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MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

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My two best friends!

Member since 11/06

5879 total posts


MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

November 16th is by far the most special day in my life. My little AJ was placed into my arms at 3:05 AM.

On Monday of that week I had gone to the dr. for my regular weekly visit. I was 2 cm dilated. I was scheduled to come back on Wednesday. When I went back on Wednesday I was 2.5cm dilated, not much changed. The only difference was I had a headache since Tuesday and was feeling pretty crappy all in all. The dr. told me to take Tylenol every 4-6 hrs as needed and to call him at 8 AM if I still had the headache. So of course all night I was up with a pounding a headache and finally fell asleep around 6:30 AM. I woke up around 10 and called the dr. to say I still had the headache. He asked me to come into the hospital for some blood work because he was concerned that the headaches were the start of pre-eclampsia. By 11:30AM I was at Good Sam (nervous like crazy). Anywho, my blood results came back with some questionably high / borderline numbers and the dr. felt it would be best to induce me before it turned into full toxemia or pre-eclampsia. I am just 2 days short of being 40 weeks.
By 2 PM they started the pitocin. My dr. assured me everything would be fine. At 6 PM I started feeling uncomfortable and requested the epidural. Yup, I have a low tolerance for pain and was not about to rough it out. All the worries and fears about epidurals left my mind fast. To be honest, I have had Novocain shots at the dentist that hurt more then the epidural. At 7PM, my dr. broke my water. Around 12:30 I wanted to kill everyone! I couldn’t take the pressure and pain. This only lasted for about 15-20 mins. because then they increased my epidural intake. Ahhhhhhh, what a great feeling. Around 2 AM I started feeling tons of lower pressure and felt sick to my stomach. I began to vomit stomach bile and got the shakes and chills. All of which I was told was normal. At 2:15 I was checked again and was asked if I was ready to become a mommy. I was ready alright! I was so nervous and scared but excited at the same time. I pushed for approximately 45 mins. which only equaled about 10 pushes. At 3:05 the love of my life was placed into my arms and made DH and myself the happiest people on earth. Anthony Jr. (AJ) was 7 pounds even and 19.25 inches long. Thank god he is a healthy little bundle of joy!
I don’t think my labor would have been as easy and enjoyable if it weren’t for my Dr. and the wonderful nurses we had with us. I can happily say that I feel my doctor was as happy and ecstatic about the baby as my DH and I. Anyone looking for a dr. affiliated with Good Sam, I highly recommend Dr. Trivedi. He is located in North Babylon on Rt. 231 and the office # is 631-321-7341.

It is great to be home. A bit overwhelming at first. Although being in the hospital is no fun, the sense of security makes it easier than actually being home and feeling clueless. We are all adjusting well now and have the most wonderful gift to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

I wish all the mommies, future mommies and those TTC the best of luck and happiness. I NEVER thought I would say this, but I miss being pregnant and can’t wait to be able to give AJ a few siblings. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Message edited 11/25/2007 4:06:12 PM.

Posted 11/21/07 4:42 PM

How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07

8257 total posts

Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena

Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

Great story Deb..... Congratulations again!!!!

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Posted 11/21/07 4:47 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

Thank you for sharing and Congrats!! I hope I go nicely like you did!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/07 5:35 PM

He's here!

Member since 12/06

9289 total posts


Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

Thanks for your story Debbie. Congratulations on AJ again!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/07 5:36 PM


Member since 10/07

2910 total posts


Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

Thanks for sharing. Congrats again on your adorable son!

Posted 11/21/07 9:30 PM

Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06

13241 total posts


Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

Congrats again Deb!!! So glad everything worked out for you and that your DR was on top of everything for you!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/07 9:41 PM

Alyssa's Mommy!!!

Member since 7/07

1138 total posts


Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

Congrats on your new baby!!

Posted 11/21/07 9:52 PM


Member since 10/06

4891 total posts


Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

deb..... I am crying reading your story!!!

you did it!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Your lil man is here!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I am soo happy for you...

Hugs xoox Theresa

this story was amazing.....

ahhhh low pain tolerance.. hahahaChat Icon

Posted 11/25/07 8:32 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/07

1571 total posts


Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

Great story! Congrats on your little one! Nov 16 is my dhs birthday too

Posted 11/25/07 8:56 AM


Member since 11/07

2378 total posts


Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

Congrats!!! Enjoy every minute and take tons of pictures bc it goes so fast

Posted 11/25/07 9:06 AM


Member since 8/06

1552 total posts


Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

yay!!!!Chat Icon

Posted 11/25/07 11:27 AM


Member since 8/06

13103 total posts


Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

Great Story. Congrats!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/25/07 11:41 AM

Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06

3923 total posts


Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed


Posted 11/25/07 12:45 PM


Member since 12/05

10281 total posts


Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

Thanks for sharing. Great story. Congrats on your handsome little man Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/25/07 1:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

1652 total posts


Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

thanks for sharing!

congrats!Chat Icon

Message edited 11/25/2007 1:23:29 PM.

Posted 11/25/07 1:23 PM

Mom of 2 Princesses

Member since 9/07

2540 total posts


Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

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Posted 11/25/07 2:40 PM

Momma's Boy & Lovin' it!!

Member since 5/06

2579 total posts


Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

beautiful story! Thank you so much for sharing! Blessing to you and your new baby boy!!!CongratulationsChat Icon

Posted 11/25/07 3:39 PM

My two best friends!

Member since 11/06

5879 total posts


Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

Bump for the new birth story board.

Posted 2/25/08 5:31 PM

Mommy's Girls! ♥

Member since 11/07

10116 total posts


Re: MY BIRTH STORY - Pretty long and detailed

What a great story Debbie!! And soon you will have another one to post! Chat Icon Thanks again for recommending Dr. Trivedi. He is awesome!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/6/08 10:54 AM

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