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Back to School

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/15

555 total posts


Back to School

If your kids are in-person, how's it going?

What is your school doing about temp checks/ health questionnaires?

Posted 9/9/20 11:54 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Back to School

My school is hybrid. So one day home one day remote alternating every day.

We have to film out a health questionare weekly which is stupid in my opinion. And they get temps checked when the go in.

First day was today and my kids happened to be remote and it’s not going well! I’m going to give it a week to see if it’s gets better remote. Can’t wait for the day they go in!

Posted 9/9/20 11:59 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Back to School

We're hybrid, two in-person half days per week at 50% capacity. Group A goes on Mon/Tues and Group B goes on Th/Fri. Remote learning in the afternoons on in-person days, full remote learning on the non in-person days and on Wednesday, the entire school has a half remote learning day while the schools are disinfected for the next group to come in at end of week.

So far it's going great! My kids are THRILLED to be back, they are SO happy. They love being in school, they are excited to see friends and teachers and to be learning in person again. I hope that infection rates continue to stay low and even improve so that the schools can open up for more days and time.

ETA - We have an app called Pickup Patrol, every morning we have to check them in and answer 3 yes or no questions to clear them for the day.

Message edited 9/9/2020 12:22:21 PM.

Posted 9/9/20 12:21 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/15

792 total posts


Back to School

Back to school full time in person today (3rd grade) she couldn’t wait to get on the bus this AM. We have an app called Myworkbadge that I scan her temp , answer 4 questions , record her temp and it clears her with the school.

Posted 9/9/20 12:28 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

820 total posts


Re: Back to School

This is our third week back, full time in person at a private school. Couldn't be happier. Admin and teachers are doing an amazing job. They check temps every day at drop off and ask how everyone is feeling.

Our older kids are in public, full remote at this point. It is better than the spring, but not ideal. Them sitting in front of a computer all day is not healthy or normal. They laugh at me and say well that is what you do, but I am old and am getting paid, lol.

Posted 9/9/20 12:35 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

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Re: Back to School

Today was day 1. My daughter was so excited! (as was I!)
The school sent a link this morning to a questionnaire that asked pretty much has your child had a fever over 100, been around anyone who has tested positive for COVID, traveled out of state or the country in the last 24 hours.
You click off your answers and it gets submitted.
We have to do this each morning before school.

She wore her mask on the bus, and off she went!

I heard from someone who lives near the school that the kids are having recess outside which is super exciting since I wasn't sure if they would allow them recess.

I will report back when she gets home later on how the day went.

She is full time, in person every day and I could not be happier about that!

Message edited 9/9/2020 12:45:47 PM.

Posted 9/9/20 12:44 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Back to School

Posted by NervousNell

Today was day 1. My daughter was so excited! (as was I!)
The school sent a link this morning to a questionnaire that asked pretty much has your child had a fever over 100, been around anyone who has tested positive for COVID, traveled out of state or the country in the last 24 hours.
You click off your answers and it gets submitted.
We have to do this each morning before school.

She wore her mask on the bus, and off she went!

I heard from someone who lives near the school that the kids are having recess outside which is super exciting since I wasn't sure if they would allow them recess.

I will report back when she gets home later on how the day went.

She is full time, in person every day and I could not be happier about that!

Hope she has the best day! That's great that they are giving them recess, we don't have recess only because we're half day. But they are giving the kids gym, outdoors and with no masks so they get a nice break to run around and breathe.

Posted 9/9/20 12:48 PM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3570 total posts


Re: Back to School

My kids go every other day. Yesterday was remote learning and it was stressful due to the technical glitches and it is hard to hear the teachers through Google Meet. Today was in person! Yay! We all did a happy dance despite them not being able to breathe well through the masks for 7 hours. I wasn’t even upset when the bus never came because I was just so grateful there was a problem that was not plague related! My school district is taking many precautions, including 50% capacity, distancing, temp checks, a morning questionnaire, and plastic desk partitions. Looking at the pictures of the students in school made me literally cry. But I am being hopeful and positive that this will continue and school will stay open! It is really important and essential for these kids!

Posted 9/9/20 12:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/13

1101 total posts


Back to School

My son started yesterday. They are full time but kids are every other day until next Wednesday just to help students and staff adjust to the new routines. They are going outside for recess. Lunch in classrooms now. Masks all day. I have to fill out a health survey in the morning. They are taking kids temps as they come in.

Posted 9/9/20 1:10 PM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Re: Back to School

I got a funny story.. apparently today was my son's first day of school and I had no f#kn clue.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

The email communication said it was remote orientation today and tomorrow. So I figured it was to test technical set up, logging in to the meetings. No, he is getting assignments and homework. My son was like why didn't you tell me it was my first day. Oh and he had summer reading that I had no clue about. Needless to say we are doing great over here.Chat Icon

He is hybrid and next week he goes for a full week in and then full week off. When students are in school, we are using Cleared4School questionnaire we have to answer every morning before 7am. I think I have to record his temp. There is recess and the kids have gym 1 day a week.

Posted 9/9/20 1:23 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Back to School

We are full in person. Both kids did great. Daughter in elementary came home happy. They gave them plenty of mask breaks and I think the kids were thrilled just to be back.

Other daughter is in Junior High. She did great as well. All the kids wore their masks and were given mask breaks if they asked. She wasn't thrilled with lunch because now they are sitting in desks 6 feet apart but they'll deal lol. Our HS is having a few issues as some of the kids seem to think they do not need to listen to the mask or social distancing rules but administration is on top of that.

Posted 9/9/20 4:16 PM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


Back to School

We are in person every day except this week it’s every other day because they did not get all safety items delivered in time.

He loves being back. And said it was a lot of fun. They are taking temps and we do a questionnaire once a week. He had gym outside so he was happy and the teacher has been great about when they can remove masks etc.

I think the experience will be fine because the school is doing everything possible to make it fun.

Posted 9/9/20 4:44 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Back to School

We did catholic school this year. I have to submit a survey every morning that asks about their temp, symptoms, and travel. Then they get a temp check at school

Posted 9/9/20 7:01 PM

Miracles Do Come True

Member since 8/10

2287 total posts


Re: Back to School

My kids are 5 full days, temp checks when they get to school and masks at all times. Their desks are 6 feet apart and my sons 3rd class is in the cafeteria. The issue is the bus, parents are upset that kids are not getting temperature checks before they get on the bus with other children so therefore parents feel their child is getting exposed to more kids who could possibly have the virus. I signed up for the bus but for different reasons my kids have been not been on it. We submit a covid check every sunday for the week. School starts later and ends earlier. My kids were able to go out for recess and gym which is nice. They eat lunch in their classrooms and can't move around. They seem ok though and are not complaining. Fingers crossed this lasts all year and everyone stays safe.

Posted 9/9/20 10:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/09

1216 total posts


Re: Back to School

Day 2 and already forgot to fill out the morning COVID questionnaire. I need to put an alert in my phone to remind me or I will definitely forget again.

In person is so much better than last year. kids are complaining about recess, but otherwise are happy to be back.

Posted 9/9/20 10:19 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54919 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Back to School

So my daughter seemed to have a good day, came home smiling, raving about her teacher, etc
But as the night wore on, the complaints started.
Recess apparently "sucked " because they could only stay with their class and couldn't meet up with friends in other classes like in the past. The special teachers came to them which apparently was a problem to her, the mask gave her a headache, lunch in the classroom, etc.
So I simply said, ok well then i will switch you to remote school.
That quieted the complaints really quickly! Chat Icon

Posted 9/9/20 10:26 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/12

583 total posts


Re: Back to School

Posted by NervousNell

So my daughter seemed to have a good day, came home smiling, raving about her teacher, etc
But as the night wore on, the complaints started.
Recess apparently "sucked " because they could only stay with their class and couldn't meet up with friends in other classes like in the past. The special teachers came to them which apparently was a problem to her, the mask gave her a headache, lunch in the classroom, etc.
So I simply said, ok well then i will switch you to remote school.
That quieted the complaints really quickly! Chat Icon

Did you prep her for these things though? None of these were surprises..

Posted 9/9/20 10:28 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54919 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Back to School

Posted by mommywantsababy

Posted by NervousNell

So my daughter seemed to have a good day, came home smiling, raving about her teacher, etc
But as the night wore on, the complaints started.
Recess apparently "sucked " because they could only stay with their class and couldn't meet up with friends in other classes like in the past. The special teachers came to them which apparently was a problem to her, the mask gave her a headache, lunch in the classroom, etc.
So I simply said, ok well then i will switch you to remote school.
That quieted the complaints really quickly! Chat Icon

Did you prep her for these things though? None of these were surprises..

Of course. My daughter would complain in heaven. I take it with a grain of salt. Chat Icon

Posted 9/9/20 10:30 PM

My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10

7790 total posts


Re: Back to School

My kids came home so happy yesterday. I had to go to the school to get something and everyone was so cheerful. It was nice to see.

My kids are doing A/B every other day (annoying). We have to fill out the questionnaire every morning as well. They are supposed to be wearing their masks all day long but my son said they really only wore it in the halls, the bathroom and at recess. There are only 8 kids in his group right now so it's small. There's only 6 in my other son's group.

Lunch seemed a little lonely. While they are allowed in the cafeteria, they are only allowed to sit on one side of the table and only 2 to a table. My k-kid sat all by himself he said. Chat Icon

Today was day 1 of virtual and we already missed the google meet and screwed up some other things. The chromebook almost went out the window but overall, I'm happy they are back!

Message edited 9/9/2020 10:39:37 PM.

Posted 9/9/20 10:37 PM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Re: Back to School

Posted by mommywantsababy

Posted by NervousNell

So my daughter seemed to have a good day, came home smiling, raving about her teacher, etc
But as the night wore on, the complaints started.
Recess apparently "sucked " because they could only stay with their class and couldn't meet up with friends in other classes like in the past. The special teachers came to them which apparently was a problem to her, the mask gave her a headache, lunch in the classroom, etc.
So I simply said, ok well then i will switch you to remote school.
That quieted the complaints really quickly! Chat Icon

Did you prep her for these things though? None of these were surprises..

Really? She’s a kid.. my son is older and in 7th grade. I can prepare him for doomsday and he will totally understand until he is in the moment. I’m trying to understand the point of your comment.

Posted 9/9/20 11:24 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/15

555 total posts


Re: Back to School

Sounds great! Glad to hear about all the schools precautions with questionnaires and temp checks. And outside play! WOW! I'm officially jealous.

My kids are definitely happy to be back. We've had two full days so far, and after day 1 my 5th grader did ask if he could go remote, I said of course. He said he'd think about it. The heat and the sitting all day and the was rough on him.


Our school is either full time in-person or remote. They did not go outside once. In 2 days, not once. Something about it being too hectic day 1, I dont know what happened day 2, but my older kid was very disappointed. When I picked him up and he took his mask off he was like, Finally i can breath free! :( That killed me.

My 1st grader is fine with it all. I can tell it's a bit overwhelming for her too. She just doesnt know much different, she only had one year under her belt prior to this.

They sit in their seats ALL DAY. Only getting up to wash hands, bathroom, or to throw something away. Masks off only for eating, or if they are writing and concentrating at their desks.

I ask, but it's better than sitting at home doing school work, right? They had to think about it for a sec. But ultimately yes, we're all adjusting.

Principal said if we felt uneasy about students having to be inside all day during inclement weather, we could keep them home. What's the learning plan for that, i ask. Oh, we don't have one yet. Taking it case by case. Does it count as an absence? Why yes, it does!

Also, at my school, there is no health & travel questionnaire, no temp checks. The 55-page guide lets parents know that they should be answering the questions in their head and taking their own temps. School is not involved at all in screening any health or travel for anyone but staff. I'm ok with that NOW, as the state only "strongly advises" schools to do a health screening, but it still makes me uneasy especially when I hear how on top of it every other school is.

I may let them go in today for just the morning since it's raining. I may pull them out at noon and create my own schedule, because not going outside AT ALL? What is that? Even for a quick walk/ fresh air break?

Posted 9/10/20 6:28 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15657 total posts


Re: Back to School

We are on a hybrid model, so every other day is in person. First in person day for mine was yesterday. So far so good. Same classroom all day with say cohort of kids with the exception of one period (Spanish), where they move to another classroom. They don't have to wear a mask at their desk. Only when they can't socially distance. My 8th grader has 10 kids in her class. They can eat outside sitting on the blacktop (that's comfy), but mine said there were so many bees, so she went in. Gym is outdoors on the track where they just walk, so at least they get fresh air. Temps taken by staff when we drop off, and a health survey.

There were a lot of complaints on day 1 from parents about the mask policy. Our Superintendent and district policy specifically said masks were not required while seated at their desk. But, many teachers were making their own rules, and having the kids wear the masks all day long. I'm assuming because they aren't comfortable, but they knew the district policy and plans when deciding to teach in person. Many public complaints in our FB community group, so a call went out to clarify, and I suspect the teachers were spoken to, because mine had no issues yesterday in class.

Oh and to add, our remote days aren't live. There is no set time to log in. They just have to log in at some point. X time help would be live though at a set time, if they need help. Mine is still sleeping Chat Icon I do hope we go back 5 days at some point this school year!

Message edited 9/10/2020 9:34:13 AM.

Posted 9/10/20 9:28 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


Re: Back to School

Posted by BargainMama

We are on a hybrid model, so every other day is in person. First in person day for mine was yesterday. So far so good. Same classroom all day with say cohort of kids with the exception of one period (Spanish), where they move to another classroom. They don't have to wear a mask at their desk. Only when they can't socially distance. My 8th grader has 10 kids in her class. They can eat outside sitting on the blacktop (that's comfy), but mine said there were so many bees, so she went in. Gym is outdoors on the track where they just walk, so at least they get fresh air. Temps taken by staff when we drop off, and a health survey.

There were a lot of complaints on day 1 from parents about the mask policy. Our Superintendent and district policy specifically said masks were not required while seated at their desk. But, many teachers were making their own rules, and having the kids wear the masks all day long. I'm assuming because they aren't comfortable, but they knew the district policy and plans when deciding to teach in person. Many public complaints in our FB community group, so a call went out to clarify, and I suspect the teachers were spoken to, because mine had no issues yesterday in class.

Oh and to add, our remote days aren't live. There is no set time to log in. They just have to log in at some point. X time help would be live though at a set time, if they need help. Mine is still sleeping Chat Icon I do hope we go back 5 days at some point this school year!

This is what is concerning about the hybrid model though. When are teachers supposed to be making, posting, and giving feedback for remote instruction when they are teaching in person every day? It just seems impossible to do all that and do a halfway decent job. I hope parents are understanding of this bc it seems the remote instruction is an afterthought. Not to mention, in some districts those same teachers are also assigned to full remote students. It's crazy.

Posted 9/10/20 9:50 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15657 total posts


Re: Back to School

Posted by MrsT809

Posted by BargainMama

We are on a hybrid model, so every other day is in person. First in person day for mine was yesterday. So far so good. Same classroom all day with say cohort of kids with the exception of one period (Spanish), where they move to another classroom. They don't have to wear a mask at their desk. Only when they can't socially distance. My 8th grader has 10 kids in her class. They can eat outside sitting on the blacktop (that's comfy), but mine said there were so many bees, so she went in. Gym is outdoors on the track where they just walk, so at least they get fresh air. Temps taken by staff when we drop off, and a health survey.

There were a lot of complaints on day 1 from parents about the mask policy. Our Superintendent and district policy specifically said masks were not required while seated at their desk. But, many teachers were making their own rules, and having the kids wear the masks all day long. I'm assuming because they aren't comfortable, but they knew the district policy and plans when deciding to teach in person. Many public complaints in our FB community group, so a call went out to clarify, and I suspect the teachers were spoken to, because mine had no issues yesterday in class.

Oh and to add, our remote days aren't live. There is no set time to log in. They just have to log in at some point. X time help would be live though at a set time, if they need help. Mine is still sleeping Chat Icon I do hope we go back 5 days at some point this school year!

This is what is concerning about the hybrid model though. When are teachers supposed to be making, posting, and giving feedback for remote instruction when they are teaching in person every day? It just seems impossible to do all that and do a halfway decent job. I hope parents are understanding of this bc it seems the remote instruction is an afterthought. Not to mention, in some districts those same teachers are also assigned to full remote students. It's crazy.

Oh there is work. It's the same work the kids are doing in person and we are doing it on our virtual days. Our district gave out Chromebooks to every student and they use google classroom. Our remote only kids have different teachers.

Posted 9/10/20 10:08 AM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17790 total posts


Back to School

We are hybrid too and still remote. Middle school is going well, 3rd grade not so much.

The kids are broken into two cohorts and all kids will be connected via Google classroom. While the kids are in person, the kids on Google classroom are receiving the same instruction at the same time. My 3rd grader has full remote kids in his class (I'm sure my 5th grader does as well).

This is day 3. Day 1 went well since it was just getting used to things. Day 2 was asynchronous so it went ok. Today - middle school is going great but, 3rd grade is going horribly. He doesn't want to participate, we are fighting, screaming, crying. I'm so stressed about this. While I'm trying to work.

Right now I wrote an assignment for him since I was done getting him to write full sentences so he's not back until 11:40. He will be in a Google meet until 12:55 for lunch and then he has work on his own until 2:30 when he has another meet.

Posted 9/10/20 10:51 AM
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