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Unmask the children rally

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LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6946 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by Anotherplease

Sorry I can’t get link to work but cdc investigating heart issues in teens and young adults after getting the vaccine.

Yes and strokes, PE’s and blood clots. This was from a nurse too, not a LIF poster who heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend.

Posted 5/22/21 4:46 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Just another chapter in life..

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Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by Anotherplease

Sorry I can’t get link to work but cdc investigating heart issues in teens and young adults after getting the vaccine.

That can't be though. That doctor above said there are zero long term effects in children. So it must all be lies and propaganda.

Posted 5/22/21 4:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6946 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Anotherplease

Sorry I can’t get link to work but cdc investigating heart issues in teens and young adults after getting the vaccine.

That can't be though. That doctor above said there are zero long term effects in children. So it must all be lies and propaganda.

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Posted 5/22/21 4:55 PM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3570 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Anotherplease

Sorry I can’t get link to work but cdc investigating heart issues in teens and young adults after getting the vaccine.

That can't be though. That doctor above said there are zero long term effects in children. So it must all be lies and propaganda.

Yes. That one person said there was zero risk. Obviously any issues are a coincidence.

Posted 5/22/21 5:16 PM

My everything <3

Member since 4/15

3635 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by ChilisWife

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Anotherplease

Sorry I can’t get link to work but cdc investigating heart issues in teens and young adults after getting the vaccine.

That can't be though. That doctor above said there are zero long term effects in children. So it must all be lies and propaganda.

Yes. That one person said there was zero risk. Obviously any issues are a coincidence.

Stop spewing misinformation u crazy, selfish antivax. I hope someone reports u and censor all the science-less crap u're sharing .Chat Icon

Posted 5/22/21 5:24 PM


Member since 7/06

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Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by Anotherplease

Sorry I can’t get link to work but cdc investigating heart issues in teens and young adults after getting the vaccine.

I don’t recall anyone saying zero risk…

But from the article:

“The condition often goes away without complications and can be caused by a variety of viruses, the CDC group said.”

“Dr. Amesh Adalja, senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, said vaccines are known to cause myocarditis and would be important to monitor to see if it is causally related to the vaccine. It is important to look at the risk-benefit ratio, he added. "Vaccines are going to unequivocally be much more beneficial outweighing this very low, if conclusively established, risk."”

The article also doesn’t mention pre-existing conditions. I have a personal story with this, but I don’t think that really matters.

You take a risk with anything. For me, the risk of a vaccine outweighs the risk of long term Covid.

Posted 5/22/21 7:44 PM

Love my boys!!

Member since 1/12

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Unmask the children rally

If I choose to give my children the vaccine and they develop myocardotis or some other long term health complication, I may never forgive myself but that is the risk I am willing to take. If someone else chooses to not vaccinate their child, and their child ends up intubated or carrying some long term COVID health issue, they may never forgive themselves, but that is the risk they are willing to take. Let's not all be naive enough to not acknowledge that either choice carries a small, but real, risk of catastrophic complications. Neither choice is great but right now they are the only choices we have. Also, wasn't this thread about masks?

Posted 5/22/21 7:56 PM


Member since 1/14

7985 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by Naturalmama

If I choose to give my children the vaccine and they develop myocardotis or some other long term health complication, I may never forgive myself but that is the risk I am willing to take. If someone else chooses to not vaccinate their child, and their child ends up intubated or carrying some long term COVID health issue, they may never forgive themselves, but that is the risk they are willing to take. Let's not all be naive enough to not acknowledge that either choice carries a small, but real, risk of catastrophic complications. Neither choice is great but right now they are the only choices we have. Also, wasn't this thread about masks?

I'm not reading al the posts, too many but well said Naturalmama, there are always positive and negatives.

Posted 5/22/21 8:02 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


Unmask the children rally

There is also data regarding heart complications in children who have had covid. Not pushing anyone one way or another as far as the vaccine but there are potential risks either way.

As for the original topic of the post, I think k-12 kids should continue to be masked in school in part for the exact reason that I don't think everyone should be pushed into vaccinating them yet. I also think it's dumb to implement new mask rules for daycares at this point. I think kids should be unmasked outdoors whether at camp or school. I just can't understand that a lot of the same people pushing unmask the kids are also against vaccinating the kids. Everyone is so extreme these days, can't we at least TRY to find a balance between giving them some protection and letting them enjoy the low infection rate we've accomplished?

Posted 5/22/21 8:48 PM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3570 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by Naturalmama

If I choose to give my children the vaccine and they develop myocardotis or some other long term health complication, I may never forgive myself but that is the risk I am willing to take. If someone else chooses to not vaccinate their child, and their child ends up intubated or carrying some long term COVID health issue, they may never forgive themselves, but that is the risk they are willing to take. Let's not all be naive enough to not acknowledge that either choice carries a small, but real, risk of catastrophic complications. Neither choice is great but right now they are the only choices we have. Also, wasn't this thread about masks?

Well said and I agree with this. All I want is for risks to be acknowkedged to allow people to make informed consent, or not.

Posted 5/22/21 9:09 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

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..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by ChilisWife

Posted by Naturalmama

If I choose to give my children the vaccine and they develop myocardotis or some other long term health complication, I may never forgive myself but that is the risk I am willing to take. If someone else chooses to not vaccinate their child, and their child ends up intubated or carrying some long term COVID health issue, they may never forgive themselves, but that is the risk they are willing to take. Let's not all be naive enough to not acknowledge that either choice carries a small, but real, risk of catastrophic complications. Neither choice is great but right now they are the only choices we have. Also, wasn't this thread about masks?

Well said and I agree with this. All I want is for risks to be acknowkedged to allow people to make informed consent, or not.


Posted 5/22/21 9:14 PM

My everything <3

Member since 4/15

3635 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by ChilisWife

Posted by Naturalmama

If I choose to give my children the vaccine and they develop myocardotis or some other long term health complication, I may never forgive myself but that is the risk I am willing to take. If someone else chooses to not vaccinate their child, and their child ends up intubated or carrying some long term COVID health issue, they may never forgive themselves, but that is the risk they are willing to take. Let's not all be naive enough to not acknowledge that either choice carries a small, but real, risk of catastrophic complications. Neither choice is great but right now they are the only choices we have. Also, wasn't this thread about masks?

Well said and I agree with this. All I want is for risks to be acknowkedged to allow people to make informed consent, or not.

I have to agree with u on this. Although I personally have my own beliefs towards vaccinations for reasons I have mentioned in the past, ultimately and what’s at stake right now is medical freedom (no mandates) and full informed consent (transparency with their products so the patient can be well informed with the good things AND the bad things prior receiving vaccines). Wish more people could see the great relevance in both of these things.

Message edited 5/22/2021 10:42:44 PM.

Posted 5/22/21 9:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1188 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by ChilisWife

Posted by Naturalmama

If I choose to give my children the vaccine and they develop myocardotis or some other long term health complication, I may never forgive myself but that is the risk I am willing to take. If someone else chooses to not vaccinate their child, and their child ends up intubated or carrying some long term COVID health issue, they may never forgive themselves, but that is the risk they are willing to take. Let's not all be naive enough to not acknowledge that either choice carries a small, but real, risk of catastrophic complications. Neither choice is great but right now they are the only choices we have. Also, wasn't this thread about masks?

Well said and I agree with this. All I want is for risks to be acknowkedged to allow people to make informed consent, or not.


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I was/am anxious about getting covid and I’m just as nervous to get the vaccine. It’s a shittty spot to be in.

Posted 5/22/21 10:06 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/11

1284 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by BFNY516

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by ChilisWife

Posted by Naturalmama

If I choose to give my children the vaccine and they develop myocardotis or some other long term health complication, I may never forgive myself but that is the risk I am willing to take. If someone else chooses to not vaccinate their child, and their child ends up intubated or carrying some long term COVID health issue, they may never forgive themselves, but that is the risk they are willing to take. Let's not all be naive enough to not acknowledge that either choice carries a small, but real, risk of catastrophic complications. Neither choice is great but right now they are the only choices we have. Also, wasn't this thread about masks?

Well said and I agree with this. All I want is for risks to be acknowkedged to allow people to make informed consent, or not.


Chat Icon

I was/am anxious about getting covid and I’m just as nervous to get the vaccine. It’s a shittty spot to be in.

It’s a “pick your poison” decision. It is a tough decision. Reminds me when I had to choose formula feeding or breast feeding. Let’s just say I remember the looks when I told people I decided on formula feeding....similar looks as to when I said I won’t give my children the Covid vaccine.

Meanwhile, when someone says they will vaccinate their child....I smile and move on with the convo.
When some one says they won’t vaccinate their child...I smile and move on. Just like I didn’t care how someone fed their child....I could care less what you decide to do with this vaccine!

Posted 5/22/21 10:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

I admit that I wish people would get the vaccine. Science shows that is how we get out of this.

However, I understand that berating people into doing something is not really going to get anyone anywhere, so I don't say much about it and hope for the best.

I will say that if people decide not to, I hope the decision is based on facts and not because they are stuck in some nutty right wing media windtunnel. For example, that reuters article posted is literally line after line about how there doesn't seem to actually be anything to worry about. Now, if my child had heart problems or something, sure I would consult his cardiologist, ped, etc. and go with what they suggest. For that matter, for anyone who is that concerned, let them consult their doctor just like people do for any other medical procedure.

Anti maskers who talk about fearmongering are awfully fearful of a vaccine, IMO.

What pisses me off much more than any of that is people who are abusing the honor system and going maskless even though they are unvaccinated. At least two people on here seem to be doing that, unless they got vaccinated in the meantime or something. But if they didn't, those people are assholes. If you don't want to get the vaccine fine but then comply with the rules posted in public places to protect people who cannot get the vaccine due to age or another issue.

Posted 5/22/21 10:54 PM

Love my boys!!

Member since 1/12

3548 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by JennP

I admit that I wish people would get the vaccine. Science shows that is how we get out of this.

However, I understand that berating people into doing something is not really going to get anyone anywhere, so I don't say much about it and hope for the best.

I will say that if people decide not to, I hope the decision is based on facts and not because they are stuck in some nutty right wing media windtunnel. For example, that reuters article posted is literally line after line about how there doesn't seem to actually be anything to worry about. Now, if my child had heart problems or something, sure I would consult his cardiologist, ped, etc. and go with what they suggest. For that matter, for anyone who is that concerned, let them consult their doctor just like people do for any other medical procedure.

Anti maskers who talk about fearmongering are awfully fearful of a vaccine, IMO.

What pisses me off much more than any of that is people who are abusing the honor system and going maskless even though they are unvaccinated. At least two people on here seem to be doing that, unless they got vaccinated in the meantime or something. But if they didn't, those people are assholes. If you don't want to get the vaccine fine but then comply with the rules posted in public places to protect people who cannot get the vaccine due to age or another issue.

I get what you are saying. I am fearful that if too many people don't get the vaccine, we will never fully be out of this. The worst thing would be going back to March/April 2020. Many seem to think that will never happen again, but it can. We are not out of the woods. However, it still really needs to be a choice. We can't force a brand new vaccine on anyone.
The mask thing is a whole other beast and I can't get into it again, but at the end of the day if we do go back into a lockdown, the government that prematurely lifted all of these mandates will be the ones to blame- not the people who just listened to the mandates, although I do know unvaccinated should still be wearing a mask- and we all know that isn't happening.

Message edited 5/22/2021 11:26:47 PM.

Posted 5/22/21 11:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/15

3987 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by JennP

I admit that I wish people would get the vaccine. Science shows that is how we get out of this.

However, I understand that berating people into doing something is not really going to get anyone anywhere, so I don't say much about it and hope for the best.

I will say that if people decide not to, I hope the decision is based on facts and not because they are stuck in some nutty right wing media windtunnel. For example, that reuters article posted is literally line after line about how there doesn't seem to actually be anything to worry about. Now, if my child had heart problems or something, sure I would consult his cardiologist, ped, etc. and go with what they suggest. For that matter, for anyone who is that concerned, let them consult their doctor just like people do for any other medical procedure.

Anti maskers who talk about fearmongering are awfully fearful of a vaccine, IMO.

What pisses me off much more than any of that is people who are abusing the honor system and going maskless even though they are unvaccinated. At least two people on here seem to be doing that, unless they got vaccinated in the meantime or something. But if they didn't, those people are assholes. If you don't want to get the vaccine fine but then comply with the rules posted in public places to protect people who cannot get the vaccine due to age or another issue.

I tend to lean pretty far left and as of right now I refuse to get the vaccine. Let's not make this a political issue. At this point why are you so concerned about those who are unvaccinated? If we follow the science, those who are vaccinated have nothing to worry about. Chat Icon

And these statements about those who are still unvaccinated are not wearing masks is a bunch of BS. Noone in my family or extended family that have yet to be vaccinated have stopped wearing masks. Please stop with the fear mongering

Message edited 5/22/2021 11:27:22 PM.

Posted 5/22/21 11:24 PM

Love my boys!!

Member since 1/12

3548 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by RainyDay

Posted by JennP

I admit that I wish people would get the vaccine. Science shows that is how we get out of this.

However, I understand that berating people into doing something is not really going to get anyone anywhere, so I don't say much about it and hope for the best.

I will say that if people decide not to, I hope the decision is based on facts and not because they are stuck in some nutty right wing media windtunnel. For example, that reuters article posted is literally line after line about how there doesn't seem to actually be anything to worry about. Now, if my child had heart problems or something, sure I would consult his cardiologist, ped, etc. and go with what they suggest. For that matter, for anyone who is that concerned, let them consult their doctor just like people do for any other medical procedure.

Anti maskers who talk about fearmongering are awfully fearful of a vaccine, IMO.

What pisses me off much more than any of that is people who are abusing the honor system and going maskless even though they are unvaccinated. At least two people on here seem to be doing that, unless they got vaccinated in the meantime or something. But if they didn't, those people are assholes. If you don't want to get the vaccine fine but then comply with the rules posted in public places to protect people who cannot get the vaccine due to age or another issue.

I tend to lean pretty far left and as of right now I refuse to get the vaccine. Let's not make this a political issue. At this point why are you so concerned about those who are unvaccinated? If we follow the science, those who are vaccinated have nothing to worry about. Chat Icon

And these statements about those who are still unvaccinated are not wearing masks is a bunch of BS. Noone in my family or extended family that have yet to be vaccinated have stopped wearing masks. Please stop with the fear mongering

I could be wrong, but I think she was referring to people on here who openly state they ditched the masks even though they are not vaccinated.
I am not afraid of the unvaccinated, like you said, I am protected so I don't care for myself. But I am very worried about this thing resurging. I have severe PTSD from last year, so I may just overthink it more than others lol.

Posted 5/22/21 11:29 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

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Momma <3

Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by RainyDay

Posted by JennP

I admit that I wish people would get the vaccine. Science shows that is how we get out of this.

However, I understand that berating people into doing something is not really going to get anyone anywhere, so I don't say much about it and hope for the best.

I will say that if people decide not to, I hope the decision is based on facts and not because they are stuck in some nutty right wing media windtunnel. For example, that reuters article posted is literally line after line about how there doesn't seem to actually be anything to worry about. Now, if my child had heart problems or something, sure I would consult his cardiologist, ped, etc. and go with what they suggest. For that matter, for anyone who is that concerned, let them consult their doctor just like people do for any other medical procedure.

Anti maskers who talk about fearmongering are awfully fearful of a vaccine, IMO.

What pisses me off much more than any of that is people who are abusing the honor system and going maskless even though they are unvaccinated. At least two people on here seem to be doing that, unless they got vaccinated in the meantime or something. But if they didn't, those people are assholes. If you don't want to get the vaccine fine but then comply with the rules posted in public places to protect people who cannot get the vaccine due to age or another issue.

I tend to lean pretty far left and as of right now I refuse to get the vaccine. Let's not make this a political issue. At this point why are you so concerned about those who are unvaccinated? If we follow the science, those who are vaccinated have nothing to worry about. Chat Icon

And these statements about those who are still unvaccinated are not wearing masks is a bunch of BS. Noone in my family or extended family that have yet to be vaccinated have stopped wearing masks. Please stop with the fear mongering

Unvaccinated should be wearing masks as children can not yet get the vaccine. I’m vaccinated and wear a mask because I usually have my son with me and he still needs to wear a mask.

Posted 5/22/21 11:39 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54919 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by Naturalmama

Posted by RainyDay

Posted by JennP

I admit that I wish people would get the vaccine. Science shows that is how we get out of this.

However, I understand that berating people into doing something is not really going to get anyone anywhere, so I don't say much about it and hope for the best.

I will say that if people decide not to, I hope the decision is based on facts and not because they are stuck in some nutty right wing media windtunnel. For example, that reuters article posted is literally line after line about how there doesn't seem to actually be anything to worry about. Now, if my child had heart problems or something, sure I would consult his cardiologist, ped, etc. and go with what they suggest. For that matter, for anyone who is that concerned, let them consult their doctor just like people do for any other medical procedure.

Anti maskers who talk about fearmongering are awfully fearful of a vaccine, IMO.

What pisses me off much more than any of that is people who are abusing the honor system and going maskless even though they are unvaccinated. At least two people on here seem to be doing that, unless they got vaccinated in the meantime or something. But if they didn't, those people are assholes. If you don't want to get the vaccine fine but then comply with the rules posted in public places to protect people who cannot get the vaccine due to age or another issue.

I tend to lean pretty far left and as of right now I refuse to get the vaccine. Let's not make this a political issue. At this point why are you so concerned about those who are unvaccinated? If we follow the science, those who are vaccinated have nothing to worry about. Chat Icon

And these statements about those who are still unvaccinated are not wearing masks is a bunch of BS. Noone in my family or extended family that have yet to be vaccinated have stopped wearing masks. Please stop with the fear mongering

I could be wrong, but I think she was referring to people on here who openly state they ditched the masks even though they are not vaccinated.
I am not afraid of the unvaccinated, like you said, I am protected so I don't care for myself. But I am very worried about this thing resurging. I have severe PTSD from last year, so I may just overthink it more than others lol.

I'm trying to scan through the threads, but they are long. But I don't recall anyone on here saying they ditched their masks and aren't vaccinated.
I know people were listing places that were no questions asked but I didn't see anyone here say they went maskless in those places.
But I could have missed it

Posted 5/22/21 11:50 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Naturalmama

Posted by RainyDay

Posted by JennP

I admit that I wish people would get the vaccine. Science shows that is how we get out of this.

However, I understand that berating people into doing something is not really going to get anyone anywhere, so I don't say much about it and hope for the best.

I will say that if people decide not to, I hope the decision is based on facts and not because they are stuck in some nutty right wing media windtunnel. For example, that reuters article posted is literally line after line about how there doesn't seem to actually be anything to worry about. Now, if my child had heart problems or something, sure I would consult his cardiologist, ped, etc. and go with what they suggest. For that matter, for anyone who is that concerned, let them consult their doctor just like people do for any other medical procedure.

Anti maskers who talk about fearmongering are awfully fearful of a vaccine, IMO.

What pisses me off much more than any of that is people who are abusing the honor system and going maskless even though they are unvaccinated. At least two people on here seem to be doing that, unless they got vaccinated in the meantime or something. But if they didn't, those people are assholes. If you don't want to get the vaccine fine but then comply with the rules posted in public places to protect people who cannot get the vaccine due to age or another issue.

I tend to lean pretty far left and as of right now I refuse to get the vaccine. Let's not make this a political issue. At this point why are you so concerned about those who are unvaccinated? If we follow the science, those who are vaccinated have nothing to worry about. Chat Icon

And these statements about those who are still unvaccinated are not wearing masks is a bunch of BS. Noone in my family or extended family that have yet to be vaccinated have stopped wearing masks. Please stop with the fear mongering

I could be wrong, but I think she was referring to people on here who openly state they ditched the masks even though they are not vaccinated.
I am not afraid of the unvaccinated, like you said, I am protected so I don't care for myself. But I am very worried about this thing resurging. I have severe PTSD from last year, so I may just overthink it more than others lol.

I'm trying to scan through the threads, but they are long. But I don't recall anyone on here saying they ditched their masks and aren't vaccinated.
I know people were listing places that were no questions asked but I didn't see anyone here say they went maskless in those places.
But I could have missed it

I said it. I know at least 15 families and I'm sure there are many more in my area that are not getting the vaccine and ditched their masks for their entire family as soon as the mandate was changed. They are against masks and the vaccine. Personally, I don't care as I am vaccinated and next week both of my children will be.

Posted 5/23/21 1:00 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54919 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by KarenK122

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Naturalmama

Posted by RainyDay

Posted by JennP

I admit that I wish people would get the vaccine. Science shows that is how we get out of this.

However, I understand that berating people into doing something is not really going to get anyone anywhere, so I don't say much about it and hope for the best.

I will say that if people decide not to, I hope the decision is based on facts and not because they are stuck in some nutty right wing media windtunnel. For example, that reuters article posted is literally line after line about how there doesn't seem to actually be anything to worry about. Now, if my child had heart problems or something, sure I would consult his cardiologist, ped, etc. and go with what they suggest. For that matter, for anyone who is that concerned, let them consult their doctor just like people do for any other medical procedure.

Anti maskers who talk about fearmongering are awfully fearful of a vaccine, IMO.

What pisses me off much more than any of that is people who are abusing the honor system and going maskless even though they are unvaccinated. At least two people on here seem to be doing that, unless they got vaccinated in the meantime or something. But if they didn't, those people are assholes. If you don't want to get the vaccine fine but then comply with the rules posted in public places to protect people who cannot get the vaccine due to age or another issue.

I tend to lean pretty far left and as of right now I refuse to get the vaccine. Let's not make this a political issue. At this point why are you so concerned about those who are unvaccinated? If we follow the science, those who are vaccinated have nothing to worry about. Chat Icon

And these statements about those who are still unvaccinated are not wearing masks is a bunch of BS. Noone in my family or extended family that have yet to be vaccinated have stopped wearing masks. Please stop with the fear mongering

I could be wrong, but I think she was referring to people on here who openly state they ditched the masks even though they are not vaccinated.
I am not afraid of the unvaccinated, like you said, I am protected so I don't care for myself. But I am very worried about this thing resurging. I have severe PTSD from last year, so I may just overthink it more than others lol.

I'm trying to scan through the threads, but they are long. But I don't recall anyone on here saying they ditched their masks and aren't vaccinated.
I know people were listing places that were no questions asked but I didn't see anyone here say they went maskless in those places.
But I could have missed it

I said it. I know at least 15 families and I'm sure there are many more in my area that are not getting the vaccine and ditched their masks for their entire family as soon as the mandate was changed. They are against masks and the vaccine. Personally, I don't care as I am vaccinated and next week both of my children will be.

Ok, I just thought they meant members on here saying they personally were doing it

Posted 5/23/21 1:02 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17790 total posts


Unmask the children rally

I was just reading on FB that we should expect updated guidance from the governor on the summer camp and daycare requirements that went out last week. In the meantime, our county is not adopting the guidelines.

Posted 5/23/21 2:59 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/09

1216 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

I'd seriously consider vaccinating my children simply due to all the anti-vaxxers out there. Adults unwilling to "follow the science" are putting children at risk. My physician, pediatrician and dentist have all recommended it. Children may not get as seriously ill, but this virus has detrimentally affected their quality of life.

Just watch - Cuomo has implemented this mandate as he is pushing the vaccine for kids. IMO, as much as I cannot stand the man, he is right to do it. We cannot protect our kids if the adults do not get vaccinated.

Posted 5/23/21 5:35 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

929 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by Anotherplease

Sorry I can’t get link to work but cdc investigating heart issues in teens and young adults after getting the vaccine.

News 12 just report heart inflammation in so people after receiving vaccine

Posted 5/23/21 11:20 AM
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Long Island Bridal Shows