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Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Did I overreact (spanking related)
I REALLY do not like spanking miki and have only done it a few times
Tonight, she was being willfully disobedient, she opened the front door and tried to go outside after I told her she couldn't so I put her in time out
as is her MO, she got out of time out, came into the kitchen where I was and said "haha" with a big grin on her face (totally testing her boundaries)
I put her back into time out and told her if she did that again, she would get a spanking. I then set the timer for 3 minutes, she again came into the kitchen with the haha bs....I went to her (she had run into her room this time) and spanked her on her bottom (2 times) - not hard but enough to let her know that I was not joking...
I then put her into TO again and she stayed until the timer went off
could I have handled things differently?
3 is going to be the death of me...she is SO disobedient and obviously thinks what I say is a big joke, I need to nip this in the bud
Posted 6/11/10 9:18 PM |
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Member since 2/08 4624 total posts
Name: Katie
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
I don't have a 3 year old, so I am not a BTDT, but I think you did what you felt you had to do, and there is nothing wrong with a couple of swats on the bottom.
She obviously knew you meant business after that and stayed in her time out.
I truly feel each kid is an individual, so what works for one kid might not work for another.
Posted 6/11/10 9:24 PM |
Love my Boys!
Member since 12/05 4648 total posts
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
i don't know. i'm going through similar stuff. i also don't spank but there are times i don't know what else to do so i just walk away before i lose it. i don't think you're wrong bc you did not really hurt her it was really just for show and she knows you mean business now.... all i know is 3 is going to kill me and dh!
Message edited 6/11/2010 9:31:51 PM.
Posted 6/11/10 9:31 PM |
Brighter days ahead
Member since 4/07 7364 total posts
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
I am sure it is very trying, but I do think that you could have handled it in a different way. She is no doubt seeing how upset she is making you, she is getting a reaction and attention from you. She is pushing your buttons. Instead of threatening to spank her (and then spanking her), you could try not making eye contact, not giving any emotional reaction and simply picking her up and returning her to her TO area. Then start the timer again. It will likely get worse before it gets better, but she'll eventually learn that leaving TO is pointless.
Posted 6/11/10 9:34 PM |

Member since 1/08 12702 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
I am not BTDT, but NO I do not think you overreacted. She needs to know that her behavior (downright defiance in this case) is absolutely unacceptable. I feel that if a swat to the butt is the only way she'll know who's boss- then that's what I would do!
Posted 6/11/10 9:34 PM |
Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06 6655 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
Personally, I think you did the right thing. We're in a similar situation lately with my almost 3 year old. He tests me all of the time with regards to seeing how far he can push me. He sometimes treats timeouts as a joke. Luckily they still work for the most part but I can see him doing something similar to what you described Miki doing.
If the only way to get her attention was to give her a few pats on the bottom, then that is what you need to do. You're going to question it because you're her Mom and you love her. IMHO, it's better to nip it in the bud as early as you can. You didn't hurt her, you made a point in a way she could understand.
Posted 6/11/10 9:35 PM |
My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
TJ has been doing this also...being disobedient knowing it will get him in trouble, knowing he is doing something I told him he can't...really pushing the limits. I have spanked him a couple times on the hiny. I dont like to do it but if I have exhausted all other ways of getting through to him I've done it.
Posted 6/11/10 9:43 PM |
Yummy yummy cookie...

Member since 10/08 2005 total posts
Name: Laura
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
I remember 3 with my DD was horrible. She used to scream in her room, on the floor and kick at the door when it was bedtime. I think you did what you felt necessary at the time. Obviously it worked because she sat in TO that time. Hopefully she realizes now that you mean business!!
Posted 6/11/10 9:48 PM |
Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05 7919 total posts
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
I dont think you overreacted. She obviously knew you meant business. Yeah there might have been a better way to handle it, but it doesnt mean you were wrong.
Three is a bad age - but four is worse
Posted 6/11/10 9:53 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
Posted by Michelle1123
Three is a bad age - but four is worse
oh god, please do not tell me that
do they happen to sell zanax (sp) in bulk
Message edited 6/11/2010 9:54:19 PM.
Posted 6/11/10 9:54 PM |
s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
I do not mean to make you feel bad at all Stephanie, and lord knows I don't know what I will do when DS turns 3 , but I will say that the reason I personally have chosen not to hit or spank is because I vividly remember being hit by both of my parents, to the point I feared them, and I don't want my children to fear me.
That being said, what I went through is totally different from a few swats on the behind, and it obviously worked at the time. My thinking, though, is what will you do next time? If you're okay with spanking again, then that's fine - but if you want to avoid spanking (except in situations where she is putting herself in harm's way) then you're going to have to either stick with the TO or find something else that works.
And as I have already stated I don't know what that is, so I'll be bookmarking this so in a year or so I can reference the advice you got
Posted 6/11/10 9:57 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
Honestly, I have hit my breaking point time and time again with Jack. These kids KNOW how to get under our skin. It is beyond upsetting and so frustrating.
You did what you had to do at the time for Miki to know that you meaned business. The whole "hahah" would have enraged me also.
Posted 6/11/10 9:58 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
Posted by headoverheels
If you're okay with spanking again, then that's fine - but if you want to avoid spanking (except in situations where she is putting herself in harm's way) then you're going to have to either stick with the TO or find something else that works.
I definitely do not want to spank her every time she gets out of TO, I would be spanking her ALOT if that was the case. If she had just gotten out of time out, I would not have spanked her. It was the fact that she came to me and said "haha"....I literally saw red like, "are you ***** kidding me"?
I will try to continue to just put her back in time out over and over until she gets it
thanks everyone
Posted 6/11/10 9:59 PM |
Life is Good!!
Member since 1/08 6460 total posts
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
ETA- no advice since I'm not there yet but I could see where you felt like you needed to spank her!
Message edited 6/11/2010 10:00:20 PM.
Posted 6/11/10 9:59 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
Posted by Diana1215
The whole "hahah" would have enraged me also.
I saw red, I swear
Posted 6/11/10 9:59 PM |
s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
Posted by pinkandblue
Posted by headoverheels
If you're okay with spanking again, then that's fine - but if you want to avoid spanking (except in situations where she is putting herself in harm's way) then you're going to have to either stick with the TO or find something else that works.
I definitely do not want to spank her every time she gets out of TO, I would be spanking her ALOT if that was the case. If she had just gotten out of time out, I would not have spanked her. It was the fact that she came to me and said "haha"....I literally saw red like, "are you ***** kidding me"?
I will try to continue to just put her back in time out over and over until she gets it
thanks everyone
I would have had a REALLY hard time controlling myself if DS did that to me and I totally get why you spanked. I hope you find something that works, you're an awesome mommy, never forget that
Posted 6/11/10 10:07 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
Well it seems like it worked so ....
my theory has always been whatever works.
Posted 6/11/10 10:10 PM |
Member since 8/09 3846 total posts
Name: Sarah
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
Posted by nrthshgrl
Well it seems like it worked so ....
my theory has always been whatever works.
ITA you didn't spank her hard, she learned her lesson. My parents occasionally spanked me as a child and I harbor no resentment and am quite normal!!
Posted 6/11/10 11:05 PM |
Mommy's Girls! ♥

Member since 11/07 10116 total posts
Name: Gabi
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
I think you totally did the right thing.
Posted 6/11/10 11:27 PM |
2 under 2...whew!!
Member since 2/07 9876 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
Posted by twinkletoes807
I think you totally did the right thing.
ITA, I don't think you were out of line at all. You warned her as to what was coming if she did it again--she chose the consequence
Posted 6/12/10 12:26 AM |
Soccer Baseball Lax Mom
Member since 10/05 11240 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
I am going through the same thing right now with my almost 3 year old and almost 4 year old.
Ughhh this is such a tough age. I also spank on the bottom occasionally because I have tried everything else.
My son is such a little devil. When I turn around his hands go on his hips and he sticks his tounge out. I can't stand that.
My daughter just looks at you with a little smirk and says NO.
This may be extreme but I've tried using it and I'm sure not everyone is going to agree with me.
When we were in SC, there was a girl in DD's school and dance class and she started acting up in school. After several conferences with the teachers, the parents and teachers agreed that when she misbehaved they would squirt vinegar in her mouth. When they first said it I was like "OMG unbelievable".
However, in the last few days things have gotten out of hand here at home and since I am home with them all day I am at a loss of punishment. So the other day my daughter did her "NO" to me. I dipped my finger in vinegar and put it in her mouth she hated it. She cried, got over it. No harm done.
My son laughed at her, so I did it to him.
They both got a taste of vinegar and hated it. So now, when they are bad it's "Do I have to get the vinegar?"
It's been working so far. I might have scarred them for life with ever liking vinegar but for now its something I can do to control the terrible pre-school years.
Posted 6/12/10 7:14 AM |
Year for change!

Member since 1/09 6017 total posts
Name: Taryn
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
Posted by JennyPenny
I am not BTDT, but NO I do not think you overreacted. She needs to know that her behavior (downright defiance in this case) is absolutely unacceptable. I feel that if a swat to the butt is the only way she'll know who's boss- then that's what I would do!
I absolutely agree with what Jen said. You did exactly what I would have done. I'm not a fan of spanking but the light swats jst to show her who is boss is what I would have done in that situation.
Posted 6/12/10 7:36 AM |
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
Nope I don't think you overreacted at all. 3 is not an easy age! I know I have done the same at one point or another for the same reason. My DS was never one to stay in TO. I have tried and tried and tried. I once spent 25 minutes trying to get him to stay in TO for a 3 minute TO. After that I realized I had to come up with something else because he thought it was funny to get out of time out and when I turned around to see if he was there he would run back. I swear smoke would come out of ears
Posted 6/12/10 8:04 AM |
Best friends!

Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
Whatever works for you and your family
Posted 6/12/10 8:17 AM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Did I overreact (spanking related)
no, she was being fresh and she knew it.
Posted 6/12/10 8:17 AM |
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