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humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

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humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

So DS rash is bad, but ped says it doesn't look fungal, looks more like irritation from acid, and DS doesn't eat anything acidic so we guess its teething.
(its always teething Chat Icon)

Anywho, ped said, well you know in some countries they potty train early, you can try. Well we hear him out. DS and I are sort of go with the flow with this regard.

So ped says introduce a candy and give it only when he's sitting on the potty. And do it like a game, every hour or whatever interval, put him on the potty and give him a candy. But only give that candy when sitting on the potty.

Am I missing something in this method? I didn't hear very well, DS was screaming throughout the entire visit Chat Icon

Posted 6/15/11 8:28 PM
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Re: humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

Pavlovian dog response? wonder if that would work on my kid? how long before he figured out i was tricking him???

he's basically saying reward him for every time he stays on the potty with the candy. after a while he'll realize that if he sits there he gets a reward and will start doing it himself. then you move on form there. he only gets the reward when he sits without his pants on, without diaper, uses the potty, etc etc. then eventually you take the reward away but he still associates potty with reward so will do it regardless.

if you do try it let me know how it works!

Posted 6/15/11 8:44 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

My daughter was always way too smart for that method. She didn't give a rat's batootie about the candy.

Posted 6/15/11 8:45 PM


Member since 7/09

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Re: humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

Posted by BaroqueMama

My daughter was always way too smart for that method. She didn't give a rat's batootie about the candy.

this is my instinct about DS, he was actually peeing on the potty perfectly before baths till about 12m, then one day he realized its something we valued and then it was never to be done again.

Its like he caught DH and I saying, we should try to put him on the potty at other times of the day Chat Icon

Posted 6/15/11 9:00 PM

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Re: humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

Posted by BaroqueMama

My daughter was always way too smart for that method. She didn't give a rat's batootie about the candy.

The other option DC figure out quickly, is that they "need" to try to sit on the potty 76549 a day, just to get the candy, even though they aren't actually training. They'll still pee in their diaper, since the reward isn't for peeing in the potty, just sitting.

Posted 6/16/11 7:44 AM

Love my 4 kiddos!

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Re: humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

Posted by BaroqueMama

My daughter was always way too smart for that method. She didn't give a rat's batootie about the candy.

Mine too....

Posted 6/16/11 7:46 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

It worked for me Chat Icon

We started DS at 2yrs and every time he would go pee on the potty we'd give him 3 M&Ms and poop would be 5 M&Ms. Eventually he stopped asking for the M&Ms and just went potty (after a few months). It's been over 6 mnths now and we don't give candy anymore unless he asks for it which is rare.

Although I will say we've ran into regression here and there which we did reintroduce the M&Ms but that only took about 2-3days and we were back on track.

Also we only gave M&M when it was potty related never just as a treat. We wanted him to associate it with the potty.

Good Luck!

ETA: I see DS was born 3/11/ youngest was born 3/9/10. I have not started training with him though. I started introducing potty training to my oldest when he was 15mnths by sitting him on the potty (not expecting much), watching Elmo potty time & reading potty books. Once he was 2yrs in December I went cold turkey and never turned back. I am going to start introducing my youngest to it now and come March I will go cold turkey with him too.

Message edited 6/16/2011 8:15:09 AM.

Posted 6/16/11 8:10 AM


Member since 7/09

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Re: humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

Posted by Tina1117

It worked for me Chat Icon

We started DS at 2yrs and every time he would go pee on the potty we'd give him 3 M&Ms and poop would be 5 M&Ms. Eventually he stopped asking for the M&Ms and just went potty (after a few months). It's been over 6 mnths now and we don't give candy anymore unless he asks for it which is rare.

Although I will say we've ran into regression here and there which we did reintroduce the M&Ms but that only took about 2-3days and we were back on track.

Also we only gave M&M when it was potty related never just as a treat. We wanted him to associate it with the potty.

Good Luck!

ETA: I see DS was born 3/11/ youngest was born 3/9/10. I have not started training with him though. I started introducing potty training to my oldest when he was 15mnths by sitting him on the potty (not expecting much), watching Elmo potty time & reading potty books. Once he was 2yrs in December I went cold turkey and never turned back. I am going to start introducing my youngest to it now and come March I will go cold turkey with him too.

Thanks for your input!

He's only 15m, which is exactly why I'm confused ped would recommend this method. I know he recommend it because DS had a bad diaper rash caused by none other, than being a big tall boy. I often think my ped forgets that he's only the age he is, because he looks much bigger.

Posted 6/16/11 2:20 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

IT WILL WORK.... My son, ever night at dinner when its time to eat his veges, has to go to the bathroom!!!!

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Message edited 6/16/2011 2:37:31 PM.

Posted 6/16/11 2:34 PM


Member since 7/09

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Re: humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

Can anyone just give me the dialogue/scenario? I don't see it working, maybe because of the way it plays out in my head.

"Noah, sit on the potty and I will give you special candy"

He sits, I give him candy, he stands up and runs around.

Posted 6/16/11 2:45 PM

love my 2 boys

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Re: humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

I assumed that you give the candy after they pee on the potty.

Posted 6/16/11 2:46 PM


Member since 7/09

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Re: humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

Posted by Linda1003

I assumed that you give the candy after they pee on the potty.

okay but what if they don't want to sit on it, what if they pee right next to it Chat Icon Chat Icon

I hate this, these are the times I wish he was in daycare so someone else could train him. Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/11 2:48 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

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Re: humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

Posted by mommyIam

Posted by Linda1003

I assumed that you give the candy after they pee on the potty.

okay but what if they don't want to sit on it, what if they pee right next to it Chat Icon Chat Icon

I hate this, these are the times I wish he was in daycare so someone else could train him. Chat Icon

The daycare in my building has an awesome little bathroom with tiny toilets and they do a great job of potty training and even send home information to the parents -- I always tell my mom I am going to put DD in so that she learns, and then I will take her out when she is done! Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/11 2:49 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

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Re: humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

Posted by BaroqueMama

My daughter was always way too smart for that method. She didn't give a rat's batootie about the candy.

AJ's the same.. we are trying to potty train her now (by we I mean my aunt) and seriously could care LESS no sticker, candy, food, promises, games or singing will get her to sit on that pot if she doesn't want to.

That said.. I think my kiddo is finally getting the hang of it. haha

Posted 6/16/11 2:51 PM

love my 2 boys

Member since 8/08

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Re: humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

He's really young though.. so I wouldn't push it and stress over it now.Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/11 2:52 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

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Re: humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

Posted by Linda1003

He's really young though.. so I wouldn't push it and stress over it now.Chat Icon

Exactly. I am ignoring the fact that my 20 month old told me he had to pee twice the other day (and did on the toilet) because I think he's still wayyy too young Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/11 4:27 PM


Member since 7/09

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Re: humor me, this potty trianing method my ped recommended

Posted by Diana1215

Posted by Linda1003

He's really young though.. so I wouldn't push it and stress over it now.Chat Icon

Exactly. I am ignoring the fact that my 20 month old told me he had to pee twice the other day (and did on the toilet) because I think he's still wayyy too young Chat Icon

I agree, and trust me I want him in diapers, this potty training stuff is such a headache. I'll let him play around with the idea, pee on the potty as a novelty, but the actual training, I just don't want to do it.

DH has been telling me to do it, my MIL, and mom both say its time. My FIL had to step in too, and say something a long the lines of I'm traumatizing him in these horrible American diapers.

my ped was sort of the last straw,he said, DS is physically and psychologically ready based on things he's doing, and kind of gave me a push to try it. He said its much easier earlier on than later, and if you have a child that is physically capable of waiting to pee and then peeing on demand, than you should do it earlier.

IMO, I didn't like how it went today, DS was giving me all signals to pee and poop and doing it near the potty but never in it. And refused to sit on it, unless I bribed him. I keep thinking maybe the potty isn't comfy.

Tomorrow, We are going back to diapers and handing him to my Mom,MIL, and FIL, and saying "here, you think he can do it, you train him"

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Posted 6/16/11 8:47 PM
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