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2020 Accomplishments & Goals

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LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


2020 Accomplishments & Goals

Decided to start this one for 2020...

What are your accomplishments/goals for the new year?

I gained some of the weight I lost back especially since November...just got lazy about tracking and not mindful of what I was eating.. so I rejoined WW yesterday...

Posted 1/2/20 11:12 AM
Long Island Weddings
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2020 Accomplishments & Goals

My 2020 goals:

1. Maintain my 195 pound loss and lose the last 5 before skin removal surgery!
2. Continue exercising/being active at least 5x a week
3. Making it thru the skin removal surgery with minimal impact to my new lifestyle (ie. dont go crazy with food and restarting physical activities after I'm cleared to go back.)

Message edited 1/2/2020 7:11:01 PM.

Posted 1/2/20 7:08 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


Re: 2020 Accomplishments & Goals

Posted by Blazesyth

My 2020 goals:

1. Maintain my 195 pound loss and lose the last 5 before skin removal surgery!
2. Continue exercising/being active at least 5x a week
3. Making it thru the skin removal surgery with minimal impact to my new lifestyle (ie. dont go crazy with food and restarting physical activities after I'm cleared to go back.)

195 lb loss, that is amazing!

Posted 1/3/20 9:33 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

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2020 Accomplishments & Goals

I'm trying to have some realistic goals for this year. I'll be 50 in November and I started a 50by50 list - 50 things that I've never done before. Some are easier (watch last 10 years of the best picture Oscar winners) and some are more challenging (solo travel to a new city). There are a few health items on the list and the biggest is to run at least a 10K. I'm not setting myself up for failure by saying lose XXX pounds but making it more about things that are tangible (like the 10k or to eat vegan for 1 week). I'm hoping that by being more mindful about my list that it'll help me with finding new things I never knew I'd enjoy, to push myself out of my comfort zone, and encourage better behaviors.

Posted 1/3/20 12:50 PM

Rocking the party

Member since 5/05

4937 total posts


2020 Accomplishments & Goals

Lose the 24 lbs I want to lose to reach my goal weight.
Be more active in general. This has been hard because I've been battling a back injury.

Posted 1/3/20 1:52 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 8/09

471 total posts


Re: 2020 Accomplishments & Goals

I lost 50lbs at the beginning of last year, but I gained back 10 around the holidays. I would like to lose the 10 lbs again and work on toning my body. I also want to commit to exercise, because I know that (when I exercise regularly) my overall mood and state of mind is better!

Posted 1/3/20 8:04 PM

. . . . .

Member since 3/09

8268 total posts


Re: 2020 Accomplishments & Goals

Been on WW for a while now and kind of just half-assing it. DH is the same.
December was a bad month with too much going on, too much stress and one very sick furbaby that I didn't think was going to make it. I didn't track, I didn't really think about what I was eating.
The upside is that even with all that, and the holiday food, the parties, the cookies, I only gained 2.2 pounds.

So, my goal is to get serious about my weight loss journey, to make ME first and DH second. I'd love to reach goal by the end of this year. It might be a stretch though, but it can only happen if I give it a good try.

Posted 1/9/20 3:50 PM

My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11

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Re: 2020 Accomplishments & Goals

My biggest goal for 2020 pertaining to my health and weight? STOP MAKING EXCUSES

“AF is coming, that’s why I need chocolate, then come pretzels. Oh is there any popcorn left?”

“I don’t care. I had the worst friggin day. The last thing I want is veggie soup and a salad. I NEED macaroni and cheese”

“ I know i just finished dinner 10 minutes ago. But it wasn’t enough and I don’t feel satisfied. I’m gonna grab some pretzels and guac. I’ll only have 10”

All of those excuses. My husband pointed it out to me recently. He said you know I don’t care what you’re eating. Why do you have to justify every morsel of food you’re putting in your mouth? I didn’t even realize I was doing it!!

So for 2020, if I eat the chocolate - I’m going to try really hard not to justify it. Just eat it and move on. I’m hoping to “Need” those types of food less and be more mindful of what is good for me. When I eat well, I feel great. When I eat crap, my autoimmune issues start up and I’m so uncomfortable.

I don’t believe that skinny feels better than a plate of pasta tastes. Because it doesn’t. But being able to physically move around without constant pain sure as shit feels better than it tastes for sure

Posted 1/10/20 12:21 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

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Momma <3

2020 Accomplishments & Goals

My goal is to limit my intake of meat to once a day. So far I have been pretty good about looking for other high protein options for either lunch or dinner. I am doing this mostly to reduce my carbon footprint, but it is also good that I am consuming my vegetables. :)

I would also like to gain more muscle mass. I have been following the PWR program for a year, but might look to switch it up when my subscription expires in the spring.

Posted 1/16/20 8:08 AM


Member since 3/06

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His Baby

Re: 2020 Accomplishments & Goals

My goal is to lift more weights!

Over the years, I have done countless cardio; and lost nothing.

I have different sized dumbbells at home. I may not lose weight by lifting weights, but I am moving. I am strengthening. I follow Kelsey Wells; who I absolutely Love. I follow her on IG and use her exercises to target upper body areas.

I get up a little earlier a few times a day to fit in a 15-30 minute "dumbbell" regimen. Then I end it with 3 sets of squats.

I give up easily, a lot. So I am trying to make it do-able and fun; where I am not freezing in my garage running on my treadmill at 6:30AM.
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Posted 1/16/20 9:22 AM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

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Momma <3

Re: 2020 Accomplishments & Goals

Posted by tray831

My goal is to lift more weights!

Over the years, I have done countless cardio; and lost nothing.

I have different sized dumbbells at home. I may not lose weight by lifting weights, but I am moving. I am strengthening. I follow Kelsey Wells; who I absolutely Love. I follow her on IG and use her exercises to target upper body areas.

I get up a little earlier a few times a day to fit in a 15-30 minute "dumbbell" regimen. Then I end it with 3 sets of squats.

I give up easily, a lot. So I am trying to make it do-able and fun; where I am not freezing in my garage running on my treadmill at 6:30AM.
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I do her program on the Sweat App - PWR - Love it!

Posted 1/16/20 10:53 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


Re: 2020 Accomplishments & Goals

How's everyone doing? I fell off the wagon superbowl sunday and was on a slide since, I have to get back on track....

Posted 2/10/20 4:36 PM


Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


Re: 2020 Accomplishments & Goals

Posted by lightblue

How's everyone doing? I fell off the wagon superbowl sunday and was on a slide since, I have to get back on track....

Doing OK. Holiday bloat is off and I am the lowest I have ever been. 3.6 pounds to go to make goal, but not sure I will make it. I have to stop restricting and goto maintenance levels, high protein starting 3/15, to prepare for my skin removal surgery.

Posted 2/10/20 9:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


Re: 2020 Accomplishments & Goals

Posted by Blazesyth

Posted by lightblue

How's everyone doing? I fell off the wagon superbowl sunday and was on a slide since, I have to get back on track....

Doing OK. Holiday bloat is off and I am the lowest I have ever been. 3.6 pounds to go to make goal, but not sure I will make it. I have to stop restricting and goto maintenance levels, high protein starting 3/15, to prepare for my skin removal surgery.

Wow, congrats!!!

Posted 2/11/20 3:04 PM


Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


2020 Accomplishments & Goals

Stay strong, folks. Try to keep in your routine!

Posted 3/20/20 3:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Re: 2020 Accomplishments & Goals

Posted by Blazesyth

Stay strong, folks. Try to keep in your routine!

Yeah - this is going to be challenging. But I just shopped for everything I need to go vegan for 7 days (it's on my bucket list) and I'm going to still get up early so I can get on the treadmill in the morning. I have the Peleton app so I'll try to incorporate something from there (probably yoga) in the evening.

One of the things that usually makes it challenging in the evening is that my son wants to spend time with me after being in school all day and I'm too tired after he goes to bed. But now he gets to see me ALLLLLLLLL day and I'm hoping he'll be ok with a break in the evening. :D

Posted 3/21/20 7:46 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


Re: 2020 Accomplishments & Goals

I have fallen off the wagon especially being home! I think as long as I stay around my current weight I'll be happy. I have to watch not to over-do it with snacks.

Posted 3/24/20 5:30 AM


Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


Re: 2020 Accomplishments & Goals

Today is my last weigh in for Q1 - cant believe it's almost April.

1. I made goal at the beginning of this month! I am currently down 204 pounds. Chat Icon I lost 4 more pounds over goal!

2. Thumbs up on exercise 5x a week. More walking, less gym - some sessions are shorter than they would be than if I was in the gym, but that's OK!

3. Surgery is not cancelled - yet. Its in another state and not at a hospital, so maybe? Unknown at this point, 5 1/2 weeks to go, will take it as it comes.

Since I hit goal, I'm currently working on trying to figure out maintenance. I had a BMR test and they said my maintenance calories should be around 1600, but its not perfect. So I'm adding in 100 calories more every day for 2 weeks and reassessing what my weight did for those 2 weeks. In theory then I'll slowly figure out what my daily intake should be around.

Keep on keeping on, everyone!

Posted by Blazesyth

My 2020 goals:

1. Maintain my 195 pound loss and lose the last 5 before skin removal surgery!
2. Continue exercising/being active at least 5x a week
3. Making it thru the skin removal surgery with minimal impact to my new lifestyle (ie. dont go crazy with food and restarting physical activities after I'm cleared to go back.)

Posted 3/27/20 4:55 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


2020 Accomplishments & Goals

I just realized that we've been home for a month and I've done absolutely nothing toward losing weight or being healthy. Thankfully I haven't gained any weight (maybe lost 1-2 pounds) but I'm 30 pounds overweight and should start learning to cook healthy and fitting exercise into my day.

I started Couch to 5K this morning. I need to keep up with the momentum b/c I want to be able to run a 10K when the restrictions are lifted (part of a bucket list I want to do before November).

Posted 4/14/20 7:34 AM


Member since 2/07

17374 total posts


Re: 2020 Accomplishments & Goals

at about the end of last summer my shoulder started giving me some serious issues. i stopped working out and then started feeling sorry for myself.

well, i gained 20lbs Chat Icon Chat Icon

just recently (this week), i decided enough is enough.
PT for my shoulder is working!!! and i'm feeling better. i started working out again and paying attention to the garbage i was shoving in my pie hole.

i am happy to say that i've lost 3.5lbs of that hateful 20lbs.

i'm in no hurry. i will take my time and shed those pounds!!

Posted 4/16/20 11:11 AM


Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


Re: 2020 Accomplishments & Goals

Posted by Funkybutt

I just realized that we've been home for a month and I've done absolutely nothing toward losing weight or being healthy. Thankfully I haven't gained any weight (maybe lost 1-2 pounds) but I'm 30 pounds overweight and should start learning to cook healthy and fitting exercise into my day.

I started Couch to 5K this morning. I need to keep up with the momentum b/c I want to be able to run a 10K when the restrictions are lifted (part of a bucket list I want to do before November).

How is the Couch to 5K going? I always want to start but I keep psyching myself out that I'll hurt myself...

Posted 4/18/20 4:52 PM


Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


Re: 2020 Accomplishments & Goals

Posted by MarathonKnitter

at about the end of last summer my shoulder started giving me some serious issues. i stopped working out and then started feeling sorry for myself.

well, i gained 20lbs Chat Icon Chat Icon

just recently (this week), i decided enough is enough.
PT for my shoulder is working!!! and i'm feeling better. i started working out again and paying attention to the garbage i was shoving in my pie hole.

i am happy to say that i've lost 3.5lbs of that hateful 20lbs.

i'm in no hurry. i will take my time and shed those pounds!!

Just be glad that you caught yourself now!
Keep it up.

Posted 4/18/20 4:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Re: 2020 Accomplishments & Goals

Posted by Blazesyth

How is the Couch to 5K going? I always want to start but I keep psyching myself out that I'll hurt myself...

It’s slow going Bc the weather wasn’t great this week but better than I thought. I’ve tried it a few times before so I knew what to expect. I found that it’s easier for me if I wear tight water-whicking pants so I don’t feel my butt jiggling the whole time. I also tend to do it on the treadmill bc I find running boring and I can watch movies when on the treadmill. I’m almost 50 so I have to be careful of not getting hurt but I don’t really need to run fast to get my heart rate up so I take it easy on myself.

Posted 4/18/20 5:15 PM


Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


Re: 2020 Accomplishments & Goals

Posted by Funkybutt

Posted by Blazesyth

How is the Couch to 5K going? I always want to start but I keep psyching myself out that I'll hurt myself...

It’s slow going Bc the weather wasn’t great this week but better than I thought. I’ve tried it a few times before so I knew what to expect. I found that it’s easier for me if I wear tight water-whicking pants so I don’t feel my butt jiggling the whole time. I also tend to do it on the treadmill bc I find running boring and I can watch movies when on the treadmill. I’m almost 50 so I have to be careful of not getting hurt but I don’t really need to run fast to get my heart rate up so I take it easy on myself.

I have a really really really old treadmill. No electronics, no incline, no nothing. I think its late 80s/early 90s. So I dont know if it would be possible for me to do it on the treadmill. I feel like treadmill would probably be much easier on my feet/ankles/knees/hips though.

I understand the jiggle. With so much loose skin its ridiculous. I have to wear compression arm sleeves or after 30 mins I am in pain for 2 months. I tried wearing workout leggings, but that was a huge fail also, because I have too much loose skin on my butt so the pants push it all together, making skin folds, then I sweat and get a painful rash. Chat Icon

Posted 4/23/20 5:44 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


2020 Accomplishments & Goals

Bummer about the extra skin making it so difficult. I wonder if there's something similar to compression sleeves that you can wear for pants. I think water-wicking is supposed to help some with the sweat.

I also think that walking fast can have the same basic effects - especially if you're outside and walking up slight inclines in the neighborhood. I know that if I walk in my boyfriend's neighborhood, my heart rate is about the same as if I'm jogging on the treadmill.

Posted 4/23/20 8:26 AM
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