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Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

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Resident Insomniac

Member since 4/13

2047 total posts


Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Anyone else have one? My honeymoon consists of:

luggage lost by airline for 4 days - no clothes but the ones on my back

luggage arrives, all my undergarments stolen

day after luggage arrives, a hurricane confines us to the lobby for fears windows would break

last day we awoke to an earthquake

Worst trip EVER!

Posted 8/24/15 4:03 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

9141 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Posted by busymomonli

Anyone else have one? My honeymoon consists of:

luggage lost by airline for 4 days - no clothes but the ones on my back

luggage arrives, all my undergarments stolen

day after luggage arrives, a hurricane confines us to the lobby for fears windows would break

last day we awoke to an earthquake

Worst trip EVER!


Posted 8/24/15 4:11 PM


Member since 3/07

39159 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Posted by busymomonli

Anyone else have one? My honeymoon consists of:

luggage lost by airline for 4 days - no clothes but the ones on my back

luggage arrives, all my undergarments stolen

day after luggage arrives, a hurricane confines us to the lobby for fears windows would break

last day we awoke to an earthquake

Worst trip EVER!


Where were you guys?

Posted 8/24/15 4:12 PM

Resident Insomniac

Member since 4/13

2047 total posts


Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Mexico, couldn't wait to get out of there! We are married 20 years next month, so at least it wasn't a sign of things to come. Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/15 4:16 PM

Love multiplies, not divides

Member since 11/12

14481 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Posted by busymomonli

Mexico, couldn't wait to get out of there! We are married 20 years next month, so at least it wasn't a sign of things to come. Chat Icon

Whoa. I don't think anyone can top that. Or at least I hope not.

Posted 8/24/15 4:21 PM


Member since 1/06

7536 total posts


Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Our original destination, Mexico, was hit by a hurricane so we had to figure out somewhere else to go and FAST. We were using a gifted timeshare so by the time we went to re-book, we were very limited in our choices. We ended up choosing a condo on the southern coast of Spain (Malaga, Costa del Sol area). Our entire honeymoon was literally the movie "Just Married" with Brittany Murphy and Ashton Kutcher. From the car (which was matchbox sized) to traveling on dirt roads in the Spanish countryside and up mountains trying to find our condo. None of the streets had signs either! We accidentally made a wrong turn down a TINY narrow street & had to BACK UP down the street because we couldn't turn around. During the week we were there, we ended up setting off some alarm in the condo and we couldn't figure out how to turn it off, so it rang for an entire day. It also wasn't "luxurious" at all. In hindsight I wish I had done a really relaxing honeymoon. I'm glad I saw Europe and I hope to one day make it back, but it wasn't romantic or relaxing!

Message edited 8/24/2015 4:25:50 PM.

Posted 8/24/15 4:24 PM

Resident Insomniac

Member since 4/13

2047 total posts


Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Ugh, that sounds torturous. I've always wanted to see Europe, but not in a matchbox car on a dirt road!

Posted 8/24/15 4:34 PM

Square head cutie pants

Member since 3/06

6899 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

We were in Cabo - one morning we were at the pool bar and my husband foolishly had too many long island ice teas for breakfast, combined with very hot sun.
We're then sitting at lunch and he turns purple and then tells me he doesn't feel so good. He then turns ghostly white and passes out at the table, while convulsing. I had NO idea what was going on and jumped up completely freaked out. I'm standing there yelling 'can someone help me'!! and a bunch of waiters come over and bring wet towels to try and cool him down. I'm beside myself.. really upset, no idea what is happening and asking if someone can get a dr, and looking around to see if anyone that speaks English can help me.
This woman about 3 tables away casually calls out to me - "i'm a nurse, he's going to be fine" and then turns around and goes back to chatting.
I just stared at her and was like - WTF.. my husband is literally convulsing in his chair, eyes rolled back in his head and you call yourself a nurse?? if i wasn't so concerned with his well being, i would have totally gone off on her for not helping me!!

long story short.. they found a dr pretty quickly and he was revived and checked out and totally ok. Needless to say, he's very careful now about drinking long island iced teas for breakfast Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/15 4:53 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

First morning, we were sightseeing and the largest terrorist attack on English soil happened.

It was truly terrifying. Tube stations were shut down and we walked across London to get back to our hotel. So much was closed for the duration of our stay.

Our families, and 05 brides on LIW, woke up to the news. We couldn't reach them for hours as the phone lines were commandeered by M15. They didn't know if we were alive or dead.

ETA: There are pics of the devastation of the tube stations but they are far too graphic to post.

Image Attachment(s):

Message edited 8/24/2015 5:15:48 PM.

Posted 8/24/15 5:14 PM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

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Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Mine isn't too bad but I'll never forget it. We went on a 9 day cruise and during our stop in Tortola, we decided to go to the Baths in Virgin Gorda. Instead of climbing our way under and over and through the boulders and baths to go back up to the top of the mountain, we took a path. I tripped over a branch and of course my reflexes took over and I put my hands out to catch myself..... Onto a cactus. Luckily it was just my hand but it looked like I had been attacked by a porcupine. I wish I had taken a picture but my first instinct was to pull out all the thorns as fast as possible. My hand ended up swollen but Benadryl came to my rescue. It was still the best trip ever!

Posted 8/24/15 5:17 PM


Member since 1/12

6667 total posts


Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

The Husband cheated *while on* honeymoon.

They ended up getting a divorce.

Happened to a family member.

Posted 8/24/15 5:42 PM


Member since 11/13

2868 total posts


Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

One of my customers got stung by a jellyfish on her honeymoon.

Mine was perfect except I didn't pack any shorts because I didn't think it would be hot (in march in the Caribbean) boy was I wrong!

Posted 8/24/15 10:08 PM

my little love

Member since 12/09

5054 total posts


Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Mexico!! The all inclusive place was such a shitt hole, we left early the next morning and hightailed it back to Miami. We got a full refund, and spent the next few days at The Ritz Carlton instead.

ETA: it was Aventura Spa Palace

Message edited 8/24/2015 10:20:14 PM.

Posted 8/24/15 10:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/14

1051 total posts


Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

not my honeymoon, but a family member flew all the way to her honeymoon (in central america somewhere- I think Costa Rica) and was told she had to go home because her passport was expiring within a month, which the law states you cannot travel out of the country within that time. They were pissed that JFK didn't catch it and let them fly all the way there before getting turned around.

They wrote a bunch of letters of complaint to the airlines and JFK in order to get their money back from their flights. Not sure if they ever heard back

Posted 8/24/15 10:28 PM

drama. daily.

Member since 3/11

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Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Ugh, my poor brother. His wedding was last May but honeymoon to Hawaii was booked for July 16th. My father died suddenly on July 14th so they pushed it back. Finally, they got to go and the first Hurricane to hit Hawaii in 20 years slammed into their island on the day they got there. They were holed in for 3 days, 2 of them with no power. Chat Icon

I was stung by a jellyfish on my honeymoon, but it didn't derail my trip!

Taweezah I will never forget panicking on the phone w/Mary about the terror attacks in London when you were on your honeymoon! Chat Icon

Message edited 8/24/2015 10:49:04 PM.

Posted 8/24/15 10:47 PM

Resident Insomniac

Member since 4/13

2047 total posts


Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Taweezah that must have been so scary. It's one of my biggest fears while traveling, that there will be some sort of terror attack.

Crazy how many people have a honeymoon horror story! I was hoping for our 20th this year we could get a re-do, but the money is just not there at the moment. Maybe our 25th.

Posted 8/25/15 7:39 AM

Love her!

Member since 2/08

3673 total posts


Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

No stories for me but I'm throughly enjoying reading all of yours!

Posted 8/25/15 8:10 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

1757 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Posted by EatingMyVeggies

The Husband cheated *while on* honeymoon.

They ended up getting a divorce.

Happened to a family member.

Wha ???

Posted 8/25/15 10:22 AM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

12970 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Posted by EatingMyVeggies

The Husband cheated *while on* honeymoon.

They ended up getting a divorce.

Happened to a family member.

that happened to my co-worker. they were perfectly happy. went to italy on their honeymoon and he cheated.

Posted 8/25/15 12:56 PM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

12970 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

my 1st honeymoon sucked cause my ExH was on it Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/25/15 12:58 PM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

12970 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

First morning, we were sightseeing and the largest terrorist attack on English soil happened.

It was truly terrifying. Tube stations were shut down and we walked across London to get back to our hotel. So much was closed for the duration of our stay.

Our families, and 05 brides on LIW, woke up to the news. We couldn't reach them for hours as the phone lines were commandeered by M15. They didn't know if we were alive or dead.

ETA: There are pics of the devastation of the tube stations but they are far too graphic to post.

that is so scary!!!!

Posted 8/25/15 12:58 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17790 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Posted by Lucky09

Our original destination, Mexico, was hit by a hurricane so we had to figure out somewhere else to go and FAST. We were using a gifted timeshare so by the time we went to re-book, we were very limited in our choices. We ended up choosing a condo on the southern coast of Spain (Malaga, Costa del Sol area). Our entire honeymoon was literally the movie "Just Married" with Brittany Murphy and Ashton Kutcher. From the car (which was matchbox sized) to traveling on dirt roads in the Spanish countryside and up mountains trying to find our condo. None of the streets had signs either! We accidentally made a wrong turn down a TINY narrow street & had to BACK UP down the street because we couldn't turn around. During the week we were there, we ended up setting off some alarm in the condo and we couldn't figure out how to turn it off, so it rang for an entire day. It also wasn't "luxurious" at all. In hindsight I wish I had done a really relaxing honeymoon. I'm glad I saw Europe and I hope to one day make it back, but it wasn't romantic or relaxing!

Not for a honeymoon trip but, we did a vacation to the Costa del Sol when I was younger and it was similar - a lot of things went wrong! And it was far from luxurious.

Posted 8/25/15 12:58 PM

Resident Insomniac

Member since 4/13

2047 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Posted by EatingMyVeggies

The Husband cheated *while on* honeymoon.

They ended up getting a divorce.

Happened to a family member.

How does this even happen? Aren't you together every moment?

Posted 8/25/15 1:51 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

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..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Posted by busymomonli

Posted by EatingMyVeggies

The Husband cheated *while on* honeymoon.

They ended up getting a divorce.

Happened to a family member.

How does this even happen? Aren't you together every moment?

I was going to say- even if you aren't together every single second- how much time were these guys alone to meet someone, get to know them enough to say, hey let's hop in the sack, then do the deed?

Posted 8/25/15 2:07 PM

Thru the rabbit hole!

Member since 7/06

4412 total posts


Re: Spinoff: Honeymoon horror stories

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by busymomonli

Posted by EatingMyVeggies

The Husband cheated *while on* honeymoon.

They ended up getting a divorce.

Happened to a family member.

How does this even happen? Aren't you together every moment?

I was going to say- even if you aren't together every single second- how much time were these guys alone to meet someone, get to know them enough to say, hey let's hop in the sack, then do the deed?

I'm pretty sure this is a classic "exit affair" - the guy wants out but doesn't have the b@lls to do it so he does that to get out. Can even be subconscious by him. Learned all about it in a relationship book I read.

Posted 8/25/15 2:18 PM
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