would you go to your union about the conversation?

Message edited 5/7/2011 9:36:10 AM.

Posted 5/4/11 7:27 PM

Live Laugh Love Run

Member since 6/07

4922 total posts



Posted by nicrae
Question: Would you go to your union about the conversation?

YES! Being able to stand for 90 minutes has absolutely nothing to do with your teaching ability. It is ridiculous to have to be standing at all times. I would say this is discrimination. Does her illness identify her as disabled?

Posted 5/4/11 7:45 PM

He's here!

Member since 12/06

9289 total posts



Posted by CAMCaps

Posted by nicrae
Question: Would you go to your union about the conversation?

YES! Being able to stand for 90 minutes has absolutely nothing to do with your teaching ability. It is ridiculous to have to be standing at all times. I would say this is discrimination. Does her illness identify her as disabled?


Posted 5/4/11 7:54 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/08

304 total posts



Posted by nicrae

Posted by CAMCaps

Posted by nicrae
Question: Would you go to your union about the conversation?

YES! Being able to stand for 90 minutes has absolutely nothing to do with your teaching ability. It is ridiculous to have to be standing at all times. I would say this is discrimination. Does her illness identify her as disabled?


Completely in agreement with above ladies, i would also consider this harassment.

Posted 5/4/11 7:58 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/09

3923 total posts



Posted by maddysmommy

Posted by nicrae

Posted by CAMCaps

Posted by nicrae
Question: Would you go to your union about the conversation?

YES! Being able to stand for 90 minutes has absolutely nothing to do with your teaching ability. It is ridiculous to have to be standing at all times. I would say this is discrimination. Does her illness identify her as disabled?


Completely in agreement with above ladies, i would also consider this harassment.

Agree with all of this, and would definitely at least talk to the union rep. What the efff does standing have to do with teaching ability???

Message edited 5/4/2011 9:07:34 PM.

Posted 5/4/11 8:30 PM

Little Brother

Member since 5/05

3540 total posts



There is also NO rule about sitting at your desk... the reason why tenure was first created was to give freedom to teachers who have different teaching styles... if that is how the teacher is teaching and her students are still performing up to speed the principal can say squat imo

Posted 5/4/11 9:00 PM

2 under 2...whew!!

Member since 2/07

9876 total posts



I DO see his point...sitting at your desk grading papers does give the appearance that you are not doing your job.

That said, I would think as an administrator, he may want to do an informal observation to see how WELL she is teaching while sitting down.

I do agree that sitting down while teaching (behind a desk, anyway) makes it appear as though you are not engaged w/ the students. But yes, I think this is something she should take to the union, and I do think the principal handled it in an unfair way.

Posted 5/4/11 9:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

1110 total posts



WOW! This person should absolutely go to the union. I can't believe the principal said all that, how inappropriate.

My principal is the complete opposite of that right now. I am PG and due in 3 weeks and the principal told me to sit down and put my feet up to prevent swelling. I think she's trying to get me to stay as long as possible.

Personally, I think sitting is not a big deal depending on the situation/activity. My principal stops in my classroom all the time during the same period, which is when 5 kids are pulled out of my classroom. During that time, we are obviously not allowed to teach anything new, so my kids complete ELA work like spelling, grammar and writing practice that I teach, then they work on independently. So, when my principal walks in I am not standing in front of the room teaching most of the time.

Posted 5/4/11 9:32 PM

He's here!

Member since 12/06

9289 total posts



Posted by MrsRivera

I DO see his point...sitting at your desk grading papers does give the appearance that you are not doing your job.

That said, I would think as an administrator, he may want to do an informal observation to see how WELL she is teaching while sitting down.

I do agree that sitting down while teaching (behind a desk, anyway) makes it appear as though you are not engaged w/ the students. But yes, I think this is something she should take to the union, and I do think the principal handled it in an unfair way.

The students were working on essays. It was test prep and the purpose was to see if they could write this essay under regents help from teacher as it would be on test day. For the first 70 minutes she was standing and walking around the room, She then had them work on their own.

Posted 5/4/11 9:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

1277 total posts



Posted by MrsRivera

I DO see his point...sitting at your desk grading papers does give the appearance that you are not doing your job.

That said, I would think as an administrator, he may want to do an informal observation to see how WELL she is teaching while sitting down.

I do agree that sitting down while teaching (behind a desk, anyway) makes it appear as though you are not engaged w/ the students. But yes, I think this is something she should take to the union, and I do think the principal handled it in an unfair way.

At a high school level I totally have to disagree. Not to mention, people can sit and still teach. JMO

Posted 5/4/11 10:10 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts



With the current climate in NYC- hell yes.

What she was doing was not unreasonable- she was giving them immediate feedback on their work. I have done that. What about doing conferences, etc? In my school we are expected/encouraged to set up areas where we can SIT with our students.

I also don't think it will be as easy as your principal thinks to get medically excused. I had a colleague with a heart condition (among other things) and she tried regularly to get medical leave.She was told that, given a year off, her condition would probably not improve because of its chronic nature. She had a heart attack and never returned, so clearly she was very ill but still could not get leave.

Posted 5/5/11 6:05 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts



We have the 5 minute observation in my SD, but it is not to be written up or used as any kind of formal observation, it's just to see how the school is running and to offer constructive feedback. I would definitely check with the union, b/c I don't think an admin can make any judgment like that based on <5 minutes!

Posted 5/5/11 7:29 AM

Thank you, Saint Gerard!

Member since 10/07

4937 total posts



Posted by maddysmommy

Posted by nicrae

Posted by CAMCaps

Posted by nicrae
Question: Would you go to your union about the conversation?

YES! Being able to stand for 90 minutes has absolutely nothing to do with your teaching ability. It is ridiculous to have to be standing at all times. I would say this is discrimination. Does her illness identify her as disabled?


Completely in agreement with above ladies, i would also consider this harassment.

Agreed. She should definitely go to her union rep.

Posted 5/5/11 6:51 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/11

328 total posts



Ummm...I would run, not walk to my union rep. I have never heard of such a thing. Ever.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/5/11 7:20 PM

You are my I love you

Member since 7/09

18802 total posts



Posted by nicrae

Posted by CAMCaps

Posted by nicrae
Question: Would you go to your union about the conversation?

YES! Being able to stand for 90 minutes has absolutely nothing to do with your teaching ability. It is ridiculous to have to be standing at all times. I would say this is discrimination. Does her illness identify her as disabled?



Posted 5/6/11 3:53 PM

Hidey Ho!

Member since 2/10

1669 total posts



Tell her to document EVERYTHING, down to every last detail, from now on. This may get messy... If the principal is being so unbending about this, he may continue to bust chops, bordering harassment. Of course, have her go to the union. Also, maybe have her suggest to the principal to come back for a formal observation to see the quality of her teaching in effect. Good luck!

Posted 5/7/11 9:01 AM


Member since 8/09

3846 total posts



WOW! First of all, what a jerk!!!! Secondly, I am glad she went to the union rep and got in touch with the doctor. WE cannot let people like this get away with treating teachers like they are worthless.
I have a 45 minute period and cannot possible stand for 45 minutes 5 times a day plus lunch duty! For that reason I actually got a nice tall stool for my class that I can sort of lean so I don't always sit. Oftentimes I sit on a desk and talk to the kids. I like it pretty informal. I teach 8th grade.

On a side note, my principle would probably be impressed if my students were working hard at their desks while I was sitting down working. It should good class room discipline!

Message edited 5/7/2011 9:52:15 AM.

Posted 5/7/11 9:50 AM

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