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Can I paint my neighbor's side of the fence black?

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Member since 5/05

2730 total posts


Can I paint my neighbor's side of the fence black?

EHHHH I can't stand them. A while back I posted that we removed about 6 feet of dead and overgroen trees and shrubs from OUR yard to put up a fence and of course gain some space and the neighbors threw a fit and were really nasty to us (well the wife was)....well anyway, yesterday my DH was outside raking up the remainder of the tree grindings to get ready for the new fence and he heard their daughter say, "Mommy he's on the property line" Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon ........
That fence can't come fast enough

Message edited 5/5/2008 9:46:38 AM.

Posted 5/5/08 9:45 AM
Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate
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Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: Can I paint my neighbor's side of the fence black?

Wow, these people are real jerks Chat Icon

But, the saying does go "fences make great neighbors" Chat Icon

Posted 5/5/08 9:57 AM


Member since 1/07

6929 total posts


Re: Can I paint my neighbor's side of the fence black?

wow what mean neighbors! Chat Icon I'm sure that fence can't go up quick enough for you. GL! Chat Icon

Posted 5/5/08 10:41 AM


Member since 1/06

9758 total posts


Re: Can I paint my neighbor's side of the fence black?

I hope its a 6 foot fence!

Posted 5/5/08 10:44 AM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: Can I paint my neighbor's side of the fence black?

Well isn't that quite obvious that they are talking about it often enough and in front of their kids? What losers. I am so sorry you have to deal with this.

Posted 5/5/08 10:53 AM


Member since 11/07

7273 total posts


Re: Can I paint my neighbor's side of the fence black?

Unbelievable! Good luck with these people Chat Icon

Posted 5/5/08 11:05 AM

Sour Girl

Member since 3/08

5271 total posts


Re: Can I paint my neighbor's side of the fence black?

Oh, the joy of neighbors...Chat Icon

Posted 5/5/08 5:50 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/06

754 total posts


Re: Can I paint my neighbor's side of the fence black?

Chat Icon Nice to see she is teaching her children to have such nice manners!!!!!

Posted 5/5/08 5:57 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Can I paint my neighbor's side of the fence black?

Posted by Suzan

Chat Icon Nice to see she is teaching her children to have such nice manners!!!!!

Seriously! When you see a kid that is a little *@#&@*&, it's a pretty good guess that the parents are too.

Posted 5/5/08 8:31 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 3/08

431 total posts


Re: Can I paint my neighbor's side of the fence black?

Gee, what great neighbors you have...Chat Icon I think as long as it is your fence you can paint any side of it black. That would be pretty funny. I just don't understand people who don't want to be freinds with neighbors. My sister has accross the street neighbors who are nasty. I feel bad for you and your family. Chat Icon

Posted 5/5/08 8:52 PM

So worth the wait :)

Member since 10/07

2862 total posts


Re: Can I paint my neighbor's side of the fence black?

wow!! I'm so sorry you have to deal w/ such annoying neighbors!! my DH's brother lives next door to a guy like that, every time they've done work, landscaping, concrete being poured etc., they've practically been out there w/ a measuring tape checking the property line. some people just live to complain.

Posted 5/5/08 9:00 PM

Then there was 2

Member since 3/06

5696 total posts


Re: Can I paint my neighbor's side of the fence black?

they even have the kid involved thats just wrong!

Posted 5/5/08 9:49 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/07

839 total posts


Re: Can I paint my neighbor's side of the fence black?

may I suggest fuschia, floresent-fuschia would be great.

Posted 5/5/08 9:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


Re: Can I paint my neighbor's side of the fence black?

I wish I can! That is a good idea. We put up a fence because my neighbors are complete slobs, overgrown bushes, there kids are like animals, and now they had bees nests and did not tell us and we got them. The exterminator is coming today for the 2nd time.... They once tried to use our BBQ and it went into safety mode, there kids used to have screaming contests, I caught them playing football on my lawn etc. Geez- sorry to hijack your post- but I know how it feels. We rae pretty quiet people, let me know if you come up with any ideas. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Good luck with the new fence.

Posted 5/6/08 11:20 AM

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