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Atlanta shootings

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/14

7274 total posts


Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by lululu

Posted by LuckyStar

Posted by lululu

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by lululu

Also, his victims were not all Asian and they were not all women.

Ohhh I didn’t know this. It totally changes things now.

I don't think that this particular case was race motivated at all. I think that those types of massage parlors are typically owned by Asians. I know that I would be hard pressed to find one around here owned by whites, blacks, hispanics, etc. I know I will get flamed but I think that this guy was sick and it's unfortunate but to make this a hate crime is not appropriate in my opinion. He already admitted to killing multiple people, he's not going to get off.
Not everything is motivated by race. Flame away....

I think he frequented these particular spots primarily due to the fact that they were staffed by Asian women. He wanted to be "serviced" by Asians specifically.

Perhaps - but I don't think that he was trying to harm Asians because Trump called Corona the China Virus. That's what I am getting at. I think that he was targeting salons that do rub and tugs, and let's be honest, those are typically staffed by Asian women. If he had a fetish for strip clubs I think that those would have been his target. That's all I am saying.

I see what you're saying but I think it's impossible to untangle the two. His ire was targeted at Asians because of the particular fetish. I think if he fetishized black women and opened fire on black sex workers it would also be a hate crime. I would even argue that targeting white female sex workers could also be considered a hate crime.

Why do you find it problematic to call this a hate crime (not being snarky, genuinely curious)?

Posted 3/19/21 1:30 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by lululu

Also, his victims were not all Asian and they were not all women.

Ohhh I didn’t know this. It totally changes things now.

FWIW, six out of eight were Asian women. To me that seems targeted.


The motivation is clear.

It's also important to consider the context of the situation. As another poster said, there is a clear intersectionality between gender and racial stereotypes of Asian women being submissive and sexually available.

Look, no one knows exactly what goes on in a killer's mind. But when people's first instinct is to downplay or deny the connection even after understanding what I described above, that is telling.

Posted 3/19/21 1:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by LuckyStar

Posted by lululu

Posted by LuckyStar

Posted by lululu

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by lululu

Also, his victims were not all Asian and they were not all women.

Ohhh I didn’t know this. It totally changes things now.

I don't think that this particular case was race motivated at all. I think that those types of massage parlors are typically owned by Asians. I know that I would be hard pressed to find one around here owned by whites, blacks, hispanics, etc. I know I will get flamed but I think that this guy was sick and it's unfortunate but to make this a hate crime is not appropriate in my opinion. He already admitted to killing multiple people, he's not going to get off.
Not everything is motivated by race. Flame away....

I think he frequented these particular spots primarily due to the fact that they were staffed by Asian women. He wanted to be "serviced" by Asians specifically.

Perhaps - but I don't think that he was trying to harm Asians because Trump called Corona the China Virus. That's what I am getting at. I think that he was targeting salons that do rub and tugs, and let's be honest, those are typically staffed by Asian women. If he had a fetish for strip clubs I think that those would have been his target. That's all I am saying.

I see what you're saying but I think it's impossible to untangle the two. His ire was targeted at Asians because of the particular fetish. I think if he fetishized black women and opened fire on black sex workers it would also be a hate crime. I would even argue that targeting white female sex workers could also be considered a hate crime.

Why do you find it problematic to call this a hate crime (not being snarky, genuinely curious)?

I'm going to have a hard time articulating why I have an issue with considering it a hate crime to be completely honest but it has something to do with it detracting from the crimes that ARE actually motivated by ignorant people that are targeting Asian people because they think that COVID is their fault. I think it takes more away from that issue and the attention that we should be putting on it.

Posted 3/19/21 1:42 PM


Member since 7/06

11487 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by lululu

Posted by LuckyStar

Posted by lululu

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by lululu

Also, his victims were not all Asian and they were not all women.

Ohhh I didn’t know this. It totally changes things now.

I don't think that this particular case was race motivated at all. I think that those types of massage parlors are typically owned by Asians. I know that I would be hard pressed to find one around here owned by whites, blacks, hispanics, etc. I know I will get flamed but I think that this guy was sick and it's unfortunate but to make this a hate crime is not appropriate in my opinion. He already admitted to killing multiple people, he's not going to get off.
Not everything is motivated by race. Flame away....

I think he frequented these particular spots primarily due to the fact that they were staffed by Asian women. He wanted to be "serviced" by Asians specifically.

Perhaps - but I don't think that he was trying to harm Asians because Trump called Corona the China Virus. That's what I am getting at. I think that he was targeting salons that do rub and tugs, and let's be honest, those are typically staffed by Asian women. If he had a fetish for strip clubs I think that those would have been his target. That's all I am saying.

I see what you are saying.

I just happen to think he targeted them because he was superior to them.

I think racism and sexism is just covert in this case. But it’s there, nevertheless.

I don’t know. I do a lot of reading on incels and MGTOWs and how it relates to mass shootings. It’s interesting, but complex.

Microagressions happen, but it’s still defined as racism.

Posted 3/19/21 1:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by JennP

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by lululu

Also, his victims were not all Asian and they were not all women.

Ohhh I didn’t know this. It totally changes things now.

FWIW, six out of eight were Asian women. To me that seems targeted.


The motivation is clear.

It's also important to consider the context of the situation. As another poster said, there is a clear intersectionality between gender and racial stereotypes of Asian women being submissive and sexually available.

Look, no one knows exactly what goes on in a killer's mind. But when people's first instinct is to downplay or deny the connection even after understanding what I described above, that is telling.

Yes I agree that it's extremely complicated but it's different than say someone in the KKK hates people for being black and those out and kills them. This guy is clearly a nut job who has issues and felt that he was solving some sort of problem of his by going out and eliminating these massage parlors. I guess it's because I don't think him wanting to eliminate them necessarily had to do with them being Asian in and of itself. To me a hate crime would be more of I am targeting someone specifically because of their race, ethnicity, sexuality etc that I don't agree with. Not that I am targeting someone because they are a sex worker in a particular type of establishment that happens to be predominantly Asian owned. Again, I am sure I am not articulating this very well because frankly I am an accountant and numbers are way more my thing than words...

Posted 3/19/21 1:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/10

6826 total posts


Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by JennP

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by lululu

Also, his victims were not all Asian and they were not all women.

Ohhh I didn’t know this. It totally changes things now.

FWIW, six out of eight were Asian women. To me that seems targeted.


The motivation is clear.

It's also important to consider the context of the situation. As another poster said, there is a clear intersectionality between gender and racial stereotypes of Asian women being submissive and sexually available.

Look, no one knows exactly what goes on in a killer's mind. But when people's first instinct is to downplay or deny the connection even after understanding what I described above, that is telling.

Telling of what?

I'm not a trump supporter, I have friends and family of all different races. I fully acknowledge that hate crimes happen but people are too quick to use that label. Obviously, the killer was disturbed. I don't find his motive to be outlandish. Can you name another type of establishment that is known for prividing this service?

Posted 3/19/21 1:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by klingklang77

I just happen to think he targeted them because he was superior to them.

See I think it's quite the opposite. I think he targeted them because they made him feel inferior. They had a type of power over him that he was unable to control and he used this as a way to get that power back.

Posted 3/19/21 1:48 PM


Member since 7/06

11487 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

I just happen to think he targeted them because he was superior to them.

See I think it's quite the opposite. I think he targeted them because they made him feel inferior. They had a type of power over him that he was unable to control and he used this as a way to get that power back.

Well, perhaps, he was feeling inferior because he felt superior? Hope that makes sense.

Posted 3/19/21 1:54 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22139 total posts


Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by lululu

Posted by LuckyStar

Posted by lululu

Posted by LuckyStar

Posted by lululu

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by lululu

Also, his victims were not all Asian and they were not all women.

Ohhh I didn’t know this. It totally changes things now.

I don't think that this particular case was race motivated at all. I think that those types of massage parlors are typically owned by Asians. I know that I would be hard pressed to find one around here owned by whites, blacks, hispanics, etc. I know I will get flamed but I think that this guy was sick and it's unfortunate but to make this a hate crime is not appropriate in my opinion. He already admitted to killing multiple people, he's not going to get off.
Not everything is motivated by race. Flame away....

I think he frequented these particular spots primarily due to the fact that they were staffed by Asian women. He wanted to be "serviced" by Asians specifically.

Perhaps - but I don't think that he was trying to harm Asians because Trump called Corona the China Virus. That's what I am getting at. I think that he was targeting salons that do rub and tugs, and let's be honest, those are typically staffed by Asian women. If he had a fetish for strip clubs I think that those would have been his target. That's all I am saying.

I see what you're saying but I think it's impossible to untangle the two. His ire was targeted at Asians because of the particular fetish. I think if he fetishized black women and opened fire on black sex workers it would also be a hate crime. I would even argue that targeting white female sex workers could also be considered a hate crime.

Why do you find it problematic to call this a hate crime (not being snarky, genuinely curious)?

I'm going to have a hard time articulating why I have an issue with considering it a hate crime to be completely honest but it has something to do with it detracting from the crimes that ARE actually motivated by ignorant people that are targeting Asian people because they think that COVID is their fault. I think it takes more away from that issue and the attention that we should be putting on it.

How do you know he isn't surrounded by these people who specifically target Asians for their 'role' in the pandemic? He finds pleasure in Asian women. He hears constantly about how these 'people' are bad, bad, bad. I mean, many Trump supporters, news outlets, forums, etc, are constantly going on about how China is an enemy.
So rid himself of the temptation.

It's sexually AND ethnically motivated. Let's be real. Race played a role. Was it the entire reason for motivation? No. But it was a reason.

He didn't hate them. He hated himself for enjoying them. Liking the 'enemy' meant he was on the wrong side.

Message edited 3/19/2021 1:57:47 PM.

Posted 3/19/21 1:55 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by MissJones

Posted by lululu

Posted by LuckyStar

Posted by lululu

Posted by LuckyStar

Posted by lululu

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by lululu

Also, his victims were not all Asian and they were not all women.

Ohhh I didn’t know this. It totally changes things now.

I don't think that this particular case was race motivated at all. I think that those types of massage parlors are typically owned by Asians. I know that I would be hard pressed to find one around here owned by whites, blacks, hispanics, etc. I know I will get flamed but I think that this guy was sick and it's unfortunate but to make this a hate crime is not appropriate in my opinion. He already admitted to killing multiple people, he's not going to get off.
Not everything is motivated by race. Flame away....

I think he frequented these particular spots primarily due to the fact that they were staffed by Asian women. He wanted to be "serviced" by Asians specifically.

Perhaps - but I don't think that he was trying to harm Asians because Trump called Corona the China Virus. That's what I am getting at. I think that he was targeting salons that do rub and tugs, and let's be honest, those are typically staffed by Asian women. If he had a fetish for strip clubs I think that those would have been his target. That's all I am saying.

I see what you're saying but I think it's impossible to untangle the two. His ire was targeted at Asians because of the particular fetish. I think if he fetishized black women and opened fire on black sex workers it would also be a hate crime. I would even argue that targeting white female sex workers could also be considered a hate crime.

Why do you find it problematic to call this a hate crime (not being snarky, genuinely curious)?

I'm going to have a hard time articulating why I have an issue with considering it a hate crime to be completely honest but it has something to do with it detracting from the crimes that ARE actually motivated by ignorant people that are targeting Asian people because they think that COVID is their fault. I think it takes more away from that issue and the attention that we should be putting on it.

How do you know he isn't surrounded by these people who specifically target Asians for their 'role' in the pandemic? He finds pleasure in Asian women. He hears constantly about how these 'people' are bad, bad, bad. I mean, many Trump supporters, news outlets, forums, etc, are constantly going on about how China is an enemy.
So rid himself of the temptation.

It's sexually AND ethnically motivated. Let's be real. Race played a role. Was it the entire reason for motivation? No. But it was a reason.

He didn't hate them. He hated himself for enjoying them. Liking the 'enemy' meant he was on the wrong side.

Yeah sure, I am sure that's possible. Not knowing him though I think it's hard to make that leap but that's kind of the problem is that everyone needs an answer and so you make the leap and then you believe it to be fact. You in general, not you specifically.

Posted 3/19/21 2:08 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by Sparrow

Posted by JennP

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by lululu

Also, his victims were not all Asian and they were not all women.

Ohhh I didn’t know this. It totally changes things now.

FWIW, six out of eight were Asian women. To me that seems targeted.


The motivation is clear.

It's also important to consider the context of the situation. As another poster said, there is a clear intersectionality between gender and racial stereotypes of Asian women being submissive and sexually available.

Look, no one knows exactly what goes on in a killer's mind. But when people's first instinct is to downplay or deny the connection even after understanding what I described above, that is telling.

Telling of what?

I'm not a trump supporter, I have friends and family of all different races. I fully acknowledge that hate crimes happen but people are too quick to use that label. Obviously, the killer was disturbed. I don't find his motive to be outlandish. Can you name another type of establishment that is known for prividing this service?

Strip clubs

It's telling of our society's unwillingness to confront our racism by doing mental gymnastics to find reasons other than racism for murders - including taking the word of a killer (!), call killers what they are and put blame where it belongs, center the feelings of people harmed, and stop the tendency to insist that white men who commit crimes must be mentally ill while never suggesting that of non whites who kill.

Posted 3/19/21 2:11 PM


Member since 7/06

11487 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by JennP

Posted by Sparrow

Posted by JennP

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by lululu

Also, his victims were not all Asian and they were not all women.

Ohhh I didn’t know this. It totally changes things now.

FWIW, six out of eight were Asian women. To me that seems targeted.


The motivation is clear.

It's also important to consider the context of the situation. As another poster said, there is a clear intersectionality between gender and racial stereotypes of Asian women being submissive and sexually available.

Look, no one knows exactly what goes on in a killer's mind. But when people's first instinct is to downplay or deny the connection even after understanding what I described above, that is telling.

Telling of what?

I'm not a trump supporter, I have friends and family of all different races. I fully acknowledge that hate crimes happen but people are too quick to use that label. Obviously, the killer was disturbed. I don't find his motive to be outlandish. Can you name another type of establishment that is known for prividing this service?

Strip clubs

It's telling of our society's unwillingness to confront our racism by doing mental gymnastics to find reasons other than racism for murders - including taking the word of a killer (!), call killers what they are and put blame where it belongs, center the feelings of people harmed, and stop the tendency to insist that white men who commit crimes must be mentally ill while never suggesting that of non whites who kill.

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Just thoughts and prayers, amirite?

Posted 3/19/21 3:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by JennP

Posted by Sparrow

Posted by JennP

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by lululu

Also, his victims were not all Asian and they were not all women.

Ohhh I didn’t know this. It totally changes things now.

FWIW, six out of eight were Asian women. To me that seems targeted.


The motivation is clear.

It's also important to consider the context of the situation. As another poster said, there is a clear intersectionality between gender and racial stereotypes of Asian women being submissive and sexually available.

Look, no one knows exactly what goes on in a killer's mind. But when people's first instinct is to downplay or deny the connection even after understanding what I described above, that is telling.

Telling of what?

I'm not a trump supporter, I have friends and family of all different races. I fully acknowledge that hate crimes happen but people are too quick to use that label. Obviously, the killer was disturbed. I don't find his motive to be outlandish. Can you name another type of establishment that is known for prividing this service?

Strip clubs

It's telling of our society's unwillingness to confront our racism by doing mental gymnastics to find reasons other than racism for murders - including taking the word of a killer (!), call killers what they are and put blame where it belongs, center the feelings of people harmed, and stop the tendency to insist that white men who commit crimes must be mentally ill while never suggesting that of non whites who kill.

I personally think anyone that is able to take the life of anyone else is mentally ill to some degree. Perhaps with the exception of the military but I feel like that’s why so many active combat military suffer from PTSD.

But white people murder whites people and black people murder black people. I’m not sure why you need to make any murder between different ethnicities racially motivated. There are many other motives besides race.

Message edited 3/19/2021 3:49:40 PM.

Posted 3/19/21 3:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/08

3101 total posts


Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by JennP

Posted by Sparrow

Posted by JennP

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by lululu

Also, his victims were not all Asian and they were not all women.

Ohhh I didn’t know this. It totally changes things now.

FWIW, six out of eight were Asian women. To me that seems targeted.


The motivation is clear.

It's also important to consider the context of the situation. As another poster said, there is a clear intersectionality between gender and racial stereotypes of Asian women being submissive and sexually available.

Look, no one knows exactly what goes on in a killer's mind. But when people's first instinct is to downplay or deny the connection even after understanding what I described above, that is telling.

Telling of what?

I'm not a trump supporter, I have friends and family of all different races. I fully acknowledge that hate crimes happen but people are too quick to use that label. Obviously, the killer was disturbed. I don't find his motive to be outlandish. Can you name another type of establishment that is known for prividing this service?

Strip clubs

It's telling of our society's unwillingness to confront our racism by doing mental gymnastics to find reasons other than racism for murders - including taking the word of a killer (!), call killers what they are and put blame where it belongs, center the feelings of people harmed, and stop the tendency to insist that white men who commit crimes must be mentally ill while never suggesting that of non whites who kill.

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This is spot on. When a middle eastern person commits a mass killing, too many people jump right to "Where was he radicalized?" This is wrong. People/the media typically don't tend to try to sort out his precise feelings and understand him.
Here, the killer really went after a specific demographic; we can't ignore that.

Posted 3/19/21 4:35 PM

Love my boys!!

Member since 1/12

3548 total posts


Atlanta shootings

This is a great article that explains why what happened in Atlanta was most likely a hate crime, and why so many are saying it isn't. Plenty of white people struggle. Plenty have difficult lives. But the color of our skin has never been the cause of our struggles. THAT is white privilege.
Why was Adam Lanza just a kid with autism who's mother gave him access to guns and never got him the help he needed? If he were any other race, he would have been labeled an evil monster.
This white man sought out Asian women on Tuesday. Whether it was because he hated Asians, or had an Asian fetish, doesn't matter. He specifically targeted a specific ethnic group.

Posted 3/19/21 6:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/10

6826 total posts


Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by JennP

Posted by Sparrow

Posted by JennP

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by lululu

Also, his victims were not all Asian and they were not all women.

Ohhh I didn’t know this. It totally changes things now.

FWIW, six out of eight were Asian women. To me that seems targeted.


The motivation is clear.

It's also important to consider the context of the situation. As another poster said, there is a clear intersectionality between gender and racial stereotypes of Asian women being submissive and sexually available.

Look, no one knows exactly what goes on in a killer's mind. But when people's first instinct is to downplay or deny the connection even after understanding what I described above, that is telling.

Telling of what?

I'm not a trump supporter, I have friends and family of all different races. I fully acknowledge that hate crimes happen but people are too quick to use that label. Obviously, the killer was disturbed. I don't find his motive to be outlandish. Can you name another type of establishment that is known for prividing this service?

Strip clubs

It's telling of our society's unwillingness to confront our racism by doing mental gymnastics to find reasons other than racism for murders - including taking the word of a killer (!), call killers what they are and put blame where it belongs, center the feelings of people harmed, and stop the tendency to insist that white men who commit crimes must be mentally ill while never suggesting that of non whites who kill.

I don’t believe that strip clubs are as predominantly patronized for happy endings as these seedy massage parlors are. I don’t think people go there for any other reason.

I see more mental gymnastics being done here to make him a racist or racial fetishist (has this been stated as a fact anywhere?) who is both inferior and superior so he felt the need to murder Asians and a few non Asians in a hate crime disguised as a sex addiction crime. I think this is more telling of the overly PC nature of our society that any murder occurring between two different races MUST be a hate crime.

I’m not giving the guy a pass because he’s white. I call anyone who murders other people mentally unstable. Just look above at all the theories on his back story.

Posted 3/19/21 6:44 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54921 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by Sparrow

Posted by JennP

Posted by Sparrow

Posted by JennP

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by lululu

Also, his victims were not all Asian and they were not all women.

Ohhh I didn’t know this. It totally changes things now.

FWIW, six out of eight were Asian women. To me that seems targeted.


The motivation is clear.

It's also important to consider the context of the situation. As another poster said, there is a clear intersectionality between gender and racial stereotypes of Asian women being submissive and sexually available.

Look, no one knows exactly what goes on in a killer's mind. But when people's first instinct is to downplay or deny the connection even after understanding what I described above, that is telling.

Telling of what?

I'm not a trump supporter, I have friends and family of all different races. I fully acknowledge that hate crimes happen but people are too quick to use that label. Obviously, the killer was disturbed. I don't find his motive to be outlandish. Can you name another type of establishment that is known for prividing this service?

Strip clubs

It's telling of our society's unwillingness to confront our racism by doing mental gymnastics to find reasons other than racism for murders - including taking the word of a killer (!), call killers what they are and put blame where it belongs, center the feelings of people harmed, and stop the tendency to insist that white men who commit crimes must be mentally ill while never suggesting that of non whites who kill.

I don’t believe that strip clubs are as predominantly patronized for happy endings as these seedy massage parlors are. I don’t think people go there for any other reason.

I see more mental gymnastics being done here to make him a racist or racial fetishist (has this been stated as a fact anywhere?) who is both inferior and superior so he felt the need to murder Asians and a few non Asians in a hate crime disguised as a sex addiction crime. I think this is more telling of the overly PC nature of our society that any murder occurring between two different races MUST be a hate crime.

I’m not giving the guy a pass because he’s white. I call anyone who murders other people mentally unstable. Just look above at all the theories on his back story.

I can tell you that a happy ending in a strip club will cost a hell of a lot more than at one of these massage places. It's quicker and cheaper at these places

Posted 3/19/21 6:58 PM


Member since 4/09

3287 total posts


Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by Sparrow

Posted by JennP

Posted by Sparrow

Posted by JennP

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by lululu

Also, his victims were not all Asian and they were not all women.

Ohhh I didn’t know this. It totally changes things now.

FWIW, six out of eight were Asian women. To me that seems targeted.


The motivation is clear.

It's also important to consider the context of the situation. As another poster said, there is a clear intersectionality between gender and racial stereotypes of Asian women being submissive and sexually available.

Look, no one knows exactly what goes on in a killer's mind. But when people's first instinct is to downplay or deny the connection even after understanding what I described above, that is telling.

Telling of what?

I'm not a trump supporter, I have friends and family of all different races. I fully acknowledge that hate crimes happen but people are too quick to use that label. Obviously, the killer was disturbed. I don't find his motive to be outlandish. Can you name another type of establishment that is known for prividing this service?

Strip clubs

It's telling of our society's unwillingness to confront our racism by doing mental gymnastics to find reasons other than racism for murders - including taking the word of a killer (!), call killers what they are and put blame where it belongs, center the feelings of people harmed, and stop the tendency to insist that white men who commit crimes must be mentally ill while never suggesting that of non whites who kill.

I don’t believe that strip clubs are as predominantly patronized for happy endings as these seedy massage parlors are. I don’t think people go there for any other reason.

I see more mental gymnastics being done here to make him a racist or racial fetishist (has this been stated as a fact anywhere?) who is both inferior and superior so he felt the need to murder Asians and a few non Asians in a hate crime disguised as a sex addiction crime. I think this is more telling of the overly PC nature of our society that any murder occurring between two different races MUST be a hate crime.

I’m not giving the guy a pass because he’s white. I call anyone who murders other people mentally unstable. Just look above at all the theories on his back story.

You are part of the problem.

Your privilege is showing.

There is nothing overtly PC about our society, just your perceived bubble.

Posted 3/19/21 7:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/10

6826 total posts


Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by queensgal

Posted by Sparrow

Posted by JennP

Posted by Sparrow

Posted by JennP

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by lululu

Also, his victims were not all Asian and they were not all women.

Ohhh I didn’t know this. It totally changes things now.

FWIW, six out of eight were Asian women. To me that seems targeted.


The motivation is clear.

It's also important to consider the context of the situation. As another poster said, there is a clear intersectionality between gender and racial stereotypes of Asian women being submissive and sexually available.

Look, no one knows exactly what goes on in a killer's mind. But when people's first instinct is to downplay or deny the connection even after understanding what I described above, that is telling.

Telling of what?

I'm not a trump supporter, I have friends and family of all different races. I fully acknowledge that hate crimes happen but people are too quick to use that label. Obviously, the killer was disturbed. I don't find his motive to be outlandish. Can you name another type of establishment that is known for prividing this service?

Strip clubs

It's telling of our society's unwillingness to confront our racism by doing mental gymnastics to find reasons other than racism for murders - including taking the word of a killer (!), call killers what they are and put blame where it belongs, center the feelings of people harmed, and stop the tendency to insist that white men who commit crimes must be mentally ill while never suggesting that of non whites who kill.

I don’t believe that strip clubs are as predominantly patronized for happy endings as these seedy massage parlors are. I don’t think people go there for any other reason.

I see more mental gymnastics being done here to make him a racist or racial fetishist (has this been stated as a fact anywhere?) who is both inferior and superior so he felt the need to murder Asians and a few non Asians in a hate crime disguised as a sex addiction crime. I think this is more telling of the overly PC nature of our society that any murder occurring between two different races MUST be a hate crime.

I’m not giving the guy a pass because he’s white. I call anyone who murders other people mentally unstable. Just look above at all the theories on his back story.

You are part of the problem.

Your privilege is showing.

There is nothing overtly PC about our society, just your perceived bubble.

No. I’m just realistic and objective. I’m fully aware that people are treated differently based on race and sometimes it’s not even consciously done. I’m glad that my kids have grown up among children of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds. I hope to raise my children to respect and appreciate people of all walks of life.

I don’t pretend that racism or hate crimes don’t happen BUT not every crime is about race. It seems like this is the knee jerk response lately.

Also why is it worse if someone is killed because they are a certain race vs because of their occupation; because they are children; because they cut someone off driving; because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time and some loose cannon had a bad day, etc? It’s all senseless murder and equally wrong.

Posted 3/19/21 8:55 PM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


Atlanta shootings

This is a hate crime. Hate crime does not just have to be based in race. Here you have race and gender. Federal hate crime:

At the federal level, hate crime laws include crimes committed on the basis of the victim’s perceived or actual race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability.

Posted 3/19/21 9:06 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by alli3131

This is a hate crime. Hate crime does not just have to be based in race. Here you have race and gender. Federal hate crime:

At the federal level, hate crime laws include crimes committed on the basis of the victim’s perceived or actual race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability.

But what if this was a crime based on their occupation? I don’t see that on the list.

Posted 3/19/21 9:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Atlanta shootings

Posted by queensgal

Posted by Sparrow

Posted by JennP

Posted by Sparrow

Posted by JennP

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by lululu

Also, his victims were not all Asian and they were not all women.

Ohhh I didn’t know this. It totally changes things now.

FWIW, six out of eight were Asian women. To me that seems targeted.


The motivation is clear.

It's also important to consider the context of the situation. As another poster said, there is a clear intersectionality between gender and racial stereotypes of Asian women being submissive and sexually available.

Look, no one knows exactly what goes on in a killer's mind. But when people's first instinct is to downplay or deny the connection even after understanding what I described above, that is telling.

Telling of what?

I'm not a trump supporter, I have friends and family of all different races. I fully acknowledge that hate crimes happen but people are too quick to use that label. Obviously, the killer was disturbed. I don't find his motive to be outlandish. Can you name another type of establishment that is known for prividing this service?

Strip clubs

It's telling of our society's unwillingness to confront our racism by doing mental gymnastics to find reasons other than racism for murders - including taking the word of a killer (!), call killers what they are and put blame where it belongs, center the feelings of people harmed, and stop the tendency to insist that white men who commit crimes must be mentally ill while never suggesting that of non whites who kill.

I don’t believe that strip clubs are as predominantly patronized for happy endings as these seedy massage parlors are. I don’t think people go there for any other reason.

I see more mental gymnastics being done here to make him a racist or racial fetishist (has this been stated as a fact anywhere?) who is both inferior and superior so he felt the need to murder Asians and a few non Asians in a hate crime disguised as a sex addiction crime. I think this is more telling of the overly PC nature of our society that any murder occurring between two different races MUST be a hate crime.

I’m not giving the guy a pass because he’s white. I call anyone who murders other people mentally unstable. Just look above at all the theories on his back story.

You are part of the problem.

Your privilege is showing.

There is nothing overtly PC about our society, just your perceived bubble.

Oh stop. Just because someone has a difference of opinion does not mean they are part of the problem or showing their privilege. Enough already. Not everything is racially motivated believe it or not. People do ****** things all the time for many many reasons.

Posted 3/19/21 9:42 PM


Member since 7/06

11487 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: Atlanta shootings

With a rise in Asian hate crimes, I don’t think it is a stretch AT ALL to say this is a hate crime.

This article brings up some interesting points about his religion.

“Evangelical purity culture is, of course, grounded in the specifically American inflection of white supremacism, with the sexualization of brown and especially Black bodies that goes along with a performative obsession to “protect” white women from Black men, who are assumed to be predatory. We can trace this racist trope back to European culture prior to the creation of the United States (think of the story of Othello, for example, of which Shakespeare’s version, adapted from sixteenth-century Italian material, appeared in 1603).

White supremacism and toxic masculinity are intertwined, historically and in the present, and both have their own inflections in evangelical subculture, where the fetishization of Asian women like those Long targeted is also common. Akiko Bergeron* knows this firsthand as an Asian-American woman who was active in Southern Baptist communities for decades, before evangelical Trump support led her to become an exvangelical.

Bergeron told RD, “White supremacy holds Asians in a weird light, complimenting them on being the ‘good minority,’ while also devaluing women into sex objects who exist for their pleasure.” Describing her own experience, she recalled, “As an adult in the SBC, I saw this fetish and devaluation from white men who thought I should have sex with them because as an Asian, I was a geisha (which they take to mean ‘sex worker’), and so it’s not really cheating or adultery for them.” “

Posted 3/20/21 2:30 AM
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