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Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

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Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

Posted by blu6385

i mean this really in a non snotty way but what does everyone do all day all summer without kids if you don't work? I am being serious cause I would be bored out of my mind. Don't get me wrong a couple of weeks having no kids and no work is nice i would probably get everything I needed done in 2 weeks but all summer I would be going crazy from boredom.

This is probably why I don't mind going to work and even if I had an option of staying home I wouldn't. Chat Icon

Everyone is different. Right now I hardly get "me" time. When I do I am stuck at home bc DS1 is in school the time DS2 is napping. I also work PT at home.
For me... I could run errands that don't just have to wait for the weekend, get house cleaned, laundry, mani/pedi, read a book, prep dinner, yard work, clean pool, sit by pool with a drink Chat Icon Chat Icon .
By errands I mean there's always something coming up... birthday parties to work on, birthday party gifts to buy for upcoming birthdays, clothes shopping for myself, the kids and DH, food shopping, and just for stuff for around the house, work out, etc.
My neighbors kids are older. Not sure what she does during the day, but she's never around. Involved in the school and preparing for things all the time. She also on the side sells stuff for friends on ebay. When the kids get home it's nonstop between sports, Hebrew school, kids homework, kid's friends or practicing sports with the kids outside.

ETA - I'd also get together with my friends more. It's hard for us to find time, but as the kids get older we can see each other more and there's always something to plan for that's coming up.
What did we do before kids? LOL

Message edited 4/24/2014 9:35:41 AM.

Posted 4/24/14 9:17 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1712 total posts


Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

I guess I am in the minority. I count down the days from September, until I get summer break with my kids. I love not having to rush out of the door first thing... lazy mornings, beach days, water parks, pool days, picnics, movies, sprinkler parks, play dates.... I just love it all. Maybe I am being selfish because if I sent them away my summer would be boring without them Chat Icon

I can see the appeal of doing it one or two days a week... but really we find ways to keep busy all summer. The money that I would spend on camp, I can use for a great vacation for the entire family.

Maybe I'm biased because I never wanted to go to camp as a kid and have such wonderful memories of all the fun things my mom did with me on my summers off.

Posted 4/24/14 9:22 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.


I guess I am in the minority. I count down the days from September, until I get summer break with my kids. I love not having to rush out of the door first thing... lazy mornings, beach days, water parks, pool days, picnics, movies, sprinkler parks, play dates.... I just love it all. Maybe I am being selfish because if I sent them away my summer would be boring without them Chat Icon

I can see the appeal of doing it one or two days a week... but really we find ways to keep busy all summer. The money that I would spend on camp, I can use for a great vacation for the entire family.

Maybe I'm biased because I never wanted to go to camp as a kid and have such wonderful memories of all the fun things my mom did with me on my summers off.

This is how I grew up so I have the same view. I WFT but I actually wish I had summers to spend with my DS. I had so much fun with my mom growing up during the summers...going to the pool, the beach, visiting my grandma in PA for a few days. We had a blast. I want my DS to have the same but since I work he will be doing it with family or my DH instead.

Posted 4/24/14 9:26 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

Posted by blu6385

i mean this really in a non snotty way but what does everyone do all day all summer without kids if you don't work? I am being serious cause I would be bored out of my mind. Don't get me wrong a couple of weeks having no kids and no work is nice i would probably get everything I needed done in 2 weeks but all summer I would be going crazy from boredom.

This is probably why I don't mind going to work and even if I had an option of staying home I wouldn't. Chat Icon

I know what you mean. Pre-kids, I was a teacher for 11 years; I never had a summer job. July was awesome--catching up on all those little things you could never seem to get around to and generally just being a sloth and loving it! Chat Icon Then August would come and I'd be climbing the walls!

Now I'm a SAHM. My kids won't be in camp all summer; all three will be in FT camp for only two weeks then I'll try to cobble together some other mini-camps for the older two. I'll probably go to yoga, do my shopping in peace, work on a couple of cleaning projects, etc while they're all gone for those two weeks. Maybe even hit the beach ALONE....wahoooo!!

September will be the first time all three will be in school all year, full-time. What am I going to do? Be a lady of leisure? I'm so NOT equipped or disciplined enough for that! I'm already panicking. I've reached the "August" of my life I think! I mean how much can you clean or do yoga? Chat Icon A year from now you'll probably hear me yelling, "Get me the hell out of here!!!!"

Message edited 4/24/2014 9:30:43 AM.

Posted 4/24/14 9:29 AM

You are my I love you

Member since 7/09

18802 total posts


Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

Posted by blu6385

i mean this really in a non snotty way but what does everyone do all day all summer without kids if you don't work? I am being serious cause I would be bored out of my mind. Don't get me wrong a couple of weeks having no kids and no work is nice i would probably get everything I needed done in 2 weeks but all summer I would be going crazy from boredom.

This is probably why I don't mind going to work and even if I had an option of staying home I wouldn't. Chat Icon

I am wondering myself what I will do. I am off in the summer but due 9/14 so I will be very pregnant which is one of the reasons I originally thought to do it but I second guessed myself. This week when DS's school was closed and we were away he asked for school every single day, he "called" his teacher every single day and told her he missed ehr and would be back soon, he asked for his friends. Believe me if it were up to me I would save the money and keep him w me, I know I will miss him but I also know he really loves school and so for him I will send him. My dilemma is his school makes me pay for full time, I will only send him a couple days and even on those days I hope I can pick him up early bc I will miss him Chat Icon

Posted 4/24/14 9:54 AM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

13973 total posts


Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

I think a lot of it depends on the type of kid you have. Some kids really do need some type of structured program even in the summer. Some moms are better at finding activities and things to do that don't cost a fortune. Some neighborhoods have lots of kids around to play with over the summer and some don't. If your kids are little, it might be hard to see why so many do camp, but as they get older, or if you have a higher maintenance kid, you might better understand it.

My family couldn't afford camp, but my mom used to send my younger brother and I to Vermont for about a month in the summer from ages 12-16 to stay with a family member. It got us out of the house and there were a lot more outdoor things to keep us busy there. I have great memories of those summers and loved going back every year.

I also worked 2 summers at a sleep away camp. I would say there were a couple of kids that didn't like camp, but most of them really loved it.

I was also a teacher for a while before I had my son and I NEVER got bored over the summer. I always had a list of things I wanted to do with my time off. By the end of the summer I was rested and ready to go back, but never felt like I needed to be working, unless I needed some extra cash.

Message edited 4/24/2014 9:57:57 AM.

Posted 4/24/14 9:56 AM
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