I have a monitor that is used but works fine. It got me pregnant 4 times ( 2 mc's) and now that i am 24 weeks with number 2 and we are done after this oneso i would like to get rid of it.
The only thing is it was used when i got it but heres the thing, my friend who gave it to me said when i am dine with it she doesnt want it back ( she is done with kids0 she said just pass it on to someone else who needs it.

I was going to try to sell it on ebay but i deicided i dont care about the money and i would rataher do what the origional owner wnted me to do and give it away. So anyone who wants it fm me. First come first serve.

also i MAY have some teststiks to go with it.

Theonly thing i ask you to pay for is shipping.