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How long did you BF?

Forum Opinion Poll
Less than 3 months 40 26.85%
3-6 months 19 12.75%
7-9 months 18 12.08%
10-12 months 17 11.41%
More than 12 months 55 36.91%

POLL: How long did you BF?

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Mommy to FOUR little men!

Member since 8/08

9655 total posts


POLL: How long did you BF?

My goal for BF keeps changing...
Originally, I just wanted to get to 3 months. Then I told myself I'd keep going until 6 months. Now DS is 6mo and I'm not sure I am ready to stop, but continuing until he is ready for cows milk seems like lightyears away. His ped doesn't want us to introduce cows milk until 12m.

How long did you BF for? I guess I'm just looking for motivation to keep going. TIA!

Posted 6/11/11 9:09 AM

2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08

7878 total posts

Mama mama mama....

Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

I'm only a week ahead of you, so I'm not much help... but my goal is to hit 1 year.

Take it one day at a time! You've already done so much good for him.

Posted 6/11/11 9:13 AM

Little Lady

Member since 5/07

5014 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

I nursed for 2 months, I switched to EPing and stopped pumping when DD was 7months.

Keep going if you want to, why not? Chat Icon

Posted 6/11/11 9:23 AM

you rang?

Member since 6/08

5573 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

I BFed DS1 until he self weaned at 15 months. I plan to BF DS2 at least until he's one and then until he self weans (hopefully before he's 18 months or so). If you're not sure either way then just take it one day at a time. You and/or DC will know when it's time. Great job so far!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/11/11 9:24 AM

Baby no. 3 coming soon!

Member since 6/09

5738 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

I'm in the same boat. In the early days, it was so tough. I'd say, I'd just want to make it to 6 weeks, then 8 weeks, etc....and here I am, still BFing at 5 months. I figured on 6 months, but it's quickly approaching and I really don't see myself stopping. But like you said, a year feels soooo far away.
I just don't feel like going through the hassle of weaning and finding a formula that agrees with her. Whipping out my b00b is just easier! Chat Icon

Message edited 6/11/2011 9:34:22 AM.

Posted 6/11/11 9:31 AM

Hope Faith Love

Member since 2/07

5694 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

My friend BF'd until her daughter was 4.

Is that odd?

Posted 6/11/11 9:32 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

I BF my twins for 15 months. I'm on month 3 with DD2 and plan on going for the same amount of time, if not longer.

Posted 6/11/11 9:34 AM


Member since 10/09

4594 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

I had similar goals as you, and now we are just past 12 months!!! Chat Icon

I felt like I would regret it if I quit but not if I kept going. Now that DS is such a little person it is the one thing that connects us in that "baby" way (if that makes sense, lol) We do it when he wakes up in the morning and right before bed, that's it!

Now I have to figure out when we are going to stop. Chat Icon

Good luck with whatever you do! Chat Icon

Posted 6/11/11 9:38 AM

Mommy to FOUR little men!

Member since 8/08

9655 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

Thanks, ladies!! Chat Icon

Don't get me wrong... I really enjoy BF and I know he does too. I'm just not sure when I should stop. I'll take it 1 day at a time.

Posted by Bellaocchi

My friend BF'd until her daughter was 4.

Is that odd?

This is JMO of course, but yes, I feel like BF until 4yo is odd. If she is pumping and feeding her that way, I find it less odd.

Posted 6/11/11 9:47 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

Chat Icon =3 months
Chat Icon =6 months
Chat Icon =4 months

Posted 6/11/11 9:47 AM

Welcome to the world Chase

Member since 9/08

6162 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

Right now 2 months. My goal is 3-6 months.

Posted 6/11/11 9:50 AM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

13118 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

DS self weaned at 15 months.

Posted 6/11/11 9:52 AM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

My goal was 1 year and I made it but started weaning at 11 months and stopped officially when DS was 13 months.

Posted 6/11/11 9:54 AM

Never knew LOVE like it before

Member since 3/10

2640 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

Almost 20 months and counting!!!! (.) (.)

Posted 6/11/11 9:58 AM

Mommy to FOUR little men!

Member since 8/08

9655 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

Wow! So many extended BF-ers! That is awesome! I give you all TONS of credit! Chat IconChat IconChat Icon

Posted 6/11/11 10:02 AM

LOVE my boys!!

Member since 10/09

1473 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

I was like you, I had a goal of 6 months but kept going and then after that I said why start paying for formula now so I kept going and now we are at 13.5 months and once I introduced cow's milk its down to only night time feeding.. and sometimes nap time, if he doesn't fall asleep in the car..

Posted 6/11/11 10:14 AM

2 Girls and 1 Boy!

Member since 7/07

3504 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

I BF DS until he was almost 15 months until he self weaned when I was 17 weeks preggo. I would have loved to keep going and I was all about tandem nursing but he had other plans. It was very sad for me.

Posted 6/11/11 10:16 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

650 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

23 months. Only stopped last month bc I got pregnant. Probably wouldn't have gone past 2/2.5 y/o though.

Posted 6/11/11 10:33 AM


Member since 6/10

1592 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

6 months of ebf, I stopped to up my chances on getting preggo. It worked, was preggo the next month.

Posted 6/11/11 10:34 AM

Where it all began....

Member since 5/05

24065 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

Posted by Maria31

My goal for BF keeps changing...
Originally, I just wanted to get to 3 months. Then I told myself I'd keep going until 6 months. Now DS is 6mo and I'm not sure I am ready to stop, but continuing until he is ready for cows milk seems like lightyears away. His ped doesn't want us to introduce cows milk until 12m.

How long did you BF for? I guess I'm just looking for motivation to keep going. TIA!

This is what I did and made it to 22months with my DS, and 26months with DD. He self weaned and I had to wean her off. Chat Icon

Keep up the good work Chat Icon

Posted 6/11/11 10:34 AM

All moms are working mothers!

Member since 8/08

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Super Mom

Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

im so jelious of all you that were able to bf for so long. I had such a hard time & bad experience with it. I tried it for 3 weeks mostly pumping though dd wouldnt attach and the crying ohh the crying. I plan to try again when we have another dc, i hope i get it right the next time i so badly wanted that for dd but sadly it just never worked for us. Chat Icon

Posted 6/11/11 10:41 AM

Im obsessed w my lil man!

Member since 3/09

2528 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

One week

Posted 6/11/11 10:51 AM

Gabriella Aubrey born 3/26!

Member since 5/10

2440 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

1 monthChat Icon
For my next dc, I want to try for 3-6 months with pumping

Posted 6/11/11 11:44 AM


Member since 9/05

4947 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

Exclusively pumped for 3 months and now at 6 months we just finished up the freezer stash.

Posted 6/11/11 12:07 PM


Member since 5/07

9579 total posts


Re: POLL: How long did you BF?

When I started it was make it 1 month, them it was make it 3, then 6 and I had to stop for medical reasons. At 6 mon, I was ready to go to 1yr, but also at 6m she lost interest in bfing and I was pumping only. I found making little goals was less overwhelming then saying 1yr at her birth. I think if you are in a nice routine and want to cont. you should! I am so jelous

Posted 6/11/11 12:33 PM
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