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what do/did u say when u get the omg twins comment..

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Member since 12/09

27635 total posts


what do/did u say when u get the omg twins comment..

dh and i were in the supermarket when i say my old boss who is also a family friend of my dad for like 40 yrs

he says hi and says i hear u were pregnant congrats etc..then i say yea it is twins! he goes omg that is wonderful etc

he gets his girlfriend(who i never met before) and says oh honey she is having twins...

she rolls her eyes,smiles and goes oh boy good luck with that!

i got infuriated..idk why it bothered me so much...lady i did not ask u to watch them..

way to go cpt.obvious..we thought it would be a piece of cake

i really wanted to snap back but held time i cannot make any promisesChat Icon

sorry just had to get that out

Posted 7/7/12 12:21 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10

9170 total posts


Re: what do/did u say when u get the omg twins comment..

When I was pregnant I would always say "were so excited" regardless if they said something good or bad.

Now if someone says something negative I say "were so lucky"

People are idiots and will continue to say dumb things! Hang in there

Posted 7/7/12 7:31 AM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

20369 total posts

Jesss, duh.

Re: what do/did u say when u get the omg twins comment..

For some reason those comments don't even really bother me. Most times they see my twins and then DS and say "wow, boy do you have your hands full" and I say "definitely full of love" and we laugh it off together and move on.

Posted 7/7/12 8:46 AM


Member since 7/10

8027 total posts


Re: what do/did u say when u get the omg twins comment..

people have said to me things like omg youre fukked or wtf are you going to do and we just laugh and say yeah we are fukked but we're lucky! It doesnt really bother me though, ppl and their dumb opinions can suck it.
Or you can tell them theyre number 1 on your babysitting list and wacth their eyes bug out lol

Posted 7/7/12 9:05 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/10

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Re: what do/did u say when u get the omg twins comment..

The comments range so much. I think I've gotten used to it most days.

One day an older woman told me I was blessed which is the best comment to get. But then went ahead to tell me her daughter married a twin and was basically glad she wasn't the one who had them ! Chat Icon

How often does this happen to you all? People will see a stroller and most people love babies so they say "ooh, a baby..." then see 2 and go "TWINS?!?" "Look, twins!" to whoever they are with !! I even get that from young children.

I love the people who ask me if my Chat Icon Chat Icon twins are identical. Now I tell them, no, they have different elbows!

All in all, my catchphrase has become "everyday is a play date" Chat Icon

Posted 7/7/12 11:04 AM


Member since 11/10

2334 total posts


Re: what do/did u say when u get the omg twins comment..

I tell them it's all good because I have no clue what having just one is like so it won't be such a huge problem to have 2. And then I can call all my singleton moms wusses when they complain about their one baby. And I also have lot of twin mommy friends so I have a great support and advice system. People usually shut it when they see I'm very confident that I'll handle it just fine. You're a mom. You do what you have to do.

Posted 7/7/12 8:35 PM

OMG! My boys are 2!

Member since 11/10

1451 total posts


Re: what do/did u say when u get the omg twins comment..

I don't have twins, but triplets and the comments range so much, but mostly people laugh, like is funny (which is what really sets us off) we just give them a bad look and just keep walking.

The other day a lady said to me " I would hate to have triplets" and that really got to me (I guess I was having a bad day) and I said..."well, thank God he chose me to have them and not you right?" She got really upset.

For the most part, DH and I don't make eye contact with people and keep walking. Now, if we get a good comment, we make it a point to stop and say "thank you" to that person.

My most hated aspect, is when people feel entitled to take pics...OMG!!! really!!!

Good luck!

Posted 7/8/12 7:35 AM

Yes it is! Going as planned:)

Member since 6/07

5339 total posts


what do/did u say when u get the omg twins comment..

UGH! I can't stand all the comments from people! We got all sorts of comments when walking around the stores. People staring, talking about us like 2 feet away. Usually we ignore it. We were at a BBQ last year and DH was outside with his buddies and i was inside with the wives and had the twins in the bumbo feeding them. This one woman, who has 1 DC looked and said, "god, that looks like a lot of work! Who would want to do that?" All the wives shot her a look and then looked at me. I turned to her and said "actually it's a lot of fun. I wouldn't have it any other way"! Now the comments i get when people see me out with the twins and pregnant! I get "boy, you're looking for trouble aren't you" or "twins? and you're having another? Are you crazy". It's like a freak show or something. Usually i ignore it and keep walking. But if i am having a really bad hormonal day, I have gone off on people before".

Posted 7/8/12 8:59 PM

Love my twins!!!

Member since 6/10

5183 total posts


Re: what do/did u say when u get the omg twins comment..

people are annoying. I get so irritated with the stupid comments. There are so many twins now a days that I don't understand why people still act like it's such a freak occurance when someone has twins.

Posted 7/9/12 2:38 PM

Big Brothers to Be !

Member since 2/10

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Re: what do/did u say when u get the omg twins comment..

I remember when I was pregnant and telling people, "im pregnant" everyone was soooo happy, then, "its twins", i swear to god their faces filled with fear and pity and you would think i just told them i had cancer. DH and I were overjoyed the entire pregnancy, never once did we feel anything but grateful. and that is the only thing that matters. I still get the pity looks when i walk by sometimes, but *I* thank God for these lil people several times a day so all the comments do not bother me at all!!!

cept, when one lady persisted in telling me that my kids look nothing like me, over and over AND OVER and i looked like the nanny!!!

Don't let anyone get you down. twins are the greatest blessing. the first time you hear them laughing together, i promise you it is like nothing else.

Posted 7/9/12 8:41 PM

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