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LIF Adult
Member since 11/11 1674 total posts
Sight Words
How do you guys practice sight words with your kids? My DD is having a really hard time and ends up crying out of frustration bc she can't get them. She's the type of kid that if she doesn't naturally get something or know it right away, she won't even try.
I don't know how to help her and I'm getting really frustrated too. Any tips/tricks that worked would be greatly appreciated.
Posted 2/28/18 8:20 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 12/12 4088 total posts
Re: Sight Words
Does she like BINGO? I just saw this evening a new BINGO game using sight words. It’s called Shark Sight Words Bingo.
It has 72 common sight words.
Posted 2/28/18 8:36 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/12 4043 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: Sight Words
He has some game ideas here, which combines cards of the dolch site words with cards that have pictures of nouns. I think there’s also a bingo game. There’s links to the different grades, this is the pre-k page.
Posted 2/28/18 9:08 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/12 2912 total posts
Re: Sight Words
We get two words a week and I haven't kept up very well, but I started making flash cards for DD. She liked reading the flash cards the few times I took them out, but what she really wanted to do was write out the cards herself and writing helps memory. So, if you are going to try flash cards or memory game cards, try having her write the cards.
Posted 2/28/18 10:07 PM |
Brighter days ahead
Member since 4/07 7364 total posts
Re: Sight Words
How old is she?
With my kindergartener, we made it into a game to spot the sight words throughout the day- on signs, in print etc. it made it more fun and not such a chore.
Posted 2/28/18 11:11 PM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
Sight Words
My ds K teacher send home cards with the sight words on it. They work on them in class and the. We use the cards at home. He also picks them out on signs and stuff around when we are out.
Posted 3/1/18 7:02 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/06 5435 total posts
Sight Words
i used bath time for a lot of this kind of stuff LOL my son seemed to be happier and more relaxed and willing to do it while he was playing in the bath. so i would just sit in there with him and go through the little sight word flip book his teacher made. that, or make a quick Memory/matching Game with the words. or if she's an active kid maybe once she gets the word right she does a somersault or jumping jacks or something...
Message edited 3/1/2018 7:12:11 AM.
Posted 3/1/18 7:11 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 22665 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Sight Words
When DS was 5 and doing sight words I put the words on post its around the house. DS is better with visual so when he sees it everyday it helped. I had him go find the words around the house or would switch them up. Turns into a game. This game is cute too.
Popcorn sight word game
There's a lot of good apps that help. Anything from Duck Duck Moose is good. PP said flashcards are good.
Posted 3/1/18 7:20 AM |
Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08 19084 total posts
Name: Jib
Re: Sight Words
We aren’t a big screen time family, BUT my son happened to get hooked on DVDs when he was 2 from preschool prep company (google it). It’s how he learned his letters, numbers, colors, and then the later DVDs cover stuff like sight words, letter sounds, word blends, and there are math DVDs as well. He loves them and knew the vowels and bunch of sight words at 3 years old. People would tell me how awesome that was and I’m like.. ummm I take no credit, it’s all the DVDs lol. You can also get add on packs with flash cards and workbooks that reinforce what was learned.
I’m not sure if the results are typical or if my kid just happens to really LOVE these DVDs more than most kids would but I recommend them to people all the time. I actually first heard about it from my friend whose daughter loved it too.
Message edited 3/1/2018 7:42:36 AM.
Posted 3/1/18 7:41 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/11 1674 total posts
Re: Sight Words
Posted by IVFmiracle
Does she like BINGO? I just saw this evening a new BINGO game using sight words. It’s called Shark Sight Words Bingo.
It has 72 common sight words.
Going to look this up. Thanks! She loves games so this may be the way to get through to her.
Posted 3/1/18 8:16 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/11 1674 total posts
Re: Sight Words
Thanks everyone. She's in pre-k. The teacher puts the sight words on cards and we go over them but it's not clicking. I need to make it fun for her so she doesn't get upset and frustrated.
I'm going to look into all the suggestions. Please feel free to share more.
Posted 3/1/18 8:19 AM |
Brighter days ahead
Member since 4/07 7364 total posts
Re: Sight Words
Posted by EandF
Thanks everyone. She's in pre-k. The teacher puts the sight words on cards and we go over them but it's not clicking. I need to make it fun for her so she doesn't get upset and frustrated.
I'm going to look into all the suggestions. Please feel free to share more.
Since she's in pre K, I really would not push it with her. The last thing you want is her developing a negative attitude towards school-related things. My DS also wasn't into flash cards or sight words at all in pre K, but this year in K, he is much more into it.
Posted 3/1/18 8:46 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 4474 total posts
Sight Words
When my son was 3 we started with a few words -- mainly peoples names in the family. I put them on cards and taped them to the kitchen wall near where we eat. Slowly over time we added words, but always went over the old words he knew. The entire wall was covered at one point and I decided to take them all down. A year later and my son lost 3/4 of the words he knew. I need to start this up again. For the person who suggested bath time.... they make bath crayons. You can write the word on the tile and then wipe it off with a sponge after. My kid enjoys that.
Posted 3/1/18 8:47 AM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Sight Words
Posted by Chai77
Posted by EandF
Thanks everyone. She's in pre-k. The teacher puts the sight words on cards and we go over them but it's not clicking. I need to make it fun for her so she doesn't get upset and frustrated.
I'm going to look into all the suggestions. Please feel free to share more.
Since she's in pre K, I really would not push it with her. The last thing you want is her developing a negative attitude towards school-related things. My DS also wasn't into flash cards or sight words at all in pre K, but this year in K, he is much more into it.
I agree. IMO anything they learn in Pre K is a bonus. The K teacher will start from scratch, believe me. She might just be too young and not ready for the attention span it takes. There is a huge difference between how they are in Pre K and how they are in K in my experience.
Posted 3/1/18 8:54 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/11 1674 total posts
Re: Sight Words
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by Chai77
Posted by EandF
Thanks everyone. She's in pre-k. The teacher puts the sight words on cards and we go over them but it's not clicking. I need to make it fun for her so she doesn't get upset and frustrated.
I'm going to look into all the suggestions. Please feel free to share more.
Since she's in pre K, I really would not push it with her. The last thing you want is her developing a negative attitude towards school-related things. My DS also wasn't into flash cards or sight words at all in pre K, but this year in K, he is much more into it.
I agree. IMO anything they learn in Pre K is a bonus. The K teacher will start from scratch, believe me. She might just be too young and not ready for the attention span it takes. There is a huge difference between how they are in Pre K and how they are in K in my experience.
Thank you both for this and I completely agree. The problem is I've had numerous conversations with her teacher who is telling me she's so worried about DD for next year bc she doesn't know her letters and sight words. Meanwhile, she's telling me the same thing, that they are going to do it all again next year.
She's doing ok with her letters. She doesn't know all of them but they also haven't been through the entire alphabet yet. She already doesn't love school and I don't want anything to make even more negative for her.
I guess I'm just worried about her kindergarten assessment in a couple of months. What is it on and what results from it?
Posted 3/1/18 2:32 PM |
Re: Sight Words
Posted by EandF
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by Chai77
Posted by EandF
Thanks everyone. She's in pre-k. The teacher puts the sight words on cards and we go over them but it's not clicking. I need to make it fun for her so she doesn't get upset and frustrated.
I'm going to look into all the suggestions. Please feel free to share more.
Since she's in pre K, I really would not push it with her. The last thing you want is her developing a negative attitude towards school-related things. My DS also wasn't into flash cards or sight words at all in pre K, but this year in K, he is much more into it.
I agree. IMO anything they learn in Pre K is a bonus. The K teacher will start from scratch, believe me. She might just be too young and not ready for the attention span it takes. There is a huge difference between how they are in Pre K and how they are in K in my experience.
Thank you both for this and I completely agree. The problem is I've had numerous conversations with her teacher who is telling me she's so worried about DD for next year bc she doesn't know her letters and sight words. Meanwhile, she's telling me the same thing, that they are going to do it all again next year.
She's doing ok with her letters. She doesn't know all of them but they also haven't been through the entire alphabet yet. She already doesn't love school and I don't want anything to make even more negative for her.
I guess I'm just worried about her kindergarten assessment in a couple of months. What is it on and what results from it?
Focus on the letters, if anything, forget the sight words.
Even in 1st grade, my daughter's teacher says to stop if it's frustrating. The worst thing you can do is create a negative connection to school at this age.
As far as Kindergarten screening, it's not an assessment. It's a screening to see how to balance the classes. Nothing results from it. They are not expected to read. They should know their name, birthday, some gross motor skills, how to follow directions. Do not stress about it, so not try to prepare or teach to it. Everything right now should be FUN.
Posted 3/1/18 3:53 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Sight Words
Posted by EandF
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by Chai77
Posted by EandF
Thanks everyone. She's in pre-k. The teacher puts the sight words on cards and we go over them but it's not clicking. I need to make it fun for her so she doesn't get upset and frustrated.
I'm going to look into all the suggestions. Please feel free to share more.
Since she's in pre K, I really would not push it with her. The last thing you want is her developing a negative attitude towards school-related things. My DS also wasn't into flash cards or sight words at all in pre K, but this year in K, he is much more into it.
I agree. IMO anything they learn in Pre K is a bonus. The K teacher will start from scratch, believe me. She might just be too young and not ready for the attention span it takes. There is a huge difference between how they are in Pre K and how they are in K in my experience.
Thank you both for this and I completely agree. The problem is I've had numerous conversations with her teacher who is telling me she's so worried about DD for next year bc she doesn't know her letters and sight words. Meanwhile, she's telling me the same thing, that they are going to do it all again next year.
She's doing ok with her letters. She doesn't know all of them but they also haven't been through the entire alphabet yet. She already doesn't love school and I don't want anything to make even more negative for her.
I guess I'm just worried about her kindergarten assessment in a couple of months. What is it on and what results from it?
There are no requirements to start K. None. They can't deny your child based on not knowing letters or site words. It's a public school system for all. They just do the assessment to see where they are at so they can balance out the classrooms based on levels. It's the K teacher's job to teach them all this. Trust me my DD learned it all in K... whatever she happened to already know was just repeated again. Don't let people tell you otherwise. It's all bullshitt
Posted 3/1/18 4:09 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/10 3797 total posts
Re: Sight Words
-Put the words on cards and hang them around her room. At night before bed, turn the lights out and get a flashflight. Have her find words on the wall and read them.
-Anything tactile--practice forming words with Play Doh, Wikki Stix, etc.
--Put shaving cream in a pan and spread it out smooth. She can practice writing the words in shaving cream and then smooth it out again to keep practicing. (Messy but fun). Can do the same with sand but that's even messier lol. Good for the warmer weather if done outdoors.
--Play My Pile, Your Pile, Go Fish, Memory with word cards
--Rainbow write with crayons or markers
--Bath crayons in the tub
Message edited 3/1/2018 8:45:50 PM.
Posted 3/1/18 8:43 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Sight Words
With my son we were given a few words every week and we did them on flash cards, we would go over them every night
Posted 3/2/18 8:25 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/11 7391 total posts
Name: Name
Sight Words
Sounds like my daughter’s teacher. If you saw my post a couple of weeks ago I was freaking out about kindergarten testing. The catholic school she goes to was freaking me out. In the process of switching to the public school and they looked at me like I was crazy when I asked them if my dd was behind because she can’t tell you a word for every letter and doesn’t know her site words. I was just told that kids should every letter upper and lower before moving onto site words so I’m concentrating on making sure she has those down perfectly first.
Message edited 3/2/2018 9:48:16 AM.
Posted 3/2/18 9:47 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/11 1674 total posts
Re: Sight Words
Thanks everyone, both for the suggestions and putting my mind at ease about kindergarten. I will continue to work with her, especially on her letters.
Posted 3/2/18 12:29 PM |
Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08 19084 total posts
Name: Jib
Re: Sight Words
Posted by EandF
Thanks everyone, both for the suggestions and putting my mind at ease about kindergarten. I will continue to work with her, especially on her letters.
Some kids start out kindergarten NO prior school experience at all.
Posted 3/3/18 1:04 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
Sight Words
I would just focus on the letters. If she doesn't have those 100% down I don't think she's all that ready for sight words. No point tuning her off with reading by pushing something she's not ready for. Pinterest has a million easy ideas for working with letters. Pick a few and see what she enjoys.
Dd did well with sight words but they literally did about 4 of them in her 3yo class and another 4 in Upk. That was it. Now in kindergarten they've learned 2 or 3 a week.
Posted 3/3/18 1:24 PM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17793 total posts
Sight Words
DS 1 didn't do sight words in Pre-k. DS 2 did but, we didn't go over them with him - he only knew what he did in school.
DS 2 is in K now and knows most of the fundations sight words he should know in K (the ones he got "wrong" he did know so I would say all of them).
ETA - I noticed a big change in DS 2 between Pre-K and K - he used to get frustrated with academics in Pre-K but, is doing well in K. He's actually doing better than my friend's son who drilled him on his sight words and such in Pre-K lol.
Message edited 3/5/2018 8:40:26 AM.
Posted 3/5/18 8:38 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/11 793 total posts
Sight Words
good tips
Posted 3/6/18 6:06 PM |