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Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

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I think I got this

Member since 11/10

1523 total posts


Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Posted by ave1024

Posted by ISpoilHim

I live in Holbrook for over a year and this is the first I am hearing about this. I'm not even really sure where the area that was mentioned is. But I do know where Broadway and Vets cross.

Its the spot on Sunrise highway where Vets and Nicohols road meet. I think there is a Costco near there. Right now it's just a wooded area, there is nothing on the site currently.

At least they picked a spot that is right at the intersection of three major roads.

ETA: its probably closer to Sayville than anything else

Thank You. I know where that is.

Posted 3/27/14 11:59 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

3363 total posts


Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Well I am reading that there might not be taxes on the land so that is the problem as then the taxes will go up around it to pay for that.

Posted 3/27/14 12:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

3363 total posts


Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Posted by ISpoilHim

Posted by imyself

There are already two apartment groupings that are going to be or being built. One is already under construction on Vets Hwy by Broadway Knolls. And another is awaiting health approval so they can break ground. Then there is Broadway knolls that is moving from senior and multi combined to all multi res. There is the Ronkonkoma hub and a big one going in in Farmingville. The Hub and the Islip pines being mixed use will be getting tax breaks.
I'm all for the American dream and affordable housing but it shouldn't come at the cost of my childrens' education. This is not a case of NIMBY this is a case of enough is enough. The district keeps having it's funding slashed each year and they are expected to educate all these extra children. Before anyone says if you don't like it move we were already planning on it before this mess came to light. But that doesn't mean I can't fight for my friends and neighbors that will be staying.

But renters pay real estate/school taxes as well. So do businesses. So if the housings is legal then there will be an increase in funding for the schools. Is that wrong?
I know that when I rented in an apartment complex, my portion of the taxes increased yearly based on the assessment.

The district has cut down so much and dont think they would get more funding.

Posted 3/27/14 12:05 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/10

3 total posts


Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

I am the one who wrote the petition. It was written only for creating discussion since no govt accepts these types of petitions for anything. It has done exactly that and it made people more aware.
Next why is this bad for Sachem schools??? Sachem is in a really bad financial crisis right now. We just lost 200 teaching and support staff in the schools and at every board meeting you can listen to a teacher explain how our children's quality of education is going down. Kids now are not getting as good of an education as they did 5 years ago. If they can't afford the kids they have now since they claim the state doesn't give enough aide how will they afford the influx of children created by this and the Ronk Hub? The state does not give us enough aide. How will adding more tax negative housing unit fix that. It won't!
Affordable housing... everywhere close to this project you drive you see empty apartments and foreclosed homes. All of these complexes already have affordable apartments. People can not even afford them!!! Do you know that the Hub is going to create 1450 affordable apartments. Do you know what the definition of affordable is??? For the Ronk Hub it is $2700 a MONTH!!! The idea of affordable housing sounds great on paper but has now become a political hot button and a loophole for companies to qualify for tax abatements. And you are wrong this isn't about low income housing it is about HIGH DENSITY housing. Suffolk is NOT Queens yet we are allowing builders to turn it into worse than Queens!
Town of Brookhaven has 2.8 units per acre, Islip has 3.8 units per acre The Ronk hub is going to be 48 units per acre. Someone brought up Summer wind in Riverhead. They are 155 UNITS PER ACRE!!! Great for Riverhead schools right??? All those kids coming in right??? NOPE they got a 10 year 100% tax abatement!!! That helps NO ONE but the builders and the business owners! Beautiful apartments you say??? yeah kinda since Riverhead allowed an exemption and waived their minimum unit size from 900 sq feet to 300 sq feet. They have apartments that are only 300 sq feet.. Yes they are more affordable if you don't go off price per sq foot and if you are happy living in a closet?? Again a huge quality of life issue. This is NOT what Suffolk county was about not.... should Suffolk be turned into a city because builders can build the high density projects wherever they want??
There is a project called Heartland Square that is proposed for the old Pilgrim State Psyche Center. 198 units per acre!!! That is 24% more dense than Queens!!! MORE DENSE THAN QUEENS!!!
So forgive me if this is more than just about Islip Pines. We are allowing corporations to come into our neighborhoods and do whatever they want while the blow smoke up our you know whats telling us that it is needed. It is not!
How is the LIE going to handle the additional commuter traffic?? We already would not be able to get off of the island in an emergency what makes you think our already stressed infrastructure can handle the influx of traffic??? We can't handle the traffic we have now?
Within a 4 minute drive of the proposed Islip Pines site we have plenty of shopping a new Target coming and a half empty mall. WHY more retail?? Why? It doesn't make sense.
If we are going to eventually look like the City we all might as well move there. The commute would be a hell of a lot easier.

Message edited 3/27/2014 12:22:05 PM.

Posted 3/27/14 12:20 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/10

3 total posts


Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Serota will apply and will get tax abatements as well. Anyone saying anything to the contrary is misinformed. Some they would automatically qualify for since Suffolk and NYS have those as part of the incentives to create growth. This is not the growth we need!

Posted 3/27/14 12:23 PM

I Took The Wrong Road

Member since 12/07

6153 total posts

That Led To The Wrong Tendencies

Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Posted by ourmiraclekids

I am the one who wrote the petition. It was written only for creating discussion since no govt accepts these types of petitions for anything. It has done exactly that and it made people more aware.
Next why is this bad for Sachem schools??? Sachem is in a really bad financial crisis right now. We just lost 200 teaching and support staff in the schools and at every board meeting you can listen to a teacher explain how our children's quality of education is going down. Kids now are not getting as good of an education as they did 5 years ago. If they can't afford the kids they have now since they claim the state doesn't give enough aide how will they afford the influx of children created by this and the Ronk Hub? The state does not give us enough aide. How will adding more tax negative housing unit fix that. It won't!
Affordable housing... everywhere close to this project you drive you see empty apartments and foreclosed homes. All of these complexes already have affordable apartments. People can not even afford them!!! Do you know that the Hub is going to create 1450 affordable apartments. Do you know what the definition of affordable is??? For the Ronk Hub it is $2700 a MONTH!!! The idea of affordable housing sounds great on paper but has now become a political hot button and a loophole for companies to qualify for tax abatements. And you are wrong this isn't about low income housing it is about HIGH DENSITY housing. Suffolk is NOT Queens yet we are allowing builders to turn it into worse than Queens!
Town of Brookhaven has 2.8 units per acre, Islip has 3.8 units per acre The Ronk hub is going to be 48 units per acre. Someone brought up Summer wind in Riverhead. They are 155 UNITS PER ACRE!!! Great for Riverhead schools right??? All those kids coming in right??? NOPE they got a 10 year 100% tax abatement!!! That helps NO ONE but the builders and the business owners! Beautiful apartments you say??? yeah kinda since Riverhead allowed an exemption and waived their minimum unit size from 900 sq feet to 300 sq feet. They have apartments that are only 300 sq feet.. Yes they are more affordable if you don't go off price per sq foot and if you are happy living in a closet?? Again a huge quality of life issue. This is NOT what Suffolk county was about not.... should Suffolk be turned into a city because builders can build the high density projects wherever they want??
There is a project called Heartland Square that is proposed for the old Pilgrim State Psyche Center. 198 units per acre!!! That is 24% more dense than Queens!!! MORE DENSE THAN QUEENS!!!
So forgive me if this is more than just about Islip Pines. We are allowing corporations to come into our neighborhoods and do whatever they want while the blow smoke up our you know whats telling us that it is needed. It is not!
How is the LIE going to handle the additional commuter traffic?? We already would not be able to get off of the island in an emergency what makes you think our already stressed infrastructure can handle the influx of traffic??? We can't handle the traffic we have now?
Within a 4 minute drive of the proposed Islip Pines site we have plenty of shopping a new Target coming and a half empty mall. WHY more retail?? Why? It doesn't make sense.
If we are going to eventually look like the City we all might as well move there. The commute would be a hell of a lot easier.

Unfortunately this is life and companies have a right to build on properties they purchase. You say why do you need more retail. Well apparently you are in the minority because the people footing the bill feel there is a need for more retail, or else why would they be building in the first place.

As far as the tax abatement go, that's fine and understandable IMO. There has to be incentive for these builders to come in and take a risk building in a spot that you feel "doesn't need more retail". So there may be abatement for the first 10 years, they will be paying their share of taxes afterwards.

Also abatement happens all the time, and it's not just for corporations. Did you know if you dormer your house and add square footage, in Nassau county you can apply for abatement so when they raise your property tax, you don't have to pay the increased amount in full for seven years. The towns know that in the LONG RUN they will get their money, even if it means waiting 7 or 10 years. Are you also against these abatements for homeowners? There has to be incentive for both parties.

Also there is no way I can agree with your point that adding kids to Sachem is going to hurt the district. Frankly the more kids that enroll, the better it will be for everyone.

And another point, while you think that adding population in Suffolk is bad, frankly the opposite is true. Many people are actually leaving Long Island and if I am not mistaken, population has DECREASED over the last two years in both Nassau and Suffolk county. The more people that are on the island, the more tax money comes in. Also the more people on Long Island, the higher the property values will go as there will be more people that will eventually be looking for housing.

While I can appreciate somebody starting a petition, your logic and reasoning on this is seriously flawed.

Posted 3/27/14 1:41 PM


Member since 8/06

13803 total posts


Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Here is the issue i have... a lot more traffic and a lot more empty stores.

There are a lot of empty retail spaces in and around the area already. Why do we need to build up more retail space when we can't seem to sustain what's already here and available? I know that some retailers would be attracted to newly built and freshly designed space - but then we need to address what to do with the surplus of older buildings that nobody seems to want. We want to tear down a wooded area - build up some nice apartments with new stores - but we are going to leave the old stuff to decay and rot? I'm sorry but it simply doesn't make sense to me. Why not build up the areas that are already there? Is it really easier to bulldoze through woods than it is to knock out existing, degraded space?

Beyond that.. I guess I'm just tired of seeing Suffolk become more and more urban. There is a reason I don't want to live in Nassau or Queens or Brooklyn.. but it's pushing out more and more and it makes me sad.

I like the downtown Sayville District. I like our cheap little movie theatre and all the stores where you can pop in and the proprietors know you by name.. but the more chain stores that come - the more the individual retailer feels the squeeze. They simply can't afford to keep up with the prices that big boxes offer. So the little guy closes up shop and the charm of the town dies. I don't want that.

But petitions won't stop it. Money talks and our lifestyle walks.

ETA: My husband is a union electrician - a project like this has the potential to bring work to a lot of guys including my hubs.. but I STILL would rather see them choose an area that is already primed for this build up.

Message edited 3/27/2014 2:15:45 PM.

Posted 3/27/14 2:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

3363 total posts


Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Posted by ave1024

Posted by ourmiraclekids

I am the one who wrote the petition. It was written only for creating discussion since no govt accepts these types of petitions for anything. It has done exactly that and it made people more aware.
Next why is this bad for Sachem schools??? Sachem is in a really bad financial crisis right now. We just lost 200 teaching and support staff in the schools and at every board meeting you can listen to a teacher explain how our children's quality of education is going down. Kids now are not getting as good of an education as they did 5 years ago. If they can't afford the kids they have now since they claim the state doesn't give enough aide how will they afford the influx of children created by this and the Ronk Hub? The state does not give us enough aide. How will adding more tax negative housing unit fix that. It won't!
Affordable housing... everywhere close to this project you drive you see empty apartments and foreclosed homes. All of these complexes already have affordable apartments. People can not even afford them!!! Do you know that the Hub is going to create 1450 affordable apartments. Do you know what the definition of affordable is??? For the Ronk Hub it is $2700 a MONTH!!! The idea of affordable housing sounds great on paper but has now become a political hot button and a loophole for companies to qualify for tax abatements. And you are wrong this isn't about low income housing it is about HIGH DENSITY housing. Suffolk is NOT Queens yet we are allowing builders to turn it into worse than Queens!
Town of Brookhaven has 2.8 units per acre, Islip has 3.8 units per acre The Ronk hub is going to be 48 units per acre. Someone brought up Summer wind in Riverhead. They are 155 UNITS PER ACRE!!! Great for Riverhead schools right??? All those kids coming in right??? NOPE they got a 10 year 100% tax abatement!!! That helps NO ONE but the builders and the business owners! Beautiful apartments you say??? yeah kinda since Riverhead allowed an exemption and waived their minimum unit size from 900 sq feet to 300 sq feet. They have apartments that are only 300 sq feet.. Yes they are more affordable if you don't go off price per sq foot and if you are happy living in a closet?? Again a huge quality of life issue. This is NOT what Suffolk county was about not.... should Suffolk be turned into a city because builders can build the high density projects wherever they want??
There is a project called Heartland Square that is proposed for the old Pilgrim State Psyche Center. 198 units per acre!!! That is 24% more dense than Queens!!! MORE DENSE THAN QUEENS!!!
So forgive me if this is more than just about Islip Pines. We are allowing corporations to come into our neighborhoods and do whatever they want while the blow smoke up our you know whats telling us that it is needed. It is not!
How is the LIE going to handle the additional commuter traffic?? We already would not be able to get off of the island in an emergency what makes you think our already stressed infrastructure can handle the influx of traffic??? We can't handle the traffic we have now?
Within a 4 minute drive of the proposed Islip Pines site we have plenty of shopping a new Target coming and a half empty mall. WHY more retail?? Why? It doesn't make sense.
If we are going to eventually look like the City we all might as well move there. The commute would be a hell of a lot easier.

Unfortunately this is life and companies have a right to build on properties they purchase. You say why do you need more retail. Well apparently you are in the minority because the people footing the bill feel there is a need for more retail, or else why would they be building in the first place.

As far as the tax abatement go, that's fine and understandable IMO. There has to be incentive for these builders to come in and take a risk building in a spot that you feel "doesn't need more retail". So there may be abatement for the first 10 years, they will be paying their share of taxes afterwards.

Also abatement happens all the time, and it's not just for corporations. Did you know if you dormer your house and add square footage, in Nassau county you can apply for abatement so when they raise your property tax, you don't have to pay the increased amount in full for seven years. The towns know that in the LONG RUN they will get their money, even if it means waiting 7 or 10 years. Are you also against these abatements for homeowners? There has to be incentive for both parties.

Also there is no way I can agree with your point that adding kids to Sachem is going to hurt the district. Frankly the more kids that enroll, the better it will be for everyone.

And another point, while you think that adding population in Suffolk is bad, frankly the opposite is true. Many people are actually leaving Long Island and if I am not mistaken, population has DECREASED over the last two years in both Nassau and Suffolk county. The more people that are on the island, the more tax money comes in. Also the more people on Long Island, the higher the property values will go as there will be more people that will eventually be looking for housing.

While I can appreciate somebody starting a petition, your logic and reasoning on this is seriously flawed.

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Posted 3/27/14 2:21 PM

3 Girls for Me!

Member since 8/07

12475 total posts


Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Posted by rojerono

Here is the issue i have... a lot more traffic and a lot more empty stores.

There are a lot of empty retail spaces in and around the area already. Why do we need to build up more retail space when we can't seem to sustain what's already here and available? I know that some retailers would be attracted to newly built and freshly designed space - but then we need to address what to do with the surplus of older buildings that nobody seems to want. We want to tear down a wooded area - build up some nice apartments with new stores - but we are going to leave the old stuff to decay and rot? I'm sorry but it simply doesn't make sense to me. Why not build up the areas that are already there? Is it really easier to bulldoze through woods than it is to knock out existing, degraded space?

Beyond that.. I guess I'm just tired of seeing Suffolk become more and more urban. There is a reason I don't want to live in Nassau or Queens or Brooklyn.. but it's pushing out more and more and it makes me sad.

I like the downtown Sayville District. I like our cheap little movie theatre and all the stores where you can pop in and the proprietors know you by name.. but the more chain stores that come - the more the individual retailer feels the squeeze. They simply can't afford to keep up with the prices that big boxes offer. So the little guy closes up shop and the charm of the town dies. I don't want that.

But petitions won't stop it. Money talks and our lifestyle walks.

ETA: My husband is a union electrician - a project like this has the potential to bring work to a lot of guys including my hubs.. but I STILL would rather see them choose an area that is already primed for this build up.

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Posted 3/27/14 2:31 PM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

26792 total posts


Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Posted by ave1024

And another point, while you think that adding population in Suffolk is bad, frankly the opposite is true. Many people are actually leaving Long Island and if I am not mistaken, population has DECREASED over the last two years in both Nassau and Suffolk county. The more people that are on the island, the more tax money comes in. Also the more people on Long Island, the higher the property values will go as there will be more people that will eventually be looking for housing.


Just addressing the population point, since it was just posted on Newsday today.

Long Island showed modest population gains from 2012 to 2013, though Suffolk County's anemic growth was eclipsed by Nassau County, according to U.S. Census Bureau estimates released Thursday.
The estimates showed Suffolk's population rose by 1,780 from July 1, 2012, to July 1, 2013, for a total population of 1,499,738. Nassau's increased by 3,863 during the period, for a total population of 1,352,146.
Suffolk's gain in 2013 was a rebound from a year earlier, when the revised estimates showed it lost about 1,600 people between 2011 and 2012. The Island had an overall population gain in 2012 because of Nassau's increase of more than 3,000 people.

Not huge growth, but we are still increasing overall year after year.

Posted 3/27/14 3:03 PM

I Took The Wrong Road

Member since 12/07

6153 total posts

That Led To The Wrong Tendencies

Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Posted by rojerono

Here is the issue i have... a lot more traffic and a lot more empty stores.

There are a lot of empty retail spaces in and around the area already. Why do we need to build up more retail space when we can't seem to sustain what's already here and available? I know that some retailers would be attracted to newly built and freshly designed space - but then we need to address what to do with the surplus of older buildings that nobody seems to want. We want to tear down a wooded area - build up some nice apartments with new stores - but we are going to leave the old stuff to decay and rot? I'm sorry but it simply doesn't make sense to me. Why not build up the areas that are already there? Is it really easier to bulldoze through woods than it is to knock out existing, degraded space?

Because these locations you are referring to are likely not owned by the same people. These locations are owned by landlords who refuse to make the improvements because they probably don't have the money to do so. It's apples and oranges here and two different arguments.

Also this particular location in question seems to be a real ideal location, being on the intersection of three major highways/roads. Then add in the "new" factor to it like you said. I can see why retail wants to go there.

Posted 3/27/14 4:07 PM


Member since 6/05

9987 total posts

Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

I had lunch in a shopping center today owned by Serota - that shopping center had several vacant stores with Serota plastered all over it. This shopping center was approx. 5-7 miles from Islip Pines. They need to work on filling those stores before creating more of a mess.

I moved to Suffolk from Nassau to get away from the congestion. IMHO they're not bringing more people to the island - they're pushing more away!

Posted 3/27/14 4:17 PM


Member since 3/07

39159 total posts


Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Posted by lorich

I had lunch in a shopping center today owned by Serota - that shopping center had several vacant stores with Serota plastered all over it. This shopping center was approx. 5-7 miles from Islip Pines. They need to work on filling those stores before creating more of a mess.


But they probably wouldn't get the tax abatement that wayChat Icon
Sure they got it the 1st time around.

In all seriousness. Why wouldn't they fill the vacant stores 1st?

Posted 3/27/14 4:26 PM


Member since 8/06

13803 total posts


Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Posted by ave1024

Posted by rojerono

Here is the issue i have... a lot more traffic and a lot more empty stores.

There are a lot of empty retail spaces in and around the area already. Why do we need to build up more retail space when we can't seem to sustain what's already here and available? I know that some retailers would be attracted to newly built and freshly designed space - but then we need to address what to do with the surplus of older buildings that nobody seems to want. We want to tear down a wooded area - build up some nice apartments with new stores - but we are going to leave the old stuff to decay and rot? I'm sorry but it simply doesn't make sense to me. Why not build up the areas that are already there? Is it really easier to bulldoze through woods than it is to knock out existing, degraded space?

Because these locations you are referring to are likely not owned by the same people. These locations are owned by landlords who refuse to make the improvements because they probably don't have the money to do so. It's apples and oranges here and two different arguments.

Also this particular location in question seems to be a real ideal location, being on the intersection of three major highways/roads. Then add in the "new" factor to it like you said. I can see why retail wants to go there.

I get this, I do.. but to my understanding, the Serota property does not have leases ready to go for most to the space so it's a whole lot of 'pie in the sky' thinking. They are (of course) certain that they can sell the leases and make lots of money and they are willing to invest a lot on that bet... but that's not a guarantee by any stretch.

Additionally - the traffic burden is going to be a nightmare and I simply don't think the area is equipped to handle it. The addition of the new Target a stones throw away is already giving me palpitations.

I just think Serota would have been better off - and would have garnered a lot more community support (which is ONLY helpful) - if they had chosen to purchase and renovate some of the dinosaurs that are dying and rotting. I mean I don't LOVE Target coming to Sayville.. but it's still a damn site better than the eye sore that was there and I am gratified that they didn't decide to simply raze some wooded area and create a new structure while Attias decayed and turned into a junkie haven.

But like I said.. my disagreement and unhappiness with the project doesn't change it... I guess we'll have to see how it plays out.

Posted 3/27/14 4:48 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

FYI It was passed tonight. It's going up sadly....

Message edited 3/27/2014 10:56:45 PM.

Posted 3/27/14 10:52 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Posted by ave1024

Posted by ourmiraclekids

I am the one who wrote the petition. It was written only for creating discussion since no govt accepts these types of petitions for anything. It has done exactly that and it made people more aware.
Next why is this bad for Sachem schools??? Sachem is in a really bad financial crisis right now. We just lost 200 teaching and support staff in the schools and at every board meeting you can listen to a teacher explain how our children's quality of education is going down. Kids now are not getting as good of an education as they did 5 years ago. If they can't afford the kids they have now since they claim the state doesn't give enough aide how will they afford the influx of children created by this and the Ronk Hub? The state does not give us enough aide. How will adding more tax negative housing unit fix that. It won't!
Affordable housing... everywhere close to this project you drive you see empty apartments and foreclosed homes. All of these complexes already have affordable apartments. People can not even afford them!!! Do you know that the Hub is going to create 1450 affordable apartments. Do you know what the definition of affordable is??? For the Ronk Hub it is $2700 a MONTH!!! The idea of affordable housing sounds great on paper but has now become a political hot button and a loophole for companies to qualify for tax abatements. And you are wrong this isn't about low income housing it is about HIGH DENSITY housing. Suffolk is NOT Queens yet we are allowing builders to turn it into worse than Queens!
Town of Brookhaven has 2.8 units per acre, Islip has 3.8 units per acre The Ronk hub is going to be 48 units per acre. Someone brought up Summer wind in Riverhead. They are 155 UNITS PER ACRE!!! Great for Riverhead schools right??? All those kids coming in right??? NOPE they got a 10 year 100% tax abatement!!! That helps NO ONE but the builders and the business owners! Beautiful apartments you say??? yeah kinda since Riverhead allowed an exemption and waived their minimum unit size from 900 sq feet to 300 sq feet. They have apartments that are only 300 sq feet.. Yes they are more affordable if you don't go off price per sq foot and if you are happy living in a closet?? Again a huge quality of life issue. This is NOT what Suffolk county was about not.... should Suffolk be turned into a city because builders can build the high density projects wherever they want??
There is a project called Heartland Square that is proposed for the old Pilgrim State Psyche Center. 198 units per acre!!! That is 24% more dense than Queens!!! MORE DENSE THAN QUEENS!!!
So forgive me if this is more than just about Islip Pines. We are allowing corporations to come into our neighborhoods and do whatever they want while the blow smoke up our you know whats telling us that it is needed. It is not!
How is the LIE going to handle the additional commuter traffic?? We already would not be able to get off of the island in an emergency what makes you think our already stressed infrastructure can handle the influx of traffic??? We can't handle the traffic we have now?
Within a 4 minute drive of the proposed Islip Pines site we have plenty of shopping a new Target coming and a half empty mall. WHY more retail?? Why? It doesn't make sense.
If we are going to eventually look like the City we all might as well move there. The commute would be a hell of a lot easier.

Unfortunately this is life and companies have a right to build on properties they purchase. You say why do you need more retail. Well apparently you are in the minority because the people footing the bill feel there is a need for more retail, or else why would they be building in the first place.

As far as the tax abatement go, that's fine and understandable IMO. There has to be incentive for these builders to come in and take a risk building in a spot that you feel "doesn't need more retail". So there may be abatement for the first 10 years, they will be paying their share of taxes afterwards.

Also abatement happens all the time, and it's not just for corporations. Did you know if you dormer your house and add square footage, in Nassau county you can apply for abatement so when they raise your property tax, you don't have to pay the increased amount in full for seven years. The towns know that in the LONG RUN they will get their money, even if it means waiting 7 or 10 years. Are you also against these abatements for homeowners? There has to be incentive for both parties.

Also there is no way I can agree with your point that adding kids to Sachem is going to hurt the district. Frankly the more kids that enroll, the better it will be for everyone.

And another point, while you think that adding population in Suffolk is bad, frankly the opposite is true. Many people are actually leaving Long Island and if I am not mistaken, population has DECREASED over the last two years in both Nassau and Suffolk county. The more people that are on the island, the more tax money comes in. Also the more people on Long Island, the higher the property values will go as there will be more people that will eventually be looking for housing.

While I can appreciate somebody starting a petition, your logic and reasoning on this is seriously flawed.

No it's not at all. She's on point completely.

Posted 3/27/14 10:59 PM

I Took The Wrong Road

Member since 12/07

6153 total posts

That Led To The Wrong Tendencies

Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Posted by Faithx2

FYI It was passed tonight. It's going up sadly....

I read on another forum that when it was passed last night the board got a standing ovation from the people in attendance. Apparently many more people understand the benefit to this.

Posted 3/28/14 5:35 PM


Member since 10/06

2938 total posts


Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Posted by ave1024

Posted by Faithx2

FYI It was passed tonight. It's going up sadly....

I read on another forum that when it was passed last night the board got a standing ovation from the people in attendance. Apparently many more people understand the benefit to this.

No. Out of the houses that border the property only 1 was in favor or the project but the community was ignored. The board got a standing ovation because the room was filled with union guys that were paid to be there and suits that are making money off the destruction of our community. Unfortunately when Serota brings in the out of state construction workers he is known to use people will be singing a different tune.

Posted 3/28/14 5:44 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Posted by ave1024

Posted by Faithx2

FYI It was passed tonight. It's going up sadly....

I read on another forum that when it was passed last night the board got a standing ovation from the people in attendance. Apparently many more people understand the benefit to this.

It was all union. I was there. Serotas lawyers then took the deligates out to Tellers down the block....

Message edited 3/28/2014 10:59:29 PM.

Posted 3/28/14 10:59 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Posted by imyself

Posted by ave1024

Posted by Faithx2

FYI It was passed tonight. It's going up sadly....

I read on another forum that when it was passed last night the board got a standing ovation from the people in attendance. Apparently many more people understand the benefit to this.

No. Out of the houses that border the property only 1 was in favor or the project but the community was ignored. The board got a standing ovation because the room was filled with union guys that were paid to be there and suits that are making money off the destruction of our community. Unfortunately when Serota brings in the out of state construction workers he is known to use people will be singing a different tune.

The one house that didn't sign was not because he was for it, it's because he didn't want his name down on a legal petition drawn up by a lawyer. If those union guys think they are getting all of the work, they are very mistaken. Serota is known to outsource non union scabs.

Posted 3/28/14 11:05 PM


Member since 3/07

39159 total posts


Re: Please sign a petition to prevent Serota from building in Holbrook!!!

Posted by Faithx2

Posted by ave1024

Posted by Faithx2

FYI It was passed tonight. It's going up sadly....

I read on another forum that when it was passed last night the board got a standing ovation from the people in attendance. Apparently many more people understand the benefit to this.

It was all union. I was there. Serotas lawyers then took the deligates out to Tellers down the block....

Gotta love Politics.

There was no way this wasn't passing. No matter what the community thought/felt/voted or petitioned against.

As for the union guys. Sounds like the rat will be out on display.

Message edited 3/28/2014 11:11:15 PM.

Posted 3/28/14 11:10 PM
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