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Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

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LIF Infant

Member since 2/12

165 total posts


Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

For those of you who have been through infertility treatments and have gotten pregnant, what was your diagnosis and treatment that finally led to have a successful pregnancy?

Posted 8/4/12 1:36 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 7/12

234 total posts


Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

You might want to post this on the pregancy after infertility board.

Sorry I can't help, I've never been pregnant.

Posted 8/4/12 2:49 PM

Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08

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Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

my pregnancy was successful in that i have a baby, but my issues did cause pregnancy complications including pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome, pre-term delivery and a pretty significant placenta disorder. i got pregnant on my first IVF after 6 medicated cycles.

that being said, my original dx were PCOS, elevated NK cells, thrombophilia PAI-1 4g/5g polymorphism, and a partial HLA-C match with my DH.

Message edited 8/4/2012 4:57:36 PM.

Posted 8/4/12 4:57 PM


Member since 12/09

27635 total posts


Re: Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

we r pregnant now with Chat Icon Chat Icon

it took 2 and a hlf yrs and had many bumps in the road including losses

i have PCOS and do not ovulate but have many many clotting issues which led to dvt's and many blood clots and i think implantation issues

we did 8 iui and finally with the help of ivf we are god willing going to have 2 babies

i think without ivf and the right amount of meds even now i am still on ,all that in a combo and an amazing doc is what we needed

this pregnancy has still be bumpy,including a ruptured placenta and of course more blood clots but so far we are holding on!

Posted 8/4/12 11:45 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11

669 total posts


Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

We have a 2 year old boy and Im currently 11 weeks pregnant.
IF treatments for 5 years...11 IUI's, 3 Fresh IVF Cycles, (all medicated)M/C....Unexplained Infertility until 5 months ago with SCSA Test revealed we have MI- 30.9% DNA Fragmentation in my DH sperm. (reason for concieving issues)...BTW, my DH's SA always came back perfect but we did a more in depth SA that tests the genes specifically.

After over a year of trying First pregnancy (miracle happened on our own: MC @ 14 weeks (had ememrgency DNC from Hemmoraging)
Diagnosed with MTHFR
1st Fresh IVF- Plactent Previa at 15 weeks which turned in to a Placenta Accreta. Bed rest from 27-delivery at 36 weeks.
3rd Fresh IVF- So far, I feel so great I dont even know Im pregnant (except I look it :) I wont know until 15ish weeks if I have previa again and if I do my chances of an accreta are very high. Delivering a 36 via c-section due to a classical inscission with my DS and cannot chance a uterine rupture.

Posted 8/5/12 9:25 AM

Mommy to FOUR little men!

Member since 8/08

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Re: Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

I have PCOS with absent periods. I got pregnant on my first IUI with injectables (Gonal F) cycle and currently have a 20mo DS. I got pregnant again on the same protocol but had a MC at 9.5w. I'm trying again now and am praying that we get lucky again!

Posted 8/5/12 9:48 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/12

192 total posts


Re: Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

I late/absent ovulation with very long irregular cycles. DH has motility/morphology issues.
We did 1 round of IUI with femera which did not work for us. Our second round of IUI we did IUI with femara and follistim which we had Chat Icon Chat Icon twins that are 18 months.
I am also now 7 weeks pregnant with aChat Icon that was a bit of a surprise.

Lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to you!

Posted 8/5/12 12:38 PM

drama. daily.

Member since 3/11

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Re: Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

Unexplained IF, even after lots of doctor-shopping between DH and I.

4 failed IUI's wchich the Dr.'s thought were a sure thing. I took 2 months off before doing IVF.

IVF was successful, even without ICSI. I am 22 weeks now with Chat Icon Chat Icon I am healthy, happy and I only regret not seeing an RE months sooner!
Good Luck to you! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/5/12 1:40 PM

My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10

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Re: Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

We are unexplained. It took 7 iuis (first 3 were clomid, did injectables for 4-7...I got pregnant on the 4th iui but had a m/c at 10 weeks).

My first IVF was successful and I have 8 month Chat Icon Chat Icon and was very lucky and had an uncomplicated pregnancy.

Posted 8/5/12 7:49 PM

Love my kids

Member since 11/08

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Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

I have pcos and a bunch of clotting issues-- I don't know what they are off the top of my head. I was successful on my first IVF attempt, well actually it was a FET (fresh was canceled due to mild ohss.) I was on lovenox (twice a day) and baby aspirin before and throughout my pregnancy.

I had a few issues during my pregnancy and my DS was born 6 weeks early-- all were unrelated to IF or IVF-- he's now a happy, healthy and energetic 14 month old.

Good luck to you!

Posted 8/5/12 8:54 PM

I need a clone

Member since 12/09

1143 total posts


Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

We have unexplained infertility. I did 2 non-medicated IUI's that were unsuccessful and one medicated IUI cycle with clomid and trigger and I'm now 21 weeks pregnant. Good luck!!!

Posted 8/5/12 9:36 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/11

512 total posts


Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

I have PCOS and did many IUI's w/ my ex husband. When DH and I discussed starting a family I jumped right in with an RE since I knew I would have issues getting PG. 1st IUI worked and I am currently 36 weeks pregnant with DS and have had an extremely easy pregnancy, i better not have just jinxed myself, no morning sickness even.

Posted 8/6/12 8:30 AM


Member since 6/09

10031 total posts


Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

I have PCOS and don't ovulate on my own (leading to 3 month cycles). I worked with a RE for about a year. We did 9 cycles before getting pregnant: 3 medicated cycles with TI then 6 medicated IUIs. I had a consult for IVF in place and was ready to move on after the 6th IUI. I happened to get pregnant on the 6th IUI. I'm currently 25 weeks pregnant and so far (knock on wood) everything has been good!

Posted 8/6/12 9:14 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/10

2245 total posts


Re: Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

I have endometriosis which was diagnosed a few years ago by my OB so when DH and I were ready to start TTC i went to a RE pretty quickly.

We did 3 cycles of clomid 50mg w/ the OB (no monitoring by OB, i temped and used OPKs to track ovulation)
Then moved on to RE, where we had 1 IUI w/ clomid and then 2 IVFs w/ ICSI. The 2nd IVF cycle resulted in our BFP! we are now expecting Chat Icon Chat Icon in Nov!!

Good Luck

Posted 8/6/12 9:56 AM


Member since 5/05

9941 total posts


Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

i did 3 iuis which failed.
this was my first IVF and i delivered boy girl twins in april.

Posted 8/6/12 1:30 PM


Member since 1/10

21015 total posts


Re: Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

It took IVF to have my most successful pregnancy so far. I have clotting and immune disorders. We had 1 ectopic, 9w loss and 1 CP before i started seeing Dr B... we tried naturally unmedicated for 4 months, 1 CP from that ... Then we did an unmedicated IUI... then we did TI with Femara, that was another CP.

We decided IVF was the way to go because Dr B suspected egg quality. I was pregnant with twins at first after putting 2 embryos back... We lost one around 7w... But i just had my NT Scan and so far so good.

Posted 8/6/12 1:55 PM


Member since 11/10

2334 total posts


Re: Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

Went into ttc knowing my tubes were blocked (per hsg) ttc 3 months then had a lap which showed fluid in my tubes but no blockage. Ttc natually then went to re. I have endometriosis, nk and thrombo. Not sure if the last 2 were the cause of IF. After about 8 on and off mo of meds (1inject) and timed and iui we moved to ivf. They suspected that my tubes were filled with fluid not allowing the egg down or the tubes were constricted and couldn't propel the egg down. Ist ivf resulted in Chat Icon Chat Icon so maybe they were onto something.

So far not too many bumps (knock on wood). Just placenta previa at about 8 weeks which is common with twins but was gone by 12 weeks. Now I'm just hoping to keep them cooking til at least 36 weeks.

Posted 8/6/12 8:12 PM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

My main diagnosis was a balanced chromosomal translocation, along with PCOS and some other minor issues. Basically, that means that out of every 4 eggs I make, 1 is genetically normal, one has a balanced translocation like I do, and 2 have unbalanced translocations, which are often incompatible with life.

I finally got my sticky BFP after my 1st IVF cycle, in which we transferred 3 embryos. My DD is the result. Chat Icon

Posted 8/6/12 9:01 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

I have PCOS and a protein S deficiency (clotting disorder). We tried clomid cycles with timed intercourse, and no success. First IUI I got pregnant and miscarried (before I knew about clotting issue). Second IUI got pregnant with twins and took lovenox entire pregnancy. They are 3.5 years old now.
When they were 18 months I went straight to the RE for #3, did same protocol clomid/IUI and got pregnant the first time. She is now 17 months.

Posted 8/6/12 9:14 PM


Member since 12/09

27635 total posts


Re: Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

@ sweet tooth

sorry for the hijack but just a question

i have psd as well and i am on 200 mg of lovenox and baby aspirin and yet i am still getting blood clots in my uterus and my d dimer is slightly elevating at every hemo appt

i was just wondering if u had this experience too,i am at the doc often and the twins r ok i am just a worrier

esp when they talk 2 u about blood transfusionsChat Icon

Posted 8/6/12 10:05 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/07

124 total posts


Re: Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

We have unexplained IF. I took clomid for 5 months, fermara for 3 months, We had 3 failed IUIs so finally we decided to do IVF. We were fortunate to be successful on the 1st cycle and I am currently 16 weeks. It is frustrating to not have an explanation. Good luck to you!Chat Icon

Posted 8/6/12 10:30 PM

drama. daily.

Member since 3/11

7287 total posts


Re: Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

Posted by Jax430

I finally got my sticky BFP after my 1st IVF cycle, in which we transferred 3 embryos. My DD is the result. Chat Icon

She's beautiful... what an amazing miracle! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/7/12 12:25 AM

Miracles can happen!

Member since 10/10

3319 total posts


Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

I love reading all of these stories! Thank you all for sharing!

Posted 8/7/12 8:19 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/09

4166 total posts


Re: Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

DH and I are totally unexplained. I actually have great numbers and always responded well. After 9 cycles of ttc on our own, and another 9 b2b iui's - all negative, we moved on to ivf.

Put back 2 and 1 stuck. I am 34 weeks along now with a Chat Icon

I secretly think I may have slight endo which prevented the pregnancy because with ivf almost all eggs fertilized and I currently have 9 frozen.

Posted 8/7/12 9:15 AM

Stop, Think & Breathe...

Member since 8/11

3550 total posts


Re: Question for those who have had healthy pregnancys after infertility

Posted by 2BirdsofaFeather

I love reading all of these stories! Thank you all for sharing!

Me too...Gives me hope

Posted 8/7/12 9:16 AM
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