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Going from 2 kids to 3??

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3 GIRLS!!!!

Member since 8/09

3184 total posts


Going from 2 kids to 3??

I need to know the good, the bad and the ugly Chat Icon
I never thought this day would come but DH has actually jumped on board to have a third baby!! but now that he has given the green light, I am freaking out a bit - lol!!
We have two DD's - if we were to have a third it would be when they were 5 and 3.
So, what is it like to go from 2 to 3 kids??
I need all the details to make this serious decision.

Posted 4/19/14 11:14 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: Going from 2 kids to 3??

I have two DDs and they were 5 and 3.5 when their little brother was born Chat Icon

It was such an easy transition. He was a very easy newborn and they were in school--DD1 was in K full-time and DD2 was in nursery 3 half days--so I had a lot of one on one time with him. They were a good help and loved him.

Then...all hell broke loose when he turned one Chat Icon He was always on the go and by that time, DDs were involved in some activities and I was constantly toting him here, there, and everywhere. I felt a lot of frustration and guilt that I couldn't do all the things with the girls that we were finally starting to do the summer I was pregnant with him--beach, movies, etc.

Now they are 8.5, 7, and 3.5 and it really is pretty great. He's at that point where we can go to the movies and to the beach this summer. They all love each other very much and play together very nicely (weeelllll.....frequently, anyway Chat Icon ) And honestly, he's such a loving, cuddly guy I just simply can't imagine our lives without him. Chat Icon

Good luck!

Posted 4/19/14 11:28 PM

3 GIRLS!!!!

Member since 8/09

3184 total posts


Re: Going from 2 kids to 3??

Posted by Eireann

I have two DDs and they were 5 and 3.5 when their little brother was born Chat Icon

It was such an easy transition. He was a very easy newborn and they were in school--DD1 was in K full-time and DD2 was in nursery 3 half days--so I had a lot of one on one time with him. They were a good help and loved him.

Then...all hell broke loose when he turned one Chat Icon He was always on the go and by that time, DDs were involved in some activities and I was constantly toting him here, there, and everywhere. I felt a lot of frustration and guilt that I couldn't do all the things with the girls that we were finally starting to do the summer I was pregnant with him--beach, movies, etc.

Now they are 8.5, 7, and 3.5 and it really is pretty great. He's at that point where we can go to the movies and to the beach this summer. They all love each other very much and play together very nicely (weeelllll.....frequently, anyway Chat Icon ) And honestly, he's such a loving, cuddly guy I just simply can't imagine our lives without him. Chat Icon

Good luck!

Thank you so much for all the information
DD 1 would also be in full day K and
DD 2 would be in 3 half day nursery.
I am stressing for a few reasons - putting our life on hold again for a few years, mine and DH's age, and taking time away from DD 1 and 2. UGH, I wanted this for so long and never expected him to agree Chat Icon Chat Icon so now I dont know what to do - LOL!!!
Thank you again

Message edited 4/19/2014 11:46:14 PM.

Posted 4/19/14 11:45 PM

Baby #3 coming this June

Member since 8/05

6721 total posts


Re: Going from 2 kids to 3??

I'm 7 weeks away from having my third. I'm freaking out about it. I hear such mixed things. Some say it's not that big of deal and others say it put them over the edge. All I know for us is we have to move which we are in the summer, and we need a bigger car.

I wanted a third for a while ( really wanted to try for a girl I will admit). Once I got pregnant I have pure anxiety. Haha what the heck was I thinking running through my mind. Now that I'm so close to delivering, the anxiety is full force. So much different then when I was pregnant with my second. So I will let you know in June my experience which I hope is easy.

Posted 4/20/14 2:40 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

4580 total posts


Re: Going from 2 kids to 3??

Our transition was pretty smooth...the hardest part for me is balancing everyone's older girls do a lot of activities and now we are bringing a baby along with us! She spends a lot of time at the dance studio and on the soccer fields. That said, I still want a fourth, though I'm not sure I can balance another person and work full time.

Posted 4/20/14 8:22 AM

Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10

9170 total posts


Re: Going from 2 kids to 3??

The beginning was pretty easy for me but once my third was mobile it got tough.
My twins are 3 and my ds is 1 so they are all closer in age than yours will be so that may play a role.
Right now has been really hard because my third is all over the place, climbs and is into everything. I really can let him out of my sight. Going to parties is tough, the park can be tough but I know it will get easier.
I feel like when my third is 3 and my twins are 5 it will be much easier.
I am so glad I had a third and I'm so glad they are all close in age.
Good luck with your decision

Posted 4/20/14 8:33 PM

Little Brother

Member since 5/05

3540 total posts


Re: Going from 2 kids to 3??

DD was 5 and DS was 3 when we had baby #3... He completed our family. The older two absolutely adore him! It has made me a bit upset about being set back a bit... the other two were getting so independent... but now baby #3 just turned 1, and life is getting better... we are now able to do more things, and he is becoming more independent so I can spend more time with my older two as well... THe only thing that has been a bit overwhelming is I feel like laundry is never ending! and my tiny house is SO overcrowded!!

Posted 4/20/14 9:02 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 11/12

432 total posts


Re: Going from 2 kids to 3??

DD was 4 and DS was 21 months when DD was born.

I have to say, it wasn't bad. I was just out of baby mode by the time she came. So I just jumped back in. She is very easy going as far as fitting into the routine with my older 2. As a newborn she went everywhere with us. Anywhere a stroller could go. Skipped the beach that first summer. Now that she is 2 it is getting a lot easier. She's more independent than the first 2. And she's a tough cookie.

I'm good with 3.

I think 4 would put me over the edge.

Posted 4/20/14 10:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2743 total posts


Going from 2 kids to 3??

My dc were 2 and 4 when my newest was born. I am not gonna lie it was hard at first. Once we got into a routine it got easier. My LO is 3 months today and things are mich easier now. I gotta say he is a very easy going and laid back baby though. I think if he were more demanding, it would still be rough.

Posted 4/21/14 8:33 AM

3 GIRLS!!!!

Member since 8/09

3184 total posts


Re: Going from 2 kids to 3??

Thank you everyone for all your stories and experiences!
I really appreciate it.
I guess I'm just very concerned on being able to balance a busy home life with three kids and working full time without putting strain on my marriage and children ! We are at a point now where DH and I have a little more freedom and now we would be taking a step back again !
Ugh, such a hard decision on so many levels!

Posted 4/21/14 3:33 PM

Need a little sunshine

Member since 9/05

3843 total posts


Re: Going from 2 kids to 3??

Posted by janedoe

I need to know the good, the bad and the ugly Chat Icon
I never thought this day would come but DH has actually jumped on board to have a third baby!! but now that he has given the green light, I am freaking out a bit - lol!!
We have two DD's - if we were to have a third it would be when they were 5 and 3.
So, what is it like to go from 2 to 3 kids??
I need all the details to make this serious decision.

WTF???? I hear this news on LIF!!!!!!!!!

But YAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon

Message edited 4/24/2014 12:42:25 PM.

Posted 4/24/14 12:07 PM

She's here :)

Member since 4/07

3238 total posts

Mrs. Yank

Re: Going from 2 kids to 3??

Posted by janedoe

Posted by Eireann

I have two DDs and they were 5 and 3.5 when their little brother was born Chat Icon

It was such an easy transition. He was a very easy newborn and they were in school--DD1 was in K full-time and DD2 was in nursery 3 half days--so I had a lot of one on one time with him. They were a good help and loved him.

Then...all hell broke loose when he turned one Chat Icon He was always on the go and by that time, DDs were involved in some activities and I was constantly toting him here, there, and everywhere. I felt a lot of frustration and guilt that I couldn't do all the things with the girls that we were finally starting to do the summer I was pregnant with him--beach, movies, etc.

Now they are 8.5, 7, and 3.5 and it really is pretty great. He's at that point where we can go to the movies and to the beach this summer. They all love each other very much and play together very nicely (weeelllll.....frequently, anyway Chat Icon ) And honestly, he's such a loving, cuddly guy I just simply can't imagine our lives without him. Chat Icon

Good luck!

Thank you so much for all the information
DD 1 would also be in full day K and
DD 2 would be in 3 half day nursery.
I am stressing for a few reasons - putting our life on hold again for a few years, mine and DH's age, and taking time away from DD 1 and 2. UGH, I wanted this for so long and never expected him to agree Chat Icon Chat Icon so now I dont know what to do - LOL!!!
Thank you again

Are you sure you aren't me? We know we will go for a third, and our dds will be 5 and 3 around the time we want them. I am also concerned about our ages-- I will be 35 then and DH will be 38-39

Posted 4/24/14 4:00 PM

3 GIRLS!!!!

Member since 8/09

3184 total posts


Re: Going from 2 kids to 3??

Posted by MrsYank

Posted by janedoe

Posted by Eireann

I have two DDs and they were 5 and 3.5 when their little brother was born Chat Icon

It was such an easy transition. He was a very easy newborn and they were in school--DD1 was in K full-time and DD2 was in nursery 3 half days--so I had a lot of one on one time with him. They were a good help and loved him.

Then...all hell broke loose when he turned one Chat Icon He was always on the go and by that time, DDs were involved in some activities and I was constantly toting him here, there, and everywhere. I felt a lot of frustration and guilt that I couldn't do all the things with the girls that we were finally starting to do the summer I was pregnant with him--beach, movies, etc.

Now they are 8.5, 7, and 3.5 and it really is pretty great. He's at that point where we can go to the movies and to the beach this summer. They all love each other very much and play together very nicely (weeelllll.....frequently, anyway Chat Icon ) And honestly, he's such a loving, cuddly guy I just simply can't imagine our lives without him. Chat Icon

Good luck!

Thank you so much for all the information
DD 1 would also be in full day K and
DD 2 would be in 3 half day nursery.
I am stressing for a few reasons - putting our life on hold again for a few years, mine and DH's age, and taking time away from DD 1 and 2. UGH, I wanted this for so long and never expected him to agree Chat Icon Chat Icon so now I dont know what to do - LOL!!!
Thank you again

Are you sure you aren't me? We know we will go for a third, and our dds will be 5 and 3 around the time we want them. I am also concerned about our ages-- I will be 35 then and DH will be 38-39

Posted 4/24/14 9:17 PM

3 GIRLS!!!!

Member since 8/09

3184 total posts


Re: Going from 2 kids to 3??

Posted by janedoe

Posted by MrsYank

Posted by janedoe

Posted by Eireann

I have two DDs and they were 5 and 3.5 when their little brother was born Chat Icon

It was such an easy transition. He was a very easy newborn and they were in school--DD1 was in K full-time and DD2 was in nursery 3 half days--so I had a lot of one on one time with him. They were a good help and loved him.

Then...all hell broke loose when he turned one Chat Icon He was always on the go and by that time, DDs were involved in some activities and I was constantly toting him here, there, and everywhere. I felt a lot of frustration and guilt that I couldn't do all the things with the girls that we were finally starting to do the summer I was pregnant with him--beach, movies, etc.

Now they are 8.5, 7, and 3.5 and it really is pretty great. He's at that point where we can go to the movies and to the beach this summer. They all love each other very much and play together very nicely (weeelllll.....frequently, anyway Chat Icon ) And honestly, he's such a loving, cuddly guy I just simply can't imagine our lives without him. Chat Icon

Good luck!

Thank you so much for all the information
DD 1 would also be in full day K and
DD 2 would be in 3 half day nursery.
I am stressing for a few reasons - putting our life on hold again for a few years, mine and DH's age, and taking time away from DD 1 and 2. UGH, I wanted this for so long and never expected him to agree Chat Icon Chat Icon so now I dont know what to do - LOL!!!
Thank you again

Are you sure you aren't me? We know we will go for a third, and our dds will be 5 and 3 around the time we want them. I am also concerned about our ages-- I will be 35 then and DH will be 38-39

I wish I was only 35 Chat Icon Chat Icon
Good luck
I'll keep everyone updated !!!
If we decide for a third we are aiming for a. June 2015 baby !!!

Posted 4/24/14 9:18 PM

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