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What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

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My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05

11122 total posts


What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

fill you in real quick my husband and I have been out our location for about 3 years and we really like were we are and everything is great with the landlord until he decided to rent the 2nd floor we are on the main part of the house to a family of whitetrash!! I'm so annoyed and we really don't want to move and we keep calling the landlord and he keeps telling us that if we leave he will get them out because he doesn't want to lose us and we are the best tenants!! Chat Icon
I just don't know how to reason with these people!! Just had to vent any suggestions would be great!!! Keep in mind also that my husband will be out of work in Sept. for student teaching so we will be on one salary for 6months so moving to another place would proably be allot more then now!!


Posted 6/12/06 1:49 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Fall Is Here

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Re: What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

well what is it about that that annoys you? Is there any way you can address the issues with them?

Posted 6/12/06 1:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3353 total posts


Re: What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??


I know a lot about this. We are in the reverse situation as far as the set up but still we have been there. So many winners living downstairs. I have spent sleepless nights due to parties, phone converstions, walking, music, the door slamming. It is so hard. If yu chose to speak to them just remember you are all living there and people are spiteful. Try to say "we all" live here and things like that. The last thing you want to do is cause a spite game. Good luck

Posted 6/12/06 1:56 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/06

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Re: What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

If it is really that intolerable, have your landlord say something to them, but I would recommend having a legitimate list of complaints other than the fact that they are "white trash".

Posted 6/12/06 1:56 PM

Twin mommy

Member since 5/05

15857 total posts


Re: What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

This is very weird.....I could have written this post myself! The landlord said the same thing to us! They wont leave despite threats. He said if we leave he will physically throw them out because he loves us as tenants.

I can tell you we have gotten into serious fights with these people. So much so that I screamed in the wifes face and she is afraid of me so that seems to work for us although I dont suggest that.

I would talk with the landlord re what exactly is bothering you about them and then he can talk to them. If it persists they might have to leave. In our case, they dont leave the house EVER and they move furniture, vacuum all hours of the day, and drop things on purpose to annoy us. When we play music, they play theirs louder. When we have people over, they bang on their floor. Its overall a horrible environment but our rent is cheap for what we get so why should we have to leave?

Hopefully your situation will fix itself - good luck!

Oh I wanted to add that they slam the doors so hard pictures fall off my walls!!!!

Message edited 6/12/2006 1:58:36 PM.

Posted 6/12/06 1:58 PM


Member since 6/05

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Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

I lived in a place that had it both upstairs and was miserable. We asked the so-called "landlord" to address the problems, but to him he didn't live there so he really didn't care. Needless to say...we moved.

Posted 6/12/06 1:58 PM


Member since 5/05

10278 total posts


Re: What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

I'd ask the landlord when their lease is up, and if he plans to allow them to renew it.

Posted 6/12/06 2:00 PM

My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05

11122 total posts


Re: What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

Posted by Pumpkin


I know a lot about this. We are in the reverse situation as far as the set up but still we have been there. So many winners living downstairs. I have spent sleepless nights due to parties, phone converstions, walking, music, the door slamming. It is so hard. If yu chose to speak to them just remember you are all living there and people are spiteful. Try to say "we all" live here and things like that. The last thing you want to do is cause a spite game. Good luck

I agree that is some of the problem mind you they have only been there for 3 weeks!! Yup your read it correct 3 week!!Chat Icon

I thought the other night I would of called the cops because he was YELLING at her at 2am-until 3:30am they were drunk of course and he was throwing things!! Now we set up in the back yard which my bedroom window faces a volleyball net and a patio set and moved my Bar-b-Que over to our section of the house in front of my door!! ***Chat Icon
So ******

Posted 6/12/06 2:03 PM

My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05

11122 total posts


Re: What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

Posted by missus-hbradio

This is very weird.....I could have written this post myself! The landlord said the same thing to us! They wont leave despite threats. He said if we leave he will physically throw them out because he loves us as tenants.

I can tell you we have gotten into serious fights with these people. So much so that I screamed in the wifes face and she is afraid of me so that seems to work for us although I dont suggest that.

I would talk with the landlord re what exactly is bothering you about them and then he can talk to them. If it persists they might have to leave. In our case, they dont leave the house EVER and they move furniture, vacuum all hours of the day, and drop things on purpose to annoy us. When we play music, they play theirs louder. When we have people over, they bang on their floor. Its overall a horrible environment but our rent is cheap for what we get so why should we have to leave?

Hopefully your situation will fix itself - good luck!

Oh I wanted to add that they slam the doors so hard pictures fall off my walls!!!!

OMG you are my twin not to the point that they do something because we did just the balls that you have only been there for 3 weeks and ur turning my life upside down!!

I have seen and spoken to my landlord more in the past 3 weeks then I have in 3 years!!! Crazy!! I know he is scared because he keeps calling everyday to see how things went!! But I need to get these people out of here!! Any suggestions would be great!!

Posted 6/12/06 2:05 PM

My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05

11122 total posts


Re: What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

thanks for the responses everyone I can finally vent over this!!! I'm glad I have a support staff here!!! Thanks again


Posted 6/12/06 2:06 PM

My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05

11122 total posts


Re: What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

Posted by baghag

I'd ask the landlord when their lease is up, and if he plans to allow them to renew it.

They just signed a YEAR lease 3 weeks ago!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/12/06 2:06 PM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

13118 total posts


Re: What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

Posted by NoStressBride

Posted by baghag

I'd ask the landlord when their lease is up, and if he plans to allow them to renew it.

They just signed a YEAR lease 3 weeks ago!! Chat Icon

Even if they signed a lease, the lease can be voided if the tenants violate provisions of the lease. I assume the lease has a provision about noise. If you really want them out, I'd complain to the landlord (and put it in writing) every time they are very noisy. If you don't want to talk to the tenants about the noise, have your landlord do it. That way, you and the landlord have proof that the tenants are disturbing you, they have been warned, and they haven't changed their behavior. This should make it easier to kick them out. Good luck. Chat Icon

Posted 6/13/06 7:50 AM

My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05

11122 total posts


Re: What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

Posted by MrsS2005

Posted by NoStressBride

Posted by baghag

I'd ask the landlord when their lease is up, and if he plans to allow them to renew it.

They just signed a YEAR lease 3 weeks ago!! Chat Icon

Even if they signed a lease, the lease can be voided if the tenants violate provisions of the lease. I assume the lease has a provision about noise. If you really want them out, I'd complain to the landlord (and put it in writing) every time they are very noisy. If you don't want to talk to the tenants about the noise, have your landlord do it. That way, you and the landlord have proof that the tenants are disturbing you, they have been warned, and they haven't changed their behavior. This should make it easier to kick them out. Good luck. Chat Icon

That is what I am going to do!! Thanks for the suggestion!! Last night was pretty good! So keep our fingers crossed I know it won't be long until they F up again!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/13/06 9:09 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

1722 total posts


Re: What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

Posted by NoStressBride

Posted by MrsS2005

Posted by NoStressBride

Posted by baghag

I'd ask the landlord when their lease is up, and if he plans to allow them to renew it.

They just signed a YEAR lease 3 weeks ago!! Chat Icon

Even if they signed a lease, the lease can be voided if the tenants violate provisions of the lease. I assume the lease has a provision about noise. If you really want them out, I'd complain to the landlord (and put it in writing) every time they are very noisy. If you don't want to talk to the tenants about the noise, have your landlord do it. That way, you and the landlord have proof that the tenants are disturbing you, they have been warned, and they haven't changed their behavior. This should make it easier to kick them out. Good luck. Chat Icon

That is what I am going to do!! Thanks for the suggestion!! Last night was pretty good! So keep our fingers crossed I know it won't be long until they F up again!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Plus if he is yelling at her and throwing things I would call the cops about a domestic dispute and let them sort it out. If you keep calling the cops I am sure they will eventually move, plus you can just say you are a neighbor and not the downstairs tenants.

Posted 6/13/06 9:29 AM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

Move and tell your lanlord why you felt forced to leave a place you otherwise loved.

Posted 6/13/06 9:32 AM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

Honestly, I have to say you might need to move. We had a situation like yours and once we told our landlord and she tried to handle it...we only had retaliation which became worse. Never in my life have I had to deal with cops and this time I did. I finally said enoughs enough and we left and Boy it was a relief! Now we only look for apts where the landlord is present. The grounds are also kept nice in these cases.

Posted 6/13/06 9:39 AM

2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05

15287 total posts


Re: What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

Why do you have to be willing to move in order for the landlord to do something to keep his best tenants? (Bosses do that too - throw money at you when you find a new job).

I would speak to the landlord again and tell him that your quality of life is being compromised by his tenants and to find a way to get them to comply with the lease - there must be something in there about noise at unreasonable hours. Unfortunately, you need to get to a "place" where you are willing to move in case this doesn't happen.

Posted 6/13/06 9:47 AM

My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05

11122 total posts


Re: What would you do if you had whitetrash living upstairs from you??

Posted by Christine

Why do you have to be willing to move in order for the landlord to do something to keep his best tenants? (Bosses do that too - throw money at you when you find a new job).

I would speak to the landlord again and tell him that your quality of life is being compromised by his tenants and to find a way to get them to comply with the lease - there must be something in there about noise at unreasonable hours. Unfortunately, you need to get to a "place" where you are willing to move in case this doesn't happen.

Christine I agree with you 100% I do have a back up if I need to but I don't want to touch it just yet. We will see what happens. Next time the landlord calls I will have this conversation with him. Thanks again ladies!!

Denise The frustrated tenant downstairs!!

Posted 6/13/06 10:24 AM

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