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How long did you BF?

Forum Opinion Poll
Less than 3 months 40 26.85%
3-6 months 19 12.75%
7-9 months 18 12.08%
10-12 months 17 11.41%
More than 12 months 55 36.91%

POLL: How long did you BF?

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Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

I'm still BF'ing my 15 month old, we both love it and won't stop until she is ready. Keep up the good work, its really rewarding!

Message edited 6/11/2011 3:51:00 PM.

Posted 6/11/11 3:50 PM

baby boy coming spring '11

Member since 5/05

3133 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

I BFed dd for 8 months. DS is 10 weeks and I think I'm ready to wrap it up. I'm sick of pumping and worrying about having a few drinks or my supply. I'm just exhausted Chat Icon

Posted 6/11/11 4:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

Dd weaned when she was 3 years and one month. I had to wean DS two weeks ago as I had to have surgery - he was 22 months - I would have kept going but had to stop.

Posted 6/11/11 4:01 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/11

811 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

I nursed for 2 months, I switched to EPing and stopped pumping when DD was 7months.

I had a frozen supply that lasted until he was 9 months.

Posted 6/11/11 4:41 PM

Baby number 2 is on its way!

Member since 9/06

2020 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

I breast fed until 14 ds did not want to give it up!

Posted 6/11/11 4:45 PM

Me and my Boys

Member since 1/10

1400 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

15 months, he stopped himself...
my goal was a year, but after the first couple months (rough) it becomes like second nature so I would have indefinately but I got pregnant and DS stopped on his own.

Posted 6/11/11 4:46 PM

Mommy of an angel

Member since 10/09

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Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

DS is14 months and still nursing. My goal was 1 year.

Posted 6/11/11 5:02 PM

carseat nerd

Member since 11/09

3669 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

DD1 was 15 months, weaned due to my getting sick and needing meds that weren't BF safe.

DD2 I EBF for 3.5 months then began supplementing due to supply drop. At 4.5-5 months had to completely stop and trash my freezer stash because they said her eczema was from numerous food allergies Chat Icon I'm still devastated by it since it doesn't appear that it was the cause of her eczema but we can't be sure.

Posted 6/11/11 5:21 PM

Tiebreaker on deck!!!

Member since 11/08

2088 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

1 year with DS..stopped on his 1 yr bday because I was preggo with DD lol. With DD I'm on my 9th month.

Posted 6/11/11 5:46 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

Well over 2 years with all DC Chat Icon

Posted 6/11/11 6:26 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

DS - 1 year exclusively. He never had any formula.

DD - barely 3 weeks before I got sick with kidney infection, landed in the hospital and she was then a formula baby.

Both my kids are happy, bright and healthy!

Posted 6/11/11 7:23 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

593 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

I BF my DS until he was 18 months and the only reason I stopped was because I found out I was pregnant with my twins and my doctor told me I was making my body work too hard and it could have caused me to go into preterm labor.

My Chat Icon Chat Icon twins just turned 5 months last week and I am EBF them. My goal with them is 1 year but I just take it one day at a time because its so much harder with 2.

Posted 6/11/11 7:50 PM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

DD1: EBF for 3 months, then a split of BM and formula until I stopped BF at 8 months (she self-weaned)

DD2: still EBF (I exclusively pump) and she's 11.5 months. Just started adding 1-2 ounces of cow's milk last week since my supply is dropping a bit. I want to be done pumping right after she turns 1.

Posted 6/11/11 8:00 PM

<3 Cutest Giants Fan

Member since 10/09

5796 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

i am about to make it to 7 months!

my goal changes as I reach milestones- first it was 3 months, then 6, then 7 and now I am shooting for 8- I dont like to hold myself to anything or stress myself out so I take it month by month and try not to look out to far

Posted 6/11/11 8:50 PM


Member since 12/05

10281 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

Nina I nursed for 8 months, she self weaned. Luke I nursed for 8 weeks Chat Icon he had a bad milk protein allergy and needed Rx formula.

Message edited 6/11/2011 8:54:41 PM.

Posted 6/11/11 8:54 PM

My Loves <3

Member since 7/07

10079 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

You know my story but keep going! If you enjoy it and don't mind doing it then keep going Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon You've done a great job though in whatever you decide to do.

Posted 6/11/11 9:12 PM


Member since 1/06

5193 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

Finally at 21 months...I decided that DD would never stop (she was just nursing at night at that point) and that I had to stop her. It was a tough decision, but I think 21 months is a pretty amazing accomplishment!

Posted 6/11/11 9:40 PM

My 3 little loves <3<3<3

Member since 1/09

7395 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

I BFed my son until he self weaned at 15 months. I think he would probably have continued longer but I got pregnant when he was 13 months and supposedly your milk changes in taste during pregnancy. But who knows? Maybe he was just ready to wean! If you are enjoying it and so is he, why stop? My best advice is to not think about how much longer you're going to do it for, but just enjoy the time now, knowing you reached your initial goals and knowing you will stop when you and he are both ready to. IMO, it's such a short amount of time, that I wanted to just enjoy every second if that sweet bonding time knowing it wasn't going to last forever.

Posted 6/11/11 10:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1314 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

I've been exclusively breastfeeding for 9 months so far. I initially did not have any goals with breastfeeding. I just wanted it to work. But, when I hit 6 months i decided that I would nurse until I could give DS cows milk. DS now eats three square meals and nursing has become very quick. It is very doable! I figured I have gone this far without formula, i might as well continue.

Posted 6/11/11 10:38 PM

Baby #3 coming this June

Member since 8/05

6721 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

6 months. I would of went longer but I had to go back to work and pumping never worked for me.

Posted 6/11/11 11:30 PM

Mommy to FOUR little men!

Member since 8/08

9655 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

Thanks again, ladies!! I didn't realize so many of you BF and for so long at that!

This thread really helped me... I've made it this far and stopping now for no reason at all would just be silly. I'm going to try and push forward and BF until he can have cows milk.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/12/11 7:26 AM

Back for baby #3

Member since 5/09

4065 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

My goal early on was to get to the end of the day! Now at 14 months we are still bf. I can't believe it. DD was born 2months early & in the nicu 6 wks. I bf her once a day there bc that was all she could handle & I pumped like a crazy woman until a few wks after she was home. We then ebf. Now I am sort of looking forward to when she only nurses in the am & pm. We are working on night weaning now. Keep up the great work!!!! I have been there several times.

Posted 6/12/11 11:50 AM

I am all the Me I will ever Be

Member since 5/06

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She who shall remain nameless

Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

11.5 months and counting. Letting DS wean himself when he is ready.Chat Icon

Posted 6/12/11 12:37 PM


Member since 5/06

4794 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

11 months with DD and
13 months with DS

Posted 6/12/11 12:59 PM

sometimes 1+1= 4 <3

Member since 8/09

3869 total posts

the lucky one

Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

DD is 14months and we're still going strong! I love it and I am excited we made it this far. However, when DD is ready to self-wean, I am/will be too.

For the ease of it alone, it's worth it!

ETA: I never really had a timeline goal, I just took it day by day, then month by month!

Message edited 6/12/2011 9:24:28 PM.

Posted 6/12/11 9:22 PM
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