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Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

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i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

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Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

This is what happened.
I ran the Kings Park 15k race on Sat 3/13. For those that don't know of this race, it is a very challenging HILLY course. I've been training for the LI half marathon so I was up to 7 miles about 2 weeks before this race. Then we all had the stomach virus so I barely ran the week before. I went into the race just hoping to finish. I ended up running pretty fast (for me) and finished in 1:26:21 which is a 9:16 pace. (I usually run around 8:45 pace 5k). After the race I felt great overall. A few hours later I started feeling pain in my right ankle, right knee, and severe in my right hip joint. I iced, took advil, and the next morning was fine. I opted not to run and went for a long slow walk instead. Still fine. MOnday came and I worked all day so no exercise, and I still felt fine. Tuesday I went for a 3.25 mile run around my neighborhood. I was running slow about 10 min/mile pace. At about 2 miles in I got a bad pain in my knee. I still had 1.25 miles to make it home so I ran it slow. My knee was kiling me. I couldn't walk at all, could barely make it up the stairs, could NOT go down stairs. Iced and advil. Wednesday was work. I woke up still in pain. drugged up on advil and went to work. Couldn't find a knee brace so I ended up grabbing a baby blanket from my car and tying it around my knee which provided some relief (I am on my feet all day). I made it through the day. Thursday still in pain slightly better. Friday much better. Sat, Sun, Mon... No pain at all. Tuesday comes back around so now its a full week I did no activity. Decided to go for it on the treadmill so I wouldnt get stranded like the week before, I made it 7 minutes of a slow job before the pain set in. I walked for 5 mins and couldn't even walk. Wednesday (yesterday) I felt fine. I bought a knee brace. Today I tried running with it. I made it 17 minutes on the treadmill. Then felt slight knee pain. Kept going to 23 minutes then SEVERE hip pain, like I felt after the race on 3/19. Had to stop on the stop. I think my hip hurts because I was favoring the knee. Now I am laying on the couch with ice on my knee and hip.

The knee pain hurts the most going down stairs, when my right leg is the back leg (so a step higher than the left) and as I life that leg to bring it down...OUCH!!!! It hurts within the knee, not on the sides. Any idea what it could be? (Its not patellar tendonitis , I have that in my left knee and its a different pain.)

What should I do? WWYD?
[b]I WANT TO RUN the LI 1/2 MARATHON on 5/1!!! [/b] What should I do for the next few weeks. Should I just rest for a month until the day of the LI 1/2? Should I keep trying to ease into it? Should I see a dr? And the #1 question is, should I attempt the aspire 10k this weekend? I am on the verge of tears right now. I can not be sidelined!

Posted 3/31/11 4:41 PM
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Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

Go to a doctor!! Get it checked out.
Don't worry about the races in the future...there will always be races. But if you ruin your legs, you're in trouble!
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Posted 3/31/11 5:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

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Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

Definitely get it checked out! You don't want to make it any worse! I hope you feel better soon!

Posted 3/31/11 6:05 PM


Member since 6/09

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Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

You sound exactly like me back in January.

I had pain in the same place, mostly walking down stairs (not up). I ended up getting diagnosed as having Runner's Knee and was in physical therapy for 2 months. Have you checked into symptons for ITBS? I think that mostly affects the outside of your knees but its worth looking into as well. I know that can affect your hips since your IT band runs up the side of your leg.

It took me about 2 1/2 months to get back into running.

I really think you should stop running right now (I know how hard it is). PLEASE don't run the 10k. I think my injury is as bad as it was because I pushed it insted of seeing a doctor right away.

If you need a good orthopedist (and physical therapist) I went to one in LEvittown who specizlies in knees and he was excellent.

Please take care of yourself! Chat Icon

ETA: I wanted to run the LI Half SOOO bad as well. I really wanted it to be a PR for me. Before I got hurt I was so close to an 8 minute-8:30 minute mile. I was working so hard to get a sub 2:00 half. It really is depressing. But I kept telling myself that a few weeks off is better than never running again.

Message edited 3/31/2011 6:41:49 PM.

Posted 3/31/11 6:38 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

1820 total posts


Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

Posted by missfabulous

You sound exactly like me back in January.

I had pain in the same place, mostly walking down stairs (not up). I ended up getting diagnosed as having Runner's Knee and was in physical therapy for 2 months. Have you checked into symptons for ITBS? I think that mostly affects the outside of your knees but its worth looking into as well. I know that can affect your hips since your IT band runs up the side of your leg.

It took me about 2 1/2 months to get back into running.

I really think you should stop running right now (I know how hard it is). PLEASE don't run the 10k. I think my injury is as bad as it was because I pushed it insted of seeing a doctor right away.

If you need a good orthopedist (and physical therapist) I went to one in LEvittown who specizlies in knees and he was excellent.

Please take care of yourself! Chat Icon

ETA: I wanted to run the LI Half SOOO bad as well. I really wanted it to be a PR for me. Before I got hurt I was so close to an 8 minute-8:30 minute mile. I was working so hard to get a sub 2:00 half. It really is depressing. But I kept telling myself that a few weeks off is better than never running again.

I have ITBS in both knees and it definite hurts on the outside of both knees and radiates up my thigh and sometimes down into the side of my calf.

Posted 3/31/11 7:24 PM


Member since 6/09

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Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

Posted by LDrinkh20
I have ITBS in both knees and it definite hurts on the outside of both knees and radiates up my thigh and sometimes down into the side of my calf.

I had a feeling I remembered reading ITBS affected the outer knee. I know Runner's Knee affects the inner knee because thats what I have (pretty much feel it directly on the knee cap). I wish we didn't know how these injuries felt!

Posted 3/31/11 7:41 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/09

3672 total posts


Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

Definitely do not run through the pain - I would see a doctor.

I am dealing with injury recovery (hip) and its been so frustrating (over 3 months now), I was supposed to run my first full marathon in April, but I know that there will be more races in my future, as long as I take care of it now.

Posted 3/31/11 9:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/09

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Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

I would definitely not run the 10k...I wouldn't want to make it any worse. I think I would probably get it checked out and rest for another week or two (assuming it is nothing major). I think I would be nervous about resting all month and then attempting the 1/2 after a full month about not running. Again, assuming it is nothing major, I would take off another week or two, and then try to run a bit the 2 weeks leading up to the half. Hope you feel better soon
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Posted 3/31/11 9:19 PM

Growing up fast!

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Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

Well, you can't run thru the pain so you have to have it checked out. I wouldn't plan on running those races at this time. As a PP stated, there will always be other races that you will be ready for after you deal with your injury. Why risk further damage and possibly never running again? I feel for you though; I know you have worked your arse off to get to this point.

Posted 3/31/11 9:30 PM


Member since 6/07

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Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

Since the LI half is a month away, you might be fine by then... so see what happens as far as that race goes... but I wouldn't do the race this weekend, You have to give it time to heal.

Posted 3/31/11 10:48 PM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

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Yeah, I know I should not run this weekend. I just don't want to admit it. I've been looking forward to it for so long because there are not many 10ks and that is a distance I am good at.

I really really want to do the LI 1/2 in May. I will rest the whole summer after that if it means I can do it.Chat Icon

Posted 3/31/11 10:56 PM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

Posted by missfabulous

You sound exactly like me back in January.

I know, I totally thought of you while I was typing this.

Posted 3/31/11 10:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

After reading, I would say go to the doctor. At least then you can get a label on what it might be and then research. I was told 2 weeks before a cow harbor that I had plantar fasciitis and that I should stop running. I evaluated/ researched the injury and ran a (post baby) PR.

I would be nervous about the half without having some concrete knowledge. Don't forget there is the Diva HM on a similar flat course in Oct. Also the first summer series race is 5 miles at flat Heckshire state in June. Shelter Island has a great flat 10K in june too.

Posted 4/1/11 5:50 AM


Member since 6/09

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Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

Posted by julz33

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Yeah, I know I should not run this weekend. I just don't want to admit it. I've been looking forward to it for so long because there are not many 10ks and that is a distance I am good at.

I really really want to do the LI 1/2 in May. I will rest the whole summer after that if it means I can do it.Chat Icon

Even if you need to rest the entire summer (which I doubt because thats a long time)- there's alays the Diva Half in October. I plan on running it. Since I couldn't do the LI Half, I'm just looking forward to that one (its a better race anyway!)

Posted 4/1/11 6:53 AM

Love my babies!

Member since 12/06

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Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

Hi could be a number of things. You have a history of runner's knee, so maybe that got aggravated. Also, if there were downhills in the race, that typically takes a toll on the knees. If it were me....I would go get it checked out. Only because, like you, running is important to me and if it's something that needs to be taken care of, I'd rather catch it sooner than later, even if I get one of those "it's fine just take a day off, ice before and after running, etc". I would not do the 10k. Why push it? As far as the do have time. If you only require 1-2 weeks off, you could ease back. You do not need to do crazy mileage to complete the half - I've done half marathons having only done an 8-miler (not that I recommend that, but I was on a business trip during peak training and something is better than nothing). My point is, if you've done 7 miles, you can take 2 weeks off, and see where you're at - even if you get up to a 9-miler - if you can run 9, you can run 13.1.

I do something called active release (A.R.T.) and have used it to treat hip issues, foot issues, hamstring, you name it. My chiropractor does it and it really helps.

Let us know what you do. I know it sucks, running is awesome, but man, it can take a toll on the body....I got injured one year training for Cow Harbor. I trained on the course with a running club and got injured about a week prior. And honestly, while LI is a great first half to do, it's not the only one and not the best. I'm skipping it this year and doing the Brooklyn Half. As Colleen said, the fall marathons are great. I personally did not care for Diva, but love the Entenmann's in Bay Shore. It usually falls the same weekend as Diva. Only $25, you can sign up that day, flat course, beautiful scenery and free desserts at the end!!

Posted 4/1/11 7:10 AM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

Posted by runlikethewind

My point is, if you've done 7 miles, you can take 2 weeks off, and see where you're at - even if you get up to a 9-miler - if you can run 9, you can run 13.1.

I did 15k on 3/19. I know I can run the 13.1. Is it bad to do nothing for a month and then go out and do 13.1?

Thanks everyone will keep you updated.

Posted 4/1/11 9:07 AM

Love my babies!

Member since 12/06

2941 total posts


Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

Posted by julz33

Posted by runlikethewind

My point is, if you've done 7 miles, you can take 2 weeks off, and see where you're at - even if you get up to a 9-miler - if you can run 9, you can run 13.1.

I did 15k on 3/19. I know I can run the 13.1. Is it bad to do nothing for a month and then go out and do 13.1?

Thanks everyone will keep you updated.

Probably not a great idea. A month is much different than 2 weeks. First, you might not need a month off. If worst case scenario you do, I personally would not. A half is much less intense than a full, but running it after no running for a month might cause more issues. might not need that long off....some injuries might just require less time off. It could be that race, you overdid it....I know it is frustrating, just remember, there will always be races.

Posted 4/1/11 9:49 AM


Member since 6/09

10031 total posts


Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

Posted by julz33

I did 15k on 3/19. I know I can run the 13.1. Is it bad to do nothing for a month and then go out and do 13.1?

Thanks everyone will keep you updated.

I wouldn't risk it. Even if I take 2 weeks off from running I lose so much endurance, I struggle to run. If you're in a race you might end up pushing yourself past your limits. I think it would be too risky.

Posted 4/1/11 9:53 AM


Member since 9/06

4161 total posts


Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

I agree with what everyone else said. DO NOT RUN THE 10K tomorrow. Go see a dr. asap. The faster you get this taken care of the faster it will heal. Pleae don't go and make it worse. I know as well how hard it is to not run. Hopefully you just need a few days off! Good Luck and keep us posted!

Posted 4/1/11 10:09 AM

Family of 4! :o)

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Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

Awww Julie!! Chat Icon I agree with PP and would not risk running this weekend. Get a recommendation for a doctor who specializes in treating athletes, specifically runners. Keep resting and see what the doctor says. I'm so sorry! I hope you're better soon as I know how much you want to do the 1/2 in May. Sending lots of positive vibes!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/1/11 12:16 PM

Back to school

Member since 4/07

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Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

I think you should go to the dr also, just to see what it is for sure and then decide. I think the Kings park15k is harder than the li half. Go see a sports med dr and see what they say.

Posted 4/1/11 8:36 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

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Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

I am still recovering from my ITB problems. I have been to PT and multiple drs. I was training for the Divas half back in october. I was fine up until my 12 mile run. After that, for some reason I was just done. I hate to say it, but I am still not back in the groove and it's been 6 months. I JUST started running again recently and I am only up to 2 miles without pain.

Def see a dr!! Knees are not something you want to mess with.

Posted 4/3/11 9:35 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

Posted by missfabulous

Posted by julz33

I did 15k on 3/19. I know I can run the 13.1. Is it bad to do nothing for a month and then go out and do 13.1?

Thanks everyone will keep you updated.

I wouldn't risk it. Even if I take 2 weeks off from running I lose so much endurance, I struggle to run. If you're in a race you might end up pushing yourself past your limits. I think it would be too risky.

I agree - clearly your body is telling you something is off - listen to it - you may do more damage in the long run if you push it too hard. Go see a doc! Chat Icon

Posted 4/4/11 11:21 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/08

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Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

I would REST asap and do not attempt to run on it again for 2-3 weeks. You injured something and it is not going to get better overnight. Don't do any cardio.

Also #2 - see a doctor right away and find out what is going on.

And #3, continue to rest, Advil, ice, elevate.

I know you dont want to heart his but I would prob back out of the race. OR only other option is to rest until April 23, try a run out 5-6 miles and see how it feels. Then either go for the race and take it easy, take walk breaks as needed, but know you may injure it further if doing so. But I want you to def find out what is going on.

I know it is so hard to hear all of the above...esp after starting your training and having your heart set on a goal. I have DEFINITELY been there. I did the NYC marathon after taking off for 2 months with an IT band injury. Everyone told me to throw the race and just move on. Instead I tortured myself through 26.2 miles of pain, not only in my knee, but my whole body bc I was so severly undertrained. I really did not enjoy the race but at least I finished and in a decent time.

Posted 4/4/11 11:58 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/08

526 total posts


Re: Runners - help, Injury related (loooong story)

Posted by julz33

Posted by runlikethewind

My point is, if you've done 7 miles, you can take 2 weeks off, and see where you're at - even if you get up to a 9-miler - if you can run 9, you can run 13.1.

I did 15k on 3/19. I know I can run the 13.1. Is it bad to do nothing for a month and then go out and do 13.1?

Thanks everyone will keep you updated.

PS - I am sure you can still do the half marathon - but I am just worried about the knee pain.

I just did a half marathon after no running and zero activity for 4 weeks. My furthest runs were 4 miles and 7 miles one time - then I took off completely. I was able to do 3 runs before the race, 4, 10, 6 and then the 1/2 marathon. I did not have an injury though. My endurance felt ok, I just took it easy and did not attempt to go for a good time.

Posted 4/4/11 12:04 PM
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