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LIF Toddler

Member since 2/11 454 total posts
Name: L
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
I had my NT scan today - the sono tech and dr said everything is looking great!! Fingers crossed that the blood work comes back just the same. I can't believe I'm approaching the end if the first tri... still hasn't quite sunk in for me yet!
As for how I'm feeling, some days I feel pretty normal and others I don't feel like myself at all. this past Saturday DH and I were cracking up because I felt like I was an actual mental patient. it's this weird out of body, pms-y times a million feeling where I'm like, who am I?! and what the heck is going on?! lol. I'm looking forward to feeling a little more like myself soon!
Posted 5/14/13 9:51 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
My two boys

Member since 12/08 3541 total posts
Name: Angela
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
I'm a November mommy again!!!!! (We were also married in Novemer.... what can i say, we like November!) This time around im due Nov 30
Posted 5/16/13 1:08 PM |
love my little emmy monster

Member since 8/09 1473 total posts
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
congrats!!! welcome!
my NT was on 5/2...not call back yet from the dr so I'm assuming everything was fine. I called and left a message so I'm just waiting to hear back and get confirmation.
6 weeks until the anatomy scan...which seems so far away!!!! since this is our second I'm impatient and want to find out if we need to take the clothes from the attic or get new ones!
ETA: spoke to someone in the office...everything is fine. yay! I have my 16w apt next week. I don't think I get a sono.
Message edited 5/20/2013 10:48:23 AM.
Posted 5/17/13 2:15 PM |
******Official November 2013 Mommies****
My doctor's office told me they wouldn't call unless something was wrong so I take it as a good sign!! I had to take the glucose tolerance test early (around 12w) because DS#1 was a big baby (didn't have GD though) and they didn't call with the results because it ended up I passed.
Posted 5/17/13 2:29 PM |
Isla Grace born on 11/15/13 <3

Member since 6/12 1021 total posts
Name: Alyssa
******Official November 2013 Mommies****
Sorry I am just seeing the new posts now! new girls have been added- congrats and welcome ladies!!!
I have really only started feeling better this week and I will be 16 weeks tomorrow. But some foods still do not react well with me. I had a sandwich last night with shrimp and chipotle sauce that was really spicy- I felt awful after... but it only lasted an hour or so. I am not feeling a "burst of energy" much haha. I'm still tired all the time.
I have a 16-week appointment on Wed. I don't think I'm getting an ultrasound though. I am going to ask for one but if they can't they can't. My doctors office does appointments every 4 weeks so I doubt I will be get a US at every single one!
Posted 5/17/13 3:01 PM |
2 under 2!

Member since 4/11 1208 total posts
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
Posted by Aly764
Sorry I am just seeing the new posts now! new girls have been added- congrats and welcome ladies!!!
I have really only started feeling better this week and I will be 16 weeks tomorrow. But some foods still do not react well with me. I had a sandwich last night with shrimp and chipotle sauce that was really spicy- I felt awful after... but it only lasted an hour or so. I am not feeling a "burst of energy" much haha. I'm still tired all the time.
I have a 16-week appointment on Wed. I don't think I'm getting an ultrasound though. I am going to ask for one but if they can't they can't. My doctors office does appointments every 4 weeks so I doubt I will be get a US at every single one!
I feel the same way about food. I still get nauseous and I never know what foods will set it off. It stinks bc this was long gone by now when I was pregnant with DS!!
I had my 16 week appt today. I had the bloodwork done and a sono. Baby looks so big! Rolling all around. I see my doctor every 3 weeks and he does a sono every appt. but that's just him, if I see his partner no sono!
Posted 5/17/13 4:24 PM |
Isla Grace born on 11/15/13 <3

Member since 6/12 1021 total posts
Name: Alyssa
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
Posted by DreamsofBaby
I feel the same way about food. I still get nauseous and I never know what foods will set it off. It stinks bc this was long gone by now when I was pregnant with DS!!
I had my 16 week appt today. I had the bloodwork done and a sono. Baby looks so big! Rolling all around. I see my doctor every 3 weeks and he does a sono every appt. but that's just him, if I see his partner no sono!
Did you see gender (if you are finding out?)
Crazy that we will all be finding out soon!! I should add the little icons next to everyone's name!
Posted 5/17/13 7:45 PM |
2 under 2!

Member since 4/11 1208 total posts
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
I'm pretty sure the doctor saw the gender but I'm
Posted 5/18/13 5:03 PM |
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
Posted by Aly764
I have a 16-week appointment on Wed. I don't think I'm getting an ultrasound though. I am going to ask for one but if they can't they can't. My doctors office does appointments every 4 weeks so I doubt I will be get a US at every single one!
I definitely won't. They only do US at the 8 week, 12 week ultrascreen and 20 week Level II. And the very end to check fluid levels if necessary.
I'm experiencing what you are in terms of the nausea. It has certainly subsided so it's not an all morning / all night event however brushing my teeth still really really bothers me. I also continue to fear drinking water because it made me feel so bad for awhile. I had a pickle the other night (well after dinner and all that) and thought I was going to lose it.
Posted 5/20/13 11:33 AM |
My Princess is Here!
Member since 11/11 1131 total posts
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
Posted by PromiseNotToTell
Posted by Aly764
I have a 16-week appointment on Wed. I don't think I'm getting an ultrasound though. I am going to ask for one but if they can't they can't. My doctors office does appointments every 4 weeks so I doubt I will be get a US at every single one!
I definitely won't. They only do US at the 8 week, 12 week ultrascreen and 20 week Level II. And the very end to check fluid levels if necessary.
I'm experiencing what you are in terms of the nausea. It has certainly subsided so it's not an all morning / all night event however brushing my teeth still really really bothers me. I also continue to fear drinking water because it made me feel so bad for awhile. I had a pickle the other night (well after dinner and all that) and thought I was going to lose it. much as I really really want to see my LO, the office only does 8, 12, and 20. they say they don't like to disturb the baby unless they have to. Guess it will be another month to find out the gender!
Posted 5/20/13 12:45 PM |
******Official November 2013 Mommies****
This is the stage of pregnancy that makes me nervous. They're not doing ultrasounds and you don't feel the baby moving yet. So now I always get nervous days before my next appt hoping everything is OK and then can't wait to see the doctor. I try to think positive and believe everything IS ok but it's still hard.
Posted 5/22/13 9:06 AM |
Isla Grace born on 11/15/13 <3

Member since 6/12 1021 total posts
Name: Alyssa
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
My appointment went great! And as predicted, no ultrasound. But I'm OK with that. I had my 12-week one and everything was great so I know I am past that risky stage. Plus we heard the heartbeat. Things are looking good, and I will have my Level 2 on June 12, so only 3 more weeks until I know if I'm team or team !!
Posted 5/23/13 11:35 AM |
My Princess is Here!
Member since 11/11 1131 total posts
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
Posted by Aly764
My appointment went great! And as predicted, no ultrasound. But I'm OK with that. I had my 12-week one and everything was great so I know I am past that risky stage. Plus we heard the heartbeat. Things are looking good, and I will have my Level 2 on June 12, so only 3 more weeks until I know if I'm team or team !!
Had my 16w yesterday too!! No u/s as expected but we also heard the heartbeat which was much easier for to find now. Doctor said everything is where it needs to be, and good news I finally gained some weight lol. About 3-5 pounds (i couldn't remember what I weighed last time i know it's one number or the other and i forgot to ask her). Level 2 on June 20 so excited!!
Posted 5/24/13 10:36 AM |
2 boys 2 girls!!!!
Member since 7/08 3324 total posts
Name: M
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
Hey ladies! Mind if I join you?? Just has another sono and they moved my due date up a week to Nov 29th!
Posted 5/26/13 3:29 PM |
Isla Grace born on 11/15/13 <3

Member since 6/12 1021 total posts
Name: Alyssa
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
Posted by mommy2B3
Hey ladies! Mind if I join you?? Just has another sono and they moved my due date up a week to Nov 29th!
Posted 5/30/13 1:47 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 1/13 86 total posts
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
Please add me too to November 21st
Posted 5/30/13 1:55 PM |
Isla Grace born on 11/15/13 <3

Member since 6/12 1021 total posts
Name: Alyssa
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
Posted by Kitty
Please add me too to November 21st
Posted 5/30/13 2:17 PM |
Isla Grace born on 11/15/13 <3

Member since 6/12 1021 total posts
Name: Alyssa
******Official November 2013 Mommies****
How are my November ladies?? I just started feeling movement in the last week or so. No kicks or anything, just like flutters. A very weird/ different feeling!
Posted 5/30/13 2:18 PM |
My Princess is Here!
Member since 11/11 1131 total posts
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
Posted by Aly764
How are my November ladies?? I just started feeling movement in the last week or so. No kicks or anything, just like flutters. A very weird/ different feeling!
really?? awesome!! Doing good, my little bump has been prominent the last week or 2 so I think it's safe to say it's staying ha. Have to get my AFP test done this weekend ugh
Posted 5/30/13 2:20 PM |
******Official November 2013 Mommies****
I have my 16w appointment tomorrow! A bump is starting to emerge. I finally told the rest of my work people today (the staff I supervise) because I know it's just getting obvious at this point. 
Posted 5/30/13 3:01 PM |
Isla Grace born on 11/15/13 <3

Member since 6/12 1021 total posts
Name: Alyssa
******Official November 2013 Mommies****
It is a weird feeling- almost like getting chills in my stomach! This is my first so every little feeling or movement makes me flip out and wonder if everything is ok. But I guess what I'm feeling is normal.
My bump and boobs are getting bigger everyday it seems! I went from a C cup to a D! Had to buy all new bras!!
I will be 18 weeks on Sat. My Level 2 is June 12 and then we are ordering a gender reveal cake for our BBQ on the 15th. I can't wait!! Good luck at your appointment!
Posted 5/30/13 3:08 PM |
2 under 2!

Member since 4/11 1208 total posts
******Official November 2013 Mommies****
Hey ladies! How is everyone feeling??
I had an appt yesterday and everything looks great! I saw the PA and she did an internal sono to check my cervix bc I've been cramping and feeling a lot of pressure. My cervix was nice and long thank god! She started me on antibiotic and said its most likely a uti. They sent my urine for a culture.
I also got my AFP results and all was normal!! I have my anatomy scan on 6/19!
Posted 6/6/13 9:22 AM |

Member since 7/06 2467 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
Hi all,
Glad everyone seems to be doing well!!! Our level 2 is on Tuesday and we cannot wait to find out what we are having!!! We are going to do a balloon reveal with DS and DD. They cannot wait to find out!!
MS slowly fading but i can deal with what it is now. Nothing like the beginning.
I feel like the summer is going to fly and before we know it it will be October!!
eta: PREGGO BRAIN!! i meant to post on october board!!!
Message edited 6/6/2013 10:01:23 AM.
Posted 6/6/13 9:56 AM |
My Princess is Here!
Member since 11/11 1131 total posts
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
Posted by DreamsofBaby
Hey ladies! How is everyone feeling??
I had an appt yesterday and everything looks great! I saw the PA and she did an internal sono to check my cervix bc I've been cramping and feeling a lot of pressure. My cervix was nice and long thank god! She started me on antibiotic and said its most likely a uti. They sent my urine for a culture.
I also got my AFP results and all was normal!! I have my anatomy scan on 6/19!
all good news! I have to go for my AFP tomorrow ugh. My anatomy scan is the 20th, so exciting!
Posted 6/6/13 10:00 AM |
My Princess is Here!
Member since 11/11 1131 total posts
Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****
Posted by sweetpea
Hi all,
Glad everyone seems to be doing well!!! Our level 2 is on Tuesday and we cannot wait to find out what we are having!!! We are going to do a balloon reveal with DS and DD. They cannot wait to find out!!
MS slowly fading but i can deal with what it is now. Nothing like the beginning.
I feel like the summer is going to fly and before we know it it will be October!!
aww a balloon gender reveal will be so cute!
Posted 6/6/13 10:01 AM |
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