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Delivering at Good Sam...

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LIF Infant

Member since 1/16

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Delivering at Good Sam...

I'm kind of piggy backing off the Winthrop post but I've been curious about this for a while. Just wanted to hear others experiences...things like skin to skin and breastfeeding are very important to me so I wan't to make sure it's important to them too. I can see myself being very picky about certain things and just want to make sure I'm making the right choice. My other option would be South Side! Thanks!

Posted 2/27/16 10:50 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 2/15

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Delivering at Good Sam...

I've heard south side is much better. I don't have answers to specifics but I do know both my sisters didn't like good sam and switched to Southside for their second.

Posted 2/27/16 1:55 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/10

2418 total posts


Re: Delivering at Good Sam...

Overall, Southside is a better hospital. It's gotten so much better over the past few years, especially L&D and maternity. Plus the LC's there are AWESOME, as are the maternity nurses! The were very encouraging for BFing. I did feel like the took the baby too quickly after birth though, but most hospitals do.

It's kinda like Good Sam is what Southside used to be - I don't know about the maternity part of it, but other parts have gone downhill. I've heard that 4 women share 1 bathroom on the maternity floor - don't know if its true, but it sounds terrible! IT's bad enough sharing with 1 other person.

You'll hear good & bad from both.

Posted 2/27/16 4:08 PM

Miracles can happen!

Member since 10/10

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Delivering at Good Sam...

Crashing but I highly recommend Southside. I had DD 3 years ago and loved it. Friends who have been at Good Sam weren't as happy.

Posted 2/27/16 6:15 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/14

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Delivering at Good Sam...

No personal experience with either however my friend has her son via c-section at good Sam and wound up getting a staph infection and was hospitalized for 3 weeks

Posted 2/27/16 6:18 PM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


Re: Delivering at Good Sam...

Posted by LiveForMoments

Overall, Southside is a better hospital. It's gotten so much better over the past few years, especially L&D and maternity. Plus the LC's there are AWESOME, as are the maternity nurses! The were very encouraging for BFing. I did feel like the took the baby too quickly after birth though, but most hospitals do.

It's kinda like Good Sam is what Southside used to be - I don't know about the maternity part of it, but other parts have gone downhill. I've heard that 4 women share 1 bathroom on the maternity floor - don't know if its true, but it sounds terrible! IT's bad enough sharing with 1 other person.

You'll hear good & bad from both.

4 women do not share bathrooms. Good Sam has actually gotten better over the years not worse.

Posted 2/27/16 7:46 PM

Leah's here!

Member since 9/07

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Delivering at Good Sam...

I delivered two kids at good Sam and had great experiences and heard very mixed about south side

Posted 2/27/16 8:13 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/15

164 total posts


Re: Delivering at Good Sam...

I was acutally in one of these rooms in 2012. I know they had renovations since then so im not sure if its different now. There were two rooms that shared a bathroom and I was lucky enough to be in one of them. One double and one private room that share a bathroom so I shared a bathroom with 2 others. I did not have a good experience at Good Sam at all for multiple reasons. I was very unhappy with the nursing staff.

Message edited 2/27/2016 8:41:34 PM.

Posted 2/27/16 8:38 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/16

50 total posts


Delivering at Good Sam...

Thanks ladies! This is very helpful! My doctor likes delivering at Good Sam so I know he's going to push it... Looks like I have some decisions to make... We'll see!

Posted 2/27/16 8:55 PM

My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10

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Re: Delivering at Good Sam...

I delivered there twice, once in 2011 and then in June. DC3 will be born there in September. I had great experiences both times. They are VERY pro BFing. I Want to add that there is a reason your doctor prefers Good Sam. Talk to him/her about it. Nice amenities is terrific but at the end of the day, the quality of medical care that can be provided for both you and your baby is what matters.

This is what I wrote after I delivered there in June:

I just wanted to talk about my experience at Good Sam because there was a lot of discussion during the course of my pregnancy. I had a great experience there with DS #1 but there has been a lot of negative chatter since then so I was apprehensive about going there. Labor and delivery was great. My OB is awesome and the staff on L&D were so nice and supportive.

As for the stay itself, I stayed in the new mother child unit. It's really nice. The rooms are like hotel rooms. It's very quiet and serene. The rooms are very comfortable, large and clean. Well worth the $225/night. There is room service to bring you all sorts of food. The food is eh but the dietary staff is super nice.

I am not a breastfeeder. I had been given the heads up on several occasions that I would be "spoken to" about that as hospitals are pro BFing due to JCAHO standards. That never happened. The lactation consultant popped her head in but was respectful of my decision. The same for all of the nurses. Not one of them hassled me about it. My nurses were all very nice and caring. They responded to the call bell immediately. I will say that the supplies were not as readily available as they were last time and formula is kept pretty tight. The aides were really nice and helpful as well.

Also, I asked to send my son to the nursery on the 5th floor so I could rest. Again, not an issue. The first RN mentioned that they promote rooming in but if I felt I needed to rest, they would accommodate me. They did and it was a non-issue. I have nothing but positive things to say about my stay there, which, for me, is huge because I love to complain. I had heard that the nurses were mean and unsupportive but I had the absolute opposite experience. They were all great with me and my son. If you are delivering there, feel confident that you will get great care.

Posted 2/28/16 3:19 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


Re: Delivering at Good Sam...

Posted by TBullock

Thanks ladies! This is very helpful! My doctor likes delivering at Good Sam so I know he's going to push it... Looks like I have some decisions to make... We'll see!

Also you may not have a choice where you deliver if you want your Dr to do it.

My dr delivers at both and he tells his patients to give a preference but if you go into labor and he is at one then you go where he is. IMO id rather go to where my dr is than have a stranger deliver my baby and possibly perform a C section.

Posted 2/28/16 11:38 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/11

543 total posts


Re: Delivering at Good Sam...

No experience with southside but I had my son in 2013 at Good Sam.

My son was in NICU and my mother had to fight with nurses to wheel me down there after my c-section. I was hysterical because I didn't get to hold him at all. t also had to request a new gown because they wouldn't let me take a shower (due to my own complications) and I stunk.

A NICU nurse basically asked me if I did drugs when I was pregnant. She was horrible to my husband and ripped my son out of my arms when I was feeding him.

My labor was fine.

You do have a neighbor, and you do share a bathroom. I guess we can't all have private bathrooms, but lets be real. After birth, a lot of unpleasant things are going on in there.

Needless to say, this pregnancy I'm not going back. Although my issues were more with NICU, I'd rather not have a repeat.

Posted 2/28/16 1:10 PM

It's summatime

Member since 3/09

4739 total posts


Re: Delivering at Good Sam...

I delivered at good Sam 3 years ago. Not a fan. I delivered at South side in July and LOVED it. The staff there is just awesome. And the meal buffets! I didn't want to leave. Lol. Both were supportive of whatever I wanted to do. At south side baby was given to me right after c section in recovery.

Posted 2/28/16 10:06 PM

It's summatime

Member since 3/09

4739 total posts


Re: Delivering at Good Sam...

Posted by MESal0820

My son was in NICU and my mother had to fight with nurses to wheel me down there after my c-section. I was hysterical because I didn't get to hold him at all. .

Same here! Except my roommates husband yelled at them for me because I was hyperventilating from bawling so badly. I had them around midnight and till hadn't seen her at 7 the next night. A nicu nurse was also hacking up a lung on my baby's isolet and the regular nursery didn't feed my 5 lb jaindice premie for over 6 hrs when I was busy with my other twin in the nicu. Plus I had several disappointing visits with L&D with my last pregnancy. I wasn't going back so I went to south side.

Posted 2/28/16 10:13 PM

It's summatime

Member since 3/09

4739 total posts


Re: Delivering at Good Sam...

Posted by alli3131

Posted by LiveForMoments

Overall, Southside is a better hospital. It's gotten so much better over the past few years, especially L&D and maternity. Plus the LC's there are AWESOME, as are the maternity nurses! The were very encouraging for BFing. I did feel like the took the baby too quickly after birth though, but most hospitals do.

It's kinda like Good Sam is what Southside used to be - I don't know about the maternity part of it, but other parts have gone downhill. I've heard that 4 women share 1 bathroom on the maternity floor - don't know if its true, but it sounds terrible! IT's bad enough sharing with 1 other person.

You'll hear good & bad from both.

4 women do not share bathrooms. Good Sam has actually gotten better over the years not worse.

4 share a bathroom in the L&D area. Not after you have the baby.

Posted 2/28/16 10:15 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 12/10

361 total posts


Delivering at Good Sam...

I don't know about south side but I delivered at Good Sam 4 years ago and I didn't love it there. I switched doctors this time around and a big part of that decision was so I could deliver somewhere else.

Posted 2/29/16 8:06 AM


Member since 1/06

6887 total posts


Re: Delivering at Good Sam...

Posted by Strawberry2468

Posted by alli3131

Posted by LiveForMoments

Overall, Southside is a better hospital. It's gotten so much better over the past few years, especially L&D and maternity. Plus the LC's there are AWESOME, as are the maternity nurses! The were very encouraging for BFing. I did feel like the took the baby too quickly after birth though, but most hospitals do.

It's kinda like Good Sam is what Southside used to be - I don't know about the maternity part of it, but other parts have gone downhill. I've heard that 4 women share 1 bathroom on the maternity floor - don't know if its true, but it sounds terrible! IT's bad enough sharing with 1 other person.

You'll hear good & bad from both.

4 women do not share bathrooms. Good Sam has actually gotten better over the years not worse.

4 share a bathroom in the L&D area. Not after you have the baby.

I delivered the Thursday before Memorial Day in 2009. There were 4 people to one bathroom when I was there. It was one bathroom linked between two rooms. Granted, it was one of the most crowded and busiest weekends they ever had - there were so many babies being born some moms were not even on the maternity floor.

The labor area was great and everyone who performed my C-section were wonderful.

The maternity ward, however, left a lot to be desired. And when I was trying to breastfeed my daughter was having a hard time latching. The nurse came in and said "she's not latching, just give her the bottle!"

So my experience there was not the greatest.

Posted 2/29/16 9:53 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/16

50 total posts


Delivering at Good Sam...

Thanks again everyone! ugh... chances are no matter which I pick he'll most likely be at Good Sam anyway! I'm going to go on the tour and check it out.

Posted 3/2/16 7:35 PM


Member since 4/07

3765 total posts


Re: Delivering at Good Sam...

I had my baby in August at Good Sam. I have only positive things to say. The nurses and staff were so kind and really genuine. I remember thinking they do this everyday and still made us feel so special. I had a c/s and was able to do skin to skin and nurse the baby in recovery. They were super helpful with nursing and I was visited by a LC every morning. They also called me a few times after I left the hospital to check in on us and to tell me about upcoming classes and an open group they have that meets every Thursday.

I'm reading some of the above comments and I can't believe we are we talking about the same place haha. Congrats on your baby.

Posted 3/4/16 12:57 PM

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