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Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

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LIF Adolescent

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Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

Can anyone give me advice/time frame about my stomach? Had my DS 9 months ago (no c-section). I still have a lot more fat on my stomach relative to other parts of my body, and that was never a problem area.

I haven't nearly done my old workout routine so it's hard to judge, but I am exercising as much as I can right now.

Did anyone get their old stomach back? LOL. How long did it take? A lot of dieting and exercise?

Posted 4/13/12 4:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

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Re: Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

DS1 w/ c-section - probably about 6 months. I remember around 8 mons we went away and I wore a bikini. I was also really exercising like crazy

DS2 w/ c-section - 9 months PP, stomach is flat, but not 100%. A little more soft and not happy with the skin above the belly button. I did wear a bikini, but pretty much had a cover up on the whole time. LOL

I also don't get to workout as much as I used to, Chat Icon

Posted 4/13/12 4:19 PM


Member since 10/09

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Re: Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

My stomach was never a problem area either, but after DD there is always a little pooch there. I got down to my pre-PG weight within 4 months, but my stomach still doesn't look the same. I could get away with a bikini if I wanted to, but I've decided to make the switch to tankinis from now on.

Posted 4/13/12 4:35 PM

Keep passing the open windows

Member since 10/06

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Re: Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

After child number one, it snapped back right away. But I was 17 so I had that teen mother body Chat Icon

After child number 2, it took about 9 months but with no exercising at all and my belly area never really got back to where it was in terms of firmness. It was squishy.

After child number 3, my belly has completely given up. I had a crash csection, ripped stitches, infection, etc. My belly muscles are still separated, I have total belly pudge, and its a total mess. A gym membership isn't in our budget, and it doesn't matter how many sit ups I do, I look pregnant. Hate it Chat Icon and it's been almost 3 years!

Posted 4/13/12 5:44 PM

Brighter days ahead

Member since 4/07

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Re: Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

No, mine never went back completely. Chat Icon

Posted 4/13/12 7:58 PM

Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08

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Re: Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

mine still looks pathetic at 11m post partum. i had a really horrendous c-section and was open on the table for about 2.5 hours.

i havent lost the weight yet though, only like 1/3rd of it. i just upped my gym routine this week and i have been eating lo-cal for a few months now..

Posted 4/13/12 11:03 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

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still can't believe it's mommy

Re: Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

I'm 9 months pp & I still have a little belly. I hate it! My hips never shrunk back eitherChat Icon

Posted 4/13/12 11:39 PM

His laugh, Her smile

Member since 12/06

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Re: Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

I had DD 15 months after DS. I dropped the weight very quickly. My stomach flattened out pretty quickly too. But my waist hasn't been the same. I actually weigh less now than before I got pg with DS but my waist is larger.

Bottom line... For most women their bodies don't go back to pre-pg shape. Things just seem move aroundChat Icon

Message edited 4/14/2012 5:39:55 PM.

Posted 4/14/12 12:01 AM

Happiness is...

Member since 4/11

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Re: Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

My sister swears by girdles... she says to wear them as soon as I can. I could'nt bc I hate the feeling of being constricted.

I am 3 mos post partum and my line is finally starting to fade. I was heavy before I got prego and I feel I'm actually less bloated now than before.

I watch these celebs after they have babies and though their bellies are flat I can see the difference. So, I'm inclined to believe that we will never be the same. Small price to pay IMHO.

Posted 4/14/12 12:28 AM

2 little ladies

Member since 1/11

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Re: Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

7 months and mine is not back after having twins. I was back to pre preg weight in 3 months, but the belly has not gone back yet. There is not a stitch of time for me to work on it either, very frustrating!

Posted 4/14/12 4:44 AM

Love my girls

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Re: Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

Mine went back very quickly. I had a c section. But I also had PPD, so I wasn't really eating muchChat Icon

Posted 4/14/12 7:51 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

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Re: Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

No I don't think it ever goes back. I always notice other mommy bellys Chat Icon and it just looks different, never flat , a buldge or thick waist. My waist is thicker then it was pre baby even though I only gained 14 lbs (very sick) and kids were 5 lbs. imagine a 7 or 8 poundChat Icon

Posted 4/14/12 12:59 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

5981 total posts


Re: Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

Posted by WenRC

I watch these celebs after they have babies and though their bellies are flat I can see the difference. So, I'm inclined to believe that we will never be the same. Small price to pay IMHO.

This is exactly how I feel , after baby you will never be the same

Posted 4/14/12 1:02 PM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

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Re: Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

Posted by maybesoon

Posted by WenRC

I watch these celebs after they have babies and though their bellies are flat I can see the difference. So, I'm inclined to believe that we will never be the same. Small price to pay IMHO.

This is exactly how I feel , after baby you will never be the same

I agree. Mine is close, but will never be what it once was. My muscles are seperated and my skin has lost elasticity and those things wont be fixed without surgery - which is not happening. But I am not complaining. My stomach is mostly flat with no stretch marks, i fit into all my old close, and i can wear a bikini. Not the same but I can live with it.

Posted 4/14/12 1:08 PM

my love, my life, my son

Member since 1/09

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Re: Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

well my stomach wasn't perfect before getting pregnant and it certainly isn't now. I've always been tiny but had a bit of a pudge belly since meeting my husband. I used to be SUPER SKINNY when we first started belly. But thats bc I was 17 years old out going to raves and dancing for 8 hours straight. Chat Icon After the first 3 years I stopped all that and started spending my nights home with now DH. He wants cookies and cake every night and of course I always partake so ever since then I have a bit of a pudge belly. I don't exercise though. I'm sure if I did I could look much better.

Posted 4/14/12 1:20 PM

Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06

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Re: Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

After 2 kids, VB, I am back to a flatter more defined stomach than before kids...

I definitely do eat healthy, watch me portions a LOT better, & exercise regularly. (but I did that before too).

ETA: I was between a 6 & 8 before, now I am a 4, almost 2.

Message edited 4/14/2012 3:11:00 PM.

Posted 4/14/12 3:09 PM

I love my little munchkins!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Stomach after pregnancy--do you ever get it back?

I am happy to say after being on the 17 diet and much exercise I am back down to the weight I was when I met my DH. I am now a size 4, but my stomach is definitely not the same. I feel like it is getting closer as I exercise more, but I am not sure it will ever be exactly the same. I feel like my body has changed a bit since giving birth twice, but I am happy with it. I feel good about myself and will keep working on my stomach.

Posted 4/14/12 3:44 PM

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