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I don't think we have done this in awhile

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Happy Autumn<3

Member since 12/10

1328 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Christina ; 24 ; Currently looking
DH: Joseph ; 25 ; NYPD
Married: February 20th, 2011<3
Is this your first LO: Yes it is!
EDD: July 24th, 2011 ; Currently 18 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
Negatives: Nausea, Morning sickness (which last all day & all night), headaches, round ligament pain, and the list goes on..
Positives: After the doctor telling me I wouldn't be able to get pregnant, I proved her wrong & concieved a miracle baby! Chat Icon

Posted 2/25/11 12:15 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Thank You St. Gerard.....

Member since 12/09

8306 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Kerri, 30, was a Sr. Trainer... now laid off and will be a SAHM
DH: John, 29, Sanitation Worker
Married: November 2009
Is this your first LO: YES!!
EDD: July 3, 2011
Currently: almost 22 weeks pregnant!!!
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
Being pregnant is my positive!!! After having a mc right before the 2nd tri and then TTC for what seemed like forever... I'm just too elated to be pregnant!! I can't wait to meet this little girl!!!

Posted 2/25/11 12:38 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 12/10

217 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Kimberly 29; Academic Advisor at a Community College
DH: James 31; NYPD
Married: October 3, 2010
Is this your first LO: Yes
EDD: July 1st
Currently 22 Weeks
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
Even with the nausea and backaches the entire experience has been positiveChat Icon

Posted 2/25/11 7:22 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/10

1064 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Windy 31; High School English teacher
DH: James; 32 Works for Dept. of Sanitation
Married: July 17th 2010
Is this your first LO: yes!
EDD: 4/28/11
Currently 31 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
I love my baby so much already and cant wait to have him here with me but... I dont like being pregnant. Ive been sick and tired and achy. And I hate getting fat. But... it will be worth it when I have baby James here in my arms. Chat Icon

Posted 2/25/11 7:40 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: teacher 37
DH: systems engineer 37
Married: 2002
Is this your first LO: no...2 boys will be 4&6 @ birth
EDD: 9/2/11- DHs bday...but I'll have cs 1-3 weeks before due to older kids size - depending on growth sonos
Currently 13 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
I'll answer when ms ends

Posted 2/25/11 7:50 AM

My Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 2/09

2831 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Jackie, 29. i'm a data integrity analyst...translation...i work the back end of a computer system used in dealerships for car leases and finances for ADP
DH: John, 33. he is the inventory control manager for a super large LI based company that makes and packages OTC generic drugs
Married: February 2010. Just celebrated our 1 year on Sunday
Is this your first LO: yes for me but DH has 2 sons already (5 and 7)
EDD: 6/30/11
Currently 22 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
so far my pregnancy has been a breeze. i've had little things like some interupted sleep and a short bout with nausea but i dont all comes along with the package and i feel blessed to be where i am.

Message edited 2/25/2011 8:23:03 AM.

Posted 2/25/11 8:22 AM

We are so in Love with you!!!

Member since 10/09

2470 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Jennifer 36; Retail Manager
DH: Aaron 35; Shipping Manager
Married: October 2009
Is this your first LO: yes!
EDD: 4.2.11
Currently 35 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
I love that we have created another person. I can't wait to meet and hold him. And for the most part I have had an easy uneventful pregnancy. But I hate being pregnant. I hate how my body has changed and how I can't sleep.

Posted 2/25/11 8:36 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 10/10

4 total posts



Me: Amy 34 sales Rep at NBty
Joesph Manager at Newsday
Married: April 16, 2006
Is this your first LO: No. DD will be 4 in March
EDD: May 10, 2011 (29 weeks)
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
Negatives: GestationalDiabetes and Kidney Stones
Positives: a totally different pregnancy from DD. I can actually enjooy being Pregant

Posted 2/25/11 8:37 AM

My life is complete!

Member since 1/07

2494 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Kim-32-
DH: jimmy-36
Married: October 2002
Is this your first LO: YES!!!
EDD: 10/26/2011
Currently 6 weeks pregnant
Negatives: Hospitalized w/ OHSS and Kidney Stones
Positives: Everything about being pregnant.

Posted 2/25/11 8:48 AM

loving my babies!

Member since 4/08

4594 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Jen 33 SAHM
DH: Kevin 33 construction
Married: Nov 2007
Is this your first LO: no DD is 20 months
EDD: 7/25/11
Currently 19 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
so happy to be pregnant but hate the nausea, tiredness and currently have an awful cold I am suffering through because I cant take the good stuff for it! aka nyquil!

Posted 2/25/11 9:03 AM

Very much in love!

Member since 6/10

2864 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Angela, 28 - middle school ELA teacher
DH: Mike, 30 - IT department manager
Married: October 31st, 2009
Is this your first LO: yes
Currently 39 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
I love feeling the baby move and have loved being pregnant but at this point, I just want her out!

Posted 2/25/11 9:06 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

1651 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Jamie 28
DH: Anthony 35
Married: June 20, 2009
EDD: Sept 1st
First? Yes
Currently: 13
Positives/Negatives: I didn't have any morning sickness. I do have back pain and I get really tired. Also I have become really sensitive to dairy. I can have milk with cereal but anything else seems to bother me.

Message edited 2/25/2011 9:16:12 AM.

Posted 2/25/11 9:15 AM

Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07

6815 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Christine, 36
DH: Dominic, 36
Married: June 16, 2006
Is this your first LO: No, DS will be 4 in April and I have two step-sons, 14 and 11
EDD: August 12, 2011
Currently: 16 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy: I am feeling great! I can't complain at all... Chat Icon

It's a BOY!! Chat Icon

Posted 2/25/11 9:59 AM


Member since 6/10

1592 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Bonnie-eye tech
DH: Anthony-cop
Married: 11/25/09
Is this your first LO: No, DD will be 12 in a month, and DS is 7m
EDD: October 22, 2011
Currently: 6 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy: GD and this will be my last, which is bittersweet.

Message edited 2/25/2011 5:01:54 PM.

Posted 2/25/11 11:14 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/11

71 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Chat Icon Danielle
Chat Icon Pat
Married: 10/31/09
Is this your first LO: yes! quite a surprise too!
EDD: 9/12/11
Currently: 11 weeks- will be 12 weeks on MONDAY! Sonogram on Wednesday!
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy: Negatives: Feeling sick all the time- when I'm hungry, after I eat... Just nauseous 24-7. And CONSTIPATION! (Sorry, TMI). Also the fact that we haven't told anyone except my parents and sometimes I feel trapped and I hate lying to my friends. Positives: So excited to start a family of my own!

Posted 2/25/11 11:27 AM

My boys :-)

Member since 3/09

6659 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Kathy, 35 - Marketing Manager
DH: Chris, 36 - Teacher
Married: December 27, 2008
Is this your first LO: No, we have a 10 mos old DS Chat Icon
EDD:10/11/11, having a repeat c-section, not sure of the date yet
Currently 7w5d pregnant (still early)
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
Always hungry so far whereas in my last pregnancy I was never hungry at this stage. Let's see what else is the same or different this time around.

Posted 2/25/11 11:30 AM

Little drummer boy

Member since 5/05

2377 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Sarah, 30, teacher
DH: David, 30, software developer
Married: April 2006
Is this your first LO: nope. Jacob will be 2.5 when Chat Icon arrives
EDD: 4.8.11 on our 5th wedding anniversary
Currently 34 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
I hate being pregnant. I love the baby kicks, but hate the heartburn, insomnia, restless legs, exhaustion, weight gain and the weight I'll need to lose once the baby is born. This is definitely going to be our last child.

Posted 2/25/11 11:36 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/09

126 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Valerie, 30, Attorney
DH: Mark, 30, Business Analyst
Married: June 2007
Is this your first LO: Yes
EDD: 4.27.11
Currently 31 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
I love being pregnant. It is such a miracle. Granted, sleeping is rough nothing beats those little kicks and punches :)

Posted 2/25/11 12:17 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/10

280 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Diana 29, special ed. teacher
DH: Giovanni, 28, physical therapist
Married: July 2009
Is this your first LO: yes!
EDD: 7-21
Currently 19 weeks
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
I love the baby bump and feeling the baby move. Don't like headaches and thinking I have to pee every 2 minutes

Posted 2/25/11 12:20 PM

Goals w/o plans r just wishes

Member since 6/09

2585 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Cassandra, 26
DH: Rocky, 30
Married: December 2008
Is this your first LO: YESSS!
EDD: February 28, 2011
Currently 39w4d pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
This pregnancy has been very pleasant. I love feeling Chat Icon move around in my belly. Only real negative is that at only 2 days away from my Due Date I am STILL pregnant. I wish she'd come already - makes me feel very out of control and I hate that feeling

Posted 2/25/11 12:47 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/08

569 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Danielle 33
DH: Josh 31
Married: January 2008
Is this your first LO: yes
EDD: 10/15/11
Currently 7 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
+ We are beyond excited and I already love this little cupcakeChat Icon
-- Aside from the ever-present nausea, my anxiety is through the roof and I'm just hoping and praying that everything is ok and the LO is okChat Icon

Posted 2/25/11 1:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/10

996 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Holly; lawyer for an insurnace company
DH: John;Works for an environmental company as a driller
Married: July '07
Is this your first LO: no we have DS 18 months
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
Last pregnancy was easy, no morning sickness, I felt great! This time around, having issues with spotting and I'm exhausted. Going to the doctor on Monday.

Posted 2/25/11 1:45 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 2/11

12 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: will tell soon - 35
DH: will tell soon - 30
Married: September 09
Is this your first LO: No! This is our second, DC is a little over 1
EDD: 10/27/11
Currently 5w 1d weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
Positives - Sooo excited to be joining the 2 under 2 club!
Negatives - none so far, but expecting the nausea anytime

**If somehow you figured me out, you can FM me, but please don't post here and nothing on fb please**

Posted 2/25/11 1:51 PM

We are so blessed!!

Member since 1/07

1951 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Stacey, 32, Clerical
DH: Danny, 33, Manager
Married: Novemeber 25, 2006
Is this your first LO: Yes
EDD: May 22, 2011
Currently: 27w5d pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy: I LOVE BEING PREGNANT!!! Although I can't wait to see LO and hold & kiss him or her, I am enjoying being pregnant so much!!

Posted 2/25/11 2:13 PM

Square head cutie pants

Member since 3/06

6899 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: 38, producer at an ad agency
DH: 32, graphic designer
Married: October 30, 2005
Is this your first LO: Yes
EDD: 9/23/11
Currently: 9 wks
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy: HATE being tired all the time. Other than that.. nervous about the whole thing, nervous about the future, but also incredibly excited! Still in the 'its not real' phase Chat Icon Chat Icon (probably because we've only told a few people so far so we're not 'out' yet)

Posted 2/25/11 2:38 PM
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