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WDYD - w older DC when delivering?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/09

745 total posts


WDYD - w older DC when delivering?

I will having a scheduled C with baby #2. What did you "do" w your older DC? Our parents watch our DD and I wasn't sure if I should have the, bring her to the hospital when I deliver or wait until after the baby is born...what did you all do?


Posted 1/3/14 12:42 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: WDYD - w older DC when delivering?

DS1 was 2 yrs old when DS2 was born. I dropped him off at my parent's in the morning then we drove to the hospital for my sched c. My IL's (they're over an hour away on LI, we live in NJ) drove over and to my parents then they all came to the hospital closer to the time my C-section was going to be. With all the grandparents he was kept plenty busy and got lots of attention. When they were allowed in my room they brought DS. They brought him each day for an hour or so to see me. Family and friends brought him gifts so he was kept busy and very spoiled. He was fine the entire time. IL's babysat 2 days at our home and he slept at my parents 2 days. The day I was going home my parents brought him to the hospital and we all we all went home together. No issues.

Posted 1/3/14 12:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3034 total posts


Re: WDYD - w older DC when delivering?

My parents watched older DC overnight since I had to be at the hospital at 6:30am. I had my mom wait to bring him until after his naptime the day I delivered. It gave me some time to get settled and also some time for me and DH to bond with the new baby.

We followed the same pattern the following day and the next two days he was at daycare as scheduled.

Posted 1/3/14 1:21 PM

Mommy to 2 sweet girls!

Member since 3/09

8585 total posts


Re: WDYD - w older DC when delivering?

My dd was in the waiting room with my parents when our second was born. She was 21 months at the time and was very good.

Posted 1/3/14 1:24 PM

Baby no. 3 coming soon!

Member since 6/09

5738 total posts


Re: WDYD - w older DC when delivering?

I'm not scheduled (and currently 4 days over due), so it's going to depend on what time I go into labor. The plan is for DD to go to our in-law's, who live 5 minutes away. If it's middle of the night, they'll just come here while she sleeps. I guess if it's during the day, they could technically bring her to the hospital before the baby is born. But I think most likely, they'll stay home with her and bring her a little later after we get settled.

Posted 1/3/14 1:26 PM

My 3 little loves <3<3<3

Member since 1/09

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WDYD - w older DC when delivering?

My sister came over to watch my older son (who was 22 months at the time) when I went into labor with my second. We called her as soon as I had delivered and was in my room and said she could bring him over whenever they were ready. He was napping then, so as soon as he woke up, they came over. I am pregnant with #3 now, and we'll likely do the same thing.

Posted 1/3/14 2:12 PM

Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10

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Re: WDYD - w older DC when delivering?

My twins were a little over 2.
My water broke on a Sunday am. My brother and sil came over to watch them and my parents came to the hospital.
My labor was long so my parents wound up going back to my house and sleeping there with my brother. They came back to hospital in the am and my regular babysitter came as scheduled for a Monday.
I had the twins come up to the hospital then2cnd day

Posted 1/3/14 2:16 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 8/12

425 total posts


WDYD - w older DC when delivering?

I wasn't scheduled but we had a plan in play for whenever I went into labor. My older 2 were 3 and 4 at the time, and were very excited. They wanted to be there, and I wanted them there. The night I went into labor, my kids had a reallly late nap. I got home from work about 7:15/7:30 and they were napping. Normally I'd be upset thinking that would throw off their sleeping, but I thought it would work out if I went into labor. At 10pm, while I was doing a puzzle with the kids, my water broke. They were so excited, especially the 4 year old. She hopped up and packed a bag, put on sneakers, and was shouting let's get to the hospital. My parents met us there and they all waited in the waiting room together. Baby was born at 1:57am, and I was so upset they wouldn't let the kids on the delivery floor, and it was going to be a few hours before I got to my room. So, they went home with my parents, but I am still happy they got to come to the hospital and get the news immediately. They came back the next morning to meet their new sister.

When my second was born, DD1 was only 13mths, and I again labored over night, but longer. DD was asleep when I went to hospital and I had the baby at 10:59 the next morning. She was there by noon with my parents and met her sister in the delivery room.

Posted 1/3/14 2:17 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: WDYD - w older DC when delivering?

I have 3 DC and two were scheduled. Both times my inlaws had the other kid/s and brought them after the baby was born (my parents were at the hospital the whole time).

It worked out well because with a non-emergency c-section, you could be bumped back by emergencies--that was the case with my 2nd and she was born 2 hours after she should have been. The last time, my DH called his parents and had them put my oldest DD on the phone and she was the first one to know it was a boy; her sister was the first to know his name! Chat Icon

Lastly, I don't think you can have kids in the recovery room anyway and you could be there for a couple of hours...if you're having a c/s.

Posted 1/3/14 2:21 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 9/13

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WDYD - w older DC when delivering?

I had a scheduled c with DS2. My nanny came as usual to watch DS1 who was 17 months old at the time. My husband brought him to visit the next day.

Posted 1/3/14 3:53 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/09

745 total posts


Re: WDYD - w older DC when delivering?

Thanks all!

Posted 1/3/14 4:51 PM

Welcome to the World!

Member since 5/05

6747 total posts


Re: WDYD - w older DC when delivering?

My Daughter went to Preschool and my husband picked her up early after the baby was born. There may be a lot of waiting especially since you will be having a c-section. It happened with me. My advice is make arrangements for older child.

Message edited 1/3/2014 7:42:00 PM.

Posted 1/3/14 7:40 PM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

13118 total posts


Re: WDYD - w older DC when delivering?

I was scheduled for a C-section. My parents were going to come up and stay with DS1. I ended up going into labor on my own about a week before. My parents drove up and picked DS up from daycare. By the time they got to the hospital, DS2 had been born. They were all able to spend some time with the baby and me in the recovery room. My parents stayed over for the next few nights and DS1 came to the hospital every day to see us.

Posted 1/3/14 8:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1314 total posts


Re: WDYD - w older DC when delivering?

I had a scheduled Csection set with DD. We were going to drop off DS at my parents house that morning and then have them bring him to the hospital once the baby was born.

Well, turns out my water broke and we basically did the same thing. We left DS with my parents. We called them once i had my C-section time and i told my mom to come in an hour or so. They came with DS an hour and a half after my csection start time. They came to recover and DS met his little sister there. He was SUPER excited and it worked out well. DH took DS home that night.

Posted 1/3/14 8:51 PM

Love my boys!

Member since 6/10

2825 total posts


WDYD - w older DC when delivering?

i was induced with DS2, my first son was 3 and a half, he went to the babysitters like a normal day then my mom picked him up and brought him to the hospital, It was a friday. My DH when home with him that night and he spend the day with us at the hospital Saturday until dinner time when he went home with my mom then he came with DH to get my sunday.

Posted 1/4/14 4:23 PM

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