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Is anyone holding off on getting pregnant again because their first child is a handful?

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My princess!

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Is anyone holding off on getting pregnant again because their first child is a handful?

I always wanted my kids to be 3-4 years apart. But when I had Megan, I thought about changing my mind because I LOVED the infant stage. I wanted a baby way sooner than I thought I was going to.

That is, until she turned into a toddler. She is so high spirited and such a handful that I cant even imagine having another at this point. I think I would have been able to deal with it better when she was even just dont know how I would handle her non stop on the go action with an infant at the same time. She NEVER stops and needs constant attention all the time.

I am just wondering if anyone else put off having another because their 1st is/was so high spirited? I have no problem having them spaced out but sometimes I feel guilty that shes been an only child for so long. Anyone else?

Posted 1/5/09 11:22 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Is anyone holding off on getting pregnant again because their first child is a handful?

When I was PG with Alex, I wanted to get pregnant again very soon after she was born. That is, until her temperment became evident - that girl has been fiery and spirited since the moment she was born and has never stopped! She was collicky for 6 months and didn't start sleeping more than 4-5 hours a night until she was 15 months old.

We could barely make it through the day as full-time working parents, let alone think about having another child. So we waited a little longer than we planned to start trying. Of course, then we ran into problems and didn't conceive until Alex was 3.

But, looking back, I'm glad we hit those delays. JUUUST now, at 3 years old, Alex is starting to CHILL out. I mean, she'll always be a sassy, diva, drama-queen, but at least now we can reason with her, and she's so much more independent. I think if we had a baby anytime sooner I would have lost my mind, but now, although I know it will be difficult, I think we'll be ok. Alex has her own life, her own school, her own friends, her own toys, her own playtime, and at the same time, she can play independently, AND help me out with certain things, which will be invaluable when I have a newborn on my hands.

Posted 1/5/09 11:27 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Is anyone holding off on getting pregnant again because their first child is a handful?

Posted by nycchic24

I always wanted my kids to be 3-4 years apart. But when I had Megan, I thought about changing my mind because I LOVED the infant stage. I wanted a baby way sooner than I thought I was going to.

That is, until she turned into a toddler. She is so high spirited and such a handful that I cant even imagine having another at this point. I think I would have been able to deal with it better when she was even just dont know how I would handle her non stop on the go action with an infant at the same time. She NEVER stops and needs constant attention all the time.

I am just wondering if anyone else put off having another because their 1st is/was so high spirited? I have no problem having them spaced out but sometimes I feel guilty that shes been an only child for so long. Anyone else?

i felt this way after having 2. I always wanted 3 kids but i think im done... i have a DD that is 3 and DS is 13 m. I feel like im splitting myself in two all day i definitely dont see myself splitting myself in 3 if i had another.
Believe it or not, it gets easier when they are a little older...DD was 2 when i had DS it was hard the first 2 months because DD was still dependant on me for everything, but now DD is more independant and potty trained. I dont feel like she needs constant attention like DS does. i think having my kids 2yrs apart was a good age gap but like everything it has its pros and cons. i wouldnt feel guilty that your DC would be an only child for a times, i wish i was pregnant now with DS so i had more time to spend one on one with DD...she was 18m when i got pregnant.
hope this is helpful Chat Icon

Posted 1/5/09 11:36 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Is anyone holding off on getting pregnant again because their first child is a handful?

***raising hand****

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well its that with a little of me always wanting to wait till they were at least 2 1/2 or 3 yrs apart.

My patience, its not very good and I try harder and harder each day to control that with just one.

Posted 1/5/09 12:02 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Is anyone holding off on getting pregnant again because their first child is a handful?

I am not, but I would have, but DD had other plans! Chat Icon

My DS is QUITE the handful and can be darn right exhausting sometimes. He is such a good boy, but has moments when he is a terror. He will be 3 this month.

He was an easy baby, so when I unexpectedly got pregnant, I had no worries. We were planning on waiting another year or so, and if we did, we probably would have waited a little longer because of what you are saying.

It was hard at first, but we adjusted and still need to focus our attention on DD as much as possible because DS takes so much of it these days!

Posted 1/5/09 12:57 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Is anyone holding off on getting pregnant again because their first child is a handful?

Posted by Smileyd17

***raising hand****

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well its that with a little of me always wanting to wait till they were at least 2 1/2 or 3 yrs apart.

My patience, its not very good and I try harder and harder each day to control that with just one.

that's exactly how I feel. I can't imagine starting all over again from day 1. It's very exhausting, and my patience wears thin, though I never take it out on ds.

Posted 1/5/09 1:04 PM

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Re: Is anyone holding off on getting pregnant again because their first child is a handful?

no, but maybe I should have! DD #2 is due in a month & DD #1 is a huge handful, going through her very terrible 2s, and we're exhausted!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 1/5/09 10:41 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

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Re: Is anyone holding off on getting pregnant again because their first child is a handful?

I'm trying HARD to wait.

AJ isn't a handful (yet) and she's been very good as far as baby goes.. but I always wanted a 3+ year gap between kids.

By the time she's three I'll reconsider. In the meantime, I'm dead set against having another and will take the appropriate steps to avoid another pregnancy.

Only issue *I* have is I'm not getting younger and AJ will be 3 when I'm 36. Means I wont plan to conceive again until Im working on 37 and with what happened after AJ's birth I am automatically High Risk due to my blood pressure.. so she may not just be my first but my last.

Which.. is fine.. cause she's such a little miracle all on her own!Chat Icon

Posted 1/5/09 10:47 PM

Family is Complete!

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Re: Is anyone holding off on getting pregnant again because their first child is a handful?

I am definitely holding off because Sabrina is high energy and also because her sleep patterns are not consistent. She was a great sleeper and then she changed like a switch and it is erratic. And her bossy toddler attitude is waaaaaayyyy too much for me to imagine handling either being pregnant or actually having another child.

I used to think three years would be a nice spacing and Sabrina is approaching two next month and I am thinking I will see what happens this summer and decide whether or not to try.

Funny thing is that two of my best friends are pg and due this spring/summer (DD's godmother who is not an LIF mom and Gatsbygirl who IS an LIFer) and I have NO desire to get pg despite them.

I think DD needs to be in preschool and be potty trained before I can think about #2. At least those things will relieve me a bit.

Posted 1/5/09 11:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Is anyone holding off on getting pregnant again because their first child is a handful?

I always planned to start trying for #2 when DS turned one. What has put me off is his sleeping. He never slept until he was 10 mos and even now its hit or miss. I'm afraid what I will do if I have a newborn and a toddler up all night Chat Icon Chat Icon That said, DS is 16 mos and I am thinking of ttc soon but am scared!

Posted 1/5/09 11:40 PM

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