Ryan is a LATE potty trainer, he is 4, but we finally just went cold turkey with underwear and did not look back. Within a few days he is totally trained with pee. But, poop is another story.

He pooped in his pants last week, but hasn't really gone since Friday (which is off because he goes everyday at the same time like clockwork), and was crying at dinner yesterday about having to go for about an hour. He went a little bit and then kept complaining and would have a little in his underwear about 3 separate times, almost like he was trying to hold it in, but some escaped. Chat Icon It was not hard or anything, so I know he is not constipated. I think he is just really weary of pooping on the potty which is why he is holding back.

So, how long did it take to poop train once pee was mastered, and has anyone dealt with this holding it in thing? How do you get them to stop that?