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Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

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Member since 1/10

21015 total posts


Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Posted by PhyllisNJoe

Just wanted to add, I obviously have Zero use for the whole set up either way bc I don't have children. AND I'm kind of a Scrooge in general bc Christmas (all holidays really) are a pain in the ass with my family - DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA plus the fact that malls during the holidays makes me want to rip my own fingernails off...
I actually enjoy the elaborate Christmas scenery with Santa every year at all the malls. Especially RF mall. It's kind of the only thing I truly enjoy about the Christmas season. The big tree, the wooden soldiers, etc etc etc. if they have these pods everywhere, I'll kinda miss it.

I see everyone's point. Some people are really outraged because they were expecting the same thing they look forward to every year - it's tradition. And others are ok with the new change. Maybe tradition isn't #1 on their list. Either way - it's fine to feel the way you feel. Going tit for tat on here and pretty much faulting people for their feelings about it isn't nice. How about if you don't agree with people's outrage, you ignore it. Same as the people who are upset are supposed to just not go.

It actually doesnt matter to me how people feel about it... and RF is no skin of my ass, ive only been there a handful of times in my life. I would never go all the way there for Santa... What bothers me is that people will share a story saying that RF did it because people complained and were offended by Christmas decorations. When it wasnt true. Just like the Halloween candy with needles and razor blades in it got shared over and over and was a hoax.

Posted 11/8/15 8:00 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

9141 total posts


Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Posted by racheK

Posted by LuckyStar

Posted by racheK

I tried not to get involved on FB but I saw multiple people posted about this and a lot of people were quick to say this was done because of Jews and Muslims that "can't let the Christians have their fun." I saw a lot of "go back to your country if you can't handle it." This is all without Simon Malls ever saying they did this because people found this offensive. As a Jew, this scared the crap out of me. I've always loved Christmas decorations, Christmas time, etc. even though I never grew up celebrating and never had a tree. But I always enjoyed seeing it at the mall and celebrating with friends. I too think the glacier pod is hideous but blaming it on other religious affiliations that don't celebrate Christmas is just starting something that I prefer not to witness.

I'm not saying anyone on here did that, just people on FB.

That's just dumb (not you, these people complaining). Have the Jews just arrived on LI? I'm pretty sure if it stemmed to the Jews this would have happened a LONG time ago, considering I think LI has one of the largest Jewish populations outside of Israel.

I actually don't think anyone complained and I'm someone who generally thinks the worst of humanity. I think it's the mall trying to save money. They can reuse that horrendous pod every year and it can double as an Easter bunny background. It also costs money to decorate every year. Sounds to me like they're just being scrooges, but who knows.

Apparently the CEO of Simon Malls is Jewish. I learned this from one of the posts. So the connection may have been made that way.

You are probably right with the pod being used to save money.

I can't imagine the pod would have been used to save money. I'm pretty sure a big corporation like Simon has a top notch marketing team and if they did even a tiny bit of market research, it's pretty clear this thing is a big FAIL and would drive people away (forget about the emotional part of it - no one wants their kids Christmas pictures in a space pod). I do t know why they made the change, but regardless, it was a really dumb move from a marketing g standpoint

Message edited 11/8/2015 8:21:43 AM.

Posted 11/8/15 8:20 AM

loving life

Member since 1/07

5413 total posts


Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

the first post I saw on fb was about this being because people complained about being offended, I held any comments or judgements cause I couldn't imagine a huge mall giving in to a small group of people when it could effect their biggest moneymaking season

my thoughts on this are whoever thought up this concept needs a new job, this is the ugliest scene I have ever seen and I would never take my kids here to have their Christmas pic taken and I hope lots of other people boycott this display, not the mall, and maybe they will see when it comes to their kids and Christmas pics most, not all people want traditional scenery

Posted 11/8/15 8:36 AM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

20494 total posts


Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Posted by AngnShaun

Posted by PhyllisNJoe

Just wanted to add, I obviously have Zero use for the whole set up either way bc I don't have children. AND I'm kind of a Scrooge in general bc Christmas (all holidays really) are a pain in the ass with my family - DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA plus the fact that malls during the holidays makes me want to rip my own fingernails off...
I actually enjoy the elaborate Christmas scenery with Santa every year at all the malls. Especially RF mall. It's kind of the only thing I truly enjoy about the Christmas season. The big tree, the wooden soldiers, etc etc etc. if they have these pods everywhere, I'll kinda miss it.

I see everyone's point. Some people are really outraged because they were expecting the same thing they look forward to every year - it's tradition. And others are ok with the new change. Maybe tradition isn't #1 on their list. Either way - it's fine to feel the way you feel. Going tit for tat on here and pretty much faulting people for their feelings about it isn't nice. How about if you don't agree with people's outrage, you ignore it. Same as the people who are upset are supposed to just not go.

It actually doesnt matter to me how people feel about it... and RF is no skin of my ass, ive only been there a handful of times in my life. I would never go all the way there for Santa... What bothers me is that people will share a story saying that RF did it because people complained and were offended by Christmas decorations. When it wasnt true. Just like the Halloween candy with needles and razor blades in it got shared over and over and was a hoax.

Yes. This is what bothers me as well. One person hears it's because there were complaints made and the Internet runs with it. It's like a bad game of telephone.

Posted 11/8/15 8:36 AM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

I don't think that anyone complained to Simon about the decorations. But I think being PC had a direct correlation to them trying to change it. In one of the articles Simon said they wanted to make the change to make it more accessible and friendly to "all" families. That screams of PC to me. To do an interactive display showing Aurora Borealis is just ridiculous. Simon tried to do something too PC and it completely backfired for them. You don't change Christmas, period!

Posted 11/8/15 8:41 AM


Member since 12/09

27635 total posts


Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Posted by KarenK122

I don't think that anyone complained to Simon about the decorations. But I think being PC had a direct correlation to them trying to change it. In one of the articles Simon said they wanted to make the change to make it more accessible and friendly to "all" families. That screams of PC to me. To do an interactive display showing Aurora Borealis is just ridiculous. Simon tried to do something too PC and it completely backfired for them. You don't change Christmas, period!

This. Everyone saying do our research etc.

You really think they would
Come directly out and be like well bob complained

They changed it to be more PC. That's why people were upset.

Posted 11/8/15 8:46 AM


Member since 1/10

21015 total posts


Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Posted by gina409

Posted by KarenK122

I don't think that anyone complained to Simon about the decorations. But I think being PC had a direct correlation to them trying to change it. In one of the articles Simon said they wanted to make the change to make it more accessible and friendly to "all" families. That screams of PC to me. To do an interactive display showing Aurora Borealis is just ridiculous. Simon tried to do something too PC and it completely backfired for them. You don't change Christmas, period!

This. Everyone saying do our research etc.

You really think they would
Come directly out and be like well bob complained

They changed it to be more PC. That's why people were upset.

It doesnt make sense... if someone complained, all they did was complain about the decorations and not Santa?

Posted 11/8/15 8:58 AM


Member since 11/07

7344 total posts


Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Posted by Sash

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by Sash

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by Naturalmama

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by Sparrow

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by CallaLily

Posted by ElizaRags35

Posted by MichLiz213

Posted by gina409

Post exactly what I said on fb

It's about this country whiny entitled generation of everything offends me and everything needs to be Pc

I don't care what the "proof" is. These setupa have been this way for how many years.

So now they decide to do one with zero Christmas decorations/theme

Give me a break. So make fun of anyone that's upset or annoyed. That's your choice. The same as it for anyone who feels the opposite.

It would be one thing if people were upset about the change in decoration.

But people are up in arms about the "War on Christmas" because ONE person on Facebook said they spoke to management.

So before anyone verified whether this was the reason for the change, everyone jumps to conclusions.

You (collective you, not you personally) have a right to be upset if you want, that's your choice. But at least wait until the reason for the change is confirmed before raising your blood pressure over it.

Could not agree more. Santa is still there. The stores are decorated. Christmas is still shoved down everyone's throats.

Christmas is shoved down everyone's throats? Wow.

Maybe because I LOVE the holidays I never understand the disdain for the holidays and the sentiment of "Xmas being shoved down my throat".

The holidays are what YOU make of them. Sure the stores and manufacturers of the world may commercialize it to some degree but that's such a little part of what Xmas is all about. It doesn't DEFINE my holidays.

For me, Xmas is a time for family, for seeing the joy on my children's faces Xmas morning, for traditions, for self-reflection, for looking back and reminiscing, for spending time with those that I love the most, for being kind to my fellow neighbor, for thinking of others before myself, for brightening someone else's day, for relaxing at night with my DH with only the glow of the Xmas tree lighting the room, for listening to the relaxing sounds of Xmas music that bring me back to my childhood, AND for feeling generally happy and at peace and like the world is just a little bit smaller and a little more friendly this time of year.

The holidays should make you feel happy and festive............not so bitter and angry. I think so many people, people in my own family even, just focus on the wrong things at this time of year. They complain about having to spend hours cooking instead of looking forward to sharing a special meal with those they love. They focus on all the presents they have to wrap instead of thinking about the joy they are bringing to those they are gifting to.

Xmas is but one time of year...........slow down, look around, listen to the music, take it all in and just enjoy it. That's what I do and I LOVE every minute of it and ring in the new year feeling blessed, loved, refreshed, and ready to start a whole new year!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA - And I know it feels like Xmas starts earlier every year but honestly, it doesn't bother me. So I see a Xmas tree in November, it doesn't diminish my Thanksgiving (which I do LOVE), it just makes the holidays feel like they last a little longer which is cool with me!! Chat Icon

I'm just curious, why do you only refer to the holiday as "Xmas"?

Because we've been talking about Xmas on this thread. Chat Icon

I think she means why don't you say Christmas

That's even a sillier question then. Because it's easier than typing out CHRISTMAS every single time. Chat Icon

ETA - I don't think that is what she meant though after rereading it. Chat Icon

Not saying you this is why you were doing it but I always thought it was a shorter version to write. But I found out some people write it that way to take "Christ" out of Christmas. So I stopped writing it like that, idk if that's why she was asking.

Ooooooo I had no idea anyone did it for a reason. It's just a long word and I get tired of writing it out every time. Chat Icon

Neither did I, I did for a long time till my sister told me that when I wrote it on card. lol. So now I just don't do it as my personal preference. But it is a long word Chat Icon

the "X" comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word that actually comes into English as "Christ". (edited because the Greek won't show up)

So the anger about taking the Christ out of Christmas makes no sense- X actually stands for Christ.

Message edited 11/8/2015 9:09:10 AM.

Posted 11/8/15 9:07 AM


Member since 12/09

27635 total posts


Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Posted by AngnShaun

Posted by gina409

Posted by KarenK122

I don't think that anyone complained to Simon about the decorations. But I think being PC had a direct correlation to them trying to change it. In one of the articles Simon said they wanted to make the change to make it more accessible and friendly to "all" families. That screams of PC to me. To do an interactive display showing Aurora Borealis is just ridiculous. Simon tried to do something too PC and it completely backfired for them. You don't change Christmas, period!

This. Everyone saying do our research etc.

You really think they would
Come directly out and be like well bob complained

They changed it to be more PC. That's why people were upset.

It doesnt make sense... if someone complained, all they did was complain about the decorations and not Santa?

So there would options for holiday photos without the decorations. And without Santa

Can't do that in a giant Christmas land

Posted 11/8/15 9:23 AM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Posted by gina409

Posted by AngnShaun

Posted by gina409

Posted by KarenK122

I don't think that anyone complained to Simon about the decorations. But I think being PC had a direct correlation to them trying to change it. In one of the articles Simon said they wanted to make the change to make it more accessible and friendly to "all" families. That screams of PC to me. To do an interactive display showing Aurora Borealis is just ridiculous. Simon tried to do something too PC and it completely backfired for them. You don't change Christmas, period!

This. Everyone saying do our research etc.

You really think they would
Come directly out and be like well bob complained

They changed it to be more PC. That's why people were upset.

It doesnt make sense... if someone complained, all they did was complain about the decorations and not Santa?

So there would options for holiday photos without the decorations. And without Santa

Can't do that in a giant Christmas land

Yes your right. If that is the way Simon wanted to go then create a "holiday" land or a winter wonderland for pictures and remove Santa completely. While many would be upset with having no Santa, I could understand that more. Leaving Santa in a sanitized backdrop that basically looks like he was dropped into the set of Star Trek is insulting to people's traditions. I am sure their marketing department are looking for new jobs about now.

Posted 11/8/15 10:14 AM

drama. daily.

Member since 3/11

7287 total posts


Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Our wallets speak volumes, so we won't shop there. Whomever the Azzhat is that concocted this monstrosity of a Christmas/Holiday display needs to understand that you can't take the tradition out of Christmas. You're going to try and change things? You lose money. Plain and simple.
Since when is Christmas associated with glaciers and icecaps? Chat Icon It looks like a busted up tic tac.

Posted 11/8/15 11:04 AM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Posted by DirtyBlonde

Posted by Sash

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by Sash

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by Naturalmama

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by Sparrow

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by CallaLily

Posted by ElizaRags35

Posted by MichLiz213

Posted by gina409

Post exactly what I said on fb

It's about this country whiny entitled generation of everything offends me and everything needs to be Pc

I don't care what the "proof" is. These setupa have been this way for how many years.

So now they decide to do one with zero Christmas decorations/theme

Give me a break. So make fun of anyone that's upset or annoyed. That's your choice. The same as it for anyone who feels the opposite.

It would be one thing if people were upset about the change in decoration.

But people are up in arms about the "War on Christmas" because ONE person on Facebook said they spoke to management.

So before anyone verified whether this was the reason for the change, everyone jumps to conclusions.

You (collective you, not you personally) have a right to be upset if you want, that's your choice. But at least wait until the reason for the change is confirmed before raising your blood pressure over it.

Could not agree more. Santa is still there. The stores are decorated. Christmas is still shoved down everyone's throats.

Christmas is shoved down everyone's throats? Wow.

Maybe because I LOVE the holidays I never understand the disdain for the holidays and the sentiment of "Xmas being shoved down my throat".

The holidays are what YOU make of them. Sure the stores and manufacturers of the world may commercialize it to some degree but that's such a little part of what Xmas is all about. It doesn't DEFINE my holidays.

For me, Xmas is a time for family, for seeing the joy on my children's faces Xmas morning, for traditions, for self-reflection, for looking back and reminiscing, for spending time with those that I love the most, for being kind to my fellow neighbor, for thinking of others before myself, for brightening someone else's day, for relaxing at night with my DH with only the glow of the Xmas tree lighting the room, for listening to the relaxing sounds of Xmas music that bring me back to my childhood, AND for feeling generally happy and at peace and like the world is just a little bit smaller and a little more friendly this time of year.

The holidays should make you feel happy and festive............not so bitter and angry. I think so many people, people in my own family even, just focus on the wrong things at this time of year. They complain about having to spend hours cooking instead of looking forward to sharing a special meal with those they love. They focus on all the presents they have to wrap instead of thinking about the joy they are bringing to those they are gifting to.

Xmas is but one time of year...........slow down, look around, listen to the music, take it all in and just enjoy it. That's what I do and I LOVE every minute of it and ring in the new year feeling blessed, loved, refreshed, and ready to start a whole new year!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA - And I know it feels like Xmas starts earlier every year but honestly, it doesn't bother me. So I see a Xmas tree in November, it doesn't diminish my Thanksgiving (which I do LOVE), it just makes the holidays feel like they last a little longer which is cool with me!! Chat Icon

I'm just curious, why do you only refer to the holiday as "Xmas"?

Because we've been talking about Xmas on this thread. Chat Icon

I think she means why don't you say Christmas

That's even a sillier question then. Because it's easier than typing out CHRISTMAS every single time. Chat Icon

ETA - I don't think that is what she meant though after rereading it. Chat Icon

Not saying you this is why you were doing it but I always thought it was a shorter version to write. But I found out some people write it that way to take "Christ" out of Christmas. So I stopped writing it like that, idk if that's why she was asking.

Ooooooo I had no idea anyone did it for a reason. It's just a long word and I get tired of writing it out every time. Chat Icon

Neither did I, I did for a long time till my sister told me that when I wrote it on card. lol. So now I just don't do it as my personal preference. But it is a long word Chat Icon

the "X" comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word that actually comes into English as "Christ". (edited because the Greek won't show up)

So the anger about taking the Christ out of Christmas makes no sense- X actually stands for Christ.

Some people put the X to take Christ out. Like when you X something out to cross it out. There is no anger but it is why people do it regardless of whether you think it makes sense or not. Therefore, I choose not to do it.

Posted 11/8/15 11:44 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/15

731 total posts


Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

And the cheesy attempt they made to make things "better" in their minds, by adding in two charlie brown trees is just sad and pathetic

Posted 11/8/15 11:49 AM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3570 total posts


Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Posted by LIRascal

Our wallets speak volumes, so we won't shop there. Whomever the Azzhat is that concocted this monstrosity of a Christmas/Holiday display needs to understand that you can't take the tradition out of Christmas. You're going to try and change things? You lose money. Plain and simple.
Since when is Christmas associated with glaciers and icecaps? Chat Icon It looks like a busted up tic tac.

Chat Icon

Posted 11/8/15 1:27 PM


Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Supposedly the pod is gone now. Just a bench and those sad trees.

Posted 11/8/15 2:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/14

1656 total posts


Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Posted by DirtyBlonde

Posted by Sash

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by Sash

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by Naturalmama

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by Sparrow

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by CallaLily

Posted by ElizaRags35

Posted by MichLiz213

Posted by gina409

Post exactly what I said on fb

It's about this country whiny entitled generation of everything offends me and everything needs to be Pc

I don't care what the "proof" is. These setupa have been this way for how many years.

So now they decide to do one with zero Christmas decorations/theme

Give me a break. So make fun of anyone that's upset or annoyed. That's your choice. The same as it for anyone who feels the opposite.

It would be one thing if people were upset about the change in decoration.

But people are up in arms about the "War on Christmas" because ONE person on Facebook said they spoke to management.

So before anyone verified whether this was the reason for the change, everyone jumps to conclusions.

You (collective you, not you personally) have a right to be upset if you want, that's your choice. But at least wait until the reason for the change is confirmed before raising your blood pressure over it.

Could not agree more. Santa is still there. The stores are decorated. Christmas is still shoved down everyone's throats.

Christmas is shoved down everyone's throats? Wow.

Maybe because I LOVE the holidays I never understand the disdain for the holidays and the sentiment of "Xmas being shoved down my throat".

The holidays are what YOU make of them. Sure the stores and manufacturers of the world may commercialize it to some degree but that's such a little part of what Xmas is all about. It doesn't DEFINE my holidays.

For me, Xmas is a time for family, for seeing the joy on my children's faces Xmas morning, for traditions, for self-reflection, for looking back and reminiscing, for spending time with those that I love the most, for being kind to my fellow neighbor, for thinking of others before myself, for brightening someone else's day, for relaxing at night with my DH with only the glow of the Xmas tree lighting the room, for listening to the relaxing sounds of Xmas music that bring me back to my childhood, AND for feeling generally happy and at peace and like the world is just a little bit smaller and a little more friendly this time of year.

The holidays should make you feel happy and festive............not so bitter and angry. I think so many people, people in my own family even, just focus on the wrong things at this time of year. They complain about having to spend hours cooking instead of looking forward to sharing a special meal with those they love. They focus on all the presents they have to wrap instead of thinking about the joy they are bringing to those they are gifting to.

Xmas is but one time of year...........slow down, look around, listen to the music, take it all in and just enjoy it. That's what I do and I LOVE every minute of it and ring in the new year feeling blessed, loved, refreshed, and ready to start a whole new year!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA - And I know it feels like Xmas starts earlier every year but honestly, it doesn't bother me. So I see a Xmas tree in November, it doesn't diminish my Thanksgiving (which I do LOVE), it just makes the holidays feel like they last a little longer which is cool with me!! Chat Icon

I'm just curious, why do you only refer to the holiday as "Xmas"?

Because we've been talking about Xmas on this thread. Chat Icon

I think she means why don't you say Christmas

That's even a sillier question then. Because it's easier than typing out CHRISTMAS every single time. Chat Icon

ETA - I don't think that is what she meant though after rereading it. Chat Icon

Not saying you this is why you were doing it but I always thought it was a shorter version to write. But I found out some people write it that way to take "Christ" out of Christmas. So I stopped writing it like that, idk if that's why she was asking.

Ooooooo I had no idea anyone did it for a reason. It's just a long word and I get tired of writing it out every time. Chat Icon

Neither did I, I did for a long time till my sister told me that when I wrote it on card. lol. So now I just don't do it as my personal preference. But it is a long word Chat Icon

the "X" comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word that actually comes into English as "Christ". (edited because the Greek won't show up)

So the anger about taking the Christ out of Christmas makes no sense- X actually stands for Christ.

Yeah, but most people don't know that.

Many people are taking the X out of Christmas without realizing that by doing so, they are actually paying homage to the Greek language. Therefore, the anger toward it isn't nonsensical.

Posted 11/8/15 3:30 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Posted by Blazesyth

Supposedly the pod is gone now. Just a bench and those sad trees.

I saw a pic!! That was fast!! Guess everyone hated it! Chat Icon

Posted 11/8/15 6:37 PM

I'm a lucky mama

Member since 1/10

7585 total posts


Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

External Image
this is what it was replaced with?! they should have just left it and put santa closer to the trees. I would have went to see it.

Posted 11/8/15 6:38 PM

loving life

Member since 1/07

5413 total posts


Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Posted by MrsSpring

this is what it was replaced with?! they should have just left it and put santa closer to the trees. I would have went to see it.

Still won't be taking pics there, they messed up big time and I really hope people boycott their Santa this year

Posted 11/8/15 9:36 PM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

20494 total posts


Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Posted by sunnygirl

Posted by MrsSpring

this is what it was replaced with?! they should have just left it and put santa closer to the trees. I would have went to see it.

Still won't be taking pics there, they messed up big time and I really hope people boycott their Santa this year

Poor Santa Chat Icon

Posted 11/8/15 10:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/12

2911 total posts


Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

I'm kind of disappointed I didn't get to see how the pod pictures turned out, lol. I was imagining something with lights behind santa, reminiscent of the laser backgrounds from old elementary school photos.
Not sure if the reason for the glacier was ever confirmed, but it crossed my mind that the professional photo would look much better than a parent photo from outside the display (I don't think you're allowed to take pics from inside the display). So, more people would buy the pics.

Posted 11/9/15 12:31 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/08

138 total posts


Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

You can dislike it, but it seems as though there was no "anti-Christmas" agenda.

It wasn't enough to see the decorations and dislike them, even hate them, and not get your pictures done there. Instead we have to invent a nefarious motive for it.

The whole idea of a "War on Christmas" doesn't seem to have any factual basis. At a purely practical level, stores will never desert Christmas decorations because it's when they make the most money. I think everyone has to relax. Who cares if someone says "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" as long as it is said with sincerity?

We look way too hard for things to be offended by, and social media just exacerbates the speed and reach of the offended.

Posted 11/9/15 3:05 AM


Member since 7/06

11486 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Posted by LeeCR7

You can dislike it, but it seems as though there was no "anti-Christmas" agenda.

It wasn't enough to see the decorations and dislike them, even hate them, and not get your pictures done there. Instead we have to invent a nefarious motive for it.

The whole idea of a "War on Christmas" doesn't seem to have any factual basis. At a purely practical level, stores will never desert Christmas decorations because it's when they make the most money. I think everyone has to relax. Who cares if someone says "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" as long as it is said with sincerity?

We look way too hard for things to be offended by, and social media just exacerbates the speed and reach of the offended.

I agree. This whole thing is just so dumb. It must be a slow news week. It basically boils down to the fact that people didn't like the display, so they made stuff up about it being too politically correct.

I'm curious to how the pod would have looked. I like modern stuff.

Posted 11/9/15 5:46 AM

No one sings like you anymore.

Member since 7/10

9264 total posts

Petticoated Swashbuckler

Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Posted by sunnygirl

Posted by MrsSpring

this is what it was replaced with?! they should have just left it and put santa closer to the trees. I would have went to see it.

Still won't be taking pics there, they messed up big time and I really hope people boycott their Santa this year

Isn't forgiveness a big part of Christianity?

They listened to the public "outrage" (which was mainly a social media freak-out) and fixed the problem within one weekend. What more do you people want?!

Posted 11/9/15 6:36 AM


Member since 7/06

11486 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: Roosevelt Field Mall and Santa

Posted by PearlJamChick

Posted by sunnygirl

Posted by MrsSpring

External Image
this is what it was replaced with?! they should have just left it and put santa closer to the trees. I would have [del]went[/del] gone to see it.

Still won't be taking pics there, they messed up big time and I really hope people boycott their Santa this year

Isn't forgiveness a big part of Christianity?

They listened to the public "outrage" (which was mainly a social media freak-out) and fixed the problem within one weekend. What more do you people want?!

I agree! I don't know what more people want?

Posted 11/9/15 7:24 AM
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