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Not to start a debate - Covid booster

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LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6946 total posts


Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by EricaAlt

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Funkybutt

I've had 3 boosters (including the newest one) and I've never caught Covid. But I'm also still masking in most places (other than restaurants).

How long do you think you will continue to wear a mask?

This post was never meant to start a debate so this person wearing a mask has nothing to do with the post. She was just stating what she does.
I don't think I'll get the next vaccine. I don't wear masks myself anymore, but will when I'm around a friend who I'll be visiting with cancer or anyone immune compromised. Not my place to judge. Honestly when we were wearing masks it actually helped my son who had an oral fixation and his hands were always in his mouth. Every time we went on vacation he would get sick. Every single time.

Just an honest question, not trying to start a debate. It is ok to be curious in life and know why people do the things they do and learn from it.

Yes, you get sick on vacation because you are in a new routine and your immune system gets lowered. I just came back from a cruise and got sick. We ate late, running around all day and night and around lots of germs. It happens and it usually always does when I go away.

I honestly don't know why anyone gets a booster or uses the meds when they get sick. I totally get when you are compromised and need to be more careful. There is evidence that neither of these are working and no one knows exactly how their body will react to any illness or virus. Why add more to your body something that might not be needed? I hate the fact I got the vaccine. I never wanted it and I had no choice unless I cancelled my long awaited vacation. I hope it is gone from my system (if that is possible as no one will say when it no longer works) soon.

Posted 10/13/22 7:55 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 11/14

1656 total posts


Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

I had an appt. to get the booster and then tested positive for COVID the day before Chat Icon

I've had three shots total (last one was about 11 months ago), and this was my first time getting COVID. I had a pretty mild case. I'll get the booster, though not for a couple of months now since I just had COVID, since it seems like what I've been doing is working for me.

Posted 10/13/22 10:08 AM


Member since 5/08

8351 total posts


Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

I got the vaccine but never got boosters.
I had covid before the vaccine and I probably got it afterwards but didn’t get tested.

I don’t planning on getting any boosters as of now

Posted 10/13/22 10:36 AM

My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10

7790 total posts


Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

I did get boosted back in December. We all got Covid in June. I'm not inclined to get the booster again at this time but I'm not totally against it either.

I am not getting any vax for my kids because of the cardiac issues that are developing with the boys. My one son already has a cardiac issue so it makes me too nervous. However, once it is around for a while and tweaked and less cardiac illness is found, I would definitely consider it for them.

Posted 10/13/22 10:56 AM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

Posted 10/13/22 12:50 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54919 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by KarenK122

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

I was ready to be given a hard time at my DD's well visit last month- the year prior she was too young for the vaccine as she was 11 and they were still only approved for 12 and up at that point.

So I thought for sure this year would be a fight but they did not even bring it up.
They only mentioned the meningitis shot which she needed for 7th grade anyway and she made a mention of the HPV which I just politely declined and not a word was said about that either.

But the Covid shot was not even mentioned- didn't ask if she had it, didn't ask if she wanted it.
I was very impressed.

Posted 10/13/22 1:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6946 total posts


Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by KarenK122

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

I was ready to be given a hard time at my DD's well visit last month- the year prior she was too young for the vaccine as she was 11 and they were still only approved for 12 and up at that point.

So I thought for sure this year would be a fight but they did not even bring it up.
They only mentioned the meningitis shot which she needed for 7th grade anyway and she made a mention of the HPV which I just politely declined and not a word was said about that either.

But the Covid shot was not even mentioned- didn't ask if she had it, didn't ask if she wanted it.
I was very impressed.

Probably because it is not needed for almost anything anymore. It is sad for the people who had to get it for school or work and now it is not mandated.

Posted 10/13/22 1:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by KarenK122

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

I was ready to be given a hard time at my DD's well visit last month- the year prior she was too young for the vaccine as she was 11 and they were still only approved for 12 and up at that point.

So I thought for sure this year would be a fight but they did not even bring it up.
They only mentioned the meningitis shot which she needed for 7th grade anyway and she made a mention of the HPV which I just politely declined and not a word was said about that either.

But the Covid shot was not even mentioned- didn't ask if she had it, didn't ask if she wanted it.
I was very impressed.

Probably because it is not needed for almost anything anymore. It is sad for the people who had to get it for school or work and now it is not mandated.

While things are getting better, that’s actually not true. Most colleges still require the two initial vaccines and some are even requiring the booster. Some schools will not even allow parents on campus if they are not vaccinated. Also the pre college and other programs for high school students are mostly requiring vaccination as well, even just to step foot on campus for like an audition.

Our ped didn’t bring it up either at either one of my kids physicals. I know they got a lot of pushback and slack from parents especially when it came out that the kids shot wasn’t effective at all. I was surprised when one of the highly pro-vax peds in our practice acknowledged that they had seen more vaccine reactions in their patients than kids seriously Sick from covid (which was almost none).

Message edited 10/13/2022 2:32:47 PM.

Posted 10/13/22 2:31 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17790 total posts


Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by KarenK122

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

I was ready to be given a hard time at my DD's well visit last month- the year prior she was too young for the vaccine as she was 11 and they were still only approved for 12 and up at that point.

So I thought for sure this year would be a fight but they did not even bring it up.
They only mentioned the meningitis shot which she needed for 7th grade anyway and she made a mention of the HPV which I just politely declined and not a word was said about that either.

But the Covid shot was not even mentioned- didn't ask if she had it, didn't ask if she wanted it.
I was very impressed.

Probably because it is not needed for almost anything anymore. It is sad for the people who had to get it for school or work and now it is not mandated.

While things are getting better, that’s actually not true. Most colleges still require the two initial vaccines and some are even requiring the booster. Some schools will not even allow parents on campus if they are not vaccinated. Also the pre college and other programs for high school students are mostly requiring vaccination as well, even just to step foot on campus for like an audition.

Our ped didn’t bring it up either at either one of my kids physicals. I know they got a lot of pushback and slack from parents especially when it came out that the kids shot wasn’t effective at all. I was surprised when one of the highly pro-vax peds in our practice acknowledged that they had seen more vaccine reactions in their patients than kids seriously Sick from covid (which was almost none).

Yes - the FDNY still needs it as well, it was only overturned for the NYPD. I'm assuming DOE employees need to be vaccinated too.

Posted 10/13/22 2:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6946 total posts


Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by KarenK122

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

I was ready to be given a hard time at my DD's well visit last month- the year prior she was too young for the vaccine as she was 11 and they were still only approved for 12 and up at that point.

So I thought for sure this year would be a fight but they did not even bring it up.
They only mentioned the meningitis shot which she needed for 7th grade anyway and she made a mention of the HPV which I just politely declined and not a word was said about that either.

But the Covid shot was not even mentioned- didn't ask if she had it, didn't ask if she wanted it.
I was very impressed.

Probably because it is not needed for almost anything anymore. It is sad for the people who had to get it for school or work and now it is not mandated.

While things are getting better, that’s actually not true. Most colleges still require the two initial vaccines and some are even requiring the booster. Some schools will not even allow parents on campus if they are not vaccinated. Also the pre college and other programs for high school students are mostly requiring vaccination as well, even just to step foot on campus for like an audition.

Our ped didn’t bring it up either at either one of my kids physicals. I know they got a lot of pushback and slack from parents especially when it came out that the kids shot wasn’t effective at all. I was surprised when one of the highly pro-vax peds in our practice acknowledged that they had seen more vaccine reactions in their patients than kids seriously Sick from covid (which was almost none).

Mine does classes from home but did have to get vaccinated (and almost boosted) last year to go into the school. They also had to wear masks and test weekly. I thought this was lifted at this point.

Most jobs don't require it anymore and now most vacation places (including cruises) have no mandates anymore.

Posted 10/13/22 2:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6946 total posts


Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by ali120206

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by KarenK122

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

I was ready to be given a hard time at my DD's well visit last month- the year prior she was too young for the vaccine as she was 11 and they were still only approved for 12 and up at that point.

So I thought for sure this year would be a fight but they did not even bring it up.
They only mentioned the meningitis shot which she needed for 7th grade anyway and she made a mention of the HPV which I just politely declined and not a word was said about that either.

But the Covid shot was not even mentioned- didn't ask if she had it, didn't ask if she wanted it.
I was very impressed.

Probably because it is not needed for almost anything anymore. It is sad for the people who had to get it for school or work and now it is not mandated.

While things are getting better, that’s actually not true. Most colleges still require the two initial vaccines and some are even requiring the booster. Some schools will not even allow parents on campus if they are not vaccinated. Also the pre college and other programs for high school students are mostly requiring vaccination as well, even just to step foot on campus for like an audition.

Our ped didn’t bring it up either at either one of my kids physicals. I know they got a lot of pushback and slack from parents especially when it came out that the kids shot wasn’t effective at all. I was surprised when one of the highly pro-vax peds in our practice acknowledged that they had seen more vaccine reactions in their patients than kids seriously Sick from covid (which was almost none).

Yes - the FDNY still needs it as well, it was only overturned for the NYPD. I'm assuming DOE employees need to be vaccinated too.

Wonder why there is a shortage of people working at some jobs now. SMH

Posted 10/13/22 2:46 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54919 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by ali120206

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by KarenK122

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

I was ready to be given a hard time at my DD's well visit last month- the year prior she was too young for the vaccine as she was 11 and they were still only approved for 12 and up at that point.

So I thought for sure this year would be a fight but they did not even bring it up.
They only mentioned the meningitis shot which she needed for 7th grade anyway and she made a mention of the HPV which I just politely declined and not a word was said about that either.

But the Covid shot was not even mentioned- didn't ask if she had it, didn't ask if she wanted it.
I was very impressed.

Probably because it is not needed for almost anything anymore. It is sad for the people who had to get it for school or work and now it is not mandated.

While things are getting better, that’s actually not true. Most colleges still require the two initial vaccines and some are even requiring the booster. Some schools will not even allow parents on campus if they are not vaccinated. Also the pre college and other programs for high school students are mostly requiring vaccination as well, even just to step foot on campus for like an audition.

Our ped didn’t bring it up either at either one of my kids physicals. I know they got a lot of pushback and slack from parents especially when it came out that the kids shot wasn’t effective at all. I was surprised when one of the highly pro-vax peds in our practice acknowledged that they had seen more vaccine reactions in their patients than kids seriously Sick from covid (which was almost none).

Yes - the FDNY still needs it as well, it was only overturned for the NYPD. I'm assuming DOE employees need to be vaccinated too.

Wonder why there is a shortage of people working at some jobs now. SMH

Many lawsuits against the city being won right now so hopefully the FDNY will follow suit.
Now there is a precedence in the courts.

Posted 10/13/22 3:11 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6946 total posts


Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by ali120206

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by KarenK122

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

I was ready to be given a hard time at my DD's well visit last month- the year prior she was too young for the vaccine as she was 11 and they were still only approved for 12 and up at that point.

So I thought for sure this year would be a fight but they did not even bring it up.
They only mentioned the meningitis shot which she needed for 7th grade anyway and she made a mention of the HPV which I just politely declined and not a word was said about that either.

But the Covid shot was not even mentioned- didn't ask if she had it, didn't ask if she wanted it.
I was very impressed.

Probably because it is not needed for almost anything anymore. It is sad for the people who had to get it for school or work and now it is not mandated.

While things are getting better, that’s actually not true. Most colleges still require the two initial vaccines and some are even requiring the booster. Some schools will not even allow parents on campus if they are not vaccinated. Also the pre college and other programs for high school students are mostly requiring vaccination as well, even just to step foot on campus for like an audition.

Our ped didn’t bring it up either at either one of my kids physicals. I know they got a lot of pushback and slack from parents especially when it came out that the kids shot wasn’t effective at all. I was surprised when one of the highly pro-vax peds in our practice acknowledged that they had seen more vaccine reactions in their patients than kids seriously Sick from covid (which was almost none).

Yes - the FDNY still needs it as well, it was only overturned for the NYPD. I'm assuming DOE employees need to be vaccinated too.

Wonder why there is a shortage of people working at some jobs now. SMH

Many lawsuits against the city being won right now so hopefully the FDNY will follow suit.
Now there is a precedence in the courts.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/13/22 3:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/12

1461 total posts


Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by ali120206

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by KarenK122

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

I was ready to be given a hard time at my DD's well visit last month- the year prior she was too young for the vaccine as she was 11 and they were still only approved for 12 and up at that point.

So I thought for sure this year would be a fight but they did not even bring it up.
They only mentioned the meningitis shot which she needed for 7th grade anyway and she made a mention of the HPV which I just politely declined and not a word was said about that either.

But the Covid shot was not even mentioned- didn't ask if she had it, didn't ask if she wanted it.
I was very impressed.

Probably because it is not needed for almost anything anymore. It is sad for the people who had to get it for school or work and now it is not mandated.

While things are getting better, that’s actually not true. Most colleges still require the two initial vaccines and some are even requiring the booster. Some schools will not even allow parents on campus if they are not vaccinated. Also the pre college and other programs for high school students are mostly requiring vaccination as well, even just to step foot on campus for like an audition.

Our ped didn’t bring it up either at either one of my kids physicals. I know they got a lot of pushback and slack from parents especially when it came out that the kids shot wasn’t effective at all. I was surprised when one of the highly pro-vax peds in our practice acknowledged that they had seen more vaccine reactions in their patients than kids seriously Sick from covid (which was almost none).

Yes - the FDNY still needs it as well, it was only overturned for the NYPD. I'm assuming DOE employees need to be vaccinated too.

DOE does not require it.

Posted 10/13/22 8:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by KarenK122

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

I was ready to be given a hard time at my DD's well visit last month- the year prior she was too young for the vaccine as she was 11 and they were still only approved for 12 and up at that point.

So I thought for sure this year would be a fight but they did not even bring it up.
They only mentioned the meningitis shot which she needed for 7th grade anyway and she made a mention of the HPV which I just politely declined and not a word was said about that either.

But the Covid shot was not even mentioned- didn't ask if she had it, didn't ask if she wanted it.
I was very impressed.

Probably because it is not needed for almost anything anymore. It is sad for the people who had to get it for school or work and now it is not mandated.

While things are getting better, that’s actually not true. Most colleges still require the two initial vaccines and some are even requiring the booster. Some schools will not even allow parents on campus if they are not vaccinated. Also the pre college and other programs for high school students are mostly requiring vaccination as well, even just to step foot on campus for like an audition.

Our ped didn’t bring it up either at either one of my kids physicals. I know they got a lot of pushback and slack from parents especially when it came out that the kids shot wasn’t effective at all. I was surprised when one of the highly pro-vax peds in our practice acknowledged that they had seen more vaccine reactions in their patients than kids seriously Sick from covid (which was almost none).

Mine does classes from home but did have to get vaccinated (and almost boosted) last year to go into the school. They also had to wear masks and test weekly. I thought this was lifted at this point.

Most jobs don't require it anymore and now most vacation places (including cruises) have no mandates anymore.

Unfortunately this isn’t accurate. Many jobs still do actually as ridiculous as it is at this point, all nyc employees including DOE I believe are still required. Most college faculty. Nyc private employee mandate still in effect until November 1 so that’s pretty much anyone who works in nyc. It’s really sick at this point, unfair and makes you wonder what is the real agenda here. And don’t forget pretty much all healthcare workers too.

Message edited 10/13/2022 9:17:09 PM.

Posted 10/13/22 9:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by MrsWoods

Posted by ali120206

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by KarenK122

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

I was ready to be given a hard time at my DD's well visit last month- the year prior she was too young for the vaccine as she was 11 and they were still only approved for 12 and up at that point.

So I thought for sure this year would be a fight but they did not even bring it up.
They only mentioned the meningitis shot which she needed for 7th grade anyway and she made a mention of the HPV which I just politely declined and not a word was said about that either.

But the Covid shot was not even mentioned- didn't ask if she had it, didn't ask if she wanted it.
I was very impressed.

Probably because it is not needed for almost anything anymore. It is sad for the people who had to get it for school or work and now it is not mandated.

While things are getting better, that’s actually not true. Most colleges still require the two initial vaccines and some are even requiring the booster. Some schools will not even allow parents on campus if they are not vaccinated. Also the pre college and other programs for high school students are mostly requiring vaccination as well, even just to step foot on campus for like an audition.

Our ped didn’t bring it up either at either one of my kids physicals. I know they got a lot of pushback and slack from parents especially when it came out that the kids shot wasn’t effective at all. I was surprised when one of the highly pro-vax peds in our practice acknowledged that they had seen more vaccine reactions in their patients than kids seriously Sick from covid (which was almost none).

Yes - the FDNY still needs it as well, it was only overturned for the NYPD. I'm assuming DOE employees need to be vaccinated too.

DOE does not require it.

Nyc doe does

Posted 10/13/22 9:19 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17790 total posts


Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by MrsWoods

Posted by ali120206

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by KarenK122

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

I was ready to be given a hard time at my DD's well visit last month- the year prior she was too young for the vaccine as she was 11 and they were still only approved for 12 and up at that point.

So I thought for sure this year would be a fight but they did not even bring it up.
They only mentioned the meningitis shot which she needed for 7th grade anyway and she made a mention of the HPV which I just politely declined and not a word was said about that either.

But the Covid shot was not even mentioned- didn't ask if she had it, didn't ask if she wanted it.
I was very impressed.

Probably because it is not needed for almost anything anymore. It is sad for the people who had to get it for school or work and now it is not mandated.

While things are getting better, that’s actually not true. Most colleges still require the two initial vaccines and some are even requiring the booster. Some schools will not even allow parents on campus if they are not vaccinated. Also the pre college and other programs for high school students are mostly requiring vaccination as well, even just to step foot on campus for like an audition.

Our ped didn’t bring it up either at either one of my kids physicals. I know they got a lot of pushback and slack from parents especially when it came out that the kids shot wasn’t effective at all. I was surprised when one of the highly pro-vax peds in our practice acknowledged that they had seen more vaccine reactions in their patients than kids seriously Sick from covid (which was almost none).

Yes - the FDNY still needs it as well, it was only overturned for the NYPD. I'm assuming DOE employees need to be vaccinated too.

DOE does not require it.

Nyc doe does

I believe it's only been lifted for private sector employees and NYPD at this point. I know FDNY is in court to overturn as well.

For the DOE...

Vaccination Requirements:
Vaccination is still required for all visitors entering school buildings
Vaccination is still required for all DOE employees
Vaccination is still required for other individuals who work in DOE buildings
Vaccination is no longer required to participate in high-risk extracurricular activities including high-risk PSAL sports

Message edited 10/14/2022 8:15:12 AM.

Posted 10/14/22 8:01 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/10

297 total posts


Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

I had gotten all of the previous vaccines and boosters and only had asymptomatic Covid. I also have been exposed many times and had antibodies in the past. Never had any major symptoms. I have not gotten the bivalent booster and have Covid now and it is kicking my arse. I am super sick with fevers and breathing issues. I am so scared I’m going to have a stroke or clot(common covid complication). I am so pissed at myself that I let my guard down and didn’t get the booster yet.

Posted 10/14/22 8:07 AM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by KarenK122

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

I was ready to be given a hard time at my DD's well visit last month- the year prior she was too young for the vaccine as she was 11 and they were still only approved for 12 and up at that point.

So I thought for sure this year would be a fight but they did not even bring it up.
They only mentioned the meningitis shot which she needed for 7th grade anyway and she made a mention of the HPV which I just politely declined and not a word was said about that either.

But the Covid shot was not even mentioned- didn't ask if she had it, didn't ask if she wanted it.
I was very impressed.

Probably because it is not needed for almost anything anymore. It is sad for the people who had to get it for school or work and now it is not mandated.

While things are getting better, that’s actually not true. Most colleges still require the two initial vaccines and some are even requiring the booster. Some schools will not even allow parents on campus if they are not vaccinated. Also the pre college and other programs for high school students are mostly requiring vaccination as well, even just to step foot on campus for like an audition.

Our ped didn’t bring it up either at either one of my kids physicals. I know they got a lot of pushback and slack from parents especially when it came out that the kids shot wasn’t effective at all. I was surprised when one of the highly pro-vax peds in our practice acknowledged that they had seen more vaccine reactions in their patients than kids seriously Sick from covid (which was almost none).

Mine does classes from home but did have to get vaccinated (and almost boosted) last year to go into the school. They also had to wear masks and test weekly. I thought this was lifted at this point.

Most jobs don't require it anymore and now most vacation places (including cruises) have no mandates anymore.

Unfortunately this isn’t accurate. Many jobs still do actually as ridiculous as it is at this point, all nyc employees including DOE I believe are still required. Most college faculty. Nyc private employee mandate still in effect until November 1 so that’s pretty much anyone who works in nyc. It’s really sick at this point, unfair and makes you wonder what is the real agenda here. And don’t forget pretty much all healthcare workers too.

This is not true. The company I work for lifted the mandate in the spring, maybe early summer for all employees including the NYC office.

Posted 10/14/22 9:29 AM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54919 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by Sash

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by KarenK122

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

I was ready to be given a hard time at my DD's well visit last month- the year prior she was too young for the vaccine as she was 11 and they were still only approved for 12 and up at that point.

So I thought for sure this year would be a fight but they did not even bring it up.
They only mentioned the meningitis shot which she needed for 7th grade anyway and she made a mention of the HPV which I just politely declined and not a word was said about that either.

But the Covid shot was not even mentioned- didn't ask if she had it, didn't ask if she wanted it.
I was very impressed.

Probably because it is not needed for almost anything anymore. It is sad for the people who had to get it for school or work and now it is not mandated.

While things are getting better, that’s actually not true. Most colleges still require the two initial vaccines and some are even requiring the booster. Some schools will not even allow parents on campus if they are not vaccinated. Also the pre college and other programs for high school students are mostly requiring vaccination as well, even just to step foot on campus for like an audition.

Our ped didn’t bring it up either at either one of my kids physicals. I know they got a lot of pushback and slack from parents especially when it came out that the kids shot wasn’t effective at all. I was surprised when one of the highly pro-vax peds in our practice acknowledged that they had seen more vaccine reactions in their patients than kids seriously Sick from covid (which was almost none).

Mine does classes from home but did have to get vaccinated (and almost boosted) last year to go into the school. They also had to wear masks and test weekly. I thought this was lifted at this point.

Most jobs don't require it anymore and now most vacation places (including cruises) have no mandates anymore.

Unfortunately this isn’t accurate. Many jobs still do actually as ridiculous as it is at this point, all nyc employees including DOE I believe are still required. Most college faculty. Nyc private employee mandate still in effect until November 1 so that’s pretty much anyone who works in nyc. It’s really sick at this point, unfair and makes you wonder what is the real agenda here. And don’t forget pretty much all healthcare workers too.

This is not true. The company I work for lifted the mandate in the spring, maybe early summer for all employees including the NYC office.

Interesting. How did that work with the NYC mandate put in place by the mayor though?
My company is so paranoid of a fine that they still aren't allowing me in until Nov 1st when the city mandate is officially lifted

Posted 10/14/22 9:31 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/14

7272 total posts


Not to start a debate - Covid booster

I haven’t gotten the bivalent booster yet because I just covid but I’ll get it once the 90 days have passed. I’m required to have it for work.

My DH is getting his booster next week. I haven’t boosted my DD yet because children under 12 aren’t eligible for the bivalent booster yet and I’m not getting her a monovalent booster and then another bivalent booster.

OP, I understand the concerns about your son. The risk of cardiac events is VERY low from a research perspective, but that’s meaningless when it’s your kid. I would 100% speak to his doctor before deciding either way.

Posted 10/14/22 9:40 AM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Sash

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by KarenK122

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

I was ready to be given a hard time at my DD's well visit last month- the year prior she was too young for the vaccine as she was 11 and they were still only approved for 12 and up at that point.

So I thought for sure this year would be a fight but they did not even bring it up.
They only mentioned the meningitis shot which she needed for 7th grade anyway and she made a mention of the HPV which I just politely declined and not a word was said about that either.

But the Covid shot was not even mentioned- didn't ask if she had it, didn't ask if she wanted it.
I was very impressed.

Probably because it is not needed for almost anything anymore. It is sad for the people who had to get it for school or work and now it is not mandated.

While things are getting better, that’s actually not true. Most colleges still require the two initial vaccines and some are even requiring the booster. Some schools will not even allow parents on campus if they are not vaccinated. Also the pre college and other programs for high school students are mostly requiring vaccination as well, even just to step foot on campus for like an audition.

Our ped didn’t bring it up either at either one of my kids physicals. I know they got a lot of pushback and slack from parents especially when it came out that the kids shot wasn’t effective at all. I was surprised when one of the highly pro-vax peds in our practice acknowledged that they had seen more vaccine reactions in their patients than kids seriously Sick from covid (which was almost none).

Mine does classes from home but did have to get vaccinated (and almost boosted) last year to go into the school. They also had to wear masks and test weekly. I thought this was lifted at this point.

Most jobs don't require it anymore and now most vacation places (including cruises) have no mandates anymore.

Unfortunately this isn’t accurate. Many jobs still do actually as ridiculous as it is at this point, all nyc employees including DOE I believe are still required. Most college faculty. Nyc private employee mandate still in effect until November 1 so that’s pretty much anyone who works in nyc. It’s really sick at this point, unfair and makes you wonder what is the real agenda here. And don’t forget pretty much all healthcare workers too.

This is not true. The company I work for lifted the mandate in the spring, maybe early summer for all employees including the NYC office.

Interesting. How did that work with the NYC mandate put in place by the mayor though?
My company is so paranoid of a fine that they still aren't allowing me in until Nov 1st when the city mandate is officially lifted

I am confused because I am sure the NYC mandate was lifted, which, is why my office changed the regulation. Maybe for private companies the mandates aren't required.

Posted 10/14/22 10:14 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by Sash

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by KarenK122

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

I was ready to be given a hard time at my DD's well visit last month- the year prior she was too young for the vaccine as she was 11 and they were still only approved for 12 and up at that point.

So I thought for sure this year would be a fight but they did not even bring it up.
They only mentioned the meningitis shot which she needed for 7th grade anyway and she made a mention of the HPV which I just politely declined and not a word was said about that either.

But the Covid shot was not even mentioned- didn't ask if she had it, didn't ask if she wanted it.
I was very impressed.

Probably because it is not needed for almost anything anymore. It is sad for the people who had to get it for school or work and now it is not mandated.

While things are getting better, that’s actually not true. Most colleges still require the two initial vaccines and some are even requiring the booster. Some schools will not even allow parents on campus if they are not vaccinated. Also the pre college and other programs for high school students are mostly requiring vaccination as well, even just to step foot on campus for like an audition.

Our ped didn’t bring it up either at either one of my kids physicals. I know they got a lot of pushback and slack from parents especially when it came out that the kids shot wasn’t effective at all. I was surprised when one of the highly pro-vax peds in our practice acknowledged that they had seen more vaccine reactions in their patients than kids seriously Sick from covid (which was almost none).

Mine does classes from home but did have to get vaccinated (and almost boosted) last year to go into the school. They also had to wear masks and test weekly. I thought this was lifted at this point.

Most jobs don't require it anymore and now most vacation places (including cruises) have no mandates anymore.

Unfortunately this isn’t accurate. Many jobs still do actually as ridiculous as it is at this point, all nyc employees including DOE I believe are still required. Most college faculty. Nyc private employee mandate still in effect until November 1 so that’s pretty much anyone who works in nyc. It’s really sick at this point, unfair and makes you wonder what is the real agenda here. And don’t forget pretty much all healthcare workers too.

This is not true. The company I work for lifted the mandate in the spring, maybe early summer for all employees including the NYC office.

It’s true. Look it up. Either your company fell into some rare loophole or they are in violation of the law. Not until November 1 is it optional.

Message edited 10/14/2022 10:40:03 AM.

Posted 10/14/22 10:37 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/15

1066 total posts


Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

This is not true. The company I work for lifted the mandate in the spring, maybe early summer for all employees including the NYC office.

NYC has stated that although the mandate is in place, they have not actually checked to make sure anyone is following it and they are not enforcing it. So, many companies just are saying eff it and calling people back in the office. I guess on November 1, it's officially over. But, it's been unofficially over for a while!

Message edited 10/14/2022 10:45:01 AM.

Posted 10/14/22 10:43 AM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54919 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Not to start a debate - Covid booster

Posted by Sash

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Sash

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by KarenK122

Our whole family got Covid prior to the shot being given. I received the first shot but not any of the boosters. My children the same. My husband has gotten every booster. The interesting thing is when we go to the doctors for check ups and stuff for us or the kids, not one doctor asks if we are boosted but they do ask about the flu shot.

I was ready to be given a hard time at my DD's well visit last month- the year prior she was too young for the vaccine as she was 11 and they were still only approved for 12 and up at that point.

So I thought for sure this year would be a fight but they did not even bring it up.
They only mentioned the meningitis shot which she needed for 7th grade anyway and she made a mention of the HPV which I just politely declined and not a word was said about that either.

But the Covid shot was not even mentioned- didn't ask if she had it, didn't ask if she wanted it.
I was very impressed.

Probably because it is not needed for almost anything anymore. It is sad for the people who had to get it for school or work and now it is not mandated.

While things are getting better, that’s actually not true. Most colleges still require the two initial vaccines and some are even requiring the booster. Some schools will not even allow parents on campus if they are not vaccinated. Also the pre college and other programs for high school students are mostly requiring vaccination as well, even just to step foot on campus for like an audition.

Our ped didn’t bring it up either at either one of my kids physicals. I know they got a lot of pushback and slack from parents especially when it came out that the kids shot wasn’t effective at all. I was surprised when one of the highly pro-vax peds in our practice acknowledged that they had seen more vaccine reactions in their patients than kids seriously Sick from covid (which was almost none).

Mine does classes from home but did have to get vaccinated (and almost boosted) last year to go into the school. They also had to wear masks and test weekly. I thought this was lifted at this point.

Most jobs don't require it anymore and now most vacation places (including cruises) have no mandates anymore.

Unfortunately this isn’t accurate. Many jobs still do actually as ridiculous as it is at this point, all nyc employees including DOE I believe are still required. Most college faculty. Nyc private employee mandate still in effect until November 1 so that’s pretty much anyone who works in nyc. It’s really sick at this point, unfair and makes you wonder what is the real agenda here. And don’t forget pretty much all healthcare workers too.

This is not true. The company I work for lifted the mandate in the spring, maybe early summer for all employees including the NYC office.

Interesting. How did that work with the NYC mandate put in place by the mayor though?
My company is so paranoid of a fine that they still aren't allowing me in until Nov 1st when the city mandate is officially lifted

I am confused because I am sure the NYC mandate was lifted, which, is why my office changed the regulation. Maybe for private companies the mandates aren't required.

Still in effect for private sector in NYC until Nov 1st
He lifted it on 9/20 and it goes into effect on 11/1

Message edited 10/14/2022 10:44:00 AM.

Posted 10/14/22 10:43 AM
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