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all she does is CRY - small update - page 2

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Member since 4/08

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all she does is CRY - small update - page 2

i don't know what to do anymore....

all she does is cry...she hasn't slept in a LONG time - but she's eating...and i'm giving her mylicon.

i'm at a loss - and all i'm doing is crying now too....

Message edited 6/21/2009 2:03:45 AM.

Posted 6/20/09 1:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: all she does is CRY

Take a deep breath Jess... Is she burping well during the feedings? When she is crying does she arch her back a lot and tense up? This could be major gas pains....has she pooped? I know with Hannah, she had a lot of problems with the formula. I would call the ped if you are worried and maybe they can switch her formula. Please call me if you need me.

Posted 6/20/09 1:06 PM

2 boys 2 girls!!!!

Member since 7/08

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Re: all she does is CRY

Do you have a bouncer or swing? Try soft music, or static from the radio. When you carry her have you tried putting her belly on your forearm?

Car rides also were a dream for us, not sure if your DH is home though.

Relax, take a breath, and if need be put her down in her crib for 5 min to cry, so you can get your self back together. You getting upset will get her more upset. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/09 1:09 PM

Baby girls & beagles rock!

Member since 8/06

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Re: all she does is CRY

Jess I just did a search because I posted the exact same thing when Sadie was Emma's age...

Please help...this cant be normal...

She was awful awful awful for the first 4-6 weeks and now is the most happy and best baby ever. She RARELY cries, sleeps through the night and is smiley and happy and AWESOME.

She wound up having a milk protein allergy and reflux (although I am really not convinced it was ever reflux).

I would call the ped and explain how much she is crying.

Posted 6/20/09 1:10 PM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

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Re: all she does is CRY

I have always sworn by the "5 Ss" as outlined in the Happiest Baby book. I c&p this from the web:

The five S's
Five steps for parents to turn on the calming reflex

Sucking triggers the calming reflex and deepens a baby's level of relaxation.

Tight swaddling is the cornerstone of calming. Swaddling also helps keep babies from accidentally flipping onto their stomach. Avoid overheating and loose blankets. I recommend wrapping babies with their arms straight at their sides. Wrapping with flexed arms usually fails because the arms soon wiggle free. Swaddling is the cornerstone of calming. Swaddling is the only "S" that does not directly turn on the calming reflex. In fact, many babies struggle even more for a minute or two when first swaddled with straight arms; that's probably because their biceps are hypertonic from their position in utero—we don't know with certainty.

Loud, harsh, white noise mimics the noise of blood flowing through placental arteries when a fetus is in the womb. The louder a baby cries, the louder the shushing has to be to calm him. The "shhh" sound imitates the sound of blood flow that fetuses hear. It has been measured at 75 to 88 dB.37 This white noise is approximated by harsh, loud sounds from hair driers (85 dB) and vacuum cleaners (75 dB).

The noise needs to be as loud as a baby is crying for it to trigger the calming reflex. Continued white noise (at levels up to 80 dB) can keep the reflex turned on and help babies stay soothed and asleep.

Lying motionless deprives newborns of sensory stimulation. Swinging (rhythmic, jiggly movement) in rapid, tiny movements, like a shiver (two to three times a second), soothes agitated babies. Use slow, broad swinging to keep your baby soothed. Never shake a baby in anger. Slow motion, however, is usually ineffective at soothing babies who are upset. Turning on the calming reflex in a crying baby requires fast, low-amplitude movements of the head (to stimulate the vestibular apparatus). This motion is like a fine shimmy or shiver (my patients call this the "Jell-o head" jiggle). The head is supported so it moves with the body, and it goes back and forth only about an inch but very quickly—120 to 180 times a minute! This imitates the fetus's in utero experience and is completely different from the large amplitude, whiplash-like swings that cause shaken baby syndrome. Nonetheless, parents should be warned never to jiggle their baby when they're angry or frustrated.

Side or stomach position
All babies should be put to sleep on their back.* However, being on the side or stomach is best for calming the baby; it turns on the calming reflex and shuts off the Moro reflex. (The Moro reflex makes a baby's arms shoot out when he is startled by his own crying.) Being supine triggers the very upsetting Moro reflex. This "S" can be activated by putting a baby on her side, on her stomach (again, not for sleeping), or over an adult's shoulder. Some babies are so sensitive to position that, even on their side, they won't calm down if they are rolled the least bit toward their back.

. . . and one V

To stop a baby's cycle of crying, you must meet his level of intensity. Once the screaming diminishes for a few moments, you can gradually lessen the vigor of the calming maneuvers.

*This recommendation is consistent with the American Academy of Pediatrics' statement on the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Posted 6/20/09 1:11 PM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Re: all she does is CRY

To piggy-back on my previous post. I ALWAYS started with swaddling, followed quickly with SHHHHHHing loudly in DD's ear. LOUD. Almost enough to drown out her cries. It almost ALWAYS worked. While I was doing that, I would "jiggle" her. I'd support her neck, but allow her head to jiggle just a little bit. Then once she stopped crying I would nurse her or offer the paci.

Posted 6/20/09 1:14 PM


Member since 4/08

15553 total posts


Re: all she does is CRY

i burp her within an inch of her life after feedings...and she still wretches and screams - but wants more food....

i'm going to try the powdered for the next feeding - as my brother said it's 'thinner'....we'll see (he has a 6 month old).

i have used the happiest baby on the block stuff more times than i can breathe to do them....

i have her in a swing right now and it's the first time she's not crying for more than 10 minutes all day (and she's been up since 9:30)....

i feel so helpless

Posted 6/20/09 1:14 PM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Re: all she does is CRY

Awww you poor thing. Please know we have all been there. I remember that feeling of helplessness all too well. I know it sounds impossible- but remaining calm is the most important. I swear those little buggers can smell fear.

Eventually, she WILL sleep. Every day it will get better. My second baby was a miserable little beast at first to the point that her name around here was "El Diablo". Over time, she calmed down and by 3 months old was a content and happy baby. I almostcannot believe she was ever as bad as she was.

BTW- Mylicon never really worked for Eliza, but gripe water did.

Posted 6/20/09 1:25 PM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

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Re: all she does is CRY

Jacob cried for 2.5 months straight Chat Icon He never napped during the day and he slept maybe an hour every night. He finally stopped crying after the doctor started him on Zantac. He also started sleeping long stretches at night and napping. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/09 1:25 PM

Love my Jules :)

Member since 1/07

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Re: all she does is CRY

I would def. talk to your pedi. It sounds like she could have colic/allergy to the formula.


Posted 6/20/09 1:26 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: all she does is CRY

I am soo sorry but I totally understand... my DD is the same way... I do have to say the maalox does work a little....

Posted 6/20/09 1:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/09

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Anna Maria

Re: all she does is CRY

IS she on Similac-- it was very harsh on my baby's tummy ----we ended up swtiching to Gentlease and it was a lot better ---

I agree with all the previous posts and the swing was a godsend - let her stay in it as long as she wants to.

Also a lot of babies just want to be held -- is there anyone that can come over and take turns with you?

It'll pass soon!

Posted 6/20/09 1:39 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/07

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Re: all she does is CRY

Posted by davenjess

i burp her within an inch of her life after feedings...and she still wretches and screams - but wants more food....

i'm going to try the powdered for the next feeding - as my brother said it's 'thinner'....we'll see (he has a 6 month old).

i have used the happiest baby on the block stuff more times than i can breathe to do them....

i have her in a swing right now and it's the first time she's not crying for more than 10 minutes all day (and she's been up since 9:30)....

i feel so helpless

I was with you when my DD was a newborn..turns out she had a severe milk protein allergy..take a poopy diaper to the Ped and they can test it in 2 me, colic is usually something, the allergy can cause reflux, really bad gas pains and they fuss like hell during feedings...once we finally got her on neocate, poof, scream sessions gone and i had a life, she napped better etc..i remember holding her around the house for like 10 hour stretches..i was beside myself...i have a feeling she is having a reaction to the formula and trust me, power or not, wont make a difference if she is...another your ped but i used mylanta at the advice of my Ped GI doc and it helped tremendously with her gas...hang in there and get her checked..Some pediatricians are open on sat and if not i would call the service line, i did because i couldnt take it anymore and they really helped...

Posted 6/20/09 1:55 PM

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Member since 3/09

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Re: all she does is CRY

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Posted 6/20/09 2:35 PM


Member since 4/08

15553 total posts


Re: all she does is CRY

the powerdered formula seemed to be okay and then she started freaking again. (i added a TINY bit more water than 4 ounces and by tiny - i mean like a half an inch more water) - because she STILL isn't pooping on her own (without us doing leg exercises or stimulating her butt).

she is currently on similac early shield. I have some enfamil...should i switch or should i stay with the enfamil?

her burping was MUCH better with the powder - and she fussed after the feeding - but for LESS time...she only fussed for maybe 15 minutes and then fell asleep in my arms and i put her in the swing...

my mom is here - but she's as clueless as i am....

the poopy diaper thing - i'd LOVE to get a sample to the doc - however like i said above - she's not going too often. she pees and farts like a crazy person...but only poops if we do some exercises with her or stimulate her butt....(which to me means the formula is too much)..

Posted 6/20/09 4:39 PM

Yummy yummy cookie...

Member since 10/08

2005 total posts


Re: all she does is CRY

Jess, I think the formula is definitely a problem. It sounds exactly what we went through with Hannah. Talk to your ped and see if you can switch to a pre-digested formula like Alimentum. It is more expensive, but it definitely did the trick with us. Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/09 4:43 PM

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Re: all she does is CRY

Posted by hannahsmom

Jess, I think the formula is definitely a problem. It sounds exactly what we went through with Hannah. Talk to your ped and see if you can switch to a pre-digested formula like Alimentum. It is more expensive, but it definitely did the trick with us. Chat Icon

Jess, I totally totally agree with this! Like I said in my FM, Samantha was exactly the same and once we made the switch to the Alimentum she was a new baby!

My offer still stands (as always) to come over and help!

Posted 6/20/09 4:50 PM


Member since 4/08

15553 total posts


Re: all she does is CRY

here's a ???

is formula returnable? i bought many boxes of the RTF stuff yesterday (for nighttime ease feedings)....from BRU and i have a few of the bottles too (the large ones)... NATURALLY i bought it all yesterday...

Posted 6/20/09 5:08 PM


Member since 6/06

1056 total posts


Re: all she does is CRY

Jess, I had the same exact thing happen with me with DD and yes, I changed her formula from Similac Advanced Early Shield to Similiac Sensitive and it really helped. Mylicon didn't do much for her and Gripe Water made her projectile spit-up. Chat Icon

Posted by davenjess

here's a ???

is formula returnable? i bought many boxes of the RTF stuff yesterday (for nighttime ease feedings)....from BRU and i have a few of the bottles too (the large ones)... NATURALLY i bought it all yesterday...

I would check the receipt, but honestly, I don't think so. DH once came home with the wrong formula from BBB and they wouldn't return it for safety reasons. It said so on the receipt but I'm not sure about BRU, I would check the receipt or call them. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/09 5:12 PM

♥ HJ ♥

Member since 6/07

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Re: all she does is CRY

hey jess, i sent you a message on facebook, did you get it? i agree it sounds like the formula is bothering her.. kayla had the same problem when she was a newborn.. we switched her to soy for a few months and she was perfect. when the ped and i decided she was ready to wean back to milk-based we did and she did great. good luck, i hope it gets better really soon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/09 5:51 PM

my two loves

Member since 10/06

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Re: all she does is CRY

Definately sounds like a formula/reflux/milk allergy problem. Call your Ped and ask what they reccomend. I would not switch from to Enfamil, try something more broken down like Gentlease, Good Start (the only one DS will tolerate), or Alimentum.

Good luck, it DOES get better Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/09 6:37 PM

Happy Winter!

Member since 1/09

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Re: all she does is CRY

yea both my kids had problems with the formula and once i switched them to alimentum , they were fine!!! it sounds like it's the formula to me!!! keep us posted!!!

Posted 6/20/09 6:55 PM

it's me

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Re: all she does is CRY

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Posted 6/20/09 6:56 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 9/06

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Re: all she does is CRY

Unless the ped can provide a good reason not to, I would strongly recommend switching to Alimentum. When DD was a few weeks old she was also crying a lot, especially when feeding, and was very gassy. When we swicthed to Alimentum, it helped her reflux and gas issues which were making her scream and cry, and she has been MUCH calmer and quieter. The other thing that seemed to help the gas was switching to the Born Free bottles, that have a valve that is supposed to reduce gas.

Message edited 6/20/2009 8:23:05 PM.

Posted 6/20/09 8:22 PM

Baby girls & beagles rock!

Member since 8/06

10356 total posts


Re: all she does is CRY

I would totally switch... She should be popping a lot easier.

switch to similac sensitive first, then ask the ped about milk allergy

Posted 6/20/09 8:30 PM
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