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Am I being dramatic?

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My love muffin!

Member since 1/07

5819 total posts


Am I being dramatic?

I probably am being dramatic but I need a slap in the face. So background info: my mother passed away this year. My dad is in Florida right now (by himself with no friends or family of his own accord since he has a house in both places). I have one sister and one brother. This thanksgiving is the first without my mom. My entire life my mother made thanksgiving except for the last two years where I made it. Last year only my parents came (my mom was receiving from a surgery) and the year before my parents came too but my sister and her boyfriend (now husband) showed up for dessert. Last year my brother went to in-laws family and the year before went away with inlaws. This year, my cousin invited us. My brother and I planned on going. My husband works on thanksgiving and is not around. My sister is going to her in-laws. My cousin just texted us that she is not going to be able to have it. So I texted my brother and said “so then there were 6. Do you want to come here”. His reply was we will probably do our own thing. I have been crying for an hour because this is not thanksgiving to me. To me it is about family and to celebrate with me and my boys (while it is what I will do) is not what I imagined. Obviously my moms death is coming in hard too. I just texted my husband to tell him (he works nights) and he basically said “that sucks”. I know that he doesn’t understand because his family sucks and in the 20 years we have been together we have done one holiday with his family. A few years his mom came to my moms but that stopped. She doesn’t even come over when I invite her anyways. I just can’t stop crying over this. I am sure if I tell a friend they will invite me but I don’t want a pity invite. I want to celebrate with my entire family. I literally just looked to booking flights to fl and if I had an extra 3000 laying around I would have booked it. Please give me a slap in the face and tell me I am being unreasonable. I don’t think I am. But I am feeling devastated right now. And I truly know this is a first world problem. I am just so sad.

Posted 11/12/18 11:05 PM
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Re: Am I being dramatic?

You have every right to be sad. Can your dad fly up to you, and stay with you? I would ask your siblings to come over, even if for dessert.

Posted 11/12/18 11:12 PM


Member since 2/07

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Re: Am I being dramatic?

i don't think you're overreacting or being dramatic. your mother passed this year. you have every right to feel the way you feel.

take a minute, take a night, take two days to feel sad.

process it.

then try to figure if there is a way to come to some kind of "happy medium."

like the pp said...
ask your siblings to come over for dessert
ask your dad to reconsider... he must be dealing with a lot, as well
ask your cousin to come over
hell, even reach out to your in-laws

i'm sorry for your loss and for the emotions you're going through right now. i'll be praying for you.

Posted 11/12/18 11:17 PM

My love muffin!

Member since 1/07

5819 total posts


Re: Am I being dramatic?

Posted by LSP2005

You have every right to be sad. Can your dad fly up to you, and stay with you? I would ask your siblings to come over, even if for dessert.

My dad knows my feelings. I’m very upset that he is down there alone for six months. He still went (and before the holidays. He could have waited at least until Hanukkah was over). I know my sister won’t come. My brother might. But he already said he will prob do his own thing. I don’t want to force anyone to spend time with me.

Posted 11/12/18 11:18 PM

Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07

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Re: Am I being dramatic?

You are not being dramatic at all. This is definately going to be a hard holiday season for you all. Is there anyway your husband can take off on Thanksgiving?
Maybe go out to eat to change it up.
I would mention to a friend it wouldn't be a pity invite. Friends invite friends so they don't spend the holiday alone. It might be better for you to be around other people.

Good Luck

Posted 11/13/18 1:33 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

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Am I being dramatic?

The "firsts" after someone close to you passes are definitely the hardest. I understand why you are feeling so sad. Don't be so hard on yourself. Can you talk to your brother about his plans? Can you say to him that you're having a hard time and that you'd love it if you could be together? Maybe his way of dealing is to "avoid". But maybe if he knows how you're feeling, he'd change his "plans".

Message edited 11/13/2018 6:50:58 AM.

Posted 11/13/18 6:50 AM

. . . . .

Member since 3/09

8268 total posts


Re: Am I being dramatic?

You are not unreasonable and definitely do not need a slap in the face.

We lost my mom in September and I hosted Thanksgiving that year, trying to hold my family together. It was nice, but damn was it hard not to have my mom there. My sis hosted Christmas Eve like she always did.
It's still hard 15 years later. We've lost my mom, DH's parents, my BIL's dad. My dad isn't sure if he is coming this year, his companion isn't doing well, but my door is open if they do come, even if it just a little while.

Do your own thing with your boys. Start your own traditions. Light a candle for your mom.
If you feel up to it, invite people over for dessert.
It never gets better, just a little bit easier over time.

As for your dad going to Florida alone for so long, men grieve differently. It's probably his way of coping with your mom's death. My 70 year old dad started dating 6 months after my mom died, and fluck was that hard to deal with, my sister had a hard time with that too.
But my dad needed companionship and honestly, I didn't have to worry about him sitting alone on the couch. They did things together, travelled a little. She's sick now, has dementia, and my dad takes care of her in their home. My heart hurts for my dad, and I'm there for him when he needs me.

Giving you BIG hugs, from someone who has been there.

Posted 11/13/18 8:27 AM


Member since 3/07

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Re: Am I being dramatic?

Posted by chilltocam

The "firsts" after someone close to you passes are definitely the hardest. I understand why you are feeling so sad. Don't be so hard on yourself. Can you talk to your brother about his plans? Can you say to him that you're having a hard time and that you'd love it if you could be together? Maybe his way of dealing is to "avoid". But maybe if he knows how you're feeling, he'd change his "plans".

I agree with this. Talk to your siblings. If they invite you to their plans don't look at it as a pity invite.They may want to start their own tradition and want to include you. Just accept is graciously.
If you don't want to do that. Do something with your boys. Maybe come in for the parade. You definitely won't be aloneChat Icon

Big hugs to you.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh and you are not be dramatic or need a slap!

Posted 11/13/18 8:37 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Am I being dramatic?

Definitely not being dramatic at all. A couple years ago it was going to be only my immediate family for Thanksgiving because my extended family were all planning to visit our cousin in CA and there was no way we could go. I decided to make the best of it and we were going to bring the kids to the parade and then go to our club for dinner. I actually got so excited about it! But then half of my family changed their plans and I ended up hosting it. At that point I was disappointed that we couldn't do my original plan and keep it just us. I would try to come up with a plan that would be fun for you and your kids but put it out there to your siblings that you are disappointed because you had really hoped to spend this first Thanksgiving without your mother with them. There is no harm in letting people know if something is upsetting you.

Posted 11/13/18 8:48 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

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Re: Am I being dramatic?

not unreasonable

Posted 11/13/18 8:50 AM


Member since 12/12

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Re: Am I being dramatic?

Being with family on Thanksgiving is important to me, too. Doubly so since you just lost your mom. I don't think you're being dramatic at all. I'm so sorry you're feeling like this. I can't believe your brother wouldn't invite you if he planned on doing something at his home. I mean it sounds like it's just you and your kids (if you have any) since your DH is working and your sister is at her ILs. I would definitely mention how much that hurt, though I'd be less inclined to go if I got a "pity invite" now as you call it. Maybe there's something you can do with your family in honor of your mom- make some of her recipes and just make it for you guys, even if you have to celebrate on Friday instead of Thursday? Ugh, either way it sucks. Chat Icon

Posted 11/13/18 9:04 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

1800 total posts


Re: Am I being dramatic?

You're not being dramatic at all. I would be sad too. Holidays are about being with family. If your brother chooses otherwise that's his problem. :(
Sending Chat Icon

I hope you and your boys have a wonderful Thanksgiving and holiday season.

Posted 11/13/18 9:32 AM


Member since 5/08

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Re: Am I being dramatic?

You are not being dramatic. I am sorry for the loss of your mom.

Does your brother relaize how upset you are? Did you tell him? If he knew maybe he would be more than happy to do something with you. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/13/18 9:37 AM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

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..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Am I being dramatic?

Posted by blu6385

You are not being dramatic. I am sorry for the loss of your mom.

Does your brother relaize how upset you are? Did you tell him? If he knew maybe he would be more than happy to do something with you. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I was going to say- when your brother said he was going to "do his own thing" do you know what that is? Dinner at home with just his family, out to dinner, into the city for the parade, going to his in laws?
Can you tell him how you feel, how upset you are especially this year with it being the first without your mom and ask if you could join?
Maybe he doesn't realize how important it is to you.

Posted 11/13/18 9:46 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Am I being dramatic?

I know exactly how you feel. Once my parents moved to Florida, its not the same. Since I got divorced, I don't have the home cooked meal. It will be my fiance and me. He doesn't like Turkey. If he doesn't have to work Thursday night, I may try to make ham

Posted 11/13/18 9:49 AM

10 years on LIF!

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Re: Am I being dramatic?

Can you have a Thanksgiving event on a different day? With so many families going in so many directions, and living far apart, it's nearly impossible to have everyone in one spot. Doing that means that all of the SOs can't be with their families.

We've done that for years. We have as many of the local family over that can make it on Thursday, and then my sister and BIL, and DW's brother and SIL usually come over either Friday or Saturday.

The focus is on being with family, not necessarily eating turkey on a Thursday....

I know a lot of other families that do something similar. Some have it a few weeks before Thanksgiving, since that's when everyone is available.

Posted 11/13/18 9:53 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/11

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Re: Am I being dramatic?

I really agree that the 'firsts' are the worst as someone else said.

This won't make it better, at all, but basically my advice is to make the best of it with your kids and enjoy yourself as best you can.

I am divorced, and my SO has a child with someone so our holidays are always all over the place, so we make the best of them as best we can. Generally we have like 5 people at everything, lol, but we enjoy the 5 people we are with.

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Posted 11/13/18 10:02 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/15

3986 total posts


Am I being dramatic?

You are definitely not being dramatic. It sucks when traditions start changing. But you can always start your own tradition. My SIL lives OOS and on Thanksgiving they go out to chinese restaurant and then go black friday shopping with their boys. What if you did something like that? Or going to a movie the boys really want to see?

Message edited 11/13/2018 10:29:45 AM.

Posted 11/13/18 10:29 AM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: Am I being dramatic?

No, you are not being dramatic! Of course the 1st year w/o you mom is going to be difficult. its too bad your father isn't around, but I guess he is just coping in his own way.

But what happened to everyone else? What is your cousin doing? Why was your brother free to go to your cousin's but not to your house? I would totally guilt trip your brother & say your kids were looking forward to seeing him.

I grew up with 12-16 people at most holidays, but when I spend holidays w/ Dh's family it is just us & his parents and agree that it just isn't as festive.

Posted 11/13/18 11:33 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Am I being dramatic?

It's already been said, but NO, you are not being dramatic and NO you don't need to be slapped.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom - it will always hurt, but the first is so raw. And, to agree with another poster, it never really gets better, just less bad.
I totally understand why you are so sad about wanting to be with family. It's like we try to make it as normal as we can and we need to feel like some things we're used to will be there to soften the pain. After my mom died, I'd drive an hour every weekend to stay at my parents house to be with my dad - for him but also for me. I needed that closeness.
My brother lives in NC and I think he had a hard time. His first birthday after - and maybe even through now - he wouldn't even answer my phone call on his birthday. He didn't want to celebrate it (without her, I guess.) Maybe your brother is feeling something similar. I would call him and let him know how much it would mean to you - but don't feel like he's blowing you off if he says no. He's likely trying to deal with in his own way.
I hope maybe your dad can come up. My dad tried to avoid stuff, or I guess, he really wanted to - but I'd try and get him to go - for him but also for me.
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Posted 11/13/18 12:22 PM

My love muffin!

Member since 1/07

5819 total posts


Re: Am I being dramatic?

Thank you all! After a day of crying literally, I feel better today. I put it out there to my brother that it was important for me to celebrate with family this year. He didn’t respond so it is what it is. There is no way my husband can take off. My father won’t fly up. He only went down two weeks ago. I begged him not to go until after Hanukkah but it didn’t work. After speaking with him yesterday, I def think he just wants to be alone and grieve and my siblings and I were crowding him and too worried about him here. I think this year I am going to take my boys to kalahari or something. They are grieving too and it has been a rough couple of years. We need to do something fun. Part of my sadness is that I have such fond memories of big thanksgiving family dinners as a kid and it’s not that way anymore. That’s not what I envisioned for my children. But I need to stop expecting things and just take life how it comes.

Message edited 11/14/2018 6:21:32 AM.

Posted 11/14/18 6:17 AM

One more?

Member since 2/12

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Re: Am I being dramatic?

Posted by Jacksmommy

Thank you all! After a day of crying literally, I feel better today. I put it out there to my brother that it was important for me to celebrate with family this year. He didn’t respond so it is what it is. There is no way my husband can take off. My father won’t fly up. He only went down two weeks ago. I begged him not to go until after Hanukkah but it didn’t work. After speaking with him yesterday, I def think he just wants to be alone and grieve and my siblings and I were crowding him and too worried about him here. I think this year I am going to take my boys to kalahari or something. They are grieving too and it has been a rough couple of years. We need to do something fun. Part of my sadness is that I have such fond memories of big thanksgiving family dinners as a kid and it’s not that way anymore. That’s not what I envisioned for my children. But I need to stop expecting things and just take life how it comes.

I'm sorry you're going through this. I've had to deal with a little bit of similiar feelings. My grandmother passed away and my entire family got into a huge fight over money of course. This will be the first thanksgiving with only part of my immediate family. Nothing like it was for the last 35 years of my life. I actually looked up pricing for kalahari too. I figured if we are away and watching the kids have fun I would feel better. We ultimately decided against kalahari bc my parents couldn't come but I think it's a great idea! We do thanksgiving with dh's family on Saturday every year. Maybe you can do that with your family when you get home from kalahari ?

Posted 11/14/18 8:15 AM

I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11

10413 total posts


Re: Am I being dramatic?

Posted by Jacksmommy

Thank you all! After a day of crying literally, I feel better today. I put it out there to my brother that it was important for me to celebrate with family this year. He didn’t respond so it is what it is. There is no way my husband can take off. My father won’t fly up. He only went down two weeks ago. I begged him not to go until after Hanukkah but it didn’t work. After speaking with him yesterday, I def think he just wants to be alone and grieve and my siblings and I were crowding him and too worried about him here. I think this year I am going to take my boys to kalahari or something. They are grieving too and it has been a rough couple of years. We need to do something fun. Part of my sadness is that I have such fond memories of big thanksgiving family dinners as a kid and it’s not that way anymore. That’s not what I envisioned for my children. But I need to stop expecting things and just take life how it comes.

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Posted 11/14/18 12:11 PM


Member since 12/09

27635 total posts


Re: Am I being dramatic?

Posted by blu6385

You are not being dramatic. I am sorry for the loss of your mom.

Does your brother relaize how upset you are? Did you tell him? If he knew maybe he would be more than happy to do something with you. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon


I’m so sorry for your loss

Posted 11/14/18 12:31 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54917 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Am I being dramatic?

Posted by Jacksmommy

Thank you all! After a day of crying literally, I feel better today. I put it out there to my brother that it was important for me to celebrate with family this year. He didn’t respond so it is what it is. There is no way my husband can take off. My father won’t fly up. He only went down two weeks ago. I begged him not to go until after Hanukkah but it didn’t work. After speaking with him yesterday, I def think he just wants to be alone and grieve and my siblings and I were crowding him and too worried about him here. I think this year I am going to take my boys to kalahari or something. They are grieving too and it has been a rough couple of years. We need to do something fun. Part of my sadness is that I have such fond memories of big thanksgiving family dinners as a kid and it’s not that way anymore. That’s not what I envisioned for my children. But I need to stop expecting things and just take life how it comes.

I'm glad you are feeling better.
Everyone handles things differently and maybe your brother just needs to be alone this year too, like you dad. Or maybe he's just being a jerk by not answering you when you reached out to him about your feelings.
But either way, I think it's good that you are taking matters into your own hands and looking to take the boys away to get their mind of things- and yours too. If you go to Kalahari, you will all have a great time. They have a thanksgiving buffet there too.
I think everyone grieves the loss of family traditions and how the holiday were when they were kids.
It's hard. Growing up and losing family members and traditions is not easy.
The key is to start your own traditions, like you are doing now. Not that it will ever be the same, but just know that what you are doing now is what your kids will look back on when they are older and say- wow I used to LOVE when we did such and such for Thanksgiving, the holidays, etc

Posted 11/14/18 12:50 PM
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