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Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

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C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

6456 total posts


Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

I think we need to have a pity party gtg this summer.

I have registration next week.

I can't believe it!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/5/12 3:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

My middle guy is going in the fall. I am a bit excited for him though, b/c he will be on the bus with his older brother.
Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/5/12 4:10 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

Me! My 2nd DD is starting in September. I have to say though, that I am not emotional about it--she's staying in the same school where she's in pre-k now and she already goes FT, so same stuff...

However, she turns 5 in May (Carolyn, am I crazy or does your DD#2 and mine have the same b-day...5/8/07) and THAT is making me sad! Chat Icon

Posted 3/5/12 4:20 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19455 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

Registration is on Wednesday. As you can see by my past few posts I cannot believe that my four year old will be ready to go to kindergarten this September. He will have just turned 5 before school starts.

Posted 3/5/12 5:11 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

Both of mine.

They turn 5 later this month.

They have their first piano lesson on Wednesday... for some reason THAT is what is getting meChat Icon I'll have a rock band practicing in my basement (just like their Dad) in no timeChat Icon Chat Icon

ETA: And they have both gone through a recent growth spurt. They look so different from a month ago... legs much longer, their vocabulary is changing yet again.

Message edited 3/5/2012 6:10:03 PM.

Posted 3/5/12 6:09 PM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

16253 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

I registered DD#1 back in January. I can't believe it!!

Posted 3/5/12 6:40 PM

life is good

Member since 10/06

9258 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

Me! Chat Icon

Posted 3/5/12 7:17 PM

C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

6456 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

Posted by Eireann

Me! My 2nd DD is starting in September. I have to say though, that I am not emotional about it--she's staying in the same school where she's in pre-k now and she already goes FT, so same stuff...

However, she turns 5 in May (Carolyn, am I crazy or does your DD#2 and mine have the same b-day...5/8/07) and THAT is making me sad! Chat Icon

YES!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

This is going to be a tough one for least I think it will.
When my oldest started Kindergarten it was an all together different feeling for me. I was working FT from when she was 12 weeks old, so we were used to being away from each other almost 10 hours a day.

I am a SAHM to Ayla (and the others) and I am only used to her being away from me 2.5 hours 3 days a week. I can't even imagine all day long. I could cry.

I can see me now- making her kiss the inside of my hand just like the book "The Kissing hand" and I'll be putting her kiss on my cheek all day long. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/5/12 7:26 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

DS #2 hits the big time this September! I am excited for him. Definitely not as emotional as it was with #1 yet....I think when he graduates his preK which I love - it will hit me harder. I think 3! was nervous, #2 can't wait. He is all registered and has his screening with the school this week.

Posted 3/5/12 8:26 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

My DS is registered.
I just can't believe it! Chat Icon

Posted 3/5/12 9:03 PM


Member since 5/05

3893 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

Me! Am I the only one looking forward to it?

Posted 3/5/12 10:30 PM

My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

13499 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

Registered my DD a couple of weeks ago. So sad; it came around so fast. I too, notice such a big difference just from Christmas to now in how she carries herself and her vocabulary & she too seems to grow overnight.

Posted 3/5/12 10:33 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

DS#2 will be going to K in Sept. He took the gifted program exam on Saturday, so hopefully he'll test into a gifted school and go to the same school as DS#1.

If he doesn't test in and/or get into DS#1's school, I really am not looking forward to taking the boys to two different schools.

Posted 3/5/12 11:28 PM

Time flies!

Member since 1/06

5698 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

DD is going to Kindergarten in the Fall. Tomorrow night there's a program for the parents to meet the superintendent and principal.

Posted 3/5/12 11:32 PM

My loves

Member since 5/05

3221 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

i amChat Icon dd will be 5 next month and i am not ready for that either...i have to go thursday to register her...i better bring tissues!!

Posted 3/6/12 9:32 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

929 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

MeChat Icon
my last one I can't believe how fast it has come.

Posted 3/6/12 1:12 PM

Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06

6655 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

My oldest DS turns 5 in June so he'll be starting K in Sept. Registration in our district isn't until the end of this month. It seems like just yesterday, we were bringing him home from the hospital. Now he's a little boy! Chat Icon

Posted 3/6/12 1:48 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

My youngest is heading off to K. Chat Icon

Posted 3/6/12 3:42 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/12

123 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

I am... my DS is in pre-K now in this school and will be in K this September. What we're adjusting to is the hours. He was in the daycare before M-F from 9am to 3pm. Now, our pre-K is only 1 1/2 hrs, twice a week. So he's there TTh, and MWF he goes to a co-op nursery for 2 hrs and 45 mins. When he goes to Kindergarten, I'm checking out the SCOPE program.

Posted 3/6/12 4:02 PM

it's me

Member since 5/05

11234 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

Both of mine.

They turn 5 later this month.

They have their first piano lesson on Wednesday... for some reason THAT is what is getting meChat Icon I'll have a rock band practicing in my basement (just like their Dad) in no timeChat Icon Chat Icon

ETA: And they have both gone through a recent growth spurt. They look so different from a month ago... legs much longer, their vocabulary is changing yet again.

T, I didn't realize they were older than Clover. OMG... where did time go.

Clover will be going to K also but like a pp said it's in the same school as her Pre-K now. She (andI) are both ready! I can not wait to have the little guy to myself (and be alone PT when he is in nursery school)Chat Icon

Posted 3/7/12 12:51 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????


Posted 3/7/12 9:42 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05

16555 total posts

I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????


Posted 3/7/12 9:49 PM

Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06

7178 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

my DS too...happy and sad. Can't believe he's going to be 5 Chat Icon

Posted 3/7/12 10:41 PM


Member since 5/05

13535 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????


I don't want it to be true. It can't be Kindergarten time Chat Icon .

Posted 3/7/12 11:04 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19455 total posts


Re: Sooooo how many of us are sending our kids to Kindergarten in the fall????

I just signed DS up for kindergarten this evening. 20 some odd forms later and my hand hurts. I can't believe my baby is growing up.

Posted 3/7/12 11:25 PM
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