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BEYONDSandy: Helping Families Return Home

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Member since 4/08

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Re: A way to help Sandy families, and it costs us NOTHING!

Had to share folks, today I got my first 2 little envelopes!!!!!!!



External Image

I also shared our effort on MOMASTERY today and I can hardly keep up with the private messages already!!!!!!!!!!

Feel free to share that link with your friends if that's easier than creating your own FB post.

Great stuff. Really great stuff.

Posted 11/8/12 11:03 PM
Long Island Weddings
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A way to help Sandy families, and it costs us NOTHING!

i don't have any right now but i will keep it in mind! so you don't have to keep private messaging people, and so you don't have to give out your home address, have you thought about getting a pobox? because then you can just insert it anywhere you post the coupon drive.

Posted 11/9/12 7:45 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

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A way to help Sandy families, and it costs us NOTHING!

Just put mine in an envelope and will be dropping them in the mail today.

I'm not sure if you want to go this far, but you might consider contacting local papers and radio stations. I've done that with various drives and found it can work very well if it touches the right string in people's hearts. You might get nothing and you might get flooded with responses.

You might even end up with BB&B corporate contacting you if they hear about it on the news, as what you are starting to do is excellent free publicity for them. I do suggest reaching out to BB&B's corporate office directly, if you have time - skip the individual stores. Ask for whoever is in charge of corporate donations. I have sometimes had success contacting companies like it directly. One time beyond spectacularly. You just never know. Some are generous, others not.

Every media has a way it can be contacted and someone you can speak to about your effort. Some city stations also have LI bureaus, which are looking for stories here. This one seems a natural for Channel 12, especially as you are getting a quick response on here - its been pinned at the top of the forum, people are already sending them in and someone who needs them contacted you about them.

I've gotten Channel 12, plus most major city stations to cover stories by simply going to them. Good luck!

Message edited 11/9/2012 11:47:16 AM.

Posted 11/9/12 11:45 AM


Member since 4/08

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Re: A way to help Sandy families, and it costs us NOTHING!

Hey Ladies quick quick quick update :D


Our little campaign is growing today :) As mentioned last night, we got a listing on Momastery (just a fantastic site if you're not there now you should be!) and we are LUCKY to be among the requests that are listed on their HELPING HANDS annual donation drive. Momastery Helping Hands Drive

My BBB campaign is about 3/4 down that page (you might have to change the search field to "AVAILABLE" to screen out all of the fulfilled requests).

So between you ladies here, the folks over there, and everyone who's helping to share it on FB?

I think we have a real THING happening.

Here's what I mean:

External Image

That's my email this morning; it's been like this all day :D. Then you add in the msgs here, and on fb, and it's a little startling really.

Because everyone - EVERY ONE - who replies is a BBB hoarder Chat Icon so we now have HUNDREDS of people sending MULTIPLE coupons. Somebody do the math cause it's not my thing hahah.

But wait there's more:

-- they are asking their friends at work
-- they are sharing on their FB timelines
-- they are sending GIFT CARDS. Seriously

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

So I want to thank every single one of you on here who FM'd me, so so many of you are not just sending them, you are taking this further out there and all the credit goes your way.
On a personal note, I've received a few FM's from some ladies who I know in the past I've had some, er, LIF jousts with Chat Icon I think that's a small number of you (but everyone keeps changing their names lately so I'm a little lost :D) But believe me your contribution is noted and appreciated and the fact that you could put any past BS aside to help out with this, is well, AWESOME.
*Sameinitials! I tried to do the PO Box route but the only P.O. near me has a WAITING LIST. ggrrrrrrrr

*Sunnyflies, I'm going to FM you!!!!Chat Icon

As always

Posted 11/9/12 10:53 PM


Member since 4/08

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Re: A way to help Sandy families, and it costs us NOTHING!

Okay more news to share :)

Woke up this a.m. to this little note:

"My sons first grade class will be collecting for you from California!!!

Then someone else from Out of State posted that HER kid's class is collecting too.

And my e-mail has been getting these alllll day Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Then tonight we got posted to a blog that has over 20,000 fans. Chat Icon

Then from there 3 people "shared" it.... and one of THOSE is a blog. That has over 25,000 fans. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Moving along... moving along.
If you need me I'll be answering emails LOL!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/11/12 11:21 PM

Life is about choices.

Member since 5/05

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Re: A way to help Sandy families, and it costs us NOTHING!

Chat Icon

Posted 11/12/12 11:01 AM

Life is about choices.

Member since 5/05

6532 total posts


Re: A way to help Sandy families, and it costs us NOTHING!

Posted by colette

Okay more news to share :)

Woke up this a.m. to this little note:

"My sons first grade class will be collecting for you from California!!!

Then someone else from Out of State posted that HER kid's class is collecting too.

And my e-mail has been getting these alllll day Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Then tonight we got posted to a blog that has over 20,000 fans. Chat Icon

Then from there 3 people "shared" it.... and one of THOSE is a blog. That has over 25,000 fans. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Moving along... moving along.
If you need me I'll be answering emails LOL!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

this just brought a tear to my eye! what a great thing you started!

Posted 11/12/12 11:03 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

1757 total posts


A way to help Sandy families, and it costs us NOTHING!

Congratulations Colette! You have come up with an ingenious way for people to really help that doesn't cost a fortune, just an envelope and a stamp and a few minutes searching drawers or files for all the hoarded BB&B coupons we all seem to have. When people get to the point that they can restock their houses, having discount coupons will take some of the sting out of the cost and help to stretch their dollars.

It costs a fortune to set up a house. OMG - curtains, curtain rods, clothes hangers, iron, ironing board, bedding, towels, floormats, bathmats, wastebaskets, toothbrush holders, etc. - just think about all those zillions of things we take for granted each day, and that doesn't include the kitchen with all its utensils and small appliances.

Losing everything is hard, almost impossible for most of us to imagine. People living along the Gulf Coast lost everything during Katrina. When they moved into FEMA trailers they suddenly realized what that meant as those trailers came with nothing but beds. Not a pillow, a towel or a cup for morning coffee, much less a coffee maker. Believe me BB&B coupons will be a big help.

Message edited 11/12/2012 1:32:20 PM.

Posted 11/12/12 1:30 PM


Member since 1/10

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Re: A way to help Sandy families, and it costs us NOTHING!

Well done Colette!!!!

Posted 11/12/12 1:34 PM

loving life

Member since 1/07

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Re: A way to help Sandy families, and it costs us NOTHING!

As someinone who thankfully only lost the contents of their basement this is a great thing
You truly don't realize all the things you store down there till you have to throw it all away
I am sure once I can go back to my house I will also be making a big trip to BBB
thank you for doing this it reallly will help so many people

Posted 11/14/12 3:56 PM


Member since 8/07

10682 total posts


Re: BEYONDSandy: Helping Families Return Home

For some reason the facebook link is not working for me. I tried searchng Beyond Sandy on facebook too. Can someone post a link for me. I have coupons I can send.

Posted 11/16/12 9:40 AM


Member since 4/08

7758 total posts


Re: BEYONDSandy: Helping Families Return Home

Posted by DeniseMarie

For some reason the facebook link is not working for me. I tried searchng Beyond Sandy on facebook too. Can someone post a link for me. I have coupons I can send.

Fixed now Denise THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

Posted 11/16/12 10:42 AM


Member since 8/07

10682 total posts


Re: BEYONDSandy: Helping Families Return Home

Posted by colette

Posted by DeniseMarie

For some reason the facebook link is not working for me. I tried searchng Beyond Sandy on facebook too. Can someone post a link for me. I have coupons I can send.

Fixed now Denise THANK YOU!!!!!!!!


Posted 11/16/12 2:41 PM

I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05

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Re: BEYONDSandy: Helping Families Return Home

Colette's gonna be famous!!

Even the Islanders love her!

External Image

Posted 11/16/12 6:40 PM


Member since 4/08

7758 total posts


Re: BEYONDSandy: Helping Families Return Home

Well well well, take a look won't you? And I checked, this is not some random guy named "Edward Burnes". It's the real deal :D Tania is a rockstar!!!!!!!!!

External Image

Posted 11/18/12 12:02 AM


Member since 1/10

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Re: BEYONDSandy: Helping Families Return Home

Posted by colette

Well well well, take a look won't you? And I checked, this is not some random guy named "Edward Burnes". It's the real deal :D Tania is a rockstar!!!!!!!!!


Thats one of the coolest retweets ever!

Posted 11/19/12 9:06 AM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

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Re: BEYONDSandy: Helping Families Return Home

I just went on one of my favorite sites, Living Rich With Coupons, and BEYONDSandy is mentioned towards the bottom! I know that site gets a lot of web traffic! Chat Icon


Posted 11/19/12 3:06 PM


Member since 4/08

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Re: BEYONDSandy: Helping Families Return Home

Posted by AngnShaun

Posted by colette

Well well well, take a look won't you? And I checked, this is not some random guy named "Edward Burnes". It's the real deal :D Tania is a rockstar!!!!!!!!!


Thats one of the coolest retweets ever!

It's a toss-up between that one and Laurie Berkner's Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Just wait, you'll see :D

Posted 11/19/12 8:27 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

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Re: BEYONDSandy: Helping Families Return Home

Just came on here today and saw this. I plan on asking my student body do this on Monday when I get back to work. I am like the goofy guidance counselor on Clueless asking my students to help support causes for meChat Icon Lucky they usually help me! I think 2200 kids can round up plenty for youChat Icon

Posted 11/24/12 12:04 AM


Member since 4/08

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Re: BEYONDSandy: Helping Families Return Home

Posted by CkGm

Just came on here today and saw this. I plan on asking my student body do this on Monday when I get back to work. I am like the goofy guidance counselor on Clueless asking my students to help support causes for meChat Icon Lucky they usually help me! I think 2200 kids can round up plenty for youChat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon AND Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Christine thank youuuuu so much for being goofy enough to help!!!!! If it's easier for you just share the facebook page then everyone has the deets!!! But seriously, you are awesome to do that!!!

Posted 11/25/12 1:32 AM

You're My Home <3

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Re: BEYONDSandy: Helping Families Return Home

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Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/27/12 3:06 PM

5,000 Posts!

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BEYONDSandy: Helping Families Return Home

If we have a friend in need, can they contact you thru FB to recieve some coupons?

Posted 11/28/12 12:03 PM


Member since 4/08

7758 total posts


Re: BEYONDSandy: Helping Families Return Home

Posted by Katareen

If we have a friend in need, can they contact you thru FB to recieve some coupons?

Katareen this is a great question so I"ll answer it publicly for everyone's info.

We're working very hard to amass a really large collection to distribute. That cannot be emphasized enough - while a "like" on the page is great and builds a certain credibility, this whole thing is about getting coupons IN. So until we have a little more time to collect, no formal distribution partners have been locked in. If you follow the page you can read our post about distribution mechanisms under consideration, and even submit the name of a group that you think we should check out as a partner. We're open to all suggestions on that.

At this point we have nowhere near enough to help every neighborhood. We can't even make a dent really.

But person-to-person distribution won't really work for this effort, as we are a team of 1 (i.e. me) and mailing them back out to each person in need would be an ineffective exercise. It's all about sharing the idea, mailing them in, and finding partner organizations in the area, in that order.

Thanks for asking that though, because it gave me a chance to outline the program for more people who may also be curious about that!!

Posted 11/28/12 2:39 PM

5,000 Posts!

Member since 4/10

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BEYONDSandy: Helping Families Return Home

Gotcha, thanks so much for responding!

Posted 11/28/12 8:39 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

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Re: BEYONDSandy: Helping Families Return Home

FYI - I just got this email from BBB External Image

Posted 12/3/12 5:54 PM
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