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Do you spank your child?

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C ♥'s F

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Re: Do you spank your child?


Posted 6/22/10 9:34 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I'm cranky

Member since 7/06

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Mama Cranky

Re: Do you spank your child?

No, I don't.

I don't judge others but for me, I can't raise a hand to my kids, the thought actually pains me.

I'll probably change my opinion when they are fresh teenagers though.

Posted 6/22/10 9:39 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Yes and I have although not often. I also find that the spanking is not really effective with DD. I have started to use the "look" and punishment (i.e. taking away toys, not letting her watch TV, etc). Much more effective.Chat Icon

Posted 6/22/10 9:53 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Do you spank your child?

None of that naked over the knee stuff, but we will do a swift smack on the tush when it warrants it.

Both of mine have also gotten soap in their mouth for saying something extremely disrespectful or fresh.

Posted 6/22/10 9:58 PM

Party of 5 - 2015

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Re: Do you spank your child?


Posted 6/22/10 10:30 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

No, never have. I know better to never say never, but it's not something I could really see myself doing. Especially because my wiseass child would be the first to point out how wrong it is to meChat Icon

Posted 6/22/10 10:50 PM

life is good

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Re: Do you spank your child?


Posted 6/22/10 10:59 PM

Mommy's Girls! ♥

Member since 11/07

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Re: Do you spank your child?

I haven't spanked Reilly (20 months) because her actions haven't warranted it. DH has spanked his children, ages 5, 7 and 9. If I feel it is absolutely necessary, I will spank my DDs when they are older.

Posted 6/22/10 11:38 PM


Member since 7/09

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Re: Do you spank your child?

My parents threatened to spank us a lot. I was discussing with my sister that I don't even remember actually being spanked. She said, "oh yeah I was, but that didn't hurt and never worked". She said she'd just do what she wanted and accepted that she'd be spanked cause it wasn't a big deal.

And then she confessed, what did work, was when they'd pinch and pull her ear to sit in time out. Or pinch the back of her upper arm. She would usually ignore the time out otherwise.

She acted out a lot more than me, as a child. I caught up in my teens Chat Icon
But, what do you do then, do you spank a teenager?

Posted 6/23/10 7:56 AM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by jambalady

No, my parents never laid a finger on me, but trust me, I lived in fear of my mother anyway.

I plan on doing the same.

same for me. i was never hit once and i dont believe in it. my DH, however, was hit and he agreed that he wont hit DS.

Posted 6/23/10 8:19 AM


Member since 8/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Not over the knee spanking, but I have (and will continue to do so) hit him on his butt when he is being a brat. I also have smacked his hands MANY times.

I don't like bratty kids. I refuse to raise a brat. So, yes, when needed he will get a smack. I see nothing wrong with it.

I think people are so afraid to discipline their children, and this is why we have the little sh1ts that are running around now. JMHO.

Message edited 6/23/2010 8:22:19 AM.

Posted 6/23/10 8:21 AM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by hbugal

I dont spank in the classic over the knee spanking method...

They have gotten a swift smack on the tush or back of the hand though...

Same here

Posted 6/23/10 8:21 AM

I'm cranky

Member since 7/06

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Mama Cranky

Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by JennZ

Not over the knee spanking, but I have (and will continue to do so) hit him on his butt when he is being a brat. I also have smacked his hands MANY times.

I don't like bratty kids. I refuse to raise a brat. So, yes, when needed he will get a smack. I see nothing wrong with it.

I think people are so afraid to discipline their children, and this is why we have the little sh1ts that are running around now. JMHO.

My kid is def not a brat. I find other, non physical ways to discipline her. Just because I don't spank doesn't mean I am afraid to discipline her. I find that more effective-I don't think people need to spank to raise a non brat-JMHO.

Posted 6/23/10 9:05 AM

Love these munchkins

Member since 10/09

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by JennZ

Not over the knee spanking, but I have (and will continue to do so) hit him on his butt when he is being a brat. I also have smacked his hands MANY times.

I don't like bratty kids. I refuse to raise a brat. So, yes, when needed he will get a smack. I see nothing wrong with it.

I think people are so afraid to discipline their children, and this is why we have the little sh1ts that are running around now. JMHO.

ITA- DD will surely get a smack on the hand or a slap to her butt if she is doing something dangerous or fresh

Posted 6/23/10 9:09 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by CrankyPants

I don't think people need to spank to raise a non brat-JMHO.

I agree completely...I rarely spank miki and when I do, it is a quick swat, no over the knee stuff here

Posted 6/23/10 9:13 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

I have smacked his butt a few times, no way it hurt through a diaper and pants anyway, and I have smacked his hand a few times...I don't ever hit if I'm trying to teach HIM not to hit though. Usually the hand smack if for something dangerous he is about to do. I could never cause him physical pain though. The hand smacking IMO is not hard and just a wake up kinda thing...or to make him pull his hand away thing.

BUT...When he pinched one of the babies the other day, I said let me show you what pinching feels like and did it to him. HE hasnt done it since, I also did it with the hair pulling, and he hasnt since and something else, I forgot.

Posted 6/23/10 9:17 AM

Baby #2 is here!

Member since 8/07

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by neenie

Posted by Ophelia

not yet, but it will be a weapon in the arsenal if need be.

Same here.


Posted 6/23/10 9:28 AM


Member since 6/08

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Re: Do you spank your child?

I was hit, a LOT as a child, and I will never raise a hand to any of my children. There are other ways to "get your point" across and better ways of "disciplining" than to literally beating it into a defenseless child. And yes, I do mean to say beating, because honestly, spanking is just the tip of the iceberg IMO. My parents 'spanked' us, which led to actual beatings as we got older and their frustrations grew with us.

Edited to add: I am a SAHM to 3 children. They are well-behaved, respectful, and all around GOOD kids (if I do say so myself). I get compliments about each of them.

You do NOT need to spank to raise a good kid.

Message edited 6/23/2010 9:53:00 AM.

Posted 6/23/10 9:45 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by CrankyPants

Posted by JennZ

Not over the knee spanking, but I have (and will continue to do so) hit him on his butt when he is being a brat. I also have smacked his hands MANY times.

I don't like bratty kids. I refuse to raise a brat. So, yes, when needed he will get a smack. I see nothing wrong with it.

I think people are so afraid to discipline their children, and this is why we have the little sh1ts that are running around now. JMHO.

My kid is def not a brat. I find other, non physical ways to discipline her. Just because I don't spank doesn't mean I am afraid to discipline her. I find that more effective-I don't think people need to spank to raise a non brat-JMHO.

Agreed - well behaved children are not necessarily a direct result of spanking. My parents never laid a finger on me, and I was raised in a very well-disciplined, respectful home, and was always considered a well-behaved, respectful child and adult.

Likewise, I've never laid a finger on either of my children, and I receive absolute accolades about Alex's behavior, so much so, that parents have asked us for playdates so that their children can model her behavior.

Like I said earlier, there ARE other, non-physical methods of discipline that are just as effective. While you may choose another method, it doesn't mean that parents who choose NOT to spank their children are raising brats.

Posted 6/23/10 9:50 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by JennZ

I don't like bratty kids. I refuse to raise a brat. So, yes, when needed he will get a smack. I see nothing wrong with it.

I think people are so afraid to discipline their children, and this is why we have the little sh1ts that are running around now. JMHO.

completely agree.

I think people have different tolerance levels for fresh kids. What is bad behavior to me might be considered as someone's kid "expressing" themselves.

I hang out with a ton of kids. Some parents are fine having kids around that would personally make me want to runaway from home.

That is also why I like playdates with grandparents. Kids act so much better around them.

Posted 6/23/10 10:17 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you spank your child?

DS is 2 1/2 - he got his hand smacked a few times when he was younger for touching things he shouldn't - hasn't gotten hit over the knee or anything since he was about 12-15 mos....

Not a fan... Hard to teach him not to hit if you hit him. But we'll see what happens when he's older. Right now, time outs work for us.

(not judging anyone - you see some kids out/about and you wish you could hit them!)

Posted 6/23/10 10:28 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: Do you spank your child?

Posted by Bxgell2

Posted by CrankyPants

Posted by JennZ

Not over the knee spanking, but I have (and will continue to do so) hit him on his butt when he is being a brat. I also have smacked his hands MANY times.

I don't like bratty kids. I refuse to raise a brat. So, yes, when needed he will get a smack. I see nothing wrong with it.

I think people are so afraid to discipline their children, and this is why we have the little sh1ts that are running around now. JMHO.

My kid is def not a brat. I find other, non physical ways to discipline her. Just because I don't spank doesn't mean I am afraid to discipline her. I find that more effective-I don't think people need to spank to raise a non brat-JMHO.

Agreed - well behaved children are not necessarily a direct result of spanking. My parents never laid a finger on me, and I was raised in a very well-disciplined, respectful home, and was always considered a well-behaved, respectful child and adult.

Likewise, I've never laid a finger on either of my children, and I receive absolute accolades about Alex's behavior, so much so, that parents have asked us for playdates so that their children can model her behavior.

Like I said earlier, there ARE other, non-physical methods of discipline that are just as effective. While you may choose another method, it doesn't mean that parents who choose NOT to spank their children are raising brats.

And I just want to point out, that regardless of the way you choose to discipline, some kids are more responsive to it than others. Some kids are more easy going by nature. Some kids are sensitive enough to feel bad when they've done something wrong. And some kids have less impulse control (like my DS) and don't respond well to any type of discipline. He is the type of kid to do his time out, apologize for the offense, and then do it again 5 minutes later. I genuinely believe he's not trying to be "bad" he sometimes can't seem to help himself. Chat Icon

Posted 6/23/10 10:32 AM

Loves being Joey & Vinny's mom

Member since 1/09

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Re: Do you spank your child?

Spank no. I was spanked and it didnt stop me from doing the action that caused it.

I will smack his hands away from something but time outs are my way to go.

Posted 6/23/10 10:43 AM

Love my family

Member since 6/06

4546 total posts


Re: Do you spank your child?

Oh yes i do. I have smacked DS and DD little bear behind a number of times for not doing what i tell them to do. i dont hit for everything. I do believe in discipline b/c I am not going to be the parent out on the street with their child carrying on in a store or embarrassing me in public. I was spanked as a child and I turned out great! So was my DH he was spanked ALL OF THE TIME and he is such an upstanding man.

ETA: lately i have been taking things away and using the look to get my point across and it is working.

Message edited 6/23/2010 11:51:46 AM.

Posted 6/23/10 11:46 AM

family is all that matters

Member since 6/06

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Re: Do you spank your child?

absolutely, positively not. never ever ever will i lay a hand on my children.

i was horribly treated as a child. i will never forget those years. i will spare you all the details. i cannot fathom inflicting pain on my children that i carried for 9 months and love more than life itself.

will they get punished and have consequences for bad behavior? you bet! i have no problems taking things away, and any other type of punishment.

but i will not lay even a finger on my children. to me, it's barbaric. i don't care what anyone else does, and i don't pass judgment on them for their choices, but it will not happen to my children.

Posted 6/23/10 12:09 PM
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