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Anthony Weiner & the race

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Member since 1/12

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Anthony Weiner & the race

what do you think?

anyone following this story?

do you think he should pull out of the race due to the scandal?

he keeps saying he isn't....curious as to your opinions

I really am not enraged & I don't think his personal life should determine his candidacy in politics.

Posted 7/24/13 5:02 PM
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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by EatingMyVeggies

I don't think his personal life should determine his candidacy in politics.

While I agree with this sentiment, I still think he's a dog. And a creep. But honestly I'm not even thinking much about it because I can't vote for mayor anyway.

I do think he's arrogant though. And Carlos Danger? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/24/13 5:28 PM


Member since 1/12

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by ElizaRags35

Posted by EatingMyVeggies

I don't think his personal life should determine his candidacy in politics.

While I agree with this sentiment, I still think he's a dog. And a creep. But honestly I'm not even thinking much about it because I can't vote for mayor anyway.

I do think he's arrogant though. And Carlos Danger? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

he is a creep.

Chat Icon @ carlos danger

Posted 7/24/13 5:49 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

What do I think? I think it's an absolute f#%£ing disgrace.

Yes, he should withdraw! I don't understand how anyone could actually consider voting for someone that lacks any kind of judgement, self-control, and integrity. Not to mention...he's a complete liar. His arrogance disgusts me. What an embarrassment...

Posted 7/24/13 6:07 PM


Member since 8/05

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Anthony Weiner & the race

I don't think be should leave the race. Geez, presidents and head of states have been doing this for years. Kennedy, Clinton, Spitzer and countless others. As long as he isn't using state/city money I don't care who he flirt with or what he does.

Posted 7/24/13 6:14 PM

Time for Baby #2!

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by JennZ

I don't think be should leave the race. Geez, presidents and head of states have been doing this for years. Kennedy, Clinton, Spitzer and countless others. As long as he isn't using state/city money I don't care who he flirt with or what he does.

This. I actually think he was a really good politician and I think he still can be. I don't care what he does in his private life, although I do wish he had exercised a bit better judgment than repeating the same mistake after he was found out the first time.

Posted 7/24/13 6:16 PM

Too blessed to be stressed

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

In case you missed it:

That Time Anthony Weiner Blamed Al-Qaeda For His Sexting Scandal


Posted 7/24/13 6:21 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by MandJZ

Posted by JennZ

I don't think be should leave the race. Geez, presidents and head of states have been doing this for years. Kennedy, Clinton, Spitzer and countless others. As long as he isn't using state/city money I don't care who he flirt with or what he does.

This. I actually think he was a really good politician and I think he still can be. I don't care what he does in his private life, although I do wish he had exercised a bit better judgment than repeating the same mistake after he was found out the first time.

Clinton didn't learn from his mistakes as governor hence why Monica happened lol
I can vote for Mayor and I have no Robles voting for Weiner ... He will be great for the city and city employees ... I hope he stays in, wins, and has an amazing term or 2 .... I don't judge people and wha they do behind closed doors .. It is a shame these doors have been swung open by people trying to get their 15 minutes of fame

Posted 7/24/13 6:58 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

See, I disagree with the thinking that what he does behind closed doors doesn't matter. It most certainly does IMO. I think being a philandering pig speaks to his character as a man, husband, father, and certainly a politician. I actually find it sad in this country that we as a society so readily accept and dismiss inappropriate behaviors. We should be holding our leaders to a higher standard and I find it pretty despicable than anyone would even humor his attempt at a return to politics.

I know this behavior is nothing new but what does it say about our morals and values as a nation when we accept and vote in someone like this into office? As a poltican I think your character and integrity count just as much (if not more) as your politics and he certainly wouldn't get my vote if I lived in the city.

Posted 7/24/13 7:21 PM


Member since 4/07

7631 total posts


Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by Hofstra26

See, I disagree with the thinking that what he does behind closed doors doesn't matter. It most certainly does IMO. I think being a philandering pig speaks to his character as a man, husband, father, and certainly a politician. I actually find it sad in this country that we as a society so readily accept and dismiss inappropriate behaviors. We should be holding our leaders to a higher standard and I find it pretty despicable than anyone would even humor his attempt at a return to politics.

I know this behavior is nothing new but what does it say about our morals and values as a nation when we accept and vote in someone like this into office? As a poltican I think your character and integrity count just as much (if not more) as your politics and he certainly wouldn't get my vote if I lived in the city.

I'm sorry I completely agree!! You are so right!

Posted 7/24/13 7:53 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Humiliation for our city. People should judge us all by what we put up with, the company we keep, and who we elect.

There's not a lot else.

Posted 7/24/13 8:00 PM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

I want to like Weiner, I really do. I like his politics. I just don't know if I could vote for someone with such poor judgement, impulse contol, and morals. As far as the arrogance, I really think that goes along with being a politician. Luckily, don't have to decide because I can't vote for NYC mayor.

Posted 7/24/13 8:33 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by Jax430

I want to like Weiner, I really do. I like his politics. I just don't know if I could vote for someone with such poor judgement, impulse contol, and morals. As far as the arrogance, I really think that goes along with being a politician. Luckily, don't have to decide because I can't vote for NYC mayor.

ITA. Even though I'm a Democrat I am just disgusted by him and the lack of respect he is showing his wife. How can he be expected to support women's issues, something his party values, when he's such a turd to her?

There's no dignity in the world anymore.

Posted 7/24/13 8:51 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/12

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Anthony Weiner & the race

He's really good at the pulling out process - maybe he wants to try something new

Posted 7/24/13 9:03 PM

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by Serendipity

Posted by Hofstra26

See, I disagree with the thinking that what he does behind closed doors doesn't matter. It most certainly does IMO. I think being a philandering pig speaks to his character as a man, husband, father, and certainly a politician. I actually find it sad in this country that we as a society so readily accept and dismiss inappropriate behaviors. We should be holding our leaders to a higher standard and I find it pretty despicable than anyone would even humor his attempt at a return to politics.

I know this behavior is nothing new but what does it say about our morals and values as a nation when we accept and vote in someone like this into office? As a poltican I think your character and integrity count just as much (if not more) as your politics and he certainly wouldn't get my vote if I lived in the city.

I'm sorry I completely agree!! You are so right!

Chat Icon Chat Icon


Posted 7/24/13 9:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/10

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by mommy2Alex

Posted by Serendipity

Posted by Hofstra26

See, I disagree with the thinking that what he does behind closed doors doesn't matter. It most certainly does IMO. I think being a philandering pig speaks to his character as a man, husband, father, and certainly a politician. I actually find it sad in this country that we as a society so readily accept and dismiss inappropriate behaviors. We should be holding our leaders to a higher standard and I find it pretty despicable than anyone would even humor his attempt at a return to politics.

I know this behavior is nothing new but what does it say about our morals and values as a nation when we accept and vote in someone like this into office? As a poltican I think your character and integrity count just as much (if not more) as your politics and he certainly wouldn't get my vote if I lived in the city.

I'm sorry I completely agree!! You are so right!

Chat Icon Chat Icon


I agree also.

Posted 7/24/13 9:17 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by Jax430

I want to like Weiner, I really do. I like his politics. I just don't know if I could vote for someone with such poor judgement, impulse contol, and morals. As far as the arrogance, I really think that goes along with being a politician. Luckily, don't have to decide because I can't vote for NYC mayor.

Exactly!! I just can't vote for someone who can't control himself like this. But the worst part is his constant lying to the public! First he blames a hacker for it. Then he says he is getting help and it won't happen again. Then it happens again. I kind of figure all politicians lie to the public- but this guy we actually caught him in quite a few. Between his lies and his inability to control himself and use good judgment. He can cheat and lie to his wife all he wants and all she will tolerate. I don't want him making any decisions for me.

Posted 7/24/13 10:15 PM

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Petticoated Swashbuckler

Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

We have no decent candidate for mayor this year.

Its like a goddamned circus.

I'm really afraid that Quinn will take it. And I can't vote in the primaries because I'm not a registered democrat.

I liked Weiner for a long time...hell, we lived on the same block and I found that his passion for local politics was so cool and we have a lot of parallel stands on issues...but then, the scandal. And then he surged back and I was excited that he was making a lot of headway. But now, this scandal...again...obviously he hasn't learned his lesson.

Cheat and lie to your wife...that's your deal, man. But what the eff are us NYC residents to do with a lying, impulsive, cheating clown as mayor?

Eh. I'm torn. Guess we'll see what the primaries determine.

Posted 7/24/13 10:35 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 8/12

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by Serendipity

Posted by Hofstra26

See, I disagree with the thinking that what he does behind closed doors doesn't matter. It most certainly does IMO. I think being a philandering pig speaks to his character as a man, husband, father, and certainly a politician. I actually find it sad in this country that we as a society so readily accept and dismiss inappropriate behaviors. We should be holding our leaders to a higher standard and I find it pretty despicable than anyone would even humor his attempt at a return to politics.

I know this behavior is nothing new but what does it say about our morals and values as a nation when we accept and vote in someone like this into office? As a poltican I think your character and integrity count just as much (if not more) as your politics and he certainly wouldn't get my vote if I lived in the city.

I'm sorry I completely agree!! You are so right!

I agree as well.

Posted 7/24/13 11:08 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/10

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by shadows

Posted by mommy2Alex

Posted by Serendipity

Posted by Hofstra26

See, I disagree with the thinking that what he does behind closed doors doesn't matter. It most certainly does IMO. I think being a philandering pig speaks to his character as a man, husband, father, and certainly a politician. I actually find it sad in this country that we as a society so readily accept and dismiss inappropriate behaviors. We should be holding our leaders to a higher standard and I find it pretty despicable than anyone would even humor his attempt at a return to politics.

I know this behavior is nothing new but what does it say about our morals and values as a nation when we accept and vote in someone like this into office? As a poltican I think your character and integrity count just as much (if not more) as your politics and he certainly wouldn't get my vote if I lived in the city.

I'm sorry I completely agree!! You are so right!

Chat Icon Chat Icon


I agree also.

I also agree and it makes me so sad that this is the best our city has to offer in terms of mayoral candidates :(

I wish someone else with decent morals- both public and private- would step up and run!!

Posted 7/24/13 11:27 PM


Member since 1/09

18021 total posts


Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

If anyone should be leaving anything, it's his wife leaving HIM!

Posted 7/24/13 11:42 PM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by Ayne11

If anyone should be leaving anything, it's his wife leaving HIM!

Yeah that won't happen if she emulates her boss.

Posted 7/24/13 11:54 PM


Member since 12/09

27635 total posts


Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by Jax430

I want to like Weiner, I really do. I like his politics. I just don't know if I could vote for someone with such poor judgement, impulse contol, and morals. As far as the arrogance, I really think that goes along with being a politician. Luckily, don't have to decide because I can't vote for NYC mayor.

ok i know i am like 5 yrs old right now but i am Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon at how this openedChat Icon

Posted 7/25/13 1:12 AM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

Posted by gina409

Posted by Jax430

I want to like Weiner, I really do. I like his politics. I just don't know if I could vote for someone with such poor judgement, impulse contol, and morals. As far as the arrogance, I really think that goes along with being a politician. Luckily, don't have to decide because I can't vote for NYC mayor.

ok i know i am like 5 yrs old right now but i am Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon at how this openedChat Icon just made me crack up, Gina1Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/25/13 6:06 AM

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Mrs. Yank

Re: Anthony Weiner & the race

I think if a teacher can lose their job for appearing on a TV show, he should drop out of the race.

Posted 7/25/13 8:04 AM
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